mirror of
synced 2025-01-23 19:59:18 -08:00
* Make delete routes work. We put a little form in the modal that spoofs the delete field. * Fix route on creating a user. * Fix redundant id parameter. * Port acceptance tests to new urls. * Initial work on migrating to model based policies instead of global gates. Will allow for much more detailed permissions bits in the future. * This needs to stay for the dashboard checks. * Add user states for permissions to build tests. * Build up unit tests for gates/permissions. Move accessories/consumables/assets to policies instead of in authserviceprovider * Migrate various locations to new syntax. Update test to be more specific * Fix functional tests. Add an artisan command for installing a settings setup on travis-ci * Try a different id... Need to come up with a better way of passing the id for tests that need an existing one. * Try to fix travis * Update urls to use routes and not hardcode old paths. Also fix some migration errors found along the way.: * Add a environment for travis functional tests. * Adjust config file to make travis use it. * Use redirect()->route instead of redirect()-to * Dump all failures in the output directory if travis fails. * Cleanups and minor fixes. * Adjust the supplier modelfactory to comply with new validation restrictions. * Some test fixes. * Locales can be longer than 5 characters according to faker... fex gez_ET. Increase lenght in mysql and add a validation * Update test database dump to latest migrations. * Extend Supplier phone/fax length. This catches issues found in testing with a phone number with a five digit extension. fex (356) 654-3024 x36632 Also move away from escaping all values put into eloquent. Eloquent already uses PDO parameter binding, and this was leading to names like Mr Ryan O'Malley turning into an html escaped version of that name when stored. All values should be escaped when using {{}}, we'll just have to be more cautious when we use {!!, but I think we already are? * Remove additional escaping here, like we did in suppliers controller. * No need to eager load all of these relationships when we can call the count on the querybuilder directly * Work on controller cleanup * Always start from scrach, catches more issues this way. * Update sql dump. Remove old code from permissions test. * Generate a deletable item on demand in the test, rather than relying on one existing. I think we should probably move to mock all the database stuff at some point.. * More travis related fixes * Break script into multiple functional lines * Update all controllers to use the new helper, also cleanup syntax and docblocks along the way.
1684 lines
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Executable file
1684 lines
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Executable file
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use App\Helpers\Helper;
use App\Http\Requests\AssetCheckinRequest;
use App\Http\Requests\AssetCheckoutRequest;
use App\Http\Requests\AssetFileRequest;
use App\Http\Requests\AssetRequest;
use App\Models\Actionlog;
use App\Models\Asset;
use App\Models\AssetMaintenance;
use App\Models\AssetModel;
use App\Models\Company;
use App\Models\CustomField;
use App\Models\Depreciation;
use App\Models\Location;
use App\Models\Manufacturer;
use App\Models\Setting;
use App\Models\Statuslabel;
use App\Models\Supplier;
use App\Models\User;
use Artisan;
use Auth;
use Carbon\Carbon;
use Config;
use DB;
use Gate;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\ModelNotFoundException;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Image;
use Input;
use Lang;
use League\Csv\Reader;
use Log;
use Mail;
use Paginator;
use Redirect;
use Response;
use Slack;
use Str;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\BufferedOutput;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\Exception\FileException;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\JsonResponse;
use TCPDF;
use Validator;
use View;
* This class controls all actions related to assets for
* the Snipe-IT Asset Management application.
* @version v1.0
* @author [A. Gianotto] [<snipe@snipe.net>]
class AssetsController extends Controller
protected $qrCodeDimensions = array( 'height' => 3.5, 'width' => 3.5);
protected $barCodeDimensions = array( 'height' => 2, 'width' => 22);
public function __construct()
* Returns a view that invokes the ajax tables which actually contains
* the content for the assets listing, which is generated in getDatatable.
* @author [A. Gianotto] [<snipe@snipe.net>]
* @see AssetController::getDatatable() method that generates the JSON response
* @since [v1.0]
* @return View
public function index()
$this->authorize('index', Asset::class);
return View::make('hardware/index');
* Searches the assets table by asset tag, and redirects if it finds one
* @author [A. Gianotto] [<snipe@snipe.net>]
* @since [v3.0]
* @return Redirect
public function getAssetByTag()
$topsearch = (Input::get('topsearch')=="true");
if (!$asset = Asset::where('asset_tag', '=', Input::get('assetTag'))->first()) {
return redirect()->route('hardware.index')->with('error', trans('admin/hardware/message.does_not_exist'));
$this->authorize('view', $asset);
return redirect()->route('hardware.show', $asset->id)->with('topsearch', $topsearch);
* Returns a view that presents a form to create a new asset.
* @author [A. Gianotto] [<snipe@snipe.net>]
* @since [v1.0]
* @param integer $model_id
* @return View
public function create($model_id = null)
$this->authorize('create', Asset::class);
// Grab the dropdown lists
$view = View::make('hardware/edit');
$view->with('supplier_list', Helper::suppliersList());
$view->with('company_list', Helper::companyList());
$view->with('model_list', Helper::modelList());
$view->with('statuslabel_list', Helper::statusLabelList());
$view->with('assigned_to', Helper::usersList());
$view->with('location_list', Helper::locationsList());
$view->with('item', new Asset);
$view->with('manufacturer', Helper::manufacturerList());
$view->with('category', Helper::categoryList('asset'));
$view->with('statuslabel_types', Helper::statusTypeList());
if (!is_null($model_id)) {
$selected_model = AssetModel::find($model_id);
$view->with('selected_model', $selected_model);
return $view;
* Validate and process new asset form data.
* @author [A. Gianotto] [<snipe@snipe.net>]
* @since [v1.0]
* @return Redirect
public function store(AssetRequest $request)
// create a new model instance
$asset = new Asset();
$asset->name = Input::get('name');
$asset->serial = Input::get('serial');
$asset->company_id = Company::getIdForCurrentUser(Input::get('company_id'));
$asset->model_id = Input::get('model_id');
$asset->order_number = Input::get('order_number');
$asset->notes = Input::get('notes');
$asset->asset_tag = Input::get('asset_tag');
$asset->user_id = Auth::id();
$asset->archived = '0';
$asset->physical = '1';
$asset->depreciate = '0';
$asset->status_id = request('status_id',0);
$asset->warranty_months = request('warranty_months', null);
if (Input::get('purchase_cost') == '') {
$asset->purchase_cost = null;
} else {
$asset->purchase_cost = Helper::ParseFloat(Input::get('purchase_cost'));
$asset->purchase_date = request('purchase_date', null);
$asset->assigned_to = request('assigned_to', null);
$asset->supplier_id = request('supplier_id', 0);
$asset->requestable = request('requestable', 0);
$asset->rtd_location_id = request('rtd_location_id', null);
// Create the image (if one was chosen.)
if (Input::has('image')) {
$image = Input::get('image');
// After modification, the image is prefixed by mime info like the following:
// data:image/jpeg;base64,; This causes the image library to be unhappy, so we need to remove it.
