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synced 2025-03-05 20:52:15 -08:00
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return [
'2FA_reset' => '2FA reset',
'accessories' => 'Додатоци',
'activated' => 'Активиран',
'accepted_date' => 'Date Accepted',
'accessory' => 'Додаток',
'accessory_report' => 'Извештај за додаток',
'action' => 'Акција',
'activity_report' => 'Извештај за активност',
'address' => 'Адреса',
'admin' => 'Admin',
'admin_tooltip' => 'This user has admin privileges',
'superuser' => 'Superuser',
'superuser_tooltip' => 'This user has superuser privileges',
'administrator' => 'Администратор',
'add_seats' => 'Додадени места',
'age' => "Age",
'all_assets' => 'Сите основни средства',
'all' => 'Сите',
'archived' => 'Архивирано',
'asset_models' => 'Модели на основни средства',
'asset_model' => 'Модел',
'asset' => 'Основно средство',
'asset_report' => 'Извештај за основни средства',
'asset_tag' => 'Код на основното средство',
'asset_tags' => 'Asset Tags',
'assets_available' => 'Assets available',
'accept_assets' => 'Accept Assets :name',
'accept_assets_menu' => 'Accept Assets',
'audit' => 'Ревизија',
'audit_report' => 'Дневник за ревизија',
'assets' => 'Основни средства',
'assets_audited' => 'assets audited',
'assets_checked_in_count' => 'assets checked in',
'assets_checked_out_count' => 'assets checked out',
'asset_deleted_warning' => 'This asset has been deleted. You must restore it before you can assign it to someone.',
'assigned_date' => 'Date Assigned',
'assigned_to' => 'Assigned to :name',
'assignee' => 'Assigned to',
'avatar_delete' => 'Избриши аватар',
'avatar_upload' => 'Прикачи аватар',
'back' => 'Назад',
'bad_data' => 'Ништо не е пронајдено. Можеби лоши податоци?',
'bulkaudit' => 'Масовна ревизија',
'bulkaudit_status' => 'Статус на ревизија',
'bulk_checkout' => 'Масовно задолжување',
'bulk_edit' => 'Bulk Edit',
'bulk_delete' => 'Bulk Delete',
'bulk_actions' => 'Bulk Actions',
'bulk_checkin_delete' => 'Bulk Checkin / Delete Users',
'byod' => 'BYOD',
'byod_help' => 'This device is owned by the user',
'bystatus' => 'by Status',
'cancel' => 'Откажи',
'categories' => 'Категории',
'category' => 'Категорија',
'change' => 'Раздолжи/Задолжи',
'changeemail' => 'Промени ја адресата за е-пошта',
'changepassword' => 'Промена на лозинка',
'checkin' => 'Раздолжи',
'checkin_from' => 'Раздолжи од',
'checkout' => 'Задолжи',
'checkouts_count' => 'Раздолжувања',
'checkins_count' => 'Пријавувања',
'user_requests_count' => 'Барања',
'city' => 'Град',
'click_here' => 'Кликни тука',
'clear_selection' => 'Отселектирај ги сите',
'companies' => 'Компании',
'company' => 'Компанија',
'component' => 'Компонента',
'components' => 'Компоненти',
'complete' => 'Завршено',
'consumable' => 'Потрошен материјал',
'consumables' => 'Потрошен материјал',
'country' => 'Држава',
'could_not_restore' => 'Error restoring :item_type: :error',
'not_deleted' => 'The :item_type is not deleted so it cannot be restored',
'create' => 'Креирај Нов {0}',
'created' => 'Креирана ставка',
'created_asset' => 'креирано основно средство',
'created_at' => 'Created At',
'created_by' => 'Created By',
'record_created' => 'Record Created',
'updated_at' => 'Ажурирано во',
'currency' => '$', // this is deprecated
'current' => 'Тековна',
'current_password' => 'Current Password',
'customize_report' => 'Customize Report',
'custom_report' => 'Приспособен извештај за основни средства',
'dashboard' => 'Табла',
'days' => 'денови',
'days_to_next_audit' => 'Денови до следна ревизија',
'date' => 'Датум',
'debug_warning' => 'Предупредување!',
'debug_warning_text' => 'Оваа апликација работи во режим на производство со овозможено дебагирање. Ова може да изложи чувствителните податоци доколку вашата апликација е достапна за надворешниот свет. Оневозможете го дебагирачкиот режим со поставување на <code>APP_DEBUG</code> во вашата <code>.env</code> датотека на <code>false</code>.',
'delete' => 'Избриши',
'delete_confirm' => 'Дали сте сигурни дека сакате да избришете: ставка?',
'delete_confirm_no_undo' => 'Are you sure you wish to delete :item? This can not be undone.',
