'Personal API Keys', 'personal_access_token' => 'Personal Access Token', 'personal_api_keys_success' => 'Personal API Key :key created sucessfully', 'here_is_api_key' => 'Siin on teie uus isiklik juurdepääsutoken. See on ainus kord, kui see kuvatakse, nii et ärge kaotage seda! Nüüd saate seda tokenit kasutada API päringute tegemiseks.', 'api_key_warning' => 'API tokenit genereerides veenduge, et kopeerite selle kohe, kuna see ei ole teile enam pärast nähtav.', 'api_base_url' => 'Your API base url is located at:', 'api_base_url_endpoint' => '/<endpoint>', 'api_token_expiration_time' => 'API tokens are set to expire in:', 'api_reference' => 'Please check the API reference to find specific API endpoints and additional API documentation.', 'profile_updated' => 'Account successfully updated', 'no_tokens' => 'You have not created any personal access tokens.', 'enable_sounds' => 'Enable sound effects', 'enable_confetti' => 'Enable confetti effects', );