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return [
'ad' => 'Active Directory',
'ad_domain' => 'Parth Active Directory',
'ad_domain_help' => 'Ar adegau yn debyg i parth eich cyfeiriad ebost, ond dim pob tro.',
'ad_append_domain_label' => 'Append domain name',
'ad_append_domain' => 'Append domain name to username field',
'ad_append_domain_help' => 'User isn\'t required to write "username@domain.local", they can just type "username".',
'admin_cc_email' => 'CC Ebost',
'admin_cc_email_help' => 'Os ydych am i cyfrif ebost derbyn copi o negeseuon i ddefnyddwyr wrth nodi asdedau allan i defnyddwyr ac yn ol i fewn rhowch o yma. Fel arall, gadewch yn wag.',
'is_ad' => 'Mae hwn yn Server Active Directory',
'alerts' => 'Alerts',
'alert_title' => 'Update Alert Settings',
'alert_email' => 'Gyrru rhybuddion i',
'alert_email_help' => 'Email addresses or distribution lists you want alerts to be sent to, comma separated',
'alerts_enabled' => 'Rhybuddion ebost wedi alluogi',
'alert_interval' => 'Trothwy Rhybuddion sy\'n Dod i Ben (mewn dyddiau)',
'alert_inv_threshold' => 'Trothwy Rhybudd Rhestr',
'allow_user_skin' => 'Allow User Skin',
'allow_user_skin_help_text' => 'Checking this box will allow a user to override the UI skin with a different one.',
'asset_ids' => 'Rhifau Unigryw Asedau',
'audit_interval' => 'Cyfnod Awdit',
'audit_interval_help' => 'If you are required to regularly physically audit your assets, enter the interval in months that you use. If you update this value, all of the "next audit dates" for assets with an upcoming audit date.',
'audit_warning_days' => 'Trothwy Rhybuddio Awdit',
'audit_warning_days_help' => 'Sawl diwrnod o flaen llaw ddylswn rhybuddio chi o asedau sydd angen awdit?',
'auto_increment_assets' => 'Generate auto-incrementing asset tags',
'auto_increment_prefix' => 'Rhagddodiad (dewisol)',
'auto_incrementing_help' => 'Enable auto-incrementing asset tags first to set this',
'backups' => 'Copi wrth gefn',
'backups_restoring' => 'Restoring from Backup',
'backups_upload' => 'Upload Backup',
'backups_path' => 'Backups on the server are stored in <code>:path</code>',
'backups_restore_warning' => 'Use the restore button <small><span class="btn btn-xs btn-warning"><i class="text-white fas fa-retweet" aria-hidden="true"></i></span></small> to restore from a previous backup. (This does not currently work with S3 file storage or Docker.<br><br>Your <strong>entire :app_name database and any uploaded files will be completely replaced</strong> by what\'s in the backup file. ',
'backups_logged_out' => 'All existing users, including you, will be logged out once your restore is complete.',
'backups_large' => 'Very large backups may time out on the restore attempt and may still need to be run via command line. ',
'barcode_settings' => 'Gosodiadau Barcode',
'confirm_purge' => 'Cadarnhau Clirio',
'confirm_purge_help' => 'Enter the text "DELETE" in the box below to purge your deleted records. This action cannot be undone and will PERMANENTLY delete all soft-deleted items and users. (You should make a backup first, just to be safe.)',
'custom_css' => 'Addasu CSS',