'deleted' => 'Избришани',
'delete_seats' => 'Избришани места',
'deletion_failed' => 'Deletion failed',
'departments' => 'Одделенија',
'department' => 'Одделение',
'deployed' => 'Распоредени',
'depreciation' => 'Амортизационен план',
'depreciations' => 'Depreciations',
'depreciation_report' => 'Извештај за амортизација',
'details' => 'Детали',
'download' => 'Преземи',
'download_all' => 'Download All',
'editprofile' => 'Уредете го вашиот профил',
'eol' => 'EOL',
'email_domain' => 'Домен за е-пошта',
'email_format' => 'Формат на е-пошта',
'employee_number' => 'Employee Number',
'email_domain_help' => 'Ова се користи за генерирање на адреси на е-пошта при увоз',
'error' => 'Error',
'exclude_archived' => 'Exclude Archived Assets',
'exclude_deleted' => 'Exclude Deleted Assets',
'example' => 'Example: ',
'filastname_format' => 'Почетна буква од име, Презиме (jjankov@example.com)',
'firstname_lastname_format' => 'Име, точка, Презиме (janko.jankov@example.com)',
'firstname_lastname_underscore_format' => 'Име, _, Презиме (janko_jankov@example.com)',
'lastnamefirstinitial_format' => 'Презиме, Почетна буква од име (jankovj@example.com)',
'firstintial_dot_lastname_format' => 'First Initial Last Name (j.smith@example.com)',
'firstname_lastname_display' => 'First Name Last Name (Jane Smith)',
'lastname_firstname_display' => 'Last Name First Name (Smith Jane)',
'name_display_format' => 'Name Display Format',
'first' => 'Прво',
'firstnamelastname' => 'First Name Last Name (janesmith@example.com)',
'lastname_firstinitial' => 'Last Name First Initial (smith_j@example.com)',
'firstinitial.lastname' => 'First Initial Last Name (j.smith@example.com)',
'firstnamelastinitial' => 'First Name Last Initial (janes@example.com)',
'lastnamefirstname' => 'Last Name First Name (smith.jane@example.com)',
'first_name' => 'Име',
'first_name_format' => 'Име (janko@example.com)',
'files' => 'Датотеки',
'file_name' => 'Датотека',
'file_type' => 'File Type',
'filesize' => 'File Size',
'file_uploads' => 'Прикачување датотеки',
'file_upload' => 'File Upload',
'generate' => 'Генерирање',
'generate_labels' => 'Generate Labels',
'github_markdown' => 'Ова поле прифаќа <a href="https://help.github.com/articles/github-flavored-markdown/">означување според Github</a>.',
'groups' => 'Групи',
'gravatar_email' => 'Gravatar е-пошта',
'gravatar_url' => '<a href="http://gravatar.com"><small>Change your avatar at Gravatar.com</small></a>.',
'history' => 'Историја',
'history_for' => 'Историја за',
'id' => 'ID',
'image' => 'Слика',
'image_delete' => 'Избриши ја сликата',
'include_deleted' => 'Include Deleted Assets',
'image_upload' => 'Поставете слика',
'filetypes_accepted_help' => 'Accepted filetype is :types. Max upload size allowed is :size.|Accepted filetypes are :types. Max upload size allowed is :size.',
'filetypes_size_help' => 'Max upload size allowed is :size.',
'image_filetypes_help' => 'Accepted filetypes are jpg, webp, png, gif, svg, and avif. Max upload size allowed is :size.',
'unaccepted_image_type' => 'This image file was not readable. Accepted filetypes are jpg, webp, png, gif, and svg. The mimetype of this file is: :mimetype.',
'import' => 'Увоз',
'import_this_file' => 'Map fields and process this file',
'importing' => 'Importing',
'importing_help' => 'You can import assets, accessories, licenses, components, consumables, and users via CSV file. <br><br>The CSV should be comma-delimited and formatted with headers that match the ones in the <a href="https://snipe-it.readme.io/docs/importing" target="_new">sample CSVs in the documentation</a>.',
'import-history' => 'Историја на увози',
'asset_maintenance' => 'Одржување на основни средства',
'asset_maintenance_report' => 'Извештај за одржување на основни средства',
'asset_maintenances' => 'Одржувања на основни средства',
'item' => 'Ставка',
'item_name' => 'Item Name',
'import_file' => 'import CSV file',
'import_type' => 'CSV import type',
'insufficient_permissions' => 'Недоволни дозволи!',
'kits' => 'Predefined Kits',
'language' => 'Јазик',
'last' => 'Последно',
'last_login' => 'Последна најава',
'last_name' => 'Презиме',
'license' => 'Лиценца',