$header = explode(';', $image, 2)[0];
// Grab the image type from the header while we're at it.
$extension = substr($header, strpos($header, '/')+1);
// Start reading the image after the first comma, postceding the base64.
$image = substr($image, strpos($image, ',')+1);
$file_name = str_random(25).".".$extension;
$directory= public_path('uploads/assets/');
// Check if the uploads directory exists. If not, try to create it.
if (!file_exists($directory)) {
mkdir($directory, 0755, true);
$path = public_path('uploads/assets/'.$file_name);
try {
Image::make($image)->resize(500, 500, function ($constraint) {
$asset->image = $file_name;
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$messageBag = new \Illuminate\Support\MessageBag();
$messageBag->add('image', $e->getMessage());
\Session()->flash('errors', \Session::get('errors', new \Illuminate\Support\ViewErrorBag)
->put('default', $messageBag));
return response()->json(['image' => $e->getMessage()], 422);
// Update custom fields in the database.
// Validation for these fields is handlded through the AssetRequest form request
// FIXME: No idea why this is returning a Builder error on db_column_name.
// Need to investigate and fix. Using static method for now.
$model = AssetModel::find($request->get('model_id'));
if ($model->fieldset) {
foreach ($model->fieldset->fields as $field) {
$asset->{CustomField::name_to_db_name($field->name)} = e($request->input(CustomField::name_to_db_name($field->name)));
// Was the asset created?
if ($asset->save()) {
if (Input::get('assigned_to')!='') {
$user = User::find(e(Input::get('assigned_to')));
$asset->checkOutToUser($user, Auth::user(), date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), '', 'Checked out on asset creation', e(Input::get('name')));
// Redirect to the asset listing page
\Session::flash('success', trans('admin/hardware/message.create.success'));
return response()->json(['redirect_url' => route('hardware.index')]);
\Session::flash('errors', $asset->getErrors());
return response()->json(['errors' => $asset->getErrors()], 500);
* Returns a view that presents a form to edit an existing asset.
* @author [A. Gianotto] [<snipe@snipe.net>]
* @param int $assetId
* @since [v1.0]
* @return View
public function edit($assetId = null)
if (!$item = Asset::find($assetId)) {
// Redirect to the asset management page with error
return redirect()->route('hardware.index')->with('error', trans('admin/hardware/message.does_not_exist'));
//Handles company checks and permissions.
return View::make('hardware/edit', compact('item'))
->with('model_list', Helper::modelList())
->with('supplier_list', Helper::suppliersList())
->with('company_list', Helper::companyList())
->with('location_list', Helper::locationsList())
->with('statuslabel_list', Helper::statusLabelList())
->with('assigned_to', Helper::usersList())
->with('manufacturer', Helper::manufacturerList())
->with('statuslabel_types', Helper::statusTypeList())
->with('category', Helper::categoryList('asset'));
* Validate and process asset edit form.
* @author [A. Gianotto] [<snipe@snipe.net>]
* @param int $assetId
* @since [v1.0]
* @return Redirect
public function update(AssetRequest $request, $assetId = null)
// Check if the asset exists
if (!$asset = Asset::find($assetId)) {
// Redirect to the asset management page with error
return redirect()->route('hardware.index')->with('error', trans('admin/hardware/message.does_not_exist'));
if ($request->has('status_id')) {
$asset->status_id = $request->input('status_id');
} else {
$asset->status_id = null;
if ($request->has('warranty_months')) {
$asset->warranty_months = $request->input('warranty_months');
} else {
$asset->warranty_months = null;
if ($request->has('purchase_cost')) {
$asset->purchase_cost = Helper::ParseFloat($request->input('purchase_cost'));
} else {
$asset->purchase_cost = null;
if ($request->has('purchase_date')) {
$asset->purchase_date = $request->input('purchase_date');
} else {
$asset->purchase_date = null;
if ($request->has('supplier_id')) {
$asset->supplier_id = $request->input('supplier_id');
} else {
$asset->supplier_id = null;
// If the box isn't checked, it's not in the request at all.
$asset->requestable = $request->has('requestable');
if ($request->has('rtd_location_id')) {
$asset->rtd_location_id = $request->input('rtd_location_id');
} else {
$asset->rtd_location_id = null;
if ($request->has('image_delete')) {
$asset->image = '';
// Update the asset data
$asset->name = $request->input('name');
$asset->serial = $request->input('serial');
$asset->company_id = Company::getIdForCurrentUser($request->input('company_id'));
$asset->model_id = $request->input('model_id');
$asset->order_number = $request->input('order_number');
$asset->asset_tag = $request->input('asset_tag');
$asset->notes = $request->input('notes');
$asset->physical = '1';
// Update the image
if (Input::has('image')) {
$image = $request->input('image');
// See postCreate for more explaination of the following.
$header = explode(';', $image, 2)[0];
$extension = substr($header, strpos($header, '/')+1);
$image = substr($image, strpos($image, ',')+1);
$directory= public_path('uploads/assets/');
// Check if the uploads directory exists. If not, try to create it.
if (!file_exists($directory)) {
mkdir($directory, 0755, true);
$file_name = str_random(25).".".$extension;
$path = public_path('uploads/assets/'.$file_name);
try {
Image::make($image)->resize(500, 500, function ($constraint) {
$asset->image = $file_name;
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$messageBag = new \Illuminate\Support\MessageBag();
$messageBag->add('image', $e->getMessage());
\Session()->flash('errors', \Session::get('errors', new \Illuminate\Support\ViewErrorBag)
->put('default', $messageBag));
return response()->json(['image' => $e->getMessage()], 422);
$asset->image = $file_name;
// Update custom fields in the database.
// Validation for these fields is handlded through the AssetRequest form request
// FIXME: No idea why this is returning a Builder error on db_column_name.
// Need to investigate and fix. Using static method for now.
