<?php namespace App\Http\Controllers; use App\Helpers\Helper; use App\Models\Actionlog; use Response; class ActionlogController extends Controller { public function displaySig($filename) { // PHP doesn't let you handle file not found errors well with // file_get_contents, so we set the error reporting for just this class error_reporting(0); $this->authorize('view', \App\Models\Asset::class); $file = config('app.private_uploads').'/signatures/'.$filename; $filetype = Helper::checkUploadIsImage($file); $contents = file_get_contents($file, false, stream_context_create(['http' => ['ignore_errors' => true]])); if ($contents === false) { \Log::warn('File '.$file.' not found'); return false; } else { return Response::make($contents)->header('Content-Type', $filetype); } } public function getStoredEula($filename){ $this->authorize('view', \App\Models\Asset::class); $file = config('app.private_uploads').'/eula-pdfs/'.$filename; return Response::download($file); } }