'custom_css_help' => 'Cewch nodi unrhyw CSS personol yma. Peidiwch a cynnwys <style></style>.',
'custom_forgot_pass_url' => 'Cyfeiriad gwasanaeth newid cyfrinair',
'custom_forgot_pass_url_help' => 'Mae hyn yn cymeryd lle y system menwol i newid cyfrineiriau ar y wefan mewngofnodi, o defnydd i gyfeirio pobol at eich datrysiad newid cyfrineiriau LDAP. Nid ywn\'n bosib i defnyddwyr lleol o SNipe-IT newid cyfrineair os yw\'r opsiwn wedi alluogi.',
'dashboard_message' => 'Neges Dashfwrdd',
'dashboard_message_help' => 'Fydd y neges yma yn ymddangos ar y dashfwrdd i unrhywun hefo hawl i weld y dashfwrdd.',
'default_currency' => 'Arian Diofyn',
'default_eula_text' => 'CGTG Diofyn',
'default_language' => 'Iaith Diofyn',
'default_eula_help_text' => 'Yn ogystal, fedrwch perthnasu CTDT yn erbyn asedau penodol.',
'display_asset_name' => 'Dangos Enw Ased',
'display_checkout_date' => 'Dangos Dyddiad Allan',
'display_eol' => 'Dangos DB yn y tabl',
'display_qr' => 'Arddangos Codau Sgwâr',
'display_alt_barcode' => 'Arddangos barcode 1D',
'email_logo' => 'Email Logo',
'barcode_type' => 'Math Barcode 2D',
'alt_barcode_type' => 'Math Barcode 1D',
'email_logo_size' => 'Square logos in email look best. ',
'enabled' => 'Enabled',
'eula_settings' => 'Gosodiadau CTDT',
'eula_markdown' => 'Mae\'r CTDT yma yn caniatau <a href="https://help.github.com/articles/github-flavored-markdown/">markdown GitHub</a>.',
'favicon' => 'Favicon',
'favicon_format' => 'Accepted filetypes are ico, png, and gif. Other image formats may not work in all browsers.',
'favicon_size' => 'Favicons should be square images, 16x16 pixels.',
'footer_text' => 'Testun Troedyn Ychwanegol ',
'footer_text_help' => 'Dangosir y text yma ir ochor dde yn y troedyn. Mae lincs yn dderbyniol gan defnyddio <a href="https://help.github.com/articles/github-flavored-markdown/">Github flavored markdown</a>. Line breaks, headers, images, etc may result in unpredictable results.',
'general_settings' => 'Gosodiadau Cyffredinol',
'general_settings_keywords' => 'company support, signature, acceptance, email format, username format, images, per page, thumbnail, eula, tos, dashboard, privacy',
'general_settings_help' => 'Default EULA and more',
'generate_backup' => 'Creu copi-wrth-gefn',
'header_color' => 'Lliw penawd',
'info' => 'Mae\'r gosodiadau yma yn caniatau i chi addasu elfennau o\'r system.',
'label_logo' => 'Label Logo',
'label_logo_size' => 'Square logos look best - will be displayed in the top right of each asset label. ',
'laravel' => 'Fersiwn Laravel',
'ldap' => 'LDAP',
'ldap_help' => 'LDAP/Active Directory',
'ldap_client_tls_key' => 'LDAP Client TLS Key',
'ldap_client_tls_cert' => 'LDAP Client-Side TLS Certificate',
'ldap_enabled' => 'LDAP wedi alluogi',
'ldap_integration' => 'Integreiddio LDAP',
'ldap_settings' => 'Gosodiadau LDAP',
'ldap_client_tls_cert_help' => 'Client-Side TLS Certificate and Key for LDAP connections are usually only useful in Google Workspace configurations with "Secure LDAP." Both are required.',
'ldap_client_tls_key' => 'LDAP Client-Side TLS key',
'ldap_login_test_help' => 'Gosodwch cyfrif a chyfrinair LDAP dilys o\'r base DN i profi cysyllted a gweithrediad LDAP. RHAID ARBED Y GOSODIADAU LDAP CYNTAF.',