$model = AssetModel::find($request->get('model_id'));
if ($model->fieldset) {
foreach ($model->fieldset->fields as $field) {
if ($field->field_encrypted=='1') {
if (Gate::allows('admin')) {
$asset->{CustomField::name_to_db_name($field->name)} = \Crypt::encrypt(e($request->input(CustomField::name_to_db_name($field->name))));
} else {
$asset->{CustomField::name_to_db_name($field->name)} = e($request->input(CustomField::name_to_db_name($field->name)));
if ($asset->save()) {
// Redirect to the new asset page
\Session::flash('success', trans('admin/hardware/message.update.success'));
return response()->json(['redirect_url' => route("hardware.show", $assetId)]);
\Session::flash('errors', $asset->getErrors());
return response()->json(['errors' => $asset->getErrors()], 500);
* Delete a given asset (mark as deleted).
* @author [A. Gianotto] [<snipe@snipe.net>]
* @param int $assetId
* @since [v1.0]
* @return Redirect
public function destroy($assetId)
// Check if the asset exists
if (is_null($asset = Asset::find($assetId))) {
// Redirect to the asset management page with error
return redirect()->route('hardware.index')->with('error', trans('admin/hardware/message.does_not_exist'));
$this->authorize('delete', $asset);
->where('id', $asset->id)
->update(array('assigned_to' => null));
// Redirect to the asset management page
return redirect()->route('hardware.index')->with('success', trans('admin/hardware/message.delete.success'));
* Returns a view that presents a form to check an asset out to a
* user.
* @author [A. Gianotto] [<snipe@snipe.net>]
* @param int $assetId
* @since [v1.0]
* @return View
public function getCheckout($assetId)
// Check if the asset exists
if (is_null($asset = Asset::find(e($assetId)))) {
// Redirect to the asset management page with error
return redirect()->route('hardware.index')->with('error', trans('admin/hardware/message.does_not_exist'));
$this->authorize('checkout', $asset);
// Get the dropdown of users and then pass it to the checkout view
return View::make('hardware/checkout', compact('asset'))->with('users_list', Helper::usersList());
* Validate and process the form data to check out an asset to a user.
* @author [A. Gianotto] [<snipe@snipe.net>]
* @param int $assetId
* @since [v1.0]
* @return Redirect
public function postCheckout(AssetCheckoutRequest $request, $assetId)
// Check if the asset exists
if (!$asset = Asset::find($assetId)) {
return redirect()->route('hardware.index')->with('error', trans('admin/hardware/message.does_not_exist'));
} elseif (!$asset->availableForCheckout()) {
return redirect()->route('hardware.index')->with('error', trans('admin/hardware/message.checkout.not_available'));
$this->authorize('checkout', $asset);
$user = User::find(Input::get('assigned_to'));
$admin = Auth::user();
if ((Input::has('checkout_at')) && (Input::get('checkout_at')!= date("Y-m-d"))) {
$checkout_at = e(Input::get('checkout_at'));
} else {
$checkout_at = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
if (Input::has('expected_checkin')) {
$expected_checkin = e(Input::get('expected_checkin'));
} else {
$expected_checkin = '';
if ($asset->checkOutToUser($user, $admin, $checkout_at, $expected_checkin, e(Input::get('note')), e(Input::get('name')))) {
// Redirect to the new asset page
return redirect()->to("hardware")->with('success', trans('admin/hardware/message.checkout.success'));
// Redirect to the asset management page with error
return redirect()->to("hardware/$assetId/checkout")->with('error', trans('admin/hardware/message.checkout.error'))->withErrors($asset->getErrors());
* Returns a view that presents a form to check an asset back into inventory.
* @author [A. Gianotto] [<snipe@snipe.net>]
* @param int $assetId
* @param string $backto
* @since [v1.0]
* @return View
public function getCheckin($assetId, $backto = null)
// Check if the asset exists
if (is_null($asset = Asset::find($assetId))) {
// Redirect to the asset management page with error
return redirect()->route('hardware.index')->with('error', trans('admin/hardware/message.does_not_exist'));
$this->authorize('checkin', $asset);
return View::make('hardware/checkin', compact('asset'))->with('statusLabel_list', Helper::statusLabelList())->with('backto', $backto);
* Validate and process the form data to check an asset back into inventory.
* @author [A. Gianotto] [<snipe@snipe.net>]
* @param int $assetId
* @since [v1.0]
* @return Redirect
public function postCheckin(AssetCheckinRequest $request, $assetId = null, $backto = null)
// Check if the asset exists
if (is_null($asset = Asset::find($assetId))) {
// Redirect to the asset management page with error
return redirect()->route('hardware.index')->with('error', trans('admin/hardware/message.does_not_exist'));
$this->authorize('checkin', $asset);
$admin = Auth::user();
if (is_null($user = User::find($asset->assigned_to))) {
return redirect()->route('hardware.index')->with('error', trans('admin/hardware/message.checkin.already_checked_in'));
// This is just used for the redirect
$return_to = $asset->assigned_to;
$asset->expected_checkin = null;
$asset->last_checkout = null;
$asset->assigned_to = null;
$asset->accepted = null;
$asset->name = e(Input::get('name'));
if (Input::has('status_id')) {
$asset->status_id = e(Input::get('status_id'));
// Was the asset updated?
if ($asset->save()) {
if ($request->input('checkin_at') == Carbon::now()->format('Y-m-d')) {
$checkin_at = Carbon::now();
} else {
$checkin_at = $request->input('checkin_at').' 00:00:00';
$logaction = $asset->createLogRecord('checkin', $asset, $admin, $user, null, e(Input::get('note')), $checkin_at);
$settings = Setting::getSettings();
if ($settings->slack_endpoint) {
$slack_settings = [
'username' => $settings->botname,
'channel' => $settings->slack_channel,
'link_names' => true
$client = new \Maknz\Slack\Client($settings->slack_endpoint, $slack_settings);
try {
'color' => 'good',
'fields' => [
'title' => 'Checked In:',
'value' => class_basename(
.' asset <'.route('hardware.show', $asset->id).'|'.e($asset->showAssetName())
.'> checked in by <'.route('users.show',Auth::user()->id)
'title' => 'Note:',
'value' => e($logaction->note)
])->send('Asset Checked In');
} catch (Exception $e) {
$data['log_id'] = $logaction->id;
$data['first_name'] = $user->first_name;
$data['item_name'] = $asset->showAssetName();
$data['checkin_date'] = $logaction->created_at;
$data['item_tag'] = $asset->asset_tag;
$data['item_serial'] = $asset->serial;
$data['note'] = $logaction->note;
if ((($asset->checkin_email()=='1')) && ($user) && (!config('app.lock_passwords'))) {
Mail::send('emails.checkin-asset', $data, function ($m) use ($user) {
$m->to($user->email, $user->first_name . ' ' . $user->last_name);
$m->replyTo(config('mail.reply_to.address'), config('mail.reply_to.name'));
if ($backto=='user') {
return redirect()->to("admin/users/".$return_to.'/view')->with('success', trans('admin/hardware/message.checkin.success'));
return redirect()->to("hardware")->with('success', trans('admin/hardware/message.checkin.success'));
// Redirect to the asset management page with error
return redirect()->to("hardware")->with('error', trans('admin/hardware/message.checkin.error'));
* Returns a view that presents information about an asset for detail view.