'license_report' => 'Извештај за лиценци',
'licenses_available' => 'Licenses available',
'licenses' => 'Лиценци',
'list_all' => 'Листа на сите',
'loading' => 'Loading... please wait....',
'lock_passwords' => 'This field value will not be saved in a demo installation.',
'feature_disabled' => 'Оваа функција е оневозможена за демонстрационата инсталација.',
'location' => 'Локација',
'location_plural' => 'Location|Locations',
'locations' => 'Локации',
'logo_size' => 'Square logos look best with Logo + Text. Logo maximum display size is 50px high x 500px wide. ',
'logout' => 'Одјави се',
'lookup_by_tag' => 'Пребарување по код на основно средство',
'maintenances' => 'Одржувања',
'manage_api_keys' => 'Manage API Keys',
'manufacturer' => 'Производител',
'manufacturers' => 'Производители',
'markdown' => 'Ова поле прифаќа <a href="https://help.github.com/articles/github-flavored-markdown/">означување според Github</a>.',
'min_amt' => 'Минимална количина',
'min_amt_help' => 'Minimum number of items that should be available before an alert gets triggered. Leave Min. QTY blank if you do not want to receive alerts for low inventory.',
'model_no' => 'Модел бр.',
'months' => 'месеци',
'moreinfo' => 'Повеќе информации',
'name' => 'Име',
'new_password' => 'New Password',
'next' => 'Следно',
'next_audit_date' => 'Следен датум на ревизија',
'next_audit_date_help' => 'If you use auditing in your organization, this is usually automatically calculated based on the asset's last audit date and audit frequency (in <code>Admin Settings > Alerts</code>) and you can leave this blank. You can manually set this date here if you need to, but it must be later than the last audit date. ',
'audit_images_help' => 'You can find audit images in the asset\'s history tab.',
'no_email' => 'No email address associated with this user',
'last_audit' => 'Последна ревизија',
'new' => 'ново!',
'no_depreciation' => 'Не се амортизира',
'no_results' => 'Нема резултати.',
'no' => 'Не',
'notes' => 'Забелешки',
'order_number' => 'Број на нарачка',
'only_deleted' => 'Only Deleted Assets',
'page_menu' => 'Прикажани се _MENU_ ставки',
'pagination_info' => 'Прикажани се _START_ до _END_ од _TOTAL_ ставки',
'pending' => 'Во чекање',
'people' => 'Луѓе',
'per_page' => 'Резултати по страница',
'previous' => 'Претходна',
'processing' => 'Процесирање',
'profile' => 'Ваш профил',
'purchase_cost' => 'Набавна цена',
'purchase_date' => 'Датум на набавка',
'qty' => 'Количина',
'quantity' => 'Квантитет',
'quantity_minimum' => 'You have :count items below or almost below minimum quantity levels',
'quickscan_checkin' => 'Quick Scan Checkin',
'quickscan_checkin_status' => 'Checkin Status',
'ready_to_deploy' => 'Подготвен за распоредување',
'recent_activity' => 'Скорешна активност',
'remaining' => 'Останува',
'remove_company' => 'Отстрани поврзување со компанија',
'reports' => 'Извештаи',
'restored' => 'вратено',
'restore' => 'Врати',
'requestable_models' => 'Requestable Models',
'requestable_items' => 'Requestable Items',
'requested' => 'Побарано',
'requested_date' => 'Requested Date',
'requested_assets' => 'Requested Assets',
'requested_assets_menu' => 'Requested Assets',
'request_canceled' => 'Барањето е откажано',
'request_item' => 'Request this item',
'external_link_tooltip' => 'External link to',
'save' => 'Зачувај',
'select_var' => 'Select :thing... ', // this will eventually replace all of our other selects
'select' => 'Избери',
'select_all' => 'Select All',
'search' => 'Пребарај',
'select_category' => 'Одбери категорија',
'select_datasource' => 'Select a Datasource',
'select_department' => 'Изберете оддел',
'select_depreciation' => 'Изберете тип на амортизација',
'select_location' => 'Изберете локација',
'select_manufacturer' => 'Изберете производител',
'select_model' => 'Изберете модел',
'select_supplier' => 'Изберете добавувач',
'select_user' => 'Изберете корисник',
'select_date' => 'Изберете Датум (ГГГГ-ММ-ДД)',
'select_statuslabel' => 'Изберете статус',
'select_company' => 'Изберете компанија',
'select_asset' => 'Изберете основно средство',
'settings' => 'Поставки',
