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* Update Ldap.php * Update Ldap.php * Update Ldap.php * Update Ldap.php * Update Ldap.php Updating LDAP.php such that the admin bind will ONLY occur if the user attempting auth cannot bind. If that is the case, it will attempt to bind as admin and search for that user, prior to failing.
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296 lines
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namespace App\Models;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use App\Models\User;
use App\Models\Setting;
use Exception;
use Input;
use Log;
class Ldap extends Model
* Makes a connection to LDAP using the settings in Admin > Settings.
* @author [A. Gianotto] [<snipe@snipe.net>]
* @since [v3.0]
* @return connection
public static function connectToLdap()
$ldap_host = Setting::getSettings()->ldap_server;
$ldap_version = Setting::getSettings()->ldap_version;
$ldap_server_cert_ignore = Setting::getSettings()->ldap_server_cert_ignore;
$ldap_use_tls = Setting::getSettings()->ldap_tls;
// If we are ignoring the SSL cert we need to setup the environment variable
// before we create the connection
if ($ldap_server_cert_ignore=='1') {
// If the user specifies where CA Certs are, make sure to use them
if (env("LDAPTLS_CACERT")) {
$connection = @ldap_connect($ldap_host);
if (!$connection) {
throw new Exception('Could not connect to LDAP server at '.$ldap_host.'. Please check your LDAP server name and port number in your settings.');
// Needed for AD
ldap_set_option($connection, LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS, 0);
ldap_set_option($connection, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, $ldap_version);
ldap_set_option($connection, LDAP_OPT_NETWORK_TIMEOUT, 20);
if ($ldap_use_tls=='1') {
return $connection;
* Binds/authenticates the user to LDAP, and returns their attributes.
* @author [A. Gianotto] [<snipe@snipe.net>]
* @since [v3.0]
* @param $username
* @param $password
* @param bool|false $user
* @return bool true if the username and/or password provided are valid
* false if the username and/or password provided are invalid
* array of ldap_attributes if $user is true
static function findAndBindUserLdap($username, $password)
$settings = Setting::getSettings();
$connection = Ldap::connectToLdap();
$ldap_username_field = $settings->ldap_username_field;
$baseDn = $settings->ldap_basedn;
$userDn = $ldap_username_field.'='.$username.','.$settings->ldap_basedn;
if ($settings->is_ad =='1') {
// Check if they are using the userprincipalname for the username field.
// If they are, we can skip building the UPN to authenticate against AD
if ($ldap_username_field=='userprincipalname') {
$userDn = $username;
} else {
// In case they haven't added an AD domain
$userDn = ($settings->ad_domain != '') ? $username.'@'.$settings->ad_domain : $username.'@'.$settings->email_domain;
\Log::debug('Attempting to login using distinguished name:'.$userDn);
$filterQuery = $settings->ldap_auth_filter_query . $username;
if (!$ldapbind = @ldap_bind($connection, $userDn, $password)) {
if(!$ldapbind = Ldap::bindAdminToLdap($connection)){
return false;
if (!$results = ldap_search($connection, $baseDn, $filterQuery)) {
throw new Exception('Could not search LDAP: ');
if (!$entry = ldap_first_entry($connection, $results)) {
return false;
if (!$user = ldap_get_attributes($connection, $entry)) {
return false;
return array_change_key_case($user);
* Binds/authenticates an admin to LDAP for LDAP searching/syncing.
* Here we also return a better error if the app key is donked.
