Laravel Shift 934afa036f Adopt Laravel coding style
Shift automatically applies the Laravel coding style - which uses the PSR-2 coding style as a base with some minor additions.

You may customize the adopted coding style by adding your own [PHP CS Fixer][1] `.php_cs` config file to your project root. Feel free to use [Shift's Laravel ruleset][2] to help you get started.

2021-06-10 20:15:52 +00:00

169 lines
6.8 KiB

namespace App\Console\Commands;
use App\Models\Accessory;
use App\Models\Asset;
use App\Models\AssetModel;
use App\Models\Category;
use App\Models\Component;
use App\Models\Consumable;
use App\Models\License;
use App\Models\Location;
use App\Models\Manufacturer;
use App\Models\Statuslabel;
use App\Models\Supplier;
use App\Models\User;
use Illuminate\Console\Command;
class Purge extends Command
* The name and signature of the console command.
* @var string
protected $signature = 'snipeit:purge {--force=false}';
* The console command description.
* @var string
protected $description = 'Purge all soft-deleted deleted records in the database. This will rewrite history for items that have been edited, or checked in or out. It will also rewrite history for users associated with deleted items.';
* Create a new command instance.
* @return void
public function __construct()
* Execute the console command.
* @return mixed
public function handle()
$force = $this->option('force');
if (($this->confirm("\n****************************************************\nTHIS WILL PURGE ALL SOFT-DELETED ITEMS IN YOUR SYSTEM. \nThere is NO undo. This WILL permanently destroy \nALL of your deleted data. \n****************************************************\n\nDo you wish to continue? No backsies! [y|N]")) || $force == 'true') {
* Delete assets
$assets = Asset::whereNotNull('deleted_at')->withTrashed()->get();
$assetcount = $assets->count();
$this->info($assets->count().' assets purged.');
$asset_assoc = 0;
$asset_maintenances = 0;
foreach ($assets as $asset) {
$this->info('- Asset "'.$asset->present()->name().'" deleted.');
$asset_assoc += $asset->assetlog()->count();
$asset_maintenances += $asset->assetmaintenances()->count();
$this->info($asset_assoc.' corresponding log records purged.');
$this->info($asset_maintenances.' corresponding maintenance records purged.');
$locations = Location::whereNotNull('deleted_at')->withTrashed()->get();
$this->info($locations->count().' locations purged.');
foreach ($locations as $location) {
$this->info('- Location "'.$location->name.'" deleted.');
$accessories = Accessory::whereNotNull('deleted_at')->withTrashed()->get();
$accessory_assoc = 0;
$this->info($accessories->count().' accessories purged.');
foreach ($accessories as $accessory) {
$this->info('- Accessory "'.$accessory->name.'" deleted.');
$accessory_assoc += $accessory->assetlog()->count();
$this->info($accessory_assoc.' corresponding log records purged.');
$consumables = Consumable::whereNotNull('deleted_at')->withTrashed()->get();
$this->info($consumables->count().' consumables purged.');
foreach ($consumables as $consumable) {
$this->info('- Consumable "'.$consumable->name.'" deleted.');
$components = Component::whereNotNull('deleted_at')->withTrashed()->get();
$this->info($components->count().' components purged.');
foreach ($components as $component) {
$this->info('- Component "'.$component->name.'" deleted.');
$licenses = License::whereNotNull('deleted_at')->withTrashed()->get();
$this->info($licenses->count().' licenses purged.');
foreach ($licenses as $license) {
$this->info('- License "'.$license->name.'" deleted.');
$models = AssetModel::whereNotNull('deleted_at')->withTrashed()->get();
$this->info($models->count().' asset models purged.');
foreach ($models as $model) {
$this->info('- Asset Model "'.$model->name.'" deleted.');
$categories = Category::whereNotNull('deleted_at')->withTrashed()->get();
$this->info($categories->count().' categories purged.');
foreach ($categories as $category) {
$this->info('- Category "'.$category->name.'" deleted.');
$suppliers = Supplier::whereNotNull('deleted_at')->withTrashed()->get();
$this->info($suppliers->count().' suppliers purged.');
foreach ($suppliers as $supplier) {
$this->info('- Supplier "'.$supplier->name.'" deleted.');
$users = User::whereNotNull('deleted_at')->where('show_in_list', '!=', '0')->withTrashed()->get();
$this->info($users->count().' users purged.');
$user_assoc = 0;
foreach ($users as $user) {
$this->info('- User "'.$user->username.'" deleted.');
$user_assoc += $user->userlog()->count();
$this->info($user_assoc.' corresponding user log records purged.');
$manufacturers = Manufacturer::whereNotNull('deleted_at')->withTrashed()->get();
$this->info($manufacturers->count().' manufacturers purged.');
foreach ($manufacturers as $manufacturer) {
$this->info('- Manufacturer "'.$manufacturer->name.'" deleted.');
$status_labels = Statuslabel::whereNotNull('deleted_at')->withTrashed()->get();
$this->info($status_labels->count().' status labels purged.');
foreach ($status_labels as $status_label) {
$this->info('- Status Label "'.$status_label->name.'" deleted.');
} else {
$this->info('Action canceled. Nothing was purged.');