'show_deleted' => 'Прикажи избришани',
'show_current' => 'Прикажи тековно',
'sign_in' => 'Најави се',
'signature' => 'Потпис',
'signed_off_by' => 'Signed Off By',
'skin' => 'Кожа',
'webhook_msg_note' => 'A notification will be sent via webhook',
'webhook_test_msg' => 'Oh hai! Looks like your :app integration with Snipe-IT is working!',
'some_features_disabled' => 'DEMO MODE: Некои функции се оневозможени за оваа инсталација.',
'site_name' => 'Име на сајтот',
'state' => 'Состојба',
'status_labels' => 'Етикети со статус',
'status' => 'Статус',
'accept_eula' => 'Acceptance Agreement',
'supplier' => 'Добавувач',
'suppliers' => 'Добавувачи',
'sure_to_delete' => 'Дали сте сигурни дека сакате да ја избришете',
'sure_to_delete_var' => 'Дали сте сигурни дека сакате да избришете: ставка?',
'delete_what' => 'Delete :item',
'submit' => 'Поднеси',
'target' => 'Цел',
'time_and_date_display' => 'Приказ на време и датум',
'total_assets' => 'вкупно основни средства',
'total_licenses' => 'вкупно лиценци',
'total_accessories' => 'вкупно додатоци',
'total_consumables' => 'вкупно потрошни материјали',
'type' => 'Тип',
'undeployable' => 'Не може да се распореди',
'unknown_admin' => 'Непознат Администратор',
'username_format' => 'Формат на корисничко име',
'username' => 'Корисничко име',
'update' => 'Ажурирање',
'upload_filetypes_help' => 'Allowed filetypes are png, gif, jpg, jpeg, doc, docx, pdf, xls, xlsx, txt, lic, xml, zip, rtf and rar. Max upload size allowed is :size.',
'uploaded' => 'Прикачено',
'user' => 'Корисник',
'accepted' => 'прифатен',
'declined' => 'одбиено',
'declined_note' => 'Declined Notes',
'unassigned' => 'Unassigned',
'unaccepted_asset_report' => 'Неприфатени средства',
'users' => 'Корисници',
'viewall' => 'View All',
'viewassets' => 'Прикажете ги доделените основни средства',
'viewassetsfor' => 'View Assets for :name',
'website' => 'Веб страна',
'welcome' => 'Добредојдовте :name',
'years' => 'години',
'yes' => 'Да',
'zip' => 'Зип',
'noimage' => 'Не е прикачена слика или сликата не е пронајдена.',
'file_does_not_exist' => 'The requested file does not exist on the server.',
'file_upload_success' => 'File upload success!',
'no_files_uploaded' => 'File upload success!',
'token_expired' => 'Вашата сесија истече. Најавете се повторно.',
'login_enabled' => 'Login Enabled',
'audit_due' => 'Due for Audit',
'audit_due_days' => 'Assets Due for Audit Within :days Day|Assets Due for Audit Within :days Days',
'checkin_due' => 'Due for Checkin',
'checkin_overdue' => 'Overdue for Checkin',
'checkin_due_days' => 'Assets Due for Checkin Within :days Day|Assets Due for Checkin Within :days Days',
'audit_overdue' => 'Overdue for Audit',
'accept' => 'Accept :asset',
'i_accept' => 'I accept',
'i_decline' => 'I decline',
'accept_decline' => 'Accept/Decline',
'sign_tos' => 'Sign below to indicate that you agree to the terms of service:',
'clear_signature' => 'Clear Signature',
'show_help' => 'Show help',
'hide_help' => 'Hide help',
'view_all' => 'view all',
'hide_deleted' => 'Hide Deleted',
'email' => 'Е-пошта',
'do_not_change' => 'Do Not Change',
'bug_report' => 'Report a Bug',
'user_manual' => 'User\'s Manual',
'setup_step_1' => 'Step 1',
'setup_step_2' => 'Step 2',
'setup_step_3' => 'Step 3',
'setup_step_4' => 'Step 4',
'setup_config_check' => 'Configuration Check',
'setup_create_database' => 'Create Database Tables',
'setup_create_admin' => 'Create Admin User',
'setup_done' => 'Finished!',
'bulk_edit_about_to' => 'You are about to edit the following: ',
'checked_out' => 'Задолжен на',
'checked_out_to' => 'Checked out to',
'fields' => 'Fields',
'last_checkout' => 'Last Checkout',
'due_to_checkin' => 'The following :count items are due to be checked in soon:',
'expected_checkin' => 'Expected Checkin',
'reminder_checked_out_items' => 'This is a reminder of the items currently checked out to you. If you feel this list is inaccurate (something is missing, or something appears here that you believe you never received), please email :reply_to_name at :reply_to_address.',
'changed' => 'Changed',
'to' => 'To',
