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namespace App\Models\Traits;
use App\Enums\ActionType;
use App\Models\Actionlog;
use App\Models\Asset;
use App\Models\License;
use App\Models\LicenseSeat;
use App\Models\Location;
use App\Models\Setting;
use App\Notifications\AuditNotification;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
trait Loggable
// an attribute for setting whether or not the item was imported
public ?bool $imported = false;
private ?string $log_message = null; //FIXME - meant to be 'private'!!!!!
private ?Model $item = null;
private array $log_meta = [];
private ?Model $target = null;
private ?string $note = null;
private ?Location $location_override = null;
//public static array $hide_changes = [];
public static function bootLoggable()
//these tiny methods just set up what the log message is going to be
// it looks like 'restoring' fires *BEFORE* 'updating' - so we need to handle that
static::restoring(function ($model) {
\Log::error("Restor*ing* callback firing...");
static::updating(function ($model) {
\Log::error("Updating is fired, current log message is: ".$model->log_message);
// if we're doing a restore, this 'updating' hook fires *after* the restoring hook
// so we make sure not to overwrite the log_message
if (!$model->log_message) {
static::creating(function ($model) {
static::deleting(function ($model) { //TODO - is this only for 'hard' delete? Or soft?
\Log::error("DELETING TRIGGER HAS FIRED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!");
//static::trashing(function ($model) { //TODO - is *this* the right one?
// $model->setLogMessage(ActionType::Delete); // No, no it is very much not. there is 'trashed' but not 'trashING'
// THIS sets up the transaction, and gets the 'diff' between the original for the model,
// and the way it's about to get saved to.
// note that this may run *BEFORE* the more specific events, above? I don't know why that is though.
// OPEN QUESTION - does this run on soft-delete? I don't know.
static::saving(function ($model) {
//possibly consider a "$this->saveWithoutTransaction" thing you can invoke?
// use "BEGIN" here?! TODO FIXME
$changed = [];
foreach ($model->getRawOriginal() as $key => $value) {
if ($model->getRawOriginal()[$key] != $model->getAttributes()[$key]) {
$changed[$key]['old'] = $model->getRawOriginal()[$key];
$changed[$key]['new'] = $model->getAttributes()[$key];
if (property_exists(self::class, 'hide_changes') && in_array($key, self::$hide_changes)) {
$changed[$key]['old'] = '*************';
$changed[$key]['new'] = '*************';
// THIS is the whole enchilada, the MAIN thing that you've got to do to make things work.
//if we've set everything up correctly, this should pretty much do everything we want, all in one place
static::saved(function ($model) {
if (!$model->log_message && !$model->log_meta) {
//nothing was changed, nothing was saved, nothing happened. So there should be no log message.
//FIXME if we do the transaction thing!!!!
\Log::error("LOG MESSAGE IS BLANK, ****AND**** log_meta is blank! Not sure what that means though...");
if (!$model->log_message) {
throw new \Exception("Log Message was unset, but log_meta *does* exist - it's: ".print_r($model->log_meta, true));
static::deleted(function ($model) {
\Log::error("Deleted callback has fired!!!!!!!!!!! I guess that means do stuff here?");
$model->logWithoutSave(); //TODO - if we do commits up there, we should do them here too?
static::restored(function ($model) {
\Log::error("RestorED callback firing.");
$model->logWithoutSave(); //TODO - this is getting duplicative.
// CRAP.
//static::trashed(function ($model) {
// $model->logWithoutSave(ActionType::Delete);
// and THIS is the main, primary logging system
// it *can* be called on its own, but in *general* you should let it trigger from the 'save'
public function logWithoutSave(ActionType $logaction = null)
if ($logaction) {
$logAction = new Actionlog();
$logAction->item_type = self::class;
$logAction->item_id = $this->id;
$logAction->created_at = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$logAction->created_by = auth()->id();
if ($this->imported) {
$logAction->log_meta = $this->log_meta ? json_encode($this->log_meta) : null;
if ($this->target) {
$logAction->target_type = $this->target::class;
$logAction->target_id = $this->target->id;
if ($this->note) {
$logAction->note = $this->note;
if ($this->location_override) {
$logAction->location_id = $this->location->id;
public function setLogMessage(ActionType $message)
$this->log_message = $message->value;
public function setLogMeta(array $changed)
$this->log_meta = $changed;
public function setTarget(Model $target)
$this->target = $target;
public function setNote(string $note)
$this->note = $note;
* @author Daniel Meltzer <dmeltzer.devel@gmail.com>
* @since [v3.4]
* @return \App\Models\Actionlog
public function log()
return $this->morphMany(Actionlog::class, 'item');
public function setImported(bool $bool): void
$this->imported = $bool;
* @author Daniel Meltzer <dmeltzer.devel@gmail.com>
* @since [v3.4]
* @return \App\Models\Actionlog
public function logCheckout($note, $target, $action_date = null, $originalValues = [])
$log = new Actionlog;
$fields_array = [];
$log = $this->determineLogItemType($log);
if (auth()->user()) {
$log->created_by = auth()->id();
if (! isset($target)) {
throw new \Exception('All checkout logs require a target.');
if (! isset($target->id)) {
throw new \Exception('That target seems invalid (no target ID available).');
$log->target_type = get_class($target);
