argument('filename'); if ($this->option('testrun')) { $this->comment('====== TEST ONLY Asset Import for '.$filename.' ===='); $this->comment('============== NO DATA WILL BE WRITTEN =============='); } else { $this->comment('======= Importing Assets from '.$filename.' ========='); } if (! ini_get("auto_detect_line_endings")) { ini_set("auto_detect_line_endings", '1'); } $csv = Reader::createFromPath($this->argument('filename')); $csv->setNewline("\r\n"); $results = $csv->fetchAssoc(); $newarray = NULL; foreach( $results as $index => $arraytoNormalize) { $internalnewarray = array_change_key_case($arraytoNormalize); $newarray[$index] = $internalnewarray; } $this->locations = Location::All(['name', 'id']); $this->categories = Category::All(['name', 'category_type', 'id']); $this->manufacturers = Manufacturer::All(['name', 'id']); $this->asset_models = AssetModel::All(['name','modelno','category_id','manufacturer_id', 'id']); $this->companies = Company::All(['name', 'id']); $this->assets = Asset::all(['asset_tag']); $this->suppliers = Supplier::All(['name']); $this->accessories = Accessory::All(['name']); $this->consumables = Consumable::All(['name']); // Loop through the records DB::transaction(function() use (&$newarray){ foreach( $newarray as $row ) { // Let's just map some of these entries to more user friendly words // Fetch general items here, fetch item type specific items in respective methods /** @var Asset, License, Accessory, or Consumable $item_type */ $item_category = $this->array_smart_fetch($row, "category"); $item_company_name = $this->array_smart_fetch($row, "company"); $item_location = $this->array_smart_fetch($row, "location"); $item["item_type"] = strtolower($this->array_smart_fetch($row, "item type")); if(empty($item["item_type"])) { $this->comment("Item Type not set. Assuming asset"); $item["item_type"] = 'asset'; } $item["item_name"] = $this->array_smart_fetch($row, "item name"); $item["purchase_date"] = date("Y-m-d 00:00:01", strtotime($this->array_smart_fetch($row, "purchase date"))); $item["purchase_cost"] = $this->array_smart_fetch($row, "purchase cost"); $item["order_number"] = $this->array_smart_fetch($row, "order number"); $item["notes"] = $this->array_smart_fetch($row, "notes"); $item["quantity"] = $this->array_smart_fetch($row, "quantity"); $item["requestable"] = $this->array_smart_fetch($row, "requestable"); $this->comment("Item Type: " . $item["item_type"]); $this->comment('Category Name: ' . $item_category); $this->comment('Location: ' . $item_location); $this->comment('Purchase Date: ' . $item["purchase_date"]); $this->comment('Purchase Cost: ' . $item["purchase_cost"]); $this->comment('Company Name: ' . $item_company_name); $item["user"] = $this->createOrFetchUser($row); $item["location"] = $this->createOrFetchLocation($item_location); $item["category"] = $this->createOrFetchCategory($item_category, $item["item_type"]); $item["manufacturer"] = $this->createOrFetchManufacturer($row); $item["company"] = $this->createOrFetchCompany($item_company_name); switch ($item["item_type"]) { case "asset": $this->createAssetIfNotExists($row, $item); break; case "accessory": $this->createAccessoryIfNotExists($item); break; case 'consumable': $this->createConsumableIfNotExists($item); break; } $this->comment('------------- Action Summary ----------------'); } }); $this->comment('====================================='); return true; } /** * Check to see if the given key exists in the array, and trim excess white space before returning it * @param $array array * @param $key string * @param $default string * @return string */ public function array_smart_fetch(Array $array, $key, $default = ''){ return array_key_exists($key,$array) ? e(trim($array[ $key ])) : $default; } private $asset_models; /** * @param array * @param $category Category * @param $manufacturer Manufacturer * @return Model * @internal param $asset_modelno string */ public function createOrFetchAssetModel(array $row, $category, $manufacturer) { $asset_model_name = $this->array_smart_fetch($row, "model name"); $asset_modelno = $this->array_smart_fetch($row, "model number"); if(empty($asset_model_name)) $asset_model_name='Unknown'; if(empty($asset_modelno)) $asset_modelno=0; $this->comment('Model Name: ' . $asset_model_name); $this->comment('Model No: ' . $asset_modelno); foreach ($this->asset_models as $tempmodel) { if ($tempmodel->name === $asset_model_name && $tempmodel->modelno == $asset_modelno && $tempmodel->category_id == $category->id && $tempmodel->manufacturer_id == $manufacturer->id ) { $this->comment('A matching model ' . $asset_model_name . ' with model number ' . $asset_modelno . ' already exists'); return $tempmodel; } } $asset_model = new AssetModel(); $asset_model->name = $asset_model_name; $asset_model->manufacturer_id = $manufacturer->id; $asset_model->modelno = e($asset_modelno); $asset_model->category_id = $category->id; $asset_model->user_id = 1; $this->asset_models->add($asset_model); if(!