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* @author vincent loh <[email protected]>
* @version: v1.1.0
* https://github.com/vinzloh/bootstrap-table/
* Sticky header for bootstrap-table
* @update J Manuel Corona <[email protected]>
(function ($) {
'use strict';
var sprintf = $.fn.bootstrapTable.utils.sprintf;
$.extend($.fn.bootstrapTable.defaults, {
stickyHeader: false
var bootstrapVersion = 3;
try {
bootstrapVersion = parseInt($.fn.dropdown.Constructor.VERSION, 10);
} catch (e) { }
var hidden_class = bootstrapVersion > 3 ? 'd-none' : 'hidden';
var BootstrapTable = $.fn.bootstrapTable.Constructor,
_initHeader = BootstrapTable.prototype.initHeader;
BootstrapTable.prototype.initHeader = function () {
var that = this;
_initHeader.apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments));
if (!this.options.stickyHeader) {
var table = this.$tableBody.find('table'),
table_id = table.attr('id'),
header_id = table.attr('id') + '-sticky-header',
sticky_header_container_id = header_id +'-sticky-header-container',
anchor_begin_id = header_id +'_sticky_anchor_begin',
anchor_end_id = header_id +'_sticky_anchor_end';
// add begin and end anchors to track table position
table.before(sprintf('<div id="%s" class="%s"></div>', sticky_header_container_id, hidden_class));
table.before(sprintf('<div id="%s"></div>', anchor_begin_id));
table.after(sprintf('<div id="%s"></div>', anchor_end_id));
table.find('thead').attr('id', header_id);
// clone header just once, to be used as sticky header
// deep clone header. using source header affects tbody>td width
this.$stickyHeader = $($('#'+header_id).clone(true, true));
// avoid id conflict
// render sticky on window scroll or resize
$(window).on('resize.'+table_id, table, render_sticky_header);
$(window).on('scroll.'+table_id, table, render_sticky_header);
// render sticky when table scroll left-right
table.closest('.fixed-table-container').find('.fixed-table-body').on('scroll.'+table_id, table, match_position_x);
this.$el.on('all.bs.table', function (e) {
that.$stickyHeader = $($('#'+header_id).clone(true, true));
function render_sticky_header(event) {
var table = event.data;
var table_header_id = table.find('thead').attr('id');
// console.log('render_sticky_header for > '+table_header_id);
if (table.length < 1 || $('#'+table_id).length < 1){
// turn off window listeners
// get header height
var header_height = '0';
if (that.options.stickyHeaderOffsetY) header_height = that.options.stickyHeaderOffsetY.replace('px','');
// window scroll top
var t = $(window).scrollTop();
// top anchor scroll position, minus header height
var e = $("#"+anchor_begin_id).offset().top - header_height;
// bottom anchor scroll position, minus header height, minus sticky height
var e_end = $("#"+anchor_end_id).offset().top - header_height - $('#'+table_header_id).css('height').replace('px','');
// show sticky when top anchor touches header, and when bottom anchor not exceeded
if (t > e && t <= e_end) {
// ensure clone and source column widths are the same
$.each( that.$stickyHeader.find('tr').eq(0).find('th'), function (index, item) {
$(item).css('min-width', $('#'+table_header_id+' tr').eq(0).find('th').eq(index).css('width'));
// match bootstrap table style
$("#"+sticky_header_container_id).removeClass(hidden_class).addClass("fix-sticky fixed-table-container") ;
// stick it in position
$("#"+sticky_header_container_id).css('top', header_height + 'px');
// create scrollable container for header
var scrollable_div = $('<div style="position:absolute;width:100%;overflow-x:hidden;" />');
// append cloned header to dom
// match clone and source header positions when left-right scroll
} else {
// hide sticky
function match_position_x(event){
var table = event.data;
var table_header_id = table.find('thead').attr('id');
// match clone and source header positions when left-right scroll
'width', +table.closest('.fixed-table-body').css('width').replace('px', '') + 1
$("#"+sticky_header_container_id+" thead").parent().scrollLeft(Math.abs($('#'+table_header_id).position().left));
* @author: aperez <[email protected]>
* @version: v2.0.0
* @update Dennis Hernández <http://djhvscf.github.io/Blog>
!function($) {
'use strict';
var firstLoad = false;
var sprintf = $.fn.bootstrapTable.utils.sprintf;
var showAvdSearch = function(pColumns, searchTitle, searchText, that) {
if (!$("#avdSearchModal" + "_" + that.options.idTable).hasClass("modal")) {
var vModal = sprintf("<div id=\"avdSearchModal%s\" class=\"modal fade\" tabindex=\"-1\" role=\"dialog\" aria-labelledby=\"mySmallModalLabel\" aria-hidden=\"true\">", "_" + that.options.idTable);
vModal += "<div class=\"modal-dialog modal-xs\">";
vModal += " <div class=\"modal-content\">";
vModal += " <div class=\"modal-header\">";
vModal += " <button type=\"button\" class=\"close\" data-dismiss=\"modal\" aria-hidden=\"true\" >×</button>";
vModal += sprintf(" <h4 class=\"modal-title\">%s</h4>", searchTitle);
vModal += " </div>";
vModal += " <div class=\"modal-body modal-body-custom\">";
