<?php return array( 'about_licenses_title' => 'Maidir Ceadúnais', 'about_licenses' => 'Úsáidtear ceadúnais chun bogearraí a rianú. Tá líon áirithe suíochán acu ar féidir iad a sheiceáil amach do dhaoine aonair', 'checkin' => 'Suíochán Ceadúnas Checkin', 'checkout_history' => 'Stair Seiceáil', 'checkout' => 'Seiceáil Ceadúnas Seiceáil', 'edit' => 'Athraigh an Ceadúnas', 'filetype_info' => 'Is iad píopaí comhaid a cheadaítear png, gif, jpg, jpeg, doc, docx, pdf, txt, zip, and rar.', 'clone' => 'Ceadúnas Clón', 'history_for' => 'Stair do', 'in_out' => 'In / Amach', 'info' => 'Eolas Ceadúnais', 'license_seats' => 'Suíocháin Cheadúnais', 'seat' => 'Suíochán', 'seats' => 'Suíocháin', 'software_licenses' => 'Ceadúnais Bogearraí', 'user' => 'Úsáideoir', 'view' => 'Féach ar an gCeadúnas', 'delete_disabled' => 'This license cannot be deleted yet because some seats are still checked out.', 'bulk' => [ 'checkin_all' => [ 'button' => 'Checkin All Seats', 'modal' => 'This will action checkin one seat. | This action will checkin all :checkedout_seats_count seats for this license.', 'enabled_tooltip' => 'Checkin ALL seats for this license from both users and assets', 'disabled_tooltip' => 'This is disabled because there are no seats currently checked out', 'disabled_tooltip_reassignable' => 'This is disabled because the License is not reassignable', 'success' => 'License successfully checked in! | All licenses were successfully checked in!', 'log_msg' => 'Checked in via bulk license checkout in license GUI', ], 'checkout_all' => [ 'button' => 'Checkout All Seats', 'modal' => 'This action will checkout one seat to the first available user. | This action will checkout all :available_seats_count seats to the first available users. A user is considered available for this seat if they do not already have this license checked out to them, and the Auto-Assign License property is enabled on their user account.', 'enabled_tooltip' => 'Checkout ALL seats (or as many as are available) to ALL users', 'disabled_tooltip' => 'This is disabled because there are no seats currently available', 'success' => 'License successfully checked out! | :count licenses were successfully checked out!', 'error_no_seats' => 'There are no remaining seats left for this license.', 'warn_not_enough_seats' => ':count users were assigned this license, but we ran out of available license seats.', 'warn_no_avail_users' => 'Nothing to do. There are no users who do not already have this license assigned to them.', 'log_msg' => 'Checked out via bulk license checkout in license GUI', ], ], 'below_threshold' => 'There are only :remaining_count seats left for this license with a minimum quantity of :min_amt. You may want to consider purchasing more seats.', 'below_threshold_short' => 'This item is below the minimum required quantity.', );