* @author [A. Gianotto] [<snipe@snipe.net>]
* @param int $assetId
* @since [v1.0]
* @return View
public function show($assetId = null)
$asset = Asset::withTrashed()->find($assetId);
$settings = Setting::getSettings();
$this->authorize('view', $asset);
if ($asset->userloc) {
$use_currency = $asset->userloc->currency;
} elseif ($asset->assetloc) {
$use_currency = $asset->assetloc->currency;
} else {
if ($settings->default_currency!='') {
$use_currency = $settings->default_currency;
} else {
$use_currency = trans('general.currency');
if (isset($asset->id)) {
$qr_code = (object) array(
'display' => $settings->qr_code == '1',
'url' => route('qr_code/hardware', $asset->id)
return View::make('hardware/view', compact('asset', 'qr_code', 'settings'))->with('use_currency', $use_currency);
// Prepare the error message
$error = trans('admin/hardware/message.does_not_exist', compact('id'));
// Redirect to the user management page
return redirect()->route('hardware')->with('error', $error);
* Return a QR code for the asset
* @author [A. Gianotto] [<snipe@snipe.net>]
* @param int $assetId
* @since [v1.0]
* @return Response
public function getQrCode($assetId = null)
$settings = Setting::getSettings();
if ($settings->qr_code == '1') {
$asset = Asset::find($assetId);
$size = Helper::barcodeDimensions($settings->barcode_type);
$qr_file = public_path().'/uploads/barcodes/qr-'.str_slug($asset->asset_tag).'.png';
if (isset($asset->id,$asset->asset_tag)) {
if (file_exists($qr_file)) {
$header = ['Content-type' => 'image/png'];
return response()->file($qr_file, $header);
} else {
$barcode = new \Com\Tecnick\Barcode\Barcode();
$barcode_obj = $barcode->getBarcodeObj($settings->barcode_type, route('hardware.show', $asset->id), $size['height'], $size['width'], 'black', array(-2, -2, -2, -2));
file_put_contents($qr_file, $barcode_obj->getPngData());
return response($barcode_obj->getPngData())->header('Content-type', 'image/png');
* Return a 2D barcode for the asset
* @author [A. Gianotto] [<snipe@snipe.net>]
* @param int $assetId
* @since [v1.0]
* @return Response
public function getBarCode($assetId = null)
$settings = Setting::getSettings();
$asset = Asset::find($assetId);
$barcode_file = public_path().'/uploads/barcodes/'.str_slug($settings->alt_barcode).'-'.str_slug($asset->asset_tag).'.png';
if (isset($asset->id,$asset->asset_tag)) {
if (file_exists($barcode_file)) {
$header = ['Content-type' => 'image/png'];
return response()->file($barcode_file, $header);
} else {
$barcode = new \Com\Tecnick\Barcode\Barcode();
$barcode_obj = $barcode->getBarcodeObj($settings->alt_barcode, $asset->asset_tag, 250, 20);
file_put_contents($barcode_file, $barcode_obj->getPngData());
return response($barcode_obj->getPngData())->header('Content-type', 'image/png');
* Get the Asset import upload page.
* @author [A. Gianotto] [<snipe@snipe.net>]
* @since [v2.0]
* @return View
public function getImportUpload()
$this->authorize('create', Asset::class);
$path = config('app.private_uploads').'/imports/assets';
$files = array();
if (!Company::isCurrentUserAuthorized()) {
return redirect()->route('hardware.index')->with('error', trans('general.insufficient_permissions'));
// Check if the uploads directory exists. If not, try to create it.
if (!file_exists($path)) {
mkdir($path, 0755, true);
if ($handle = opendir($path)) {
/* This is the correct way to loop over the directory. */
while (false !== ($entry = readdir($handle))) {
if (substr(strrchr($entry, '.'), 1)=='csv') {
$files[] = array(
'filename' => $entry,
'filesize' => Setting::fileSizeConvert(filesize($path.'/'.$entry)),
'modified' => filemtime($path.'/'.$entry)
$files = array_reverse($files);
return View::make('hardware/import')->with('files', $files);
* Upload the import file via AJAX
* @author [A. Gianotto] [<snipe@snipe.net>]
* @since [v2.0]
* @param AssetFileRequest $request
* @return array
public function postAPIImportUpload(AssetFileRequest $request)
if (!Company::isCurrentUserAuthorized()) {
return redirect()->route('hardware.index')->with('error', trans('general.insufficient_permissions'));
} elseif (!config('app.lock_passwords')) {
$files = Input::file('files');
$path = config('app.private_uploads').'/imports/assets';
$results = array();
foreach ($files as $file) {
if (!in_array($file->getMimeType(), array(
'text/tsv'))) {
$results['error']='File type must be CSV';
return $results;
$date = date('Y-m-d-his');
$fixed_filename = str_replace(' ', '-', $file->getClientOriginalName());
try {
$file->move($path, $date.'-'.$fixed_filename);
} catch (FileException $exception) {
if (config('app.debug')) {
$results['error'].= ' ' . $exception->getMessage();
return $results;
$name = date('Y-m-d-his').'-'.$fixed_filename;
$filesize = Setting::fileSizeConvert(filesize($path.'/'.$name));
$results[] = compact('name', 'filesize');
return [
'files' => $results
return $results;
public function getDeleteImportFile($filename)
$this->authorize('create', Asset::class);
if (unlink(config('app.private_uploads').'/imports/assets/'.$filename)) {
return redirect()->back()->with('success', trans('admin/hardware/message.import.file_delete_success'));
return redirect()->back()->with('error', trans('admin/hardware/message.import.file_delete_error'));
* Process the uploaded file
* @author [A. Gianotto] [<snipe@snipe.net>]
* @since [v2.0]
* @return Redirect
public function postProcessImportFile()
// php artisan asset-import:csv path/to/your/file.csv --domain=yourdomain.com --email_format=firstname.lastname
$filename = config('app.private_uploads') . '/imports/assets/' . request('filename');
$this->authorize('create', Asset::class);
$importOptions = ['filename'=> $filename,
'--web-importer' => true,
'--user_id' => Auth::id(),
'--item-type' => request('import-type'),
if (request('import-update')) {
$importOptions['--update'] = true;
$return = Artisan::call('snipeit:import', $importOptions);
$display_output = Artisan::output();
$file = config('app.private_uploads').'/imports/assets/'.str_replace('.csv', '', $filename).'-output-'.date("Y-m-d-his").'.txt';
file_put_contents($file, $display_output);
// We use hardware instead of asset in the url
$redirectTo = "hardware";
switch(request('import-type')) {
case "asset":
$redirectTo = "hardware";
case "accessory":
$redirectTo = "accessories";
case "consumable":
$redirectTo = "consumables";
if ($return === 0) { //Success
return redirect()->to(route($redirectTo))->with('success', trans('admin/hardware/message.import.success'));
} elseif ($return === 1) { // Failure
return redirect()->back()->with('import_errors', json_decode($display_output))->with('error', trans('admin/hardware/message.import.error'));
dd("Shouldn't be here");
* Returns a view that presents a form to clone an asset.