'ldap_login_sync_help' => 'Mae\'r prawf yma yn profi\'r gallu i LDAP gwneud sync. Os ydi\'r gosodiadau LDAP yn anghywir mae\'n bosib ni ellith defnyddwyr mewngofnodi. RHAID ARBED GOSODIADAU LDAP CYNTAF.',
'ldap_server' => 'Server LDAP',
'ldap_server_help' => 'Dylith hwn ddechra hefo ldap://(Ar gyfer cysylltiadau TLS neu heb eu hamcryptio) neu ldaps://(ar gyfer SSL)',
'ldap_server_cert' => 'Profi tystysgrif LDAP SSL dilys',
'ldap_server_cert_ignore' => 'Caniatau Tystyrgrif SSL annilys',
'ldap_server_cert_help' => 'Dewisiwch y blwch yma os ydych yn defnyddio tystysgrif wedi hunan-arwyddo ac os ydych am dderbyn tystysgrif SSL annilys.',
'ldap_tls' => 'Defnyddio TLS',
'ldap_tls_help' => 'Dewisiwch os ydych yn rhedeg STARTTLS ar eich server LDAP. ',
'ldap_uname' => 'Enw defnyddiwr i cysylltu trwy LDAP',
'ldap_dept' => 'LDAP Department',
'ldap_phone' => 'LDAP Telephone Number',
'ldap_jobtitle' => 'LDAP Job Title',
'ldap_country' => 'LDAP Country',
'ldap_pword' => 'Cyfrinair i cysylltu trwy LDAP',
'ldap_basedn' => 'DN Cyswllt Sylfaenol',
'ldap_filter' => 'Hidlydd LDAP',
'ldap_pw_sync' => 'Sync cyfrinair LDAP',
'ldap_pw_sync_help' => 'Tynnwch y tic o\'r focs yma os nad ydych am cadw cyfrineiriau LDAP mewn sync a cyfrineiriau lleol. Mae an-alluogi hyn yn feddwl ni ellith defnyddywr mewngofnodi os oes problem hefo\'r server LDAP.',
'ldap_username_field' => 'Maes Enw Defnyddiwr',
'ldap_lname_field' => 'Enw Olaf',
'ldap_fname_field' => 'Enw Cyntaf LDAP',
'ldap_auth_filter_query' => 'Ymholiad dilysu LDAP',
'ldap_version' => 'Fersiwn LDAP',
'ldap_active_flag' => 'Nodi bod LDAP yn weithredol',
'ldap_activated_flag_help' => 'This flag is used to determine whether a user can login to Snipe-IT and does not affect the ability to check items in or out to them.',
'ldap_emp_num' => 'LDAP Rhif Cyflogai',
'ldap_email' => 'Ebost LDAP',
'ldap_test' => 'Test LDAP',
'ldap_test_sync' => 'Test LDAP Synchronization',
'license' => 'Trwydded Meddalwedd',
'load_remote_text' => 'Scripts o bell',
'load_remote_help_text' => 'Gellith Snipe-IT gosod scripts o\'r we.',
'login' => 'Login Attempts',
'login_attempt' => 'Login Attempt',
'login_ip' => 'IP Address',
'login_success' => 'Success?',
'login_user_agent' => 'User Agent',
'login_help' => 'List of attempted logins',
'login_note' => 'Nodyn Mewngofnodi',
'login_note_help' => 'Cewch dewis i cynnwys brawddeg neu ddwy ar y sgrin mewngofnodi, e.e. i cynorthwyo pobol sydd wedi darganfod offer. This field accepts <a href="https://help.github.com/articles/github-flavored-markdown/">Github flavored markdown</a>',
'login_remote_user_text' => 'Dewisiadau mewngofnodi ar gyfer defnyddywr o bell',
'login_remote_user_enabled_text' => 'Caniatau mewngofnodi hefo\'r Remote User Header',
'login_remote_user_enabled_help' => 'Mae\'r opsiwn yma yn caniatau dilysu trwy\'r REMOTE_USER header yn ol "Common Gateway Interface (rfc3875)"',
'login_common_disabled_text' => 'Analluogi dulliau eraill o mewngofnodi',
'login_common_disabled_help' => 'Mae\'r opsiwn yma yn analluogi dulliau eraill o mewngofnodi. Alluogch yr opsiwn yma os ydych yn sicr bod yr opsiwn REMOTE_USER yn weithredol',
