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synced 2025-02-21 03:15:45 -08:00
Shift automatically applies the Laravel coding style - which uses the PSR-2 coding style as a base with some minor additions. You may customize the adopted coding style by adding your own [PHP CS Fixer][1] `.php_cs` config file to your project root. Feel free to use [Shift's Laravel ruleset][2] to help you get started. [1]: https://github.com/FriendsOfPHP/PHP-CS-Fixer [2]: https://gist.github.com/laravel-shift/cab527923ed2a109dda047b97d53c200
23 lines
969 B
23 lines
969 B
return [
'asset' => 'Sredstev',
'checkin' => 'Sprejem',
'create' => 'Ustvari licenco',
'expiration' => 'Datum veljavnosti',
'license_key' => 'Ključ izdelka',
'maintained' => 'Ohranjeno',
'name' => 'Ime programske opreme',
'no_depreciation' => 'Ne amortiziraj',
'purchase_order' => 'Številka naročila',
'reassignable' => 'Ponovljivo',
'remaining_seats' => 'Prostih licenc',
'seats' => 'Število licenc',
'termination_date' => 'Datum prenehanja',
'to_email' => 'Licenca registrirana na e-pošto',
'to_name' => 'Licenca registrirana na ime',
'update' => 'Posodobi licenco',
'checkout_help' => 'Preveriti je potrebno ali je licenca vezana na strojno opremo ali osebo. Izberete lahko obe, vendar mora lastnik sredstva ustrezati osebi, s katero preverjate sredstva.',