* @author [A. Gianotto] [<snipe@snipe.net>]
* @param int $assetId
* @since [v1.0]
* @return View
public function getClone($assetId = null)
// Check if the asset exists
if (is_null($asset_to_clone = Asset::find($assetId))) {
// Redirect to the asset management page
return redirect()->route('hardware.index')->with('error', trans('admin/hardware/message.does_not_exist'));
$asset = clone $asset_to_clone;
$asset->id = null;
$asset->asset_tag = '';
$asset->serial = '';
$asset->assigned_to = '';
return View::make('hardware/edit')
->with('supplier_list', Helper::suppliersList())
->with('model_list', Helper::modelList())
->with('statuslabel_list', Helper::statusLabelList())
->with('statuslabel_types', Helper::statusTypeList())
->with('assigned_to', Helper::usersList())
->with('item', $asset)
->with('location_list', Helper::locationsList())
->with('manufacturer', Helper::manufacturerList())
->with('category', Helper::categoryList('asset'))
->with('company_list', Helper::companyList());
* Return history import view
* @author [A. Gianotto] [<snipe@snipe.net>]
* @since [v1.0]
* @return View
public function getImportHistory()
$this->authorize('checkout', Asset::class);
return View::make('hardware/history');
* Import history
* This needs a LOT of love. It's done very inelegantly right now, and there are
* a ton of optimizations that could (and should) be done.
* @author [A. Gianotto] [<snipe@snipe.net>]
* @since [v3.3]
* @return View
public function postImportHistory(Request $request)
if (!ini_get("auto_detect_line_endings")) {
ini_set("auto_detect_line_endings", '1');
$csv = Reader::createFromPath(Input::file('user_import_csv'));
//get the first row, usually the CSV header
//$headers = $csv->fetchOne();
$results = $csv->fetchAssoc();
$item = array();
$status = array();
$status['error'] = array();
$status['success'] = array();
foreach($results as $row) {
if (is_array($row)) {
$row = array_change_key_case($row, CASE_LOWER);
$asset_tag = Helper::array_smart_fetch($row, "asset tag");
if (!array_key_exists($asset_tag, $item)) {
$item[$asset_tag] = array();
$batch_counter = count($item[$asset_tag]);
$item[$asset_tag][$batch_counter]['checkout_date'] = Carbon::parse(Helper::array_smart_fetch($row, "date"))->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$item[$asset_tag][$batch_counter]['asset_tag'] = Helper::array_smart_fetch($row, "asset tag");
$item[$asset_tag][$batch_counter]['name'] = Helper::array_smart_fetch($row, "name");
$item[$asset_tag][$batch_counter]['email'] = Helper::array_smart_fetch($row, "email");
if ($asset = Asset::where('asset_tag','=',$asset_tag)->first()) {
$item[$asset_tag][$batch_counter]['asset_id'] = $asset->id;
$base_username = User::generateFormattedNameFromFullName(Setting::getSettings()->username_format,$item[$asset_tag][$batch_counter]['name']);
$user = User::where('username','=',$base_username['username']);
$user_query = ' on username '.$base_username['username'];
if ($request->input('match_firstnamelastname')=='1') {
$firstnamedotlastname = User::generateFormattedNameFromFullName('firstname.lastname',$item[$asset_tag][$batch_counter]['name']);
$item[$asset_tag][$batch_counter]['username'][] = $firstnamedotlastname['username'];
$user_query .= ', or on username '.$firstnamedotlastname['username'];
if ($request->input('match_flastname')=='1') {
$flastname = User::generateFormattedNameFromFullName('filastname',$item[$asset_tag][$batch_counter]['name']);
$item[$asset_tag][$batch_counter]['username'][] = $flastname['username'];
$user_query .= ', or on username '.$flastname['username'];
if ($request->input('match_firstname')=='1') {
$firstname = User::generateFormattedNameFromFullName('firstname',$item[$asset_tag][$batch_counter]['name']);
$item[$asset_tag][$batch_counter]['username'][] = $firstname['username'];
$user_query .= ', or on username '.$firstname['username'];
if ($request->input('match_email')=='1') {
if ($item[$asset_tag][$batch_counter]['email']=='') {
$item[$asset_tag][$batch_counter]['username'][] = $user_email = User::generateEmailFromFullName($item[$asset_tag][$batch_counter]['name']);
$user_query .= ', or on username '.$user_email;
// A matching user was found
if ($user = $user->first()) {
$item[$asset_tag][$batch_counter]['checkedout_to'] = $user->id;
$item[$asset_tag][$batch_counter]['user_id'] = $user->id;
'item_id' => $asset->id,
'item_type' => Asset::class,
'user_id' => Auth::user()->id,
'note' => 'Checkout imported by '.Auth::user()->fullName().' from history importer',
'target_id' => $item[$asset_tag][$batch_counter]['user_id'],
'target_type' => User::class,
'created_at' => $item[$asset_tag][$batch_counter]['checkout_date'],
'action_type' => 'checkout',
$asset->assigned_to = $user->id;
if ($asset->save()) {
$status['success'][]['asset'][$asset_tag]['msg'] = 'Asset successfully matched for '.Helper::array_smart_fetch($row, "name").$user_query.' on '.$item[$asset_tag][$batch_counter]['checkout_date'];
} else {
$status['error'][]['asset'][$asset_tag]['msg'] = 'Asset and user was matched but could not be saved.';
} else {
$item[$asset_tag][$batch_counter]['checkedout_to'] = null;
$status['error'][]['user'][Helper::array_smart_fetch($row, "name")]['msg'] = 'User does not exist so no checkin log was created.';
} else {
$item[$asset_tag][$batch_counter]['asset_id'] = null;
$status['error'][]['asset'][$asset_tag]['msg'] = 'Asset does not exist so no match was attempted.';
// Loop through and backfill the checkins
foreach ($item as $key => $asset_batch) {
$total_in_batch = count($asset_batch);
for($x = 0; $x < $total_in_batch; $x++) {
$next = $x + 1;
// Only do this if a matching user was found
if ((array_key_exists('checkedout_to',$asset_batch[$x])) && ($asset_batch[$x]['checkedout_to']!='')) {
if (($total_in_batch > 1) && ($x < $total_in_batch) && (array_key_exists($next,$asset_batch))) {
$checkin_date = Carbon::parse($asset_batch[$next]['checkout_date'])->subDay(1)->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$asset_batch[$x]['real_checkin'] = $checkin_date;
'item_id' => $asset_batch[$x]['asset_id'],
'item_type' => Asset::class,
'user_id' => Auth::user()->id,
'note' => 'Checkin imported by ' . Auth::user()->fullName() . ' from history importer',
'target_id' => null,
'created_at' => $checkin_date,
'action_type' => 'checkin'
return View::make('hardware/history')->with('status',$status);
* Retore a deleted asset.
