2025-01-08 09:48:45 -08:00

616 lines
21 KiB

namespace App\Models\Labels;
use App\Helpers\Helper;
use Illuminate\Support\Collection;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\File;
use TCPDF;
use TypeError;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log;
* Model for Labels.
* @version v1.0
abstract class Label
* Returns the unit of measure used
* 'pt', 'mm', 'cm', 'in'
* @return string
public abstract function getUnit();
* Returns the PDF rotation.
* 0, 90, 180, 270
* 0 is a sane default. Override when necessary.
* @return int
public function getRotation() {
return 0;
* Returns the label's width in getUnit() units
* @return float
public abstract function getWidth();
* Returns the label's height in getUnit() units
* @return float
public abstract function getHeight();
* Returns the label's top margin in getUnit() units
* @return float
public abstract function getMarginTop();
* Returns the label's bottom margin in getUnit() units
* @return float
public abstract function getMarginBottom();
* Returns the label's left margin in getUnit() units
* @return float
public abstract function getMarginLeft();
* Returns the label's right margin in getUnit() units
* @return float
public abstract function getMarginRight();
* Returns whether the template supports an asset tag.
* @return bool
public abstract function getSupportAssetTag();
* Returns whether the template supports a 1D barcode.
* @return bool
public abstract function getSupport1DBarcode();
* Returns whether the template supports a 2D barcode.
* @return bool
public abstract function getSupport2DBarcode();
* Returns the number of fields the template supports.
* @return int
public abstract function getSupportFields();
* Returns whether the template supports a logo.
* @return bool
public abstract function getSupportLogo();
* Returns whether the template supports a title.
* @return bool
public abstract function getSupportTitle();
* Make changes to the PDF properties here. OPTIONAL.
* @param TCPDF $pdf The TCPDF instance
public abstract function preparePDF(TCPDF $pdf);
* Write single data record as content here.
* @param TCPDF $pdf The TCPDF instance
* @param Collection $record A data record
public abstract function write(TCPDF $pdf, Collection $record);
* Handle the data here. Override for multiple-per-page handling
* @param TCPDF $pdf The TCPDF instance
* @param Collection $data The data
public function writeAll(TCPDF $pdf, Collection $data) {
$data->each(function ($record, $index) use ($pdf) {
$this->write($pdf, $record);
* Returns the qualified class name relative to the Label class's namespace.
* @return string
public final function getName() {
$refClass = new \ReflectionClass(Label::class);
return str_replace($refClass->getNamespaceName() . '\\', '', get_class($this));
* Returns the label's orientation as a string.
* 'L' = Landscape
* 'P' = Portrait
* @return string
public final function getOrientation() {
return ($this->getWidth() >= $this->getHeight()) ? 'L' : 'P';
* Returns the label's printable area as an object.
* @return object [ 'x1'=>0.00, 'y1'=>0.00, 'x2'=>0.00, 'y2'=>0.00, 'w'=>0.00, 'h'=>0.00 ]
public final function getPrintableArea() {
return (object)[
'x1' => $this->getMarginLeft(),
'y1' => $this->getMarginTop(),
'x2' => $this->getWidth() - $this->getMarginRight(),
'y2' => $this->getHeight() - $this->getMarginBottom(),
'w' => $this->getWidth() - $this->getMarginLeft() - $this->getMarginRight(),
'h' => $this->getHeight() - $this->getMarginTop() - $this->getMarginBottom(),
* Write a text cell.
* @param TCPDF $pdf The TCPDF instance
* @param string $text The text to write. Supports 'some **bold** text'.
* @param float $x X position of top-left
* @param float $y Y position of top-left
* @param string $font The font family
* @param string $style The font style
* @param int $size The font size in getUnit() units
* @param string $align Align text in the box. 'L' left, 'R' right, 'C' center.
* @param float $width Force text box width. NULL to auto-fit.
* @param float $height Force text box height. NULL to auto-fit.
* @param bool $squash Squash text if it's too big
* @param int $border Thickness of border. Default = 0.
