getDatabasePlatform()->registerDoctrineTypeMapping('enum', 'string'); $f2 = new \App\Models\CustomFieldset(['name' => 'Asset with MAC Address']); $f2->timestamps = false; //when this model was first created, it had no timestamps. But later on it gets them. if (! $f2->save()) { throw new Exception("couldn't save customfieldset"); } $macid = DB::table('custom_fields')->insertGetId([ 'name' => 'MAC Address', 'format' => \App\Models\CustomField::PREDEFINED_FORMATS['MAC'], 'element'=>'text', ]); if (! $macid) { throw new Exception("Can't save MAC Custom field: $macid"); } $f2->fields()->attach($macid, ['required' => false, 'order' => 1]); \App\Models\AssetModel::where(['show_mac_address' => true])->update(['fieldset_id'=>$f2->id]); Schema::table('assets', function (Blueprint $table) { $table->renameColumn('mac_address', '_snipeit_mac_address'); }); // DB::statement("ALTER TABLE assets CHANGE mac_address _snipeit_mac_address varchar(255)"); $ans = Schema::table('models', function (Blueprint $table) { $table->renameColumn('show_mac_address', 'deprecated_mac_address'); }); } /** * Reverse the migrations. * * @return void */ public function down() { // $f = \App\Models\CustomFieldset::where(['name' => 'Asset with MAC Address'])->first(); $f->fields()->delete(); $f->delete(); Schema::table('models', function (Blueprint $table) { $table->renameColumn('deprecated_mac_address', 'show_mac_address'); }); DB::statement('ALTER TABLE assets CHANGE _snipeit_mac_address_1 mac_address varchar(255)'); } }