'report_fields_info' => '<p>Select the fields you would like to include in your custom report, and click Generate. The file (custom-asset-report-YYYY-mm-dd.csv) will download automatically, and you can open it in Excel.</p>
<p>If you would like to export only certain assets, use the options below to fine-tune your results.</p>',
'range' => 'Range',
'bom_remark' => 'Add a BOM (byte-order mark) to this CSV',
'improvements' => 'Improvements',
'information' => 'Information',
'permissions' => 'Permissions',
'managed_ldap' => '(Managed via LDAP)',
'export' => 'Export',
'ldap_sync' => 'LDAP Sync',
'ldap_user_sync' => 'LDAP User Sync',
'synchronize' => 'Synchronize',
'sync_results' => 'Synchronization Results',
'license_serial' => 'Serial/Product Key',
'invalid_category' => 'Invalid or missing category',
'invalid_item_category_single' => 'Invalid or missing :type category. Please update the category of this :type to include a valid category before checking out.',
'dashboard_info' => 'This is your dashboard. There are many like it, but this one is yours.',
'60_percent_warning' => '60% Complete (warning)',
'dashboard_empty' => 'It looks like you have not added anything yet, so we do not have anything awesome to display. Get started by adding some assets, accessories, consumables, or licenses now!',
'new_asset' => 'New Asset',
'new_license' => 'New License',
'new_accessory' => 'New Accessory',
'new_consumable' => 'New Consumable',
'collapse' => 'Collapse',
'assigned' => 'Assigned',
'asset_count' => 'Asset Count',
'accessories_count' => 'Accessories Count',
'consumables_count' => 'Consumables Count',
'components_count' => 'Components Count',
'licenses_count' => 'Licenses Count',
'notification_error' => 'Error',
'notification_error_hint' => 'Please check the form below for errors',
'notification_bulk_error_hint' => 'The following fields had validation errors and were not edited:',
'notification_success' => 'Success',
'notification_warning' => 'Предупредување',
'notification_info' => 'Информации',
'asset_information' => 'Asset Information',
'model_name' => 'Model Name',
'asset_name' => 'Име на основното средство',
'consumable_information' => 'Consumable Information:',
'consumable_name' => 'Име на потрошен материјал:',
'accessory_information' => 'Accessory Information:',
'accessory_name' => 'Име на додаток:',
'clone_item' => 'Clone Item',
'checkout_tooltip' => 'Check this item out',
'checkin_tooltip' => 'Check this item in so that it is available for re-issue, re-imaging, etc',
'checkout_user_tooltip' => 'Check this item out to a user',
'checkin_to_diff_location' => 'You can choose to check this asset in to a location other than this asset\'s default location of :default_location if one is set',
'maintenance_mode' => 'The service is temporarily unavailable for system updates. Please check back later.',
'maintenance_mode_title' => 'System Temporarily Unavailable',
'ldap_import' => 'User password should not be managed by LDAP. (This allows you to send forgotten password requests.)',
'purge_not_allowed' => 'Purging deleted data has been disabled in the .env file. Contact support or your systems administrator.',
'backup_delete_not_allowed' => 'Deleting backups has been disabled in the .env file. Contact support or your systems administrator.',
'additional_files' => 'Additional Files',
'shitty_browser' => 'No signature detected. If you are using an older browser, please use a more modern browser to complete your asset acceptance.',
'bulk_soft_delete' =>'Also soft-delete these users. Their asset history will remain intact unless/until you purge deleted records in the Admin Settings.',
'bulk_checkin_delete_success' => 'Your selected users have been deleted and their items have been checked in.',
'bulk_checkin_success' => 'The items for the selected users have been checked in.',
'set_to_null' => 'Delete values for this asset|Delete values for all :asset_count assets ',
'set_users_field_to_null' => 'Delete :field values for this user|Delete :field values for all :user_count users ',
'na_no_purchase_date' => 'N/A - No purchase date provided',
'assets_by_status' => 'Assets by Status',
'assets_by_status_type' => 'Assets by Status Type',