* @author [A. Gianotto] [<snipe@snipe.net>]
* @since [v3.0]
* @param bool|false $user
* @return bool true if the username and/or password provided are valid
* false if the username and/or password provided are invalid
static function bindAdminToLdap($connection)
$ldap_username = Setting::getSettings()->ldap_uname;
// Lets return some nicer messages for users who donked their app key, and disable LDAP
try {
$ldap_pass = \Crypt::decrypt(Setting::getSettings()->ldap_pword);
} catch (Exception $e) {
throw new Exception('Your app key has changed! Could not decrypt LDAP password using your current app key, so LDAP authentication has been disabled. Login with a local account, update the LDAP password and re-enable it in Admin > Settings.');
if (!$ldapbind = @ldap_bind($connection, $ldap_username, $ldap_pass)) {
throw new Exception('Could not bind to LDAP: '.ldap_error($connection));
* Parse and map LDAP attributes based on settings
* @author [A. Gianotto] [<snipe@snipe.net>]
* @since [v3.0]
* @param $ldapatttibutes
* @return array|bool
static function parseAndMapLdapAttributes($ldapatttibutes)
//Get LDAP attribute config
$ldap_result_username = Setting::getSettings()->ldap_username_field;
$ldap_result_emp_num = Setting::getSettings()->ldap_emp_num;
$ldap_result_last_name = Setting::getSettings()->ldap_lname_field;
$ldap_result_first_name = Setting::getSettings()->ldap_fname_field;
$ldap_result_email = Setting::getSettings()->ldap_email;
// Get LDAP user data
$item = array();
$item["username"] = isset($ldapatttibutes[$ldap_result_username][0]) ? $ldapatttibutes[$ldap_result_username][0] : "";
$item["employee_number"] = isset($ldapatttibutes[$ldap_result_emp_num][0]) ? $ldapatttibutes[$ldap_result_emp_num][0] : "";
$item["lastname"] = isset($ldapatttibutes[$ldap_result_last_name][0]) ? $ldapatttibutes[$ldap_result_last_name][0] : "";
$item["firstname"] = isset($ldapatttibutes[$ldap_result_first_name][0]) ? $ldapatttibutes[$ldap_result_first_name][0] : "";
$item["email"] = isset($ldapatttibutes[$ldap_result_email][0]) ? $ldapatttibutes[$ldap_result_email][0] : "" ;
return $item;
* Create user from LDAP attributes
* @author [A. Gianotto] [<snipe@snipe.net>]
* @since [v3.0]
* @param $ldapatttibutes
* @return array|bool
static function createUserFromLdap($ldapatttibutes)
$item = Ldap::parseAndMapLdapAttributes($ldapatttibutes);
// Create user from LDAP data
if (!empty($item["username"])) {
$user = new User;
$user->first_name = $item["firstname"];
$user->last_name = $item["lastname"];
$user->username = $item["username"];
$user->email = $item["email"];
if (Setting::getSettings()->ldap_pw_sync=='1') {
$user->password = bcrypt(Input::get("password"));
} else {
$pass = substr(str_shuffle("0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"), 0, 25);
$user->password = bcrypt($pass);
$user->activated = 1;
$user->ldap_import = 1;
$user->notes = 'Imported on first login from LDAP';
if ($user->save()) {
return $user;
} else {
LOG::debug('Could not create user.'.$user->getErrors());
throw new Exception("Could not create user: ".$user->getErrors());
return false;
* Searches LDAP
* @author [A. Gianotto] [<snipe@snipe.net>]
* @since [v3.0]
* @param $ldapatttibutes
* @param $base_dn
* @return array|bool
static function findLdapUsers($base_dn = null)
$ldapconn = Ldap::connectToLdap();
$ldap_bind = Ldap::bindAdminToLdap($ldapconn);
// Default to global base DN if nothing else is provided.
if (is_null($base_dn)) {
$base_dn = Setting::getSettings()->ldap_basedn;
$filter = Setting::getSettings()->ldap_filter;
// Set up LDAP pagination for very large databases
$page_size = 500;
$cookie = '';
$result_set = array();
$global_count = 0;
// Perform the search
do {
// Paginate (non-critical, if not supported by server)
if (!$ldap_paging = @ldap_control_paged_result($ldapconn, $page_size, false, $cookie)) {
throw new Exception('Problem with your LDAP connection. Try checking the Use TLS setting in Admin > Settings. ');
$search_results = ldap_search($ldapconn, $base_dn, '('.$filter.')');
if (!$search_results) {
return redirect()->route('users.index')->with('error', trans('admin/users/message.error.ldap_could_not_search').ldap_error($ldapconn));
// Get results from page
$results = ldap_get_entries($ldapconn, $search_results);
if (!$results) {
return redirect()->route('users.index')->with('error', trans('admin/users/message.error.ldap_could_not_get_entries').ldap_error($ldapconn));
// Add results to result set
$global_count += $results['count'];
$result_set = array_merge($result_set, $results);
@ldap_control_paged_result_response($ldapconn, $search_results, $cookie);
} while ($cookie !== null && $cookie != '');
// Clean up after search
$result_set['count'] = $global_count;
$results = $result_set;
ldap_control_paged_result($ldapconn, 0);
return $results;