2018-02-20 14:41:12 -08:00

211 lines
9 KiB

return [
'accessories' => 'Accessories',
'activated' => 'Activated',
'accessory' => 'Accessory',
'accessory_report' => 'Accessory Report',
'action' => 'Action',
'activity_report' => 'Laporan Aktifitas',
'address' => 'Alamat',
'admin' => 'Admin',
'add_seats' => 'Added seats',
'all_assets' => 'All Assets',
'all' => 'Semua',
'archived' => 'Archived',
'asset_models' => 'Asset Models',
'asset_model' => 'Model',
'asset' => 'Asset',
'asset_report' => 'Asset Report',
'asset_tag' => 'Asset Tag',
'assets_available' => 'assets available',
'audit' => 'Audit',
'audit_report' => 'Audit Log',
'assets' => 'Assets',
'avatar_delete' => 'Hapus Avatar',
'avatar_upload' => 'Unggah Avatar',
'back' => 'Kembali',
'bad_data' => 'Tidak ada yang ditemukan. Mungkinkah data buruk?',
'bulkaudit' => 'Bulk Audit',
'bulkaudit_status' => 'Audit Status',
'bulk_checkout' => 'Bulk Checkout',
'cancel' => 'Batal',
'categories' => 'Kategori',
'category' => 'Kategori',
'change' => 'In/Out',
'changeemail' => 'Ubah alamat surel',
'changepassword' => 'Ubah kata sandi',
'checkin' => 'Checkin',
'checkin_from' => 'Checkin from',
'checkout' => 'Checkout',
'city' => 'Kota',
'click_here' => 'Klik disini',
'clear_selection' => 'Clear Selection',
'companies' => 'Perusahaan',
'company' => 'Perusahaan',
'component' => 'Component',
'components' => 'Components',
'complete' => 'Complete',
'consumable' => 'Consumable',
'consumables' => 'Consumables',
'country' => 'Country',
'create' => 'Buat baru',
'created' => 'Item Created',
'created_asset' => 'created asset',
'created_at' => 'Dibuat di',
'updated_at' => 'Diperbarui pada',
'currency' => 'IDR', // this is deprecated
'current' => 'Current',
'custom_report' => 'Custom Asset Report',
'dashboard' => 'Dashboard',
'days' => 'hari',
'days_to_next_audit' => 'Days to Next Audit',
'date' => 'Tanggal',
'debug_warning' => 'Peringatan!',
'debug_warning_text' => 'This application is running in production mode with debugging enabled. This can expose sensitive data if your application is accessible to the outside world. Disable debug mode by setting the <code>APP_DEBUG</code> value in your <code>.env</code> file to <code>false</code>.',
'delete' => 'Hapus',
'deleted' => 'Dihapus',
'delete_seats' => 'Tempat dihapus',
'departments' => 'Departments',
'department' => 'Department',
'deployed' => 'Deployed',
'depreciation_report' => 'Depreciation Report',
'download' => 'Unduh',
'depreciation' => 'Depreciation',
'editprofile' => 'Sunting profil anda',
'eol' => 'EOL',
'email_domain' => 'Email Domain',
'email_format' => 'Format Surel',
'email_domain_help' => 'Ini digunakan untuk menghasilkan alamat surel ketika saat mengimpor',
'filastname_format' => 'First Initial Last Name (',
'firstname_lastname_format' => 'Nama Depan Nama Belakang (',
'first' => 'Pertama',
'first_name' => 'Nama Pertama',
'first_name_format' => 'Nama Depan (',
'file_name' => 'Berkas',
'file_uploads' => 'File Uploads',
'generate' => 'Generate',
'github_markdown' => 'This field accepts <a href="">Github flavored markdown</a>.',
'groups' => 'Groups',
'gravatar_email' => 'Gravatar Email Address',
'history' => 'Riwayat',
'history_for' => 'Riwayat untuk',
'id' => 'ID',
'image' => 'Gambar',
'image_delete' => 'Hapus Gambar',
'image_upload' => 'Unggah Gambar',
'image_filetypes_help' => 'Jenis berkas yang diterima adalah jpg, png, gif, dan svg.',
'import' => 'Impor',
'import-history' => 'Riwayat Impor',
'asset_maintenance' => 'Asset Maintenance',
'asset_maintenance_report' => 'Asset Maintenance Report',
'asset_maintenances' => 'Asset Maintenances',
'item' => 'Item',
'insufficient_permissions' => 'Insufficient permissions!',