'login_remote_user_custom_logout_url_text' => 'URL Allgofnodi',
'login_remote_user_custom_logout_url_help' => 'Os oes URL yma mi fydd defnyddwyr yn cael ei gyfeirio yma wrth mewngofnodi. Mae hyn yn defnyddiol i cau sesiynau hefo\'r endid sydd yn darparu\'r gwasanaeth dilysu.',
'login_remote_user_header_name_text' => 'Custom user name header',
'login_remote_user_header_name_help' => 'Use the specified header instead of REMOTE_USER',
'logo' => 'Logo',
'logo_print_assets' => 'Defnyddio wrth argraffu',
'logo_print_assets_help' => 'Defnyddio branding ar rhestrau asedau i\'w argraffu ',
'full_multiple_companies_support_help_text' => 'Cyfyngu defnyddywr (gan cynnwys Admin) sydd wedi aseinio i gwmni i asedau\'r cwmni.',
'full_multiple_companies_support_text' => 'Cefnogaeth Llawn ar gyfer Nifer o Cwmniau',
'show_in_model_list' => 'Dangos mewn dewislen modelau',
'optional' => 'dewisol',
'per_page' => 'Canlyniadau fesul tudalen',
'php' => 'Fersiwn PHP',
'php_info' => 'PHP Info',
'php_overview' => 'PHP',
'php_overview_keywords' => 'phpinfo, system, info',
'php_overview_help' => 'PHP System info',
'php_gd_info' => 'Rhaid gossod php-gd i weld codau QR, gweler y canllaawiau gosod.',
'php_gd_warning' => 'NID yw PHP IMage Processing a\'r plugin GD wedi osod.',
'pwd_secure_complexity' => 'Cymhlethdod Cyfrineiriau',
'pwd_secure_complexity_help' => 'Dewisiwch y rheolau cymlethdod cyfrineiriau sydd ei angen.',
'pwd_secure_complexity_disallow_same_pwd_as_user_fields' => 'Password cannot be the same as first name, last name, email, or username',
'pwd_secure_complexity_letters' => 'Require at least one letter',
'pwd_secure_complexity_numbers' => 'Require at least one number',
'pwd_secure_complexity_symbols' => 'Require at least one symbol',
'pwd_secure_complexity_case_diff' => 'Require at least one uppercase and one lowercase',
'pwd_secure_min' => 'Lleiafswm o cymeriadau mewn cyfrinair',
'pwd_secure_min_help' => 'Minimum permitted value is 8',
'pwd_secure_uncommon' => 'Nadu cyfrineiriau cyffredin',
'pwd_secure_uncommon_help' => 'Fydd hyn yn nadu defnyddwyr rhag defnyddio\'r 10,000 o cyfrineiriau sydd wedi adnabod yn rhan o digwyddiadau siber.',
'qr_help' => 'Alluogwch QR codes cyntaf er mwyn gosod hyn',
'qr_text' => 'Testun Cod QR',
'saml' => 'SAML',
'saml_title' => 'Update SAML settings',
'saml_help' => 'SAML settings',
'saml_enabled' => 'SAML enabled',
'saml_integration' => 'SAML Integration',
'saml_sp_entityid' => 'Entity ID',
'saml_sp_acs_url' => 'Assertion Consumer Service (ACS) URL',
'saml_sp_sls_url' => 'Single Logout Service (SLS) URL',
'saml_sp_x509cert' => 'Public Certificate',
'saml_sp_metadata_url' => 'Metadata URL',
'saml_idp_metadata' => 'SAML IdP Metadata',
'saml_idp_metadata_help' => 'You can specify the IdP metadata using a URL or XML file.',
'saml_attr_mapping_username' => 'Attribute Mapping - Username',
'saml_attr_mapping_username_help' => 'NameID will be used if attribute mapping is unspecified or invalid.',
'saml_forcelogin_label' => 'SAML Default Login',
'saml_forcelogin' => 'Make SAML the primary login',
'saml_forcelogin_help' => 'You can use \'/login?nosaml\' to get to the normal login page.',