$log->target_id = $target->id;
// Figure out what the target is
if ($log->target_type == Location::class) {
$log->location_id = $target->id;
} elseif ($log->target_type == Asset::class) {
$log->location_id = $target->location_id;
} else {
$log->location_id = $target->location_id;
if (static::class == Asset::class) {
if ($asset = Asset::find($log->item_id)) {
// add the custom fields that were changed
if ($asset->model->fieldset) {
$fields_array = [];
foreach ($asset->model->fieldset->fields as $field) {
if ($field->display_checkout == 1) {
$fields_array[$field->db_column] = $asset->{$field->db_column};
$log->note = $note;
$log->action_date = $action_date;
if (! $log->action_date) {
$log->action_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$changed = [];
$array_to_flip = array_keys($fields_array);
$array_to_flip = array_merge($array_to_flip, ['action_date','name','status_id','location_id','expected_checkin']);
$originalValues = array_intersect_key($originalValues, array_flip($array_to_flip));
foreach ($originalValues as $key => $value) {
if ($key == 'action_date' && $value != $action_date) {
$changed[$key]['old'] = $value;
$changed[$key]['new'] = is_string($action_date) ? $action_date : $action_date->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
} elseif ($value != $this->getAttributes()[$key]) {
$changed[$key]['old'] = $value;
$changed[$key]['new'] = $this->getAttributes()[$key];
if (!empty($changed)){
$log->log_meta = json_encode($changed);
return $log;
* Helper method to determine the log item type
private function determineLogItemType($log)
// We need to special case licenses because of license_seat vs license. So much for clean polymorphism :
if (static::class == LicenseSeat::class) {
$log->item_type = License::class;
$log->item_id = $this->license_id;
} else {
$log->item_type = static::class;
$log->item_id = $this->id;
return $log;
* @author Daniel Meltzer <dmeltzer.devel@gmail.com>
* @since [v3.4]
* @return \App\Models\Actionlog
public function logCheckin($target, $note, $action_date = null, $originalValues = [])
$log = new Actionlog;
$fields_array = [];
if($target != null){
$log->target_type = get_class($target);
$log->target_id = $target->id;
if (static::class == LicenseSeat::class) {
$log->item_type = License::class;
$log->item_id = $this->license_id;
} else {
$log->item_type = static::class;
$log->item_id = $this->id;
if (static::class == Asset::class) {
if ($asset = Asset::find($log->item_id)) {
$asset->increment('checkin_counter', 1);
// add the custom fields that were changed
if ($asset->model->fieldset) {
$fields_array = [];
foreach ($asset->model->fieldset->fields as $field) {
if ($field->display_checkin == 1) {
$fields_array[$field->db_column] = $asset->{$field->db_column};
$log->location_id = null;
$log->note = $note;
$log->action_date = $action_date;
if (! $log->action_date) {
$log->action_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
if (auth()->user()) {
$log->created_by = auth()->id();
$changed = [];
$array_to_flip = array_keys($fields_array);
$array_to_flip = array_merge($array_to_flip, ['action_date','name','status_id','location_id','expected_checkin']);
$originalValues = array_intersect_key($originalValues, array_flip($array_to_flip));
foreach ($originalValues as $key => $value) {
if ($key == 'action_date' && $value != $action_date) {
$changed[$key]['old'] = $value;
$changed[$key]['new'] = is_string($action_date) ? $action_date : $action_date->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
} elseif ($value != $this->getAttributes()[$key]) {
$changed[$key]['old'] = $value;
$changed[$key]['new'] = $this->getAttributes()[$key];
if (!empty($changed)){
$log->log_meta = json_encode($changed);
$log->logaction('checkin from');
return $log;
* @author A. Gianotto <snipe@snipe.net>
* @since [v4.0]
* @return \App\Models\Actionlog
public function logAudit($note, $location_id, $filename = null)
$log = new Actionlog;
$location = Location::find($location_id);
if (static::class == LicenseSeat::class) {
$log->item_type = License::class;
$log->item_id = $this->license_id;
} else {
$log->item_type = static::class;
$log->item_id = $this->id;
$log->location_id = ($location_id) ? $location_id : null;
$log->note = $note;
$log->created_by = auth()->id();
$log->filename = $filename;
$params = [
'item' => $log->item,
'filename' => $log->filename,
'admin' => $log->adminuser,
'location' => ($location) ? $location->name : '',
'note' => $note,
Setting::getSettings()->notify(new AuditNotification($params));
return $log;
* @author Daniel Meltzer <dmeltzer.devel@gmail.com>
* @since [v3.5]
* @return \App\Models\Actionlog
public function logCreate($note = null)
$created_by = -1;
if (auth()->user()) {
$created_by = auth()->id();
$log = new Actionlog;
if (static::class == LicenseSeat::class) {
$log->item_type = License::class;
$log->item_id = $this->license_id;
} else {
$log->item_type = static::class;
$log->item_id = $this->id;
$log->location_id = null;
$log->note = $note;
$log->created_by = $created_by;
return $log;
* @author Daniel Meltzer <dmeltzer.devel@gmail.com>
* @since [v3.4]
* @return \App\Models\Actionlog
public function logUpload($filename, $note)
$log = new Actionlog;
if (static::class == LicenseSeat::class) {
$log->item_type = License::class;
$log->item_id = $this->license_id;
} else {
$log->item_type = static::class;
$log->item_id = $this->id;
$log->created_by = auth()->id();
$log->note = $note;
$log->target_id = null;
$log->created_at = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$log->filename = $filename;
return $log;