'language' => 'Bahasa',
'last' => 'Last',
'last_login' => 'Last Login',
'last_name' => 'Last Name',
'license' => 'License',
'license_report' => 'License Report',
'licenses_available' => 'licenses available',
'licenses' => 'Licenses',
'list_all' => 'List All',
'loading' => 'Loading',
'lock_passwords' => 'This field cannot be edited in this installation.',
'feature_disabled' => 'This feature has been disabled for the demo installation.',
'location' => 'Location',
'locations' => 'Locations',
'logout' => 'Logout',
'lookup_by_tag' => 'Lookup by Asset Tag',
'manufacturer' => 'Manufacturer',
'manufacturers' => 'Manufacturers',
'markdown' => 'This field allows <a href="">Github flavored markdown</a>.',
'min_amt' => 'Min. QTY',
'min_amt_help' => 'Minimum number of items that should be available before an alert gets triggered.',
'model_no' => 'Model No.',
'months' => 'months',
'moreinfo' => 'More Info',
'name' => 'Name',
'next' => 'Next',
'next_audit_date' => 'Next Audit Date',
'last_audit' => 'Last Audit',
'new' => 'baru!',
'no_depreciation' => 'No Depreciation',
'no_results' => 'Tidak ada Hasil.',
'no' => 'Tidak',
'notes' => 'Catatan',
'order_number' => 'Order Number',
'page_menu' => 'Showing _MENU_ items',
'pagination_info' => 'Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ items',
'pending' => 'Tertunda',
'people' => 'Orang',
'per_page' => 'Hasil per Halaman',
'previous' => 'Sebelumnya',
'processing' => 'Processing',
'profile' => 'Profil anda',
'purchase_cost' => 'Harga pembelian',
'purchase_date' => 'Tanggal Pembelian',
'qty' => 'QTY',
'quantity' => 'Quantity',
'ready_to_deploy' => 'Ready to Deploy',
'recent_activity' => 'Aktifitas tebaru',
'remove_company' => 'Remove Company Association',
'reports' => 'Laporan',
'restored' => 'dikembalikan',
'requested' => 'Diminta',
'request_canceled' => 'Permintaan dibatalkan',
'save' => 'Simpan',
'select' => 'Pilih',
'search' => 'Cari',
'select_category' => 'Pilih kategori',
'select_department' => 'Select a Department',
'select_depreciation' => 'Select a Depreciation Type',
'select_location' => 'Pilih lokasi',
'select_manufacturer' => 'Select a Manufacturer',
'select_model' => 'Select a Model',
'select_supplier' => 'Select a Supplier',
'select_user' => 'Pilih pengguna',
'select_date' => 'Pilih tanggal (YYYY-MM-DD)',
'select_statuslabel' => 'Pilih status',
'select_company' => 'Pilih perusahaan',
'select_asset' => 'Select Asset',
'settings' => 'Pengaturan',
'sign_in' => 'Masuk',
'signature' => 'Signature',
'some_features_disabled' => 'DEMO MODE: Some features are disabled for this installation.',
'site_name' => 'Site Name',
'state' => 'State',
'status_labels' => 'Status Labels',
'status' => 'Status',
'supplier' => 'Supplier',
'suppliers' => 'Suppliers',
'sure_to_delete' => 'Are you sure you wish to delete',
'submit' => 'Submit',
'target' => 'Target',
'time_and_date_display' => 'Time and Date Display',
'total_assets' => 'total assets',
'total_licenses' => 'total licenses',
'total_accessories' => 'total accessories',
'total_consumables' => 'total consumables',
'type' => 'Type',
'undeployable' => 'Un-deployable',
'unknown_admin' => 'Unknown Admin',
'username_format' => 'Username Format',
'update' => 'Update',
'uploaded' => 'Uploaded',
'user' => 'User',
'accepted' => 'accepted',
'declined' => 'declined',
'unaccepted_asset_report' => 'Unaccepted Assets',
'users' => 'Users',
'viewassets' => 'View Assigned Assets',
'website' => 'Website',
'welcome' => 'Welcome, :name',
'years' => 'years',
'yes' => 'Yes',
'zip' => 'Zip',
'noimage' => 'No image uploaded or image not found.',
'token_expired' => 'Sesi formulir anda sudah berakhir. Silahkan coba lagi.',