$this->option('testrun')) { if ($asset_model->save()) { $this->comment('Asset Model ' . $asset_model_name . ' with model number ' . $asset_modelno . ' was created'); return $asset_model; } else { $this->comment('Something went wrong! Asset Model ' . $asset_model_name . ' was NOT created'); dd($asset_model); return $asset_model; } } else { return $asset_model; } } private $categories; /** * Finds a category with the same name and item type in the database, otherwise creates it * @param $asset_category string * @param $item_type string * @return Category */ public function createOrFetchCategory($asset_category, $item_type) { if (empty($asset_category)) $asset_category = 'Unnamed Category'; foreach($this->categories as $tempcategory) { if( $tempcategory->name === $asset_category && $tempcategory->category_type === $item_type) { $this->comment('Category ' . $asset_category . ' already exists'); return $tempcategory; } } $category = new Category(); $category->name = $asset_category; $category->category_type = $item_type; $category->user_id = 1; $this->categories->add($category); if(!$this->option('testrun')) { if ($category->save()) { $this->comment('Category ' . $asset_category . ' was created'); return $category; } else { $this->comment('Something went wrong! Category ' . $asset_category . ' was NOT created'); dd($asset_category); return $category; } } else { return $category; } } private $companies; /** * @param $asset_company_name string * @return Company */ public function createOrFetchCompany($asset_company_name) { foreach ($this->companies as $tempcompany) { if ($tempcompany->name === $asset_company_name) { $this->comment('A matching Company ' . $asset_company_name . ' already exists'); return $tempcompany; } } $company = new Company(); $company->name = $asset_company_name; if(!$this->option('testrun')) { if ($company->save()) { $this->comment('Company ' . $asset_company_name . ' was created'); return $company; } else { $this->comment('Something went wrong! Company ' . $asset_company_name . ' was NOT created'); return $company; } } else { return $company; } } private $manufacturers; /** * Finds a manufacturer with matching name, otherwise create it. * @param $row array * @return Manufacturer * @internal param $asset_mfgr string */ public function createOrFetchManufacturer(array $row) { $asset_mfgr = $this->array_smart_fetch($row, "manufacturer"); if(empty($asset_mfgr)) { $asset_mfgr='Unknown'; } $this->comment('Manufacturer ID: ' . $asset_mfgr); foreach ($this->manufacturers as $tempmanufacturer) { if ($tempmanufacturer->name === $asset_mfgr) { $this->comment('Manufacturer ' . $asset_mfgr . ' already exists'); return $tempmanufacturer; } } //Otherwise create a manufacturer. $manufacturer = new Manufacturer(); $manufacturer->name = $asset_mfgr; $manufacturer->user_id = 1; $this->manufacturers->add($manufacturer); if (!$this->option('testrun')) { if ($manufacturer->save()) { $this->comment('Manufacturer ' . $manufacturer->name . ' was created'); return $manufacturer; } else { $this->comment('Something went wrong! Manufacturer ' . $asset_mfgr . ' was NOT created'); dd($manufacturer); return $manufacturer; } } else { return $manufacturer; } } /** * @var */ private $locations; /** * Checks the DB to see if a location with the same name exists, otherwise create it * @param $asset_location string * @return Location */ public function createOrFetchLocation($asset_location) { foreach($this->locations as $templocation) { if( $templocation->name === $asset_location ) { $this->comment('Location ' . $asset_location . ' already exists'); return $templocation; } } // No matching locations in the collection, create a new one. $location = new Location(); if (!empty($asset_location)) { $location->name = $asset_location; $location->address = ''; $location->city = ''; $location->state = ''; $location->country = ''; $location->user_id = 1; $this->locations->add($location); if (!$this->option('testrun')) { if ($location->save()) { $this->comment('Location ' . $asset_location . ' was created'); return $location; } else { $this->comment('Something went wrong! Location ' . $asset_location . ' was NOT created'); dd($location); return $location; } } else { return $location; } } else { $this->comment('No location given, so none created.'); return $location; } } private $suppliers; /** * @param $row array * @return Supplier */ public function createOrFetchSupplier(array $row) { $supplier_name = $this->array_smart_fetch($row, "supplier"); if(empty($supplier_name)) $supplier_name='Unknown'; foreach ($this->suppliers as $tempsupplier) { if ($tempsupplier->name === $supplier_name) { $this->comment('A matching Company ' . $supplier_name . ' already exists'); return $tempsupplier; } } $supplier = new Supplier(); $supplier->name = $supplier_name; $supplier->user_id = 1; if(!