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synced 2025-03-05 20:52:15 -08:00
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return [
'undeployable' => '<strong>Warning: </strong> This asset has been marked as currently undeployable. If this status has changed, please update the asset status.',
'does_not_exist' => 'Hantidu ma jirto.',
'does_not_exist_var' => 'Asset with tag :asset_tag not found.',
'no_tag' => 'No asset tag provided.',
'does_not_exist_or_not_requestable' => 'Hantidaas ma jirto ama lama codsan karo.',
'assoc_users' => 'Hantidan hadda waa la hubiyay isticmaale lamana tirtiri karo Fadlan marka hore hubi hantida, ka dibna isku day mar kale in aad tirtirto. ',
'warning_audit_date_mismatch' => 'This asset\'s next audit date (:next_audit_date) is before the last audit date (:last_audit_date). Please update the next audit date.',
'labels_generated' => 'Labels were successfully generated.',
'error_generating_labels' => 'Error while generating labels.',
'no_assets_selected' => 'No assets selected.',
'create' => [
'error' => 'Hantida lama abuurin, fadlan isku day mar kale. :(',
'success' => 'Hantida loo sameeyay si guul leh :)',
'success_linked' => 'Hanti leh sumad :tag si guul leh ayaa loo abuuray. <strong><a href=":link" style="color: white;">Riix halkan si aad u aragto</a></strong>.',
'multi_success_linked' => 'Asset with tag :links was created successfully.|:count assets were created succesfully. :links.',
'partial_failure' => 'An asset was unable to be created. Reason: :failures|:count assets were unable to be created. Reasons: :failures',
'update' => [
'error' => 'Hantida lama cusboonaysiin, fadlan isku day mar kale',
'success' => 'Hantida si guul leh ayaa loo cusboonaysiiyay.',
'encrypted_warning' => 'Asset updated successfully, but encrypted custom fields were not due to permissions',
'nothing_updated' => 'Goobo lama dooran, markaa waxba lama cusboonaysiin.',
'no_assets_selected' => 'Wax hanti ah lama dooran, markaa waxba lama cusboonaysiin.',
'assets_do_not_exist_or_are_invalid' => 'Hantida la xushay lama cusboonaysiin karo.',
'restore' => [
'error' => 'Hantidii lama soo celin, fadlan isku day mar kale',
'success' => 'Hantida si guul leh ayaa loo soo celiyay.',
'bulk_success' => 'Hantida si guul leh ayaa loo soo celiyay.',
'nothing_updated' => 'Wax hanti ah lama dooran, markaa waxba lama soo celin.',
'audit' => [
'error' => 'Asset audit unsuccessful: :error ',
'success' => 'Hantidhawrka hantida ayaa si guul leh loo diiwaan geliyay.',
'deletefile' => [
'error' => 'Faylka lama tirtirin Fadlan isku day mar kale.',
'success' => 'Faylka si guul leh waa la tirtiray.',
'upload' => [
'error' => 'Faylka lama soo rarin Fadlan isku day mar kale.',
'success' => 'Faylka(yada) si guul leh loo soo raray.',
'nofiles' => 'Ma aadan dooran wax fayl ah oo la soo geliyo, ama faylka aad isku dayeyso inaad geliyaan waa mid aad u weyn',
'invalidfiles' => 'Mid ama in ka badan oo faylashaada ah aad bay u weyn yihiin ama waa nooc faylal ah oo aan la oggolayn. Noocyada faylalka la oggol yahay waa png, gif, jpg, doc, docx, pdf, iyo txt.',
'import' => [
'import_button' => 'Process Import',
'error' => 'Alaabta qaar si sax ah uma soo dejin.',
'errorDetail' => 'Alaabta soo socota looma soo dejin khaladaad dartood.',
'success' => 'Faylkaaga waa la soo dejiyay',
'file_delete_success' => 'Faylkaaga si guul leh ayaa loo tirtiray',
'file_delete_error' => 'Faylka waa la tirtiri waayay',
'file_missing' => 'Faylka la doortay waa maqan yahay',
'file_already_deleted' => 'The file selected was already deleted',
'header_row_has_malformed_characters' => 'Hal ama in ka badan oo sifooyin ah oo ku jira safka madaxa waxa ku jira xarfaha UTF-8 oo khaldan',
'content_row_has_malformed_characters' => 'Hal ama in ka badan oo sifooyin ah safka koowaad ee nuxurka waxa ku jira xarfo UTF-8 oo khaldan',
'delete' => [
'confirm' => 'Ma hubtaa inaad rabto inaad tirtirto hantidan?',
'error' => 'Waxaa jirtay arrin la tirtiray hantida Fadlan isku day mar kale.',
'nothing_updated' => 'Wax hanti ah lama dooran, markaa waxba lama tirtirin.',
'success' => 'Hantida si guul leh ayaa loo tirtiray.',
'checkout' => [
'error' => 'Hantida lama hubin, fadlan isku day mar kale',
'success' => 'Hantida si guul leh ayaa loo hubiyay.',
'user_does_not_exist' => 'Isticmaalahaasi waa khalad Fadlan isku day mar kale.',
'not_available' => 'Hantidaas looma hayo hubin!',
'no_assets_selected' => 'Waa inaad liiska ka doorataa ugu yaraan hal hanti',
'multi-checkout' => [
'error' => 'Asset was not checked out, please try again|Assets were not checked out, please try again',
'success' => 'Asset checked out successfully.|Assets checked out successfully.',
'checkin' => [
'error' => 'Hantida lama hubin, fadlan isku day mar kale',
'success' => 'Hantida si guul leh ayaa loo hubiyay.',
'user_does_not_exist' => 'Isticmaalahaasi waa khalad Fadlan isku day mar kale.',
'already_checked_in' => 'Hantidaas mar horeba waa la hubiyay.',
'requests' => [
'error' => 'Hantida lama codsan, fadlan isku day mar kale',
'success' => 'Hantida ayaa si guul leh u codsatay.',
'canceled' => 'Codsiga hubinta si guul leh waa la joojiyay',