vModal += sprintf(" <div class=\"container-fluid\" id=\"avdSearchModalContent%s\" style=\"padding-right: 0px;padding-left: 0px;\" >", "_" + that.options.idTable);
vModal += " </div>";
vModal += " </div>";
vModal += " </div>";
vModal += " </div>";
vModal += "</div>";
var vFormAvd = createFormAvd(pColumns, searchText, that),
timeoutId = 0;;
$('#avdSearchModalContent' + "_" + that.options.idTable).append(vFormAvd.join(''));
$('#' + that.options.idForm).off('keyup blur', 'input').on('keyup blur', 'input', function (event) {
timeoutId = setTimeout(function () {
}, that.options.searchTimeOut);
$("#btnCloseAvd" + "_" + that.options.idTable).click(function() {
$("#avdSearchModal" + "_" + that.options.idTable).modal('hide');
$("#avdSearchModal" + "_" + that.options.idTable).modal();
} else {
$("#avdSearchModal" + "_" + that.options.idTable).modal();
var createFormAvd = function(pColumns, searchText, that) {
var htmlForm = [];
htmlForm.push(sprintf('<form class="form-horizontal" id="%s" action="%s" >', that.options.idForm, that.options.actionForm));
for (var i in pColumns) {
var vObjCol = pColumns[i];
if (!vObjCol.checkbox && vObjCol.visible && vObjCol.searchable) {
htmlForm.push('<div class="form-group">');
htmlForm.push(sprintf('<label class="col-sm-4 control-label">%s</label>', vObjCol.title));
htmlForm.push('<div class="col-sm-6">');
htmlForm.push(sprintf('<input type="text" class="form-control input-md" name="%s" placeholder="%s" id="%s">', vObjCol.field, vObjCol.title, vObjCol.field));
htmlForm.push('<div class="form-group">');
htmlForm.push('<div class="col-sm-offset-9 col-sm-3">');
htmlForm.push(sprintf('<button type="button" id="btnCloseAvd%s" class="btn btn-default" >%s</button>', "_" + that.options.idTable, searchText));
return htmlForm;
$.extend($.fn.bootstrapTable.defaults, {
advancedSearch: false,
idForm: 'advancedSearch',
actionForm: '',
idTable: undefined,
onColumnAdvancedSearch: function (field, text) {
return false;
$.extend($.fn.bootstrapTable.defaults.icons, {
advancedSearchIcon: 'glyphicon-chevron-down'
$.extend($.fn.bootstrapTable.Constructor.EVENTS, {
'column-advanced-search.bs.table': 'onColumnAdvancedSearch'
$.extend($.fn.bootstrapTable.locales, {
formatAdvancedSearch: function() {
return 'Advanced search';
formatAdvancedCloseButton: function() {
return "Close";
$.extend($.fn.bootstrapTable.defaults, $.fn.bootstrapTable.locales);
var BootstrapTable = $.fn.bootstrapTable.Constructor,
_initToolbar = BootstrapTable.prototype.initToolbar,
_load = BootstrapTable.prototype.load,
_initSearch = BootstrapTable.prototype.initSearch;
BootstrapTable.prototype.initToolbar = function() {
_initToolbar.apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments));
if (!this.options.search) {
if (!this.options.advancedSearch) {
if (!this.options.idTable) {
var that = this,
html = [];
html.push(sprintf('<div class="columns columns-%s btn-group pull-%s" role="group">', this.options.buttonsAlign, this.options.buttonsAlign));
html.push(sprintf('<button class="btn btn-default%s' + '" type="button" name="advancedSearch" aria-label="advanced search" title="%s">', that.options.iconSize === undefined ? '' : ' btn-' + that.options.iconSize, that.options.formatAdvancedSearch()));
html.push(sprintf('<i class="%s %s"></i>', that.options.iconsPrefix, that.options.icons.advancedSearchIcon))
.off('click').on('click', function() {
showAvdSearch(that.columns, that.options.formatAdvancedSearch(), that.options.formatAdvancedCloseButton(), that);
BootstrapTable.prototype.load = function(data) {
_load.apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments));
if (!this.options.advancedSearch) {
if (typeof this.options.idTable === 'undefined') {
} else {
if (!firstLoad) {
var height = parseInt($(".bootstrap-table").height());
height += 10;
$("#" + this.options.idTable).bootstrapTable("resetView", {height: height});
firstLoad = true;
BootstrapTable.prototype.initSearch = function () {
_initSearch.apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments));
if (!this.options.advancedSearch) {
var that = this;
var fp = $.isEmptyObject(this.filterColumnsPartial) ? null : this.filterColumnsPartial;
this.data = fp ? $.grep(this.data, function (item, i) {
for (var key in fp) {
var fval = fp[key].toLowerCase();
var value = item[key];
value = $.fn.bootstrapTable.utils.calculateObjectValue(that.header,
that.header.formatters[$.inArray(key, that.header.fields)],
[value, item, i], value);
if (!($.inArray(key, that.header.fields) !== -1 &&
(typeof value === 'string' || typeof value === 'number') &&
(value + '').toLowerCase().indexOf(fval) !== -1)) {
return false;
return true;
}) : this.data;
BootstrapTable.prototype.onColumnAdvancedSearch = function (event) {
var text = $.trim($(event.currentTarget).val());
var $field = $(event.currentTarget)[0].id;
if ($.isEmptyObject(this.filterColumnsPartial)) {
this.filterColumnsPartial = {};
if (text) {
this.filterColumnsPartial[$field] = text;
} else {
delete this.filterColumnsPartial[$field];
this.options.pageNumber = 1;
this.trigger('column-advanced-search', $field, text);