'mimes:png,gif,jpg,jpeg,svg,bmp,svg+xml', 'avatar' => 'mimes:png,gif,jpg,jpeg,svg,bmp,svg+xml', ]; } public function response(array $errors) { return $this->redirector->back()->withInput()->withErrors($errors, $this->errorBag); } /** * Handle and store any images attached to request * @param SnipeModel $item Item the image is associated with * @param String $path location for uploaded images, defaults to uploads/plural of item type. * @return SnipeModel Target asset is being checked out to. */ public function handleImages($item, $w = 550, $fieldname = 'image', $path = null) { $type = strtolower(class_basename(get_class($item))); if (is_null($path)) { $path = str_plural($type); } \Log::debug('Image path is: '.$path); \Log::debug('Image fieldname is: '.$fieldname); \Log::debug('Trying to upload to '. $path); if ($this->hasFile($fieldname)) { if (!config('app.lock_passwords')) { if (!Storage::disk('public')->exists($path)) Storage::disk('public')->makeDirectory($path, 775); if (!is_dir($path)) { \Log::debug($path.' does not exist'); mkdir($path); } $image = $this->file($fieldname); $ext = $image->getClientOriginalExtension(); $file_name = $type.'-'.str_random(18).'.'.$ext; \Log::debug('File name will be: '.$file_name); if ($image->getClientOriginalExtension()!=='svg') { \Log::debug('Not an SVG - resize'); \Log::debug('Trying to upload to: '.$path.'/'.$file_name); $upload = Image::make($image->getRealPath())->resize(null, $w, function ($constraint) { $constraint->aspectRatio(); $constraint->upsize(); }) // This requires a string instead of an object, so we use ($string) Storage::disk('public')->put($path.'/'.$file_name, (string)$upload->encode()); // If the file is an SVG, we need to clean it and NOT encode it } else { \Log::debug('This is an SVG'); $sanitizer = new Sanitizer(); $dirtySVG = file_get_contents($image->getRealPath()); $cleanSVG = $sanitizer->sanitize($dirtySVG); try { \Log::debug('Trying to upload to: '.$path.'/'.$file_name); Storage::disk('public')->put($path.'/'.$file_name, $cleanSVG); } catch (\Exception $e) { \Log::debug($e); } } // Remove Current image if exists if (($item->{$fieldname}) && (Storage::disk('public')->exists($path.'/'.$item->{$fieldname}))) { try { Storage::disk('public')->delete($path.'/'.$item->{$fieldname}); } catch (\Exception $e) { \Log::debug('Could not delete old file. '.$path.'/'.$item->{$fieldname}.' does not exist?'); } } // Assign the new filename as the fieldname $item->{$fieldname} = $file_name; } // If the user isn't uploading anything new but wants to delete their old image, do so } elseif ($this->input('image_delete')=='1') { Storage::disk('public')->delete($path.'/'.$item->{$fieldname}); $item->{$fieldname} = null; } try { unlink($path.'/'.$item->image); } catch (\Exception $e) { \Log::debug($e); } $item->image = null; } return $item; } }