{{-- wire:ignore is because Select 2 mangles the dom in many awful ways, and so does iCheckbox --}}
{{ Form::select('custom_fieldset', Helper::customFieldsetList(),old('custom_fieldset', 0000 /*$item->fieldset_id*/), array('class'=>'select2 js-fieldset-field', 'style'=>'width:350px', 'aria-label'=>'custom_fieldset', 'wire:model' => 'fieldset_id','id' => 'glooobits')) }} {{-- when we have this wrapped in 'ignore', the wire:model won't work --}}
{!! $errors->first('custom_fieldset', ' :message') !!}
@if($this->add_default_values) {{-- 'if the checkbox is enabled *AND* there are more than 0 fields in the fieldsset' --}}
{{-- GET READY TO ADD ME SOME CRAAAAAAZY DEFAULT VALUES MOTHER FLIPPER! For, of course, fieldset: {{ $fieldset_id }} --}}
{{-- @livewire('custom-fields-for-fieldset',['fieldset_id' => $fieldset_id]) --}}
{{-- NOTE: This stuff could work well also for the 'view this asset and do its custom fields' thing --}}
{{-- I don't know if we break *here* or if we break per field element? --}}
@foreach ($fields as $field)