* @author [A. Gianotto] [<snipe@snipe.net>]
* @param int $assetId
* @since [v1.0]
* @return View
public function getRestore($assetId = null)
// Get asset information
$asset = Asset::withTrashed()->find($assetId);
$this->authorize('delete', $asset);
if (isset($asset->id)) {
// Restore the asset
Asset::withTrashed()->where('id', $assetId)->restore();
return redirect()->route('hardware')->with('success', trans('admin/hardware/message.restore.success'));
return redirect()->route('hardware.index')->with('error', trans('admin/hardware/message.does_not_exist'));
* Upload a file to the server.
* @author [A. Gianotto] [<snipe@snipe.net>]
* @param AssetFileRequest $request
* @param int $assetId
* @return Redirect
* @since [v1.0]
public function postUpload(AssetFileRequest $request, $assetId = null)
if (!$asset = Asset::find($assetId)) {
return redirect()->route('hardware')->with('error', trans('admin/hardware/message.does_not_exist'));
$this->authorize('update', $asset);
$destinationPath = config('app.private_uploads').'/assets';
if (Input::hasFile('assetfile')) {
foreach (Input::file('assetfile') as $file) {
$extension = $file->getClientOriginalExtension();
$filename = 'hardware-'.$asset->id.'-'.str_random(8);
$filename .= '-'.str_slug($file->getClientOriginalName()).'.'.$extension;
$upload_success = $file->move($destinationPath, $filename);
//Log the deletion of seats to the log
$asset->logUpload($filename, e(Input::get('notes')));
} else {
return redirect()->back()->with('error', trans('admin/hardware/message.upload.nofiles'));
if ($upload_success) {
return redirect()->back()->with('success', trans('admin/hardware/message.upload.success'));
return redirect()->back()->with('error', trans('admin/hardware/message.upload.error'));
* Delete the associated file
* @author [A. Gianotto] [<snipe@snipe.net>]
* @param int $assetId
* @param int $fileId
* @since [v1.0]
* @return View
public function getDeleteFile($assetId = null, $fileId = null)
$asset = Asset::find($assetId);
$this->authorize('update', $asset);
$destinationPath = config('app.private_uploads').'/imports/assets';
// the asset is valid
if (isset($asset->id)) {
$this->authorize('update', $asset);
$log = Actionlog::find($fileId);
$full_filename = $destinationPath.'/'.$log->filename;
if (file_exists($full_filename)) {
return redirect()->back()->with('success', trans('admin/hardware/message.deletefile.success'));
// Prepare the error message
$error = trans('admin/hardware/message.does_not_exist', compact('id'));
// Redirect to the hardware management page
return redirect()->route('hardware')->with('error', $error);
* Check for permissions and display the file.
* @author [A. Gianotto] [<snipe@snipe.net>]
* @param int $assetId
* @param int $fileId
* @since [v1.0]
* @return View
public function displayFile($assetId = null, $fileId = null)
$asset = Asset::find($assetId);
// the asset is valid
if (isset($asset->id)) {
$this->authorize('view', $asset);
$log = Actionlog::find($fileId);
$file = $log->get_src('assets');
$filetype = Helper::checkUploadIsImage($file);
if ($filetype) {
$contents = file_get_contents($file);
return Response::make($contents)->header('Content-Type', $filetype);
return Response::download($file);
// Prepare the error message
$error = trans('admin/hardware/message.does_not_exist', compact('id'));
// Redirect to the hardware management page
return redirect()->route('hardware')->with('error', $error);
* Display the bulk edit page.