'saml_slo_label' => 'SAML Single Log Out',
'saml_slo' => 'Send a LogoutRequest to IdP on Logout',
'saml_slo_help' => 'This will cause the user to be first redirected to the IdP on logout. Leave unchecked if the IdP doesn\'t correctly support SP-initiated SAML SLO.',
'saml_custom_settings' => 'SAML Custom Settings',
'saml_custom_settings_help' => 'You can specify additional settings to the onelogin/php-saml library. Use at your own risk.',
'saml_download' => 'Download Metadata',
'setting' => 'Gosodiad',
'settings' => 'Gosodiadau',
'show_alerts_in_menu' => 'Dangos rhybuddion yn y dewislen',
'show_archived_in_list' => 'Eitemau wedi eu harchifio',
'show_archived_in_list_text' => 'Dangos asedau sydd wedi\'i archifio yn "holl asedau"',
'show_assigned_assets' => 'Show assets assigned to assets',
'show_assigned_assets_help' => 'Display assets which were assigned to the other assets in View User -> Assets, View User -> Info -> Print All Assigned and in Account -> View Assigned Assets.',
'show_images_in_email' => 'Dangos lluniau mewn ebyst',
'show_images_in_email_help' => 'Tynnwch y tic or bocs yma os yw eich copi o Snipe-IT tu ol i VPN neu o fewn rhwydwaith caedig os ni fydd yn bosib i defnyddwyr gweld lluniau yn ebyst o\'r system yma.',
'site_name' => 'Enw Safle',
'slack' => 'Slack',
'slack_title' => 'Update Slack Settings',
'slack_help' => 'Slack settings',
'slack_botname' => 'Enwbot Slack',
'slack_channel' => 'Sianel Slack',
'slack_endpoint' => 'Slack Endpoint',
'slack_integration' => 'Gosodiadau Slack',
'slack_integration_help' => 'Slack integration is optional, however the endpoint and channel are required if you wish to use it. To configure Slack integration, you must first <a href=":slack_link" target="_new" rel="noopener">create an incoming webhook</a> on your Slack account. Click on the <strong>Test Slack Integration</strong> button to confirm your settings are correct before saving. ',
'slack_integration_help_button' => 'Ar ol arbed eich wybodaeth Slack cewch fotwm profi.',
'slack_test_help' => 'Profi eich gosodiadau slack. Rhaid i chi arbed eich gosodiadau gyntaf.',
'snipe_version' => 'Fersiwn Snipe-IT',
'support_footer' => 'Cefnogi lincs ar waelod tudalenau ',
'support_footer_help' => 'Nodi pwy sydd yn gallu gweld y wybodaeth cefnogi ar canllaw defnyddwyr',
'version_footer' => 'Fersiwn ar waelod tudalen ',
'version_footer_help' => 'Nodi pwy sydd yn cael gweld fersiwn Snipe-IT.',
'system' => 'Gwybodaeth System',
'update' => 'Diweddaru Gosodiadau',
'value' => 'Gwerth',
'brand' => 'Brandio',
'brand_keywords' => 'footer, logo, print, theme, skin, header, colors, color, css',
'brand_help' => 'Logo, Site Name',
'web_brand' => 'Web Branding Type',
'about_settings_title' => 'Amdan Gosodiadau',
'about_settings_text' => 'Mae\'r gosodiadau yma yn caniatau i chi addasu elfennau o\'r system.',
'labels_per_page' => 'Labeli fesul tudalen',
'label_dimensions' => 'Maint labeli (modfedd)',
'next_auto_tag_base' => 'Rhif unigryw awtomatig nesaf',
'page_padding' => 'Maint tudalen (modfedd)',
'privacy_policy_link' => 'Linc i\'r polisi preifatrwydd',
'privacy_policy' => 'Polisi preifatrwydd',
