<?php namespace App\Policies; use App\Models\User; abstract class CheckoutablePermissionsPolicy extends SnipePermissionsPolicy { /** * Determine whether the user can checkout the accessory. * * @param \App\User $user * @return mixed */ public function checkout(User $user, $item = null) { return $user->hasAccess($this->columnName().'.checkout'); } /** * Determine whether the user can checkin the accessory. * * @param \App\User $user * @return mixed */ public function checkin(User $user, $item = null) { return $user->hasAccess($this->columnName().'.checkin'); } /** * Determine whether the user can manage the accessory. * * @param \App\User $user * @return mixed */ public function manage(User $user, $item = null) { return $user->hasAccess($this->columnName().'.checkin') || $user->hasAccess($this->columnName().'.edit') || $user->hasAccess($this->columnName().'.checkout'); } }