$this->option('testrun')) { if ($supplier->save()) { $this->comment('Supplier ' . $supplier_name . ' was created'); return $supplier; } else { $this->comment('Something went wrong! Supplier ' . $supplier_name . ' was NOT created'); dd($supplier); return $supplier; } } else { return $supplier; } } /** * Finds the user matching given data, or creates a new one if there is no match * @param $row array * @return User Model w/ matching name * @internal param string $user_username Username extracted from CSV * @internal param string $user_email Email extracted from CSV * @internal param string $first_name * @internal param string $last_name */ public function createOrFetchUser($row) { $user_name = $this->array_smart_fetch($row, "name"); $user_email = $this->array_smart_fetch($row, "email"); $user_username = $this->array_smart_fetch($row, "username"); // A number was given instead of a name if (is_numeric($user_name)) { $this->comment('User ' . $user_name . ' is a number - Assuming UID - hopefully this user already exists'); $user_username = ''; // No name was given } elseif (empty($user_name)) { $this->comment('No user data provided - skipping user creation, just adding asset'); $first_name = ''; $last_name = ''; } else { $user_email_array = User::generateFormattedNameFromFullName($this->option('email_format'), $user_name); $first_name = $user_email_array['first_name']; $last_name = $user_email_array['last_name']; if (empty($user_email)) { $user_email = $user_email_array['username'] . '@' . Config::get('app.domain'); } if (empty($user_username)) { if ($this->option('username_format') == 'email') { $user_username = $user_email; } else { $user_name_array = User::generateFormattedNameFromFullName($this->option('username_format'), $user_name); $user_username = $user_name_array['username']; } } } $this->comment("--- User Data ---"); $this->comment('Full Name: ' . $user_name); $this->comment('First Name: ' . $first_name); $this->comment('Last Name: ' . $last_name); $this->comment('Username: ' . $user_username); $this->comment('Email: ' . $user_email); $this->comment('--- End User Data ---'); if($this->option('testrun')) return new User; if (!empty($user_username)) { if ($user = User::MatchEmailOrUsername($user_username, $user_email) ->whereNotNull('username')->first() ) { $this->comment('User ' . $user_username . ' already exists'); return $user; } else { // Create the user $user = Sentry::createUser(array( 'first_name' => $first_name, 'last_name' => $last_name, 'email' => $user_email, 'username' => $user_username, 'password' => substr(str_shuffle("0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"), 0, 12), 'activated' => true, 'permissions' => array( 'admin' => 0, 'user' => 1, ), 'notes' => 'User imported through asset importer' )); // Find the group using the group id $userGroup = Sentry::findGroupById(3); // Assign the group to the user $user->addGroup($userGroup); $this->comment('User ' . $first_name . ' created'); return $user; } } else { $user = new User; return $user; } } private $assets; /** * @param array $row * @param array $item */ public function createAssetIfNotExists(array $row, array $item ) { $status_id = 1; $asset_serial = $this->array_smart_fetch($row, "serial number"); $asset_tag = $this->array_smart_fetch($row, "asset tag"); // Check for the asset model match and create it if it doesn't exist $asset_model = $this->createOrFetchAssetModel($row, $item["category"], $item["manufacturer"]); $supplier = $this->createOrFetchSupplier($row); $this->comment('Serial No: '.$asset_serial); $this->comment('Asset Tag: '.$asset_tag); $this->comment('Notes: '.$item["notes"]); foreach ($this->assets as $tempasset) { if ($tempasset->asset_tag === $asset_tag ) { $this->comment('A matching Asset ' . $asset_tag . ' already exists'); return; } } $asset = new Asset(); $asset->name = e($item["item_name"]); if ($item["purchase_date"] != '') { $asset->purchase_date = $item["purchase_date"]; } else { $asset->purchase_date = NULL; } if (!empty($item_purchase_cost)) { $asset->purchase_cost = number_format(e($item["purchase_cost"]),2); $this->comment("Asset cost parsed: " . $asset->purchase_cost); } else { $asset->purchase_cost = 0.00; } $asset->serial = e($asset_serial); $asset->asset_tag = e($asset_tag); $asset->model_id = $asset_model->id; $asset->assigned_to = $item["user"]->id; $asset->rtd_location_id = $item["location"]->id; $asset->user_id = 1; $asset->status_id = $status_id; $asset->company_id = $item["company"]->id; $asset->order_number = $item["order_number"]; $asset->supplier_id = $supplier->id; $asset->notes = e($item["notes"]); if (!