<?php return [ /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Password Reminder Language Lines |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | The following language lines are the default lines which match reasons | that are given by the password broker for a password update attempt | has failed, such as for an invalid token or invalid new password. | */ 'more_info_title' => 'Ulwazi oluningi', 'audit_help' => 'Checking this box will edit the asset record to reflect this new location. Leaving it unchecked will simply note the location in the audit log.<br><br>Note that if this asset is checked out, it will not change the location of the person, asset or location it is checked out to.', 'assets' => 'Amafa yizinto ezilandelwa inombolo ye-série noma i-tag tag. Bavame ukuba izinto eziphakeme kakhulu lapho behlonza izinto ezithile.', 'categories' => 'Izigaba zikusiza ukuthi uhlele izinto zakho. Ezinye izigaba zesibonelo zingase zibe "Izinkinobho", "Izinketho", "Amafoni omakhalekhukhwini", "Amakhodi", njalonjalo, kodwa ungasebenzisa izigaba noma iyiphi indlela enengqondo kuwe.', 'accessories' => 'Izesekeli yilokho okukhipha kubasebenzisi kodwa ezingenayo inombolo ye-serial (noma awunandaba nokulandelela ngokuhlukile). Isibonelo, amagundane wekhompiyutha noma amakhibhodi.', 'companies' => 'Izinkampani zingasetshenziswa njengensimu yokuhlonza elula, noma ingasetshenziselwa ukunciphisa ukubonakala kwamafa, abasebenzisi, njll uma ukusekelwa okugcwele kwenkampani kunikwe amandla kuzilungiselelo zakho zoMlawuli.', 'components' => 'Izingxenye kukhona izinto eziyingxenye yefa, isibonelo i-HDD, i-RAM, njll.', 'consumables' => 'Amakhomikhali ayithengiwe azosetshenziswa ngaphezulu kwesikhathi. Isibonelo, iphepha lephrinta noma iphepha lokukopisha.', 'depreciations' => 'Ungasetha ukwehla kwefa ukuze wehlise izimpahla ezisuselwe ekunciphiseni komugqa oqondile.', 'empty_file' => 'The importer detects that this file is empty.' ];