'pie_chart_type' => 'Dashboard Pie Chart Type',
'hello_name' => 'Hello, :name!',
'unaccepted_profile_warning' => 'You have :count items requiring acceptance. Click here to accept or decline them',
'start_date' => 'Start Date',
'end_date' => 'End Date',
'alt_uploaded_image_thumbnail' => 'Uploaded thumbnail',
'placeholder_kit' => 'Select a kit',
'file_not_found' => 'File not found',
'preview_not_available' => '(no preview)',
'setup' => 'Setup',
'pre_flight' => 'Pre-Flight',
'skip_to_main_content' => 'Skip to main content',
'toggle_navigation' => 'Toggle navigation',
'alerts' => 'Alerts',
'tasks_view_all' => 'View all tasks',
'true' => 'True',
'false' => 'False',
'integration_option' => 'Integration Option',
'log_does_not_exist' => 'No matching log record exists.',
'merge_users' => 'Merge Users',
'merge_information' => 'This will merge the :count users into a single user. Select the user you wish to merge the others into below, and the associated assets, licenses, etc will be moved over to the selected user and the other users will be marked as deleted.',
'warning_merge_information' => 'This action CANNOT be undone and should ONLY be used when you need to merge users because of a bad import or sync. Be sure to run a backup first.',
'no_users_selected' => 'No users selected',
'not_enough_users_selected' => 'At least :count users must be selected',
'merge_success' => ':count users merged successfully into :into_username!',
'merged' => 'merged',
'merged_log_this_user_into' => 'Merged this user (ID :to_id - :to_username) into user ID :from_id (:from_username) ',
'merged_log_this_user_from' => 'Merged user ID :from_id (:from_username) into this user (ID :to_id - :to_username)',
'clear_and_save' => 'Clear & Save',
'update_existing_values' => 'Update Existing Values?',
'auto_incrementing_asset_tags_disabled_so_tags_required' => 'Generating auto-incrementing asset tags is disabled so all rows need to have the "Asset Tag" column populated.',
'auto_incrementing_asset_tags_enabled_so_now_assets_will_be_created' => 'Note: Generating auto-incrementing asset tags is enabled so assets will be created for rows that do not have "Asset Tag" populated. Rows that do have "Asset Tag" populated will be updated with the provided information.',
'send_welcome_email_to_users' => ' Send Welcome Email for new Users?',
'send_email' => 'Send Email',
'call' => 'Call number',
'back_before_importing' => 'Backup before importing?',
'csv_header_field' => 'CSV Header Field',
'import_field' => 'Import Field',
'sample_value' => 'Sample Value',
'no_headers' => 'No Columns Found',
'error_in_import_file' => 'There was an error reading the CSV file: :error',
'errors_importing' => 'Some Errors occurred while importing: ',
'warning' => 'WARNING: :warning',
'success_redirecting' => '"Success... Redirecting.',
'cancel_request' => 'Cancel this item request',
'setup_successful_migrations' => 'Your database tables have been created',
'setup_migration_output' => 'Migration output:',
'setup_migration_create_user' => 'Next: Create User',
'importer_generic_error' => 'Your file import is complete, but we did receive an error. This is usually caused by third-party API throttling from a notification webhook (such as Slack) and would not have interfered with the import itself, but you should confirm this.',
'confirm' => 'Confirm',
'autoassign_licenses' => 'Auto-Assign Licenses',
'autoassign_licenses_help' => 'Allow this user to have licenses assigned via the bulk-assign license UI or cli tools.',
'autoassign_licenses_help_long' => 'This allows a user to be have licenses assigned via the bulk-assign license UI or cli tools. (For example, you might not want contractors to be auto-assigned a license you would provide to only staff members. You can still individually assign licenses to those users, but they will not be included in the Checkout License to All Users functions.)',
'no_autoassign_licenses_help' => 'Do not include user for bulk-assigning through the license UI or cli tools.',
'modal_confirm_generic' => 'Are you sure?',
'cannot_be_deleted' => 'This item cannot be deleted',