* @author [A. Gianotto] [<snipe@snipe.net>]
* @return View
* @internal param int $assetId
* @since [v2.0]
public function postBulkEdit()
$this->authorize('update', Asset::class);
if (!Input::has('edit_asset')) {
return redirect()->back()->with('error', 'No assets selected');
$asset_raw_array = Input::get('edit_asset');
foreach ($asset_raw_array as $asset_id => $value) {
$asset_ids[] = $asset_id;
if (Input::has('bulk_actions')) {
// Create labels
if (Input::get('bulk_actions')=='labels') {
$count = 0;
return View::make('hardware/labels')->with('assets', Asset::find($asset_ids))->with('settings', Setting::getSettings())->with('count', $count)->with('settings',
} elseif (Input::get('bulk_actions')=='delete') {
$assets = Asset::with('assigneduser', 'assetloc')->find($asset_ids);
$assets->each(function($asset) {
return View::make('hardware/bulk-delete')->with('assets', $assets);
// Bulk edit
} elseif (Input::get('bulk_actions')=='edit') {
return View::make('hardware/bulk')
->with('assets', request('edit_asset'))
->with('supplier_list', Helper::suppliersList())
->with('statuslabel_list', Helper::statusLabelList())
->with('location_list', Helper::locationsList())
->with('models_list', Helper::modelList())
array('' => '') + array('clear' => trans('general.remove_company')) + Helper::companyList());
return redirect()->back()->with('error', 'No action selected');
* Save bulk edits
* @author [A. Gianotto] [<snipe@snipe.net>]
* @return Redirect
* @internal param array $assets
* @since [v2.0]
public function postBulkSave()
$this->authorize('update', Asset::class);
if (Input::has('bulk_edit')) {
$assets = Input::get('bulk_edit');
if ((Input::has('purchase_date'))
|| (Input::has('purchase_cost'))
|| (Input::has('supplier_id'))
|| (Input::has('order_number'))
|| (Input::has('warranty_months'))
|| (Input::has('rtd_location_id'))
|| (Input::has('requestable'))
|| (Input::has('company_id'))
|| (Input::has('status_id'))
|| (Input::has('model_id'))
) {
foreach ($assets as $key => $value) {
$update_array = array();
if (Input::has('purchase_date')) {
$update_array['purchase_date'] = e(Input::get('purchase_date'));
if (Input::has('purchase_cost')) {
$update_array['purchase_cost'] = Helper::ParseFloat(e(Input::get('purchase_cost')));
if (Input::has('supplier_id')) {
$update_array['supplier_id'] = e(Input::get('supplier_id'));
if (Input::has('model_id')) {
$update_array['model_id'] = e(Input::get('model_id'));
if (Input::has('company_id')) {
if (Input::get('company_id')=="clear") {
$update_array['company_id'] = null;
} else {
$update_array['company_id'] = e(Input::get('company_id'));
if (Input::has('order_number')) {
$update_array['order_number'] = e(Input::get('order_number'));
if (Input::has('warranty_months')) {
$update_array['warranty_months'] = e(Input::get('warranty_months'));
if (Input::has('rtd_location_id')) {
$update_array['rtd_location_id'] = e(Input::get('rtd_location_id'));
if (Input::has('status_id')) {
$update_array['status_id'] = e(Input::get('status_id'));
if (Input::has('requestable')) {
$update_array['requestable'] = e(Input::get('requestable'));
if (DB::table('assets')
->where('id', $key)
->update($update_array)) {
$logAction = new Actionlog();
$logAction->item_type = Asset::class;
$logAction->item_id = $key;
$logAction->created_at = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
if (Input::has('rtd_location_id')) {
$logAction->location_id = e(Input::get('rtd_location_id'));
$logAction->user_id = Auth::user()->id;
} // endforeach
return redirect()->to("hardware")->with('success', trans('admin/hardware/message.update.success'));
// no values given, nothing to update
return redirect()->to("hardware")->with('info', trans('admin/hardware/message.update.nothing_updated'));
} // endif
return redirect()->to("hardware");
* Save bulk deleted.
* @author [A. Gianotto] [<snipe@snipe.net>]
* @return View
* @internal param array $assets
* @since [v2.0]
public function postBulkDelete()
$this->authorize('delete', Asset::class);
if (Input::has('bulk_edit')) {
$assets = Asset::find(Input::get('bulk_edit'));
foreach ($assets as $asset) {
$update_array['deleted_at'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$update_array['assigned_to'] = null;
if (DB::table('assets')
->where('id', $asset->id)
->update($update_array)) {
$logAction = new Actionlog();
$logAction->item_type = Asset::class;
$logAction->item_id = $asset->id;
$logAction->created_at = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
$logAction->user_id = Auth::user()->id;
} // endforeach
return redirect()->to("hardware")->with('success', trans('admin/hardware/message.delete.success'));
// no values given, nothing to update
return redirect()->to("hardware")->with('info', trans('admin/hardware/message.delete.nothing_updated'));
* Generates the JSON used to display the asset listing.
* @author [A. Gianotto] [<snipe@snipe.net>]
* @param Request $request
* @param string $status
* @return String JSON
* @since [v2.0]
public function getDatatable(Request $request, $status = null)
$this->authorize('index', Asset::class);
$assets = Company::scopeCompanyables(Asset::select('assets.*'))->with('model', 'assigneduser', 'assigneduser.userloc', 'assetstatus', 'defaultLoc', 'assetlog', 'model', 'model.category', 'model.manufacturer', 'model.fieldset', 'assetstatus', 'assetloc', 'company')
if ($request->has('search')) {
$assets = $assets->TextSearch(e($request->get('search')));
$offset = request('offset', 0);
$limit = request('limit', 50);
if ($request->has('order_number')) {
$assets->where('order_number', '=', e($request->get('order_number')));
switch ($status) {
case 'Deleted':
case 'Pending':
case 'RTD':
case 'Undeployable':
case 'Archived':
case 'Requestable':
case 'Deployed':
if ($request->has('status_id')) {
$assets->where('status_id','=', e($request->get('status_id')));
$allowed_columns = [
$all_custom_fields = CustomField::all(); //used as a 'cache' of custom fields throughout this page load
foreach ($all_custom_fields as $field) {
$order = $request->get('order') === 'asc' ? 'asc' : 'desc';
$sort = in_array($request->get('sort'), $allowed_columns) ? $request->get('sort') : 'asset_tag';
switch ($sort) {
case 'model':
$assets = $assets->OrderModels($order);
case 'model_number':
$assets = $assets->OrderModelNumber($order);
case 'category':
$assets = $assets->OrderCategory($order);
case 'manufacturer':
$assets = $assets->OrderManufacturer($order);
case 'companyName':
$assets = $assets->OrderCompany($order);
case 'location':
$assets = $assets->OrderLocation($order);
case 'status_label':
$assets = $assets->OrderStatus($order);
case 'assigned_to':
$assets = $assets->OrderAssigned($order);
$assets = $assets->orderBy($sort, $order);
$assetCount = $assets->count();
$assets = $assets->skip($offset)->take($limit)->get();