* @param int $spacing Letter spacing. Default = 0.
public final function writeText(TCPDF $pdf, $text, $x, $y, $font=null, $style=null, $size=null, $align='L', $width=null, $height=null, $squash=false, $border=0, $spacing=0) {
$prevFamily = $pdf->getFontFamily();
$prevStyle = $pdf->getFontStyle();
$prevSizePt = $pdf->getFontSizePt();
$text = !empty($text) ? $text : '';
$fontFamily = !empty($font) ? $font : $prevFamily;
$fontStyle = !empty($style) ? $style : $prevStyle;
if ($size) $fontSizePt = Helper::convertUnit($size, $this->getUnit(), 'pt', true);
else $fontSizePt = $prevSizePt;
$parts = collect(explode('**', $text))
->map(function ($part, $index) use ($pdf, $fontFamily, $fontStyle, $fontSizePt) {
$modStyle = ($index % 2 == 1) ? 'B' : $fontStyle;
$pdf->setFont($fontFamily, $modStyle, $fontSizePt);
return [
'text' => $part,
'text_width' => $pdf->GetStringWidth($part),
'font_family' => $fontFamily,
'font_style' => $modStyle,
'font_size' => $fontSizePt,
$textWidth = $parts->reduce(function ($carry, $part) { return $carry += $part['text_width']; });
$cellWidth = !empty($width) ? $width : $textWidth;
if ($squash && ($textWidth > 0)) {
$scaleFactor = min(1.0, $cellWidth / $textWidth);
$parts = $parts->map(function ($part, $index) use ($scaleFactor) {
$part['text_width'] = $part['text_width'] * $scaleFactor;
return $part;
$cellHeight = !empty($height) ? $height : Helper::convertUnit($fontSizePt, 'pt', $this->getUnit());
if ($border) {
$prevLineWidth = $pdf->getLineWidth();
$pdf->Rect($x, $y, $cellWidth, $cellHeight);
switch($align) {
case 'R': $startX = ($x + $cellWidth) - min($cellWidth, $textWidth); break;
case 'C': $startX = ($x + ($cellWidth / 2)) - (min($cellWidth, $textWidth) / 2); break;
case 'L':
default: $startX = $x; break;
$parts->reduce(function ($currentX, $part) use ($pdf, $y, $cellHeight) {
$pdf->SetXY($currentX, $y);
$pdf->setFont($part['font_family'], $part['font_style'], $part['font_size']);
$pdf->Cell($part['text_width'], $cellHeight, $part['text'], 0, 0, '', false, '', 1, true);
return $currentX += $part['text_width'];
}, $startX);
$pdf->SetFont($prevFamily, $prevStyle, $prevSizePt);
* Write an image.
* @param TCPDF $pdf The TCPDF instance
* @param string $image The image to write
* @param float $x X position of top-left
* @param float $y Y position of top-left
* @param float $width The container width
* @param float $height The container height
* @param string $halign Align text in the box. 'L' left, 'R' right, 'C' center. Default 'L'.
* @param string $valign Align text in the box. 'T' top, 'B' bottom, 'C' center. Default 'T'.
* @param int $dpi Pixels per inch
* @param bool $resize Resize to fit container
* @param bool $stretch Stretch (vs Scale) to fit container
* @param int $border Thickness of border. Default = 0.
* @return array Returns the final calculated size [w,h]
public final function writeImage(TCPDF $pdf, $image, $x, $y, $width=null, $height=null, $halign='L', $valign='L', $dpi=300, $resize=false, $stretch=false, $border=0) {
if (empty($image)) return [0,0];
$imageInfo = getimagesize($image);
if (!$imageInfo) return [0,0]; // TODO: SVG or other
$imageWidthPx = $imageInfo[0];
$imageHeightPx = $imageInfo[1];
$imageType = image_type_to_extension($imageInfo[2], false);
$imageRatio = $imageWidthPx / $imageHeightPx;
$dpu = Helper::convertUnit($dpi, $this->getUnit(), 'in');
$imageWidth = $imageWidthPx / $dpu;
$imageHeight = $imageHeightPx / $dpu;
$outputWidth = $imageWidth;
$outputHeight = $imageHeight;
if ($resize) {
// Assign specified parameters
$limitWidth = $width;
$limitHeight = $height;
// If not, try calculating from the other dimension
$limitWidth = ($limitWidth > 0) ? $limitWidth : ($limitHeight / $imageRatio);
$limitHeight = ($limitHeight > 0) ? $limitHeight : ($limitWidth * $imageRatio);
// If not, just use the image size
$limitWidth = ($limitWidth > 0) ? $limitWidth : $imageWidth;
$limitHeight = ($limitHeight > 0) ? $limitHeight : $imageHeight;
$scaleWidth = $limitWidth / $imageWidth;
$scaleHeight = $limitHeight / $imageHeight;
// If non-stretch, make both scales factors equal
if (!$stretch) {
// Do we need to scale down at all? That's most important.