'cannot_be_edited' => 'This item cannot be edited.',
'undeployable_tooltip' => 'This item cannot be checked out. Check the quantity remaining.',
'serial_number' => 'Serial Number',
'item_notes' => ':item Notes',
'item_name_var' => ':item Name',
'error_user_company' => 'Checkout target company and asset company do not match',
'error_user_company_accept_view' => 'An Asset assigned to you belongs to a different company so you can\'t accept nor deny it, please check with your manager',
'importer' => [
'checked_out_to_fullname' => 'Checked Out to: Full Name',
'checked_out_to_first_name' => 'Checked Out to: First Name',
'checked_out_to_last_name' => 'Checked Out to: Last Name',
'checked_out_to_username' => 'Checked Out to: Username',
'checked_out_to_email' => 'Checked Out to: Email',
'checked_out_to_tag' => 'Checked Out to: Asset Tag',
'manager_first_name' => 'Manager First Name',
'manager_last_name' => 'Manager Last Name',
'manager_full_name' => 'Manager Full Name',
'manager_username' => 'Manager Username',
'checkout_type' => 'Checkout Type',
'checkout_location' => 'Checkout to Location',
'image_filename' => 'Image Filename',
'do_not_import' => 'Do Not Import',
'vip' => 'VIP',
'avatar' => 'Avatar',
'gravatar' => 'Gravatar Email',
'currency' => 'Currency',
'address2' => 'Address Line 2',
'import_note' => 'Imported using csv importer',
'remove_customfield_association' => 'Remove this field from the fieldset. This will not delete the custom field, only this field\'s association with this fieldset.',
'checked_out_to_fields' => 'Checked Out To Fields',
'percent_complete' => '% завршено',
'uploading' => 'Uploading... ',
'upload_error' => 'Error uploading file. Please check that there are no empty rows and that no column names are duplicated.',
'copy_to_clipboard' => 'Copy to Clipboard',
'copied' => 'Copied!',
'status_compatibility' => 'If assets are already assigned, they cannot be changed to a non-deployable status type and this value change will be skipped.',
'rtd_location_help' => 'This is the location of the asset when it is not checked out',
'item_not_found' => ':item_type ID :id does not exist or has been deleted',
'action_permission_denied' => 'You do not have permission to :action :item_type ID :id',
'action_permission_generic' => 'You do not have permission to :action this :item_type',
'edit' => 'ажурирај',
'action_source' => 'Action Source',
'or' => 'or',
'url' => 'URL',
'edit_fieldset' => 'Edit fieldset fields and options',
'permission_denied_superuser_demo' => 'Permission denied. You cannot update user information for superadmins on the demo.',
'pwd_reset_not_sent' => 'User is not activated, is LDAP synced, or does not have an email address',
'error_sending_email' => 'Error sending email',
'sad_panda' => 'Sad panda. You are not authorized to do the thing. Maybe <a href=":link">return to the dashboard</a>, or contact your administrator.',
'bulk' => [
'delete' =>
'header' => 'Bulk Delete :object_type',
'warn' => 'You are about to delete one :object_type|You are about to delete :count :object_type',
'success' => ':object_type successfully deleted|Successfully deleted :count :object_type',
'error' => 'Could not delete :object_type',
'nothing_selected' => 'No :object_type selected - nothing to do',
'partial' => 'Deleted :success_count :object_type, but :error_count :object_type could not be deleted',
'no_requestable' => 'There are no requestable assets or asset models.',
'countable' => [
'accessories' => ':count Accessory|:count Accessories',
'assets' => ':count Asset|:count Assets',
'licenses' => ':count License|:count Licenses',
'license_seats' => ':count License Seat|:count License Seats',
'consumables' => ':count Consumable|:count Consumables',
'components' => ':count Component|:count Components',
'more_info' => 'Повеќе информации',
'quickscan_bulk_help' => 'Checking this box will edit the asset record to reflect this new location. Leaving it unchecked will simply note the location in the audit log. Note that if this asset is checked out, it will not change the location of the person, asset or location it is checked out to.',