$rows = array();
foreach ($assets as $asset) {
$inout = '';
$actions = '<div style="white-space: nowrap;">';
if ($asset->deleted_at=='') {
if (Gate::allows('create', $asset)) {
$actions .= Helper::generateDatatableButton('clone', route('clone/hardware', $asset->id));
if (Gate::allows('update', $asset)) {
$actions .= Helper::generateDatatableButton('edit', route('hardware.edit', $asset->id));
if (Gate::allows('delete', $asset)) {
$actions .= Helper::generateDatatableButton(
route('hardware.destroy', $asset->id),
$enabled = true,
} elseif ($asset->model->deleted_at=='') {
$actions .= Helper::generateDatatableButton('restore', route('restore/hardware', $asset->id));
$actions .= '</div>';
if (($asset->availableForCheckout()))
if (Gate::allows('checkout', $asset)) {
$inout = '<a href="' . route('checkout/hardware',
$asset->id) . '" class="btn btn-info btn-sm" title="Checkout this asset to a user" data-toggle="tooltip">' . trans('general.checkout') . '</a>';
} else {
if (Gate::allows('checkin', $asset)) {
$inout = '<a href="' . route('checkin/hardware',
$asset->id) . '" class="btn btn-primary btn-sm" title="Checkin this asset" data-toggle="tooltip">' . trans('general.checkin') . '</a>';
$actions .= '</div>';
$purchase_cost = Helper::formatCurrencyOutput($asset->purchase_cost);
$row = array(
'checkbox' =>'<div class="text-center"><input type="checkbox" name="edit_asset['.$asset->id.']" class="one_required"></div>',
'id' => $asset->id,
'image' => (($asset->image) && ($asset->image!=''))
? '<img src="'.url('/').'/uploads/assets/'.$asset->image.'" height=50 width=50>'
: ((($asset->model) && ($asset->model->image!=''))
? '<img src="'.url('/').'/uploads/models/'.$asset->model->image.'" height=40 width=50>'
: ''
'name' => (string) link_to_route('hardware.show', e($asset->name), $asset->id),
'asset_tag' => (string) link_to_route('hardware.show', e($asset->asset_tag), $asset->id),
'serial' => e($asset->serial),
'model' => ($asset->model) ? (string)link_to_route('models.show', e($asset->model->name), ['model' => $asset->model->id]) : 'No model',
'model_number' => ($asset->model && $asset->model->model_number) ? (string)$asset->model->model_number : '',
'status_label' => ($asset->assigneduser) ? 'Deployed' : ((e($asset->assetstatus)) ? e($asset->assetstatus->name) : ''),
'assigned_to' => ($asset->assigneduser) ? (string)link_to_route('users.show', e($asset->assigneduser->fullName()), ['user' => $asset->assigned_to]) : '',
'location' => (($asset->assigneduser) && ($asset->assigneduser->userloc!=''))
? (string)link_to_route('locations.show', e($asset->assigneduser->userloc->name), ['location' => $asset->assigneduser->userloc->id])
: (($asset->defaultLoc!='')
? (string)link_to_route('locations.show', e($asset->defaultLoc->name), ['location' => $asset->defaultLoc->id])
: ''
'category' => (($asset->model) && ($asset->model->category)) ?(string)link_to_route('categories.show', e($asset->model->category->name), ['category' => $asset->model->category->id]) : '',
'manufacturer' => (($asset->model) && ($asset->model->manufacturer))
? (string)link_to_route('manufacturers.show', e($asset->model->manufacturer->name), ['manufacturer' => $asset->model->manufacturer->id])
: '',
'eol' => ($asset->eol_date()) ? $asset->eol_date() : '',
'purchase_cost' => $purchase_cost,
'purchase_date' => ($asset->purchase_date) ? $asset->purchase_date : '',
'notes' => e($asset->notes),
'order_number' => ($asset->order_number!='') ? '<a href="'.url('/').'/hardware?order_number='.e($asset->order_number).'">'.e($asset->order_number).'</a>' : '',
'last_checkout' => ($asset->last_checkout!='') ? e($asset->last_checkout) : '',
'expected_checkin' => ($asset->expected_checkin!='') ? e($asset->expected_checkin) : '',
'created_at' => ($asset->created_at!='') ? e($asset->created_at->format('F j, Y h:iA')) : '',
'change' => ($inout) ? $inout : '',
'actions' => ($actions) ? $actions : '',
'companyName' => is_null($asset->company) ? '' : e($asset->company->name)
foreach ($all_custom_fields as $field) {
$column_name = $field->db_column_name();
if ($field->isFieldDecryptable($asset->{$column_name})) {
if (Gate::allows('admin')) {
if (($field->format=='URL') && ($asset->{$column_name}!='')) {
$row[$column_name] = '<a href="'.Helper::gracefulDecrypt($field, $asset->{$column_name}).'" target="_blank">'.Helper::gracefulDecrypt($field, $asset->{$column_name}).'</a>';
} else {
$row[$column_name] = Helper::gracefulDecrypt($field, $asset->{$column_name});
} else {
$row[$field->db_column_name()] = strtoupper(trans('admin/custom_fields/general.encrypted'));
} else {
if (($field->format=='URL') && ($asset->{$field->db_column_name()}!='')) {
$row[$field->db_column_name()] = '<a href="'.$asset->{$field->db_column_name()}.'" target="_blank">'.$asset->{$field->db_column_name()}.'</a>';
} else {
$row[$field->db_column_name()] = e($asset->{$field->db_column_name()});
if (($request->has('report')) && ($request->get('report')=='true')) {
$rows[]= Helper::stripTagsFromJSON($row);
} else {
$rows[]= $row;
$data = array('total'=>$assetCount, 'rows'=>$rows);
return $data;
public function getBulkCheckout()
$this->authorize('checkout', Asset::class);
// Filter out assets that are not deployable.
$assets_list = Company::scopeCompanyables(Asset::RTD()->get(), 'assets.company_id')->pluck('detailed_name', 'id')->toArray();
return View::make('hardware/bulk-checkout')
->with('users_list', Helper::usersList())
->with('assets_list', $assets_list);
public function postBulkCheckout(Request $request)
$this->validate($request, [
"assigned_to" => 'required'
$user = User::find(e(Input::get('assigned_to')));
$admin = Auth::user();
$asset_ids = array_filter(Input::get('selected_assets'));
if ((Input::has('checkout_at')) && (Input::get('checkout_at')!= date("Y-m-d"))) {
$checkout_at = e(Input::get('checkout_at'));
} else {
$checkout_at = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
if (Input::has('expected_checkin')) {
$expected_checkin = e(Input::get('expected_checkin'));
} else {
$expected_checkin = '';
$errors = [];
DB::transaction(function() use ($user, $admin, $checkout_at, $expected_checkin, $errors, $asset_ids)
foreach($asset_ids as $asset_id)
$asset = Asset::find($asset_id);
$this->authorize('checkout', $asset);
$error = $asset->checkOutToUser($user, $admin, $checkout_at, $expected_checkin, e(Input::get('note')), null);
if($error) {
array_merge_recursive($errors, $asset->getErrors()->toArray());
if (!$errors) {
// Redirect to the new asset page
return redirect()->to("hardware")->with('success', trans('admin/hardware/message.checkout.success'));
// Redirect to the asset management page with error
return redirect()->to("hardware/bulk-checkout")->with('error', trans('admin/hardware/message.checkout.error'))->withErrors($errors);