isset($_ENV['LDAP_URL']) ? $_ENV['LDAP_URL'] : "", /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Username |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Username to use to connect authenticate to LDAP, for example: | cn=read-only-admin,dc=example,dc=com | */ 'username' => isset($_ENV['LDAP_USERNAME']) ? $_ENV['LDAP_USERNAME'] : "", /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Password |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Password to use when authenticating to LDAP. | */ 'password' => isset($_ENV['LDAP_PASSWORD']) ? $_ENV['LDAP_PASSWORD'] : "", /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Basedn |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | The base where the search for users will be executed, for example: | dc=example,dc=com | */ 'basedn' => isset($_ENV['LDAP_BASEDN']) ? $_ENV['LDAP_BASEDN'] : "", /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Filter |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | The search filter for the LDAP query. This probably does not have to be | changed. | */ 'filter' => isset($_ENV['LDAP_FILTER']) ? $_ENV['LDAP_FILTER'] : "&(cn=*)", /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | LDAP field names that will be retrieved to create a user. | | Using the username as an example: | If I set 'result.username' => 'my-org-username', the code will connect to | LDAP as follows (where $results[$i] represents a row in the LDAP query: | $username-to-insert-in-snipe-it = $results[$i]["my-org-username"][0] | | Note: all these fields are required. |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | The search filter for the LDAP query. | */ 'result.username' => isset($_ENV['LDAP_RESULT_USERNAME']) ? $_ENV['LDAP_RESULT_USERNAME'] : "", '' => isset($_ENV['LDAP_RESULT_LAST_NAME']) ? $_ENV['LDAP_RESULT_LAST_NAME'] : "", '' => isset($_ENV['LDAP_RESULT_FIRST_NAME']) ? $_ENV['LDAP_RESULT_FIRST_NAME'] : "", /* | These fields are optional as not all LDAP directories will have it. If yours | does not have them, just leave these blank and the extra check will | be omitted. */ '' => isset($_ENV['LDAP_RESULT_ACTIVE_FLAG']) ? $_ENV['LDAP_RESULT_ACTIVE_FLAG'] : "", 'result.emp.num' => isset($_ENV['LDAP_RESULT_EMP_NUM']) ? $_ENV['LDAP_RESULT_EMP_NUM'] : "", '' => isset($_ENV['LDAP_RESULT_EMAIL']) ? $_ENV['LDAP_RESULT_EMAIL'] : "", /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | LDAP filter query for authentication |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | The LDAP query that we want to execute when authenticating a user. This | should not have to be changed. | */ 'authentication.filter.query' => isset($_ENV['LDAP_AUTHENTICATION_FILTER_QUERY']) ? $_ENV['LDAP_AUTHENTICATION_FILTER_QUERY'] : "uid=", /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | LDAP Version |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Version of LDAP you are using. | */ 'version' => 3, );