if (($scaleWidth < 1.0) || ($scaleHeight < 1.0)) {
// Choose largest scale-down
$scaleWidth = min($scaleWidth, $scaleHeight);
} else {
// Choose smallest scale-up
$scaleWidth = min(max($scaleWidth, 1.0), max($scaleHeight, 1.0));
$scaleHeight = $scaleWidth;
$outputWidth = $imageWidth * $scaleWidth;
$outputHeight = $imageHeight * $scaleHeight;
// Container
$containerWidth = !empty($width) ? $width : $outputWidth;
$containerHeight = !empty($height) ? $height : $outputHeight;
// Horizontal Position
switch ($halign) {
case 'R': $originX = ($x + $containerWidth) - $outputWidth; break;
case 'C': $originX = ($x + ($containerWidth / 2)) - ($outputWidth / 2); break;
case 'L':
default: $originX = $x; break;
// Vertical Position
switch ($valign) {
case 'B': $originY = ($y + $containerHeight) - $outputHeight; break;
case 'C': $originY = ($y + ($containerHeight / 2)) - ($outputHeight / 2); break;
case 'T':
default: $originY = $y; break;
// Actual Image
$pdf->Image($image, $originX, $originY, $outputWidth, $outputHeight, $imageType, '', '', true);
// Border
if ($border) {
$prevLineWidth = $pdf->getLineWidth();
$pdf->Rect($x, $y, $containerWidth, $containerHeight);
return [ $outputWidth, $outputHeight ];
* Write a 1D barcode.
* @param TCPDF $pdf The TCPDF instance
* @param string $value The barcode content
* @param string $type The barcode type
* @param float $x X position of top-left
* @param float $y Y position of top-left
* @param float $width The container width
* @param float $height The container height
public final function write1DBarcode(TCPDF $pdf, $value, $type, $x, $y, $width, $height) {
if (empty($value)) return;
try {
$pdf->write1DBarcode($value, $type, $x, $y, $width, $height, null, ['stretch'=>true]);
} catch (\Exception|TypeError $e) {
Log::debug('The 1D barcode ' . $value . ' is not compliant with the barcode type '. $type);
* Write a 2D barcode.
* @param TCPDF $pdf The TCPDF instance
* @param string $value The barcode content
* @param string $type The barcode type
* @param float $x X position of top-left
* @param float $y Y position of top-left
* @param float $width The container width
* @param float $height The container height
public final function write2DBarcode(TCPDF $pdf, $value, $type, $x, $y, $width, $height) {
if (empty($value)) return;
$pdf->write2DBarcode($value, $type, $x, $y, $width, $height, null, ['stretch'=>true]);
* Checks the template is internally valid
public final function validate() : void {
private function validateUnits() : void {
$validUnits = [ 'pt', 'mm', 'cm', 'in' ];
$unit = $this->getUnit();
if (!in_array(strtolower($unit), $validUnits)) {
throw new \UnexpectedValueException(trans('admin/labels/message.invalid_return_value', [
'name' => 'getUnit()',
'expected' => '[ \''.implode('\', \'', $validUnits).'\' ]',
'actual' => '\''.$unit.'\''
private function validateSize() : void {
$width = $this->getWidth();
if (!is_numeric($width) || is_string($width)) {
throw new \UnexpectedValueException(trans('admin/labels/message.invalid_return_type', [
'name' => 'getWidth()',
'expected' => 'float',
'actual' => gettype($width)
$height = $this->getHeight();
if (!is_numeric($height) || is_string($height)) {
throw new \UnexpectedValueException(trans('admin/labels/message.invalid_return_type', [
'name' => 'getHeight()',
'expected' => 'float',
'actual' => gettype($height)
private function validateMargins() : void {
$marginTop = $this->getMarginTop();
if (!is_numeric($marginTop) || is_string($marginTop)) {
throw new \UnexpectedValueException(trans('admin/labels/message.invalid_return_type', [
'name' => 'getMarginTop()',
'expected' => 'float',
'actual' => gettype($marginTop)
$marginBottom = $this->getMarginBottom();
if (!is_numeric($marginBottom) || is_string($marginBottom)) {
throw new \UnexpectedValueException(trans('admin/labels/message.invalid_return_type', [
'name' => 'getMarginBottom()',