'privacy_policy_link_help' => 'Os yw URL wedi\'i gynnwys yma, bydd dolen i\'ch polisi preifatrwydd yn cael ei chynnwys yn nhroedyn yr ap ac mewn unrhyw negeseuon e-bost y mae\'r system yn eu hanfon, yn unol â GDPR. ',
'purge' => 'Clirio cofnodion sydd wedi\'i dileu',
'purge_deleted' => 'Purge Deleted ',
'labels_display_bgutter' => 'Label gwaelod',
'labels_display_sgutter' => 'Label ochor',
'labels_fontsize' => 'Maint ffont label',
'labels_pagewidth' => 'Lled tudalen label',
'labels_pageheight' => 'Uchder tudalen label',
'label_gutters' => 'Bylchau labelau (modfedd)',
'page_dimensions' => 'Maint tudalen (modfedd)',
'label_fields' => 'Meysydd weledol labelau',
'inches' => 'modfedd',
'width_w' => 'll',
'height_h' => 'u',
'show_url_in_emails' => 'Linc i Snipe-IT mewn ebyst',
'show_url_in_emails_help_text' => 'Tynnwch y tic or bocs yma os nad ydych angen linc yn ol i\'r system Snipe-IT yr waelod ebost. O defnydd os nad yw eich defnyddwyr yn mewngofnodi. ',
'text_pt' => 'pt',
'thumbnail_max_h' => 'Uchder fwyaf thumbnail',
'thumbnail_max_h_help' => 'Uchafswm uchder mewn pixels gellith thumbnail ymddangos yn listings view. Lleiaf 25, fwyaf 500.',
'two_factor' => 'Dilysu Dau Ffactor',
'two_factor_secret' => 'Cod dilysiant dau factor',
'two_factor_enrollment' => 'Ymrestru dau factor',
'two_factor_enabled_text' => 'Alluogi dwy factor',
'two_factor_reset' => 'Ailosod cyfrinair dwy factor',
'two_factor_reset_help' => 'Wneith hyn gorfodi defnyddiwr i ail ymrestru eu dyfais hefo Google Authenticator. Ellith hyn fod yn fuddiol os ydi\'r dyfais sydd wedi ymrestru yn cael ei ddwyn neu golli. ',
'two_factor_reset_success' => 'Dyfais dwy factor wedi\'i ail osod yn llwyddiannus',
'two_factor_reset_error' => 'Wedi methu ailosod dyfais dilysaint dau-factor',
'two_factor_enabled_warning' => 'Bydd galluogi dau ffactor os nad yw wedi\'i alluogi ar hyn o bryd yn eich gorfodi ar unwaith i ddilysu gyda dyfais sydd wedi\'i chofrestru gan Google Auth. Bydd gennych y gallu i gofrestru\'ch dyfais os nad yw un wedi\'i gofrestru ar hyn o bryd.',
'two_factor_enabled_help' => 'Bydd hyn yn troi dilysiad dau ffactor ymlaen gan ddefnyddio Google Authenticator.',
'two_factor_optional' => 'Dewisol (Gall defnyddwyr alluogi neu analluogi os caniateir)',
'two_factor_required' => 'Angen ar gyfer holl defnyddwyr',
'two_factor_disabled' => 'Analluogi',
'two_factor_enter_code' => 'Mewnbynwch Cod dilysiant dau factor',
'two_factor_config_complete' => 'Cyflwyno côd',
'two_factor_enabled_edit_not_allowed' => 'Nid yw eich gweinyddwr yn caniatáu ichi olygu\'r gosodiad hwn.',
'two_factor_enrollment_text' => "Mae angen dilysu dau ffactor, ond nid yw'ch dyfais wedi'i chofrestru eto. Agorwch eich app Google Authenticator a sganiwch y cod QR isod i gofrestru'ch dyfais. Ar ôl i chi gofrestru'ch dyfais, nodwch y cod isod",
'require_accept_signature' => 'Angen Llofnod',
'require_accept_signature_help_text' => 'Bydd galluogi\'r nodwedd hon yn ei gwneud yn ofynnol i ddefnyddwyr lofnodi\'n gorfforol wrth dderbyn ased.',
'left' => 'chwith',
'right' => 'dde',
'top' => 'top',
'bottom' => 'gwaelod',
'vertical' => 'fertigol',
'horizontal' => 'llorweddol',
'unique_serial' => 'Rhifau serial unigryw',