$this->option('testrun')) { if ($asset->save()) { $this->comment('Asset ' . $item["item_name"] . ' with serial number ' . $asset_serial . ' was created'); } else { $this->comment('Something went wrong! Asset ' . $item["item_name"] . ' was NOT created'); // dd($asset); } } else { return; } } private $accessories; /** * Create an accessory if a duplicate does not exist * @param $item array */ public function createAccessoryIfNotExists(array $item ) { $this->comment("Creating Accessory"); foreach ($this->accessories as $tempaccessory) { if ($tempaccessory->name === $item["item_name"] ) { $this->comment('A matching Accessory ' . $item["item_name"] . ' already exists. '); // FUTURE: Adjust quantity on import maybe? return; } } $accessory = new Accessory(); $accessory->name = e($item["item_name"]); if (!empty($item["purchase_date"])) { $accessory->purchase_date = $item["purchase_date"]; } else { $accessory->purchase_date = NULL; } if (!empty($item["purchase_cost"])) { $accessory->purchase_cost = number_format(e($item["purchase_cost"]),2); } else { $accessory->purchase_cost = 0.00; } $accessory->location_id = $item["location"]->id; $accessory->user_id = 1; $accessory->company_id = $item["company"]->id; $accessory->order_number = $item["order_number"]; $accessory->category_id = $item["category"]->id; //TODO: Implement // $accessory->notes = e($item_notes); $accessory->requestable = filter_var($item["requestable"], FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN); //Must have at least zero of the item if we import it. if($item["quantity"] > -1) { $accessory->qty = $item["quantity"]; } else { $accessory->qty = 1; } if (!$this->option('testrun')) { if ($accessory->save()) { $this->comment('Accessory ' . $item["item_name"] . ' was created'); } else { $this->comment('Something went wrong! Accessory ' . $item["item_name"] . ' was NOT created'); } } else { $this->comment('TEST RUN - Accessory ' . $item["item_name"] . ' not created'); } } private $consumables; /** * Create a consumable if a duplicate does not exist * @param $item array */ public function createConsumableIfNotExists(array $item) { $this->comment("Creating Consumable"); foreach($this->consumables as $tempconsumable) { if($tempconsumable->name === $item["item_name"]) { $this->comment("A matching sumable " . $item["item_name"] . " already exists"); //TODO: Adjust quantity if different maybe? return; } } $consumable = new Consumable(); $consumable->name = e($item["item_name"]); if(!empty($item["purchase_date"])) { $consumable->purchase_date = $item["purchase_date"]; } else { $consumable->purchase_date = NULL; } if(!empty($item["purchase_cost"])) { $consumable->purchase_cost = number_format(e($item["purchase_cost"]),2); } else { $consumable->purchase_cost = 0.00; } $consumable->location_id = $item["location"]->id; $consumable->user_id = 1; // TODO: What user_id should we use for imports? $consumable->company_id = $item["company"]->id; $consumable->order_number = $item["order_number"]; $consumable->category_id = $item["category"]->id; // TODO:Implement //$consumable->notes= e($item_notes); $consumable->requestable = filter_var($item["requestable"], FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN); if($item["quantity"] > -1) { $consumable->qty = $item["quantity"]; } else { $consumable->qty = 1; } if(!$this->option("testrun")) { if($consumable->save()) { $this->comment("Consumable " . $item["item_name"] . ' was created'); } else { $this->comment('Something went wrong! Consumable ' . $item["item_name"] . ' not created'); } } else { $this->comment('TEST RUN - Consumable ' . $item['item_name'] . ' not created'); } } /** * Get the console command arguments. * * @return array */ protected function getArguments() { return array( array('filename', InputArgument::REQUIRED, 'File for the CSV import.'), ); } /** * Get the console command options. * * @return array */ protected function getOptions() { return array( array('email_format', null, InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'The format of the email addresses that should be generated. Options are firstname.lastname, firstname, filastname', null), array('username_format', null, InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'The format of the username that should be generated. Options are firstname.lastname, firstname, filastname, email', null), array('testrun', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'If set, will parse and output data without adding to database', null), ); } }