] */ class PredefinedKitCheckoutService { use AuthorizesRequests; /** * @param Request $request, this function works with fields: checkout_at, expected_checkin, note * @param PredefinedKit $kit kit for checkout * @param User $user checkout target * @return array Empty array if all ok, else [string_error1, string_error2...] */ public function checkout(Request $request, PredefinedKit $kit, User $user) { try { // Check if the user exists if (is_null($user) ) { return [trans('admin/users/message.user_not_found')]; } $errors = []; $assets_to_add = $this->getAssetsToAdd($kit, $user, $errors); $license_seats_to_add = $this->getLicenseSeatsToAdd($kit, $user, $errors); $consumables_to_add = $this->getConsumablesToAdd($kit, $user, $errors); $accessories_to_add = $this->getAccessoriesToAdd($kit, $user, $errors); if( count($errors) > 0 ) { return $errors; } $checkout_at = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); if (($request->filled('checkout_at')) && ($request->get('checkout_at')!= date("Y-m-d"))) { $checkout_at = $request->get('checkout_at'); } $expected_checkin = ''; if ($request->filled('expected_checkin')) { $expected_checkin = $request->get('expected_checkin'); } $admin = Auth::user(); $note = e($request->get('note')); $errors = DB::transaction( function () use ($user, $admin, $checkout_at, $expected_checkin, $errors, $assets_to_add, $license_seats_to_add, $consumables_to_add, $accessories_to_add, $note) { // assets foreach ($assets_to_add as $asset) { $asset->location_id = $user->location_id; $error = $asset->checkOut($user, $admin, $checkout_at, $expected_checkin, $note, null); if ($error) { array_merge_recursive($errors, $asset->getErrors()->toArray()); } } // licenses foreach ($license_seats_to_add as $licenseSeat) { $licenseSeat->user_id = $admin->id; $licenseSeat->assigned_to = $user->id; if ($licenseSeat->save()) { event(new CheckoutableCheckedOut($licenseSeat, $user, $admin, $note)); } else { $errors []= 'Something went wrong saving a license seat'; } } // consumables foreach($consumables_to_add as $consumable) { $consumable->assigned_to = $user->id; $consumable->users()->attach($consumable->id, [ 'consumable_id' => $consumable->id, 'user_id' => $admin->id, 'assigned_to' => $user->id ]); event(new CheckoutableCheckedOut($consumable, $user, $admin, $note)); } //accessories foreach($accessories_to_add as $accessory) { $accessory->assigned_to = $user->id; $accessory->users()->attach($accessory->id, [ 'accessory_id' => $accessory->id, 'user_id' => $admin->id, 'assigned_to' => $user->id ]); event(new CheckoutableCheckedOut($accessory, $user, $admin, $note)); } return $errors; }); return $errors; } catch (ModelNotFoundException $e) { return [$e->getMessage()]; } catch (CheckoutNotAllowed $e) { return [$e->getMessage()]; } } protected function getAssetsToAdd($kit, $user, &$errors) { $models = $kit->models() ->with( ['assets' => function($hasMany) { $hasMany->RTD(); }] ) ->get(); $assets_to_add = []; foreach($models as $model) { $assets = $model->assets; $quantity = $model->pivot->quantity; foreach($assets as $asset) { if ($asset->availableForCheckout() && !$asset->is($user)) { $this->authorize('checkout', $asset); $quantity -= 1; $assets_to_add []= $asset; if($quantity <= 0) { break; } } } if($quantity > 0) { $errors []= "Don't have available assets for model " . $model->name . '. Need ' . $model->pivot->quantity . ' assets.'; // TODO: trans } } return $assets_to_add; } protected function getLicenseSeatsToAdd($kit, $user, &$errors) { $seats_to_add = []; $licenses = $kit->licenses() ->with('freeSeats') ->get(); foreach($licenses as $license) { $quantity = $license->pivot->quantity; if( $quantity > count($license->freeSeats) ) { $errors []= "Don't have free seats for license " . $license->name . '. Need ' . $quantity . ' seats.'; // TODO: trans } for($i=0; $i < $quantity; $i++) { $seats_to_add []= $license->freeSeats[$i]; } } return $seats_to_add; } protected function getConsumablesToAdd($kit, $user, &$errors) { // $consumables = $kit->consumables()->withCount('consumableAssignments as consumable_assignments_count')->get(); $consumables = $kit->consumables()->with('users')->get(); foreach($consumables as $consumable) { if( $consumable->numRemaining() < $consumable->pivot->quantity ) { $errors []= "Don't have available consumable " . $consumable->name . '. Need ' . $consumable->pivot->quantity; // TODO: trans } } return $consumables; } protected function getAccessoriesToAdd($kit, $user, &$errors) { $accessories = $kit->accessories()->with('users')->get(); foreach($accessories as $accossory) { if( $accossory->numRemaining() < $accossory->pivot->quantity ) { $errors []= "Don't have available accossory " . $accossory->name . '. Need ' . $accossory->pivot->quantity; // TODO: trans } } return $accessories; } }