'expected' => 'float',
'actual' => gettype($marginBottom)
$marginLeft = $this->getMarginLeft();
if (!is_numeric($marginLeft) || is_string($marginLeft)) {
throw new \UnexpectedValueException(trans('admin/labels/message.invalid_return_type', [
'name' => 'getMarginLeft()',
'expected' => 'float',
'actual' => gettype($marginLeft)
$marginRight = $this->getMarginRight();
if (!is_numeric($marginRight) || is_string($marginRight)) {
throw new \UnexpectedValueException(trans('admin/labels/message.invalid_return_type', [
'name' => 'getMarginRight()',
'expected' => 'float',
'actual' => gettype($marginRight)
private function validateSupport() : void {
$support1D = $this->getSupport1DBarcode();
if (!is_bool($support1D)) {
throw new \UnexpectedValueException(trans('admin/labels/message.invalid_return_type', [
'name' => 'getSupport1DBarcode()',
'expected' => 'boolean',
'actual' => gettype($support1D)
$support2D = $this->getSupport2DBarcode();
if (!is_bool($support2D)) {
throw new \UnexpectedValueException(trans('admin/labels/message.invalid_return_type', [
'name' => 'getSupport2DBarcode()',
'expected' => 'boolean',
'actual' => gettype($support2D)
$supportFields = $this->getSupportFields();
if (!is_int($supportFields)) {
throw new \UnexpectedValueException(trans('admin/labels/message.invalid_return_type', [
'name' => 'getSupportFields()',
'expected' => 'integer',
'actual' => gettype($supportFields)
$supportLogo = $this->getSupportLogo();
if (!is_bool($supportLogo)) {
throw new \UnexpectedValueException(trans('admin/labels/message.invalid_return_type', [
'name' => 'getSupportLogo()',
'expected' => 'boolean',
'actual' => gettype($supportLogo)
$supportTitle = $this->getSupportTitle();
if (!is_bool($supportTitle)) {
throw new \UnexpectedValueException(trans('admin/labels/message.invalid_return_type', [
'name' => 'getSupportTitle()',
'expected' => 'boolean',
'actual' => gettype($supportTitle)
* Public Static Functions
* Find size of a page by its format.
* @param string $format Format name (eg: 'A4', 'LETTER', etc.)
* @param string $orientation 'L' for Landscape, 'P' for Portrait ('L' default)
* @param string $unit Unit of measure to return in ('mm' default)
* @return object (object)[ 'width' => (float)123.4, 'height' => (float)123.4 ]
public static function fromFormat($format, $orientation='L', $unit='mm', $round=false) {
$size = collect(TCPDF_STATIC::getPageSizeFromFormat(strtoupper($format)))
->map(function ($value) use ($unit) {
return Helper::convertUnit($value, 'pt', $unit);
$width = ($orientation == 'L') ? $size[1] : $size[0];
$height = ($orientation == 'L') ? $size[0] : $size[1];
return (object)[
'width' => ($round !== false) ? round($width, $round) : $width,
'height' => ($round !== false) ? round($height, $round) : $height,
* Find a Label by its path (or just return them all).
* Unlike most Models, these are defined by their existence as non-
* abstract classes stored in Models\Labels.
* @param string|Arrayable|array|null $path Label path[s]
* @return Collection|Label|null
public static function find($name=null) {
// Find many
if (is_array($name) || $name instanceof Arrayable) {
$labels = collect($name)
->map(function ($thisname) {
return static::find($thisname);
return ($labels->count() > 0) ? $labels : null;
// Find one
if ($name !== null) {
return static::find()
->sole(function ($label) use ($name) {
return $label->getName() == $name;
// Find all
return collect(File::allFiles(__DIR__))
->map(function ($file) {
preg_match_all('/\/*(.+?)(?:\/|\.)/', $file->getRelativePathName(), $matches);
return __NAMESPACE__ . '\\' . implode('\\', $matches[1]);
->filter(function ($name) {
if (!class_exists($name)) return false;
$refClass = new \ReflectionClass($name);
if ($refClass->isAbstract()) return false;
return $refClass->isSubclassOf(Label::class);
->map(function ($name) {
return new $name();