'unique_serial_help_text' => 'Bydd gwirio\'r blwch hwn yn gorfodi cyfyngiad unigryw ar gyfresi asedau',
'zerofill_count' => 'Hyd y tagiau asedau, gan gynnwys zerofill',
'username_format_help' => 'This setting will only be used by the import process if a username is not provided and we have to generate a username for you.',
'oauth_title' => 'OAuth API Settings',
'oauth' => 'OAuth',
'oauth_help' => 'Oauth Endpoint Settings',
'asset_tag_title' => 'Update Asset Tag Settings',
'barcode_title' => 'Update Barcode Settings',
'barcodes' => 'Barcodes',
'barcodes_help_overview' => 'Barcode & QR settings',
'barcodes_help' => 'This will attempt to delete cached barcodes. This would typically only be used if your barcode settings have changed, or if your Snipe-IT URL has changed. Barcodes will be re-generated when accessed next.',
'barcodes_spinner' => 'Attempting to delete files...',
'barcode_delete_cache' => 'Delete Barcode Cache',
'branding_title' => 'Update Branding Settings',
'general_title' => 'Update General Settings',
'mail_test' => 'Send Test',
'mail_test_help' => 'This will attempt to send a test mail to :replyto.',
'filter_by_keyword' => 'Filter by setting keyword',
'security' => 'Security',
'security_title' => 'Update Security Settings',
'security_keywords' => 'password, passwords, requirements, two factor, two-factor, common passwords, remote login, logout, authentication',
'security_help' => 'Two-factor, Password Restrictions',
'groups_keywords' => 'permissions, permission groups, authorization',
'groups_help' => 'Account permission groups',
'localization' => 'Localization',
'localization_title' => 'Update Localization Settings',
'localization_keywords' => 'localization, currency, local, locale, time zone, timezone, international, internatinalization, language, languages, translation',
'localization_help' => 'Language, date display',
'notifications' => 'Notifications',
'notifications_help' => 'Email alerts, audit settings',
'asset_tags_help' => 'Incrementing and prefixes',
'labels' => 'Labels',
'labels_title' => 'Update Label Settings',
'labels_help' => 'Label sizes & settings',
'purge' => 'Purge',
'purge_keywords' => 'permanently delete',
'purge_help' => 'Purge Deleted Records',
'ldap_extension_warning' => 'It does not look like the LDAP extension is installed or enabled on this server. You can still save your settings, but you will need to enable the LDAP extension for PHP before LDAP syncing or login will work.',
'ldap_ad' => 'LDAP/AD',
'employee_number' => 'Employee Number',
'create_admin_user' => 'Create a User ::',
'create_admin_success' => 'Success! Your admin user has been added!',
'create_admin_redirect' => 'Click here to go to your app login!',
'setup_migrations' => 'Database Migrations ::',
'setup_no_migrations' => 'There was nothing to migrate. Your database tables were already set up!',
'setup_successful_migrations' => 'Your database tables have been created',
'setup_migration_output' => 'Migration output:',
'setup_migration_create_user' => 'Next: Create User',
'ldap_settings_link' => 'LDAP Settings Page',
'slack_test' => 'Test <i class="fab fa-slack"></i> Integration',