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namespace App\Models;
class Depreciable extends SnipeModel
* Depreciation Relation, and associated helper methods
//REQUIRES a purchase_date field
// and a purchase_cost field
//REQUIRES a get_depreciation method,
//which will return the deprecation.
//this is needed because assets get
//their depreciation from a model,
//whereas licenses have deprecations
//directly associated with them.
//assets will override the following
//two methods in order to inherit from
//their model instead of directly (like
public function depreciation()
return $this->belongsTo(\App\Models\Depreciation::class, 'depreciation_id');
public function get_depreciation()
return $this->depreciation;
* @return float|int
public function getDepreciatedValue()
if (! $this->get_depreciation()) { // will never happen
return $this->purchase_cost;
if ($this->get_depreciation()->months <= 0) {
return $this->purchase_cost;
$depreciation = 0;
$setting = Setting::getSettings();
switch ($setting->depreciation_method) {
case 'half_1':
$depreciation = $this->getHalfYearDepreciatedValue(true);
case 'half_2':
$depreciation = $this->getHalfYearDepreciatedValue(false);
$depreciation = $this->getLinearDepreciatedValue();
return $depreciation;
* @return float|int
public function getLinearDepreciatedValue() // TODO - for testing it might be nice to have an optional $relative_to param here, defaulted to 'now'
if (($this->get_depreciation()) && ($this->purchase_date)) {
$months_passed = ($this->purchase_date->diff(now())->m)+($this->purchase_date->diff(now())->y*12);
} else {
return null;
if ($months_passed >= $this->get_depreciation()->months){
//if there is a floor use it
if(!$this->get_depreciation()->depreciation_min == null) {
$current_value = $this->get_depreciation()->depreciation_min;
$current_value = 0;
else {
// The equation here is (Purchase_Cost-Floor_min)*(Months_passed/Months_til_depreciated)
$current_value = round(($this->purchase_cost-($this->purchase_cost - ($this->get_depreciation()->depreciation_min)) * ($months_passed / $this->get_depreciation()->months)), 2);
return $current_value;
public function getMonthlyDepreciation(){
return ($this->purchase_cost-$this->get_depreciation()->depreciation_min)/$this->get_depreciation()->months;
* @param onlyHalfFirstYear Boolean always applied only second half of the first year
* @return float|int
public function getHalfYearDepreciatedValue($onlyHalfFirstYear = false)
// @link http://www.php.net/manual/en/class.dateinterval.php
$current_date = $this->getDateTime();
$purchase_date = date_create($this->purchase_date);
$currentYear = $this->get_fiscal_year($current_date);
$purchaseYear = $this->get_fiscal_year($purchase_date);
$yearsPast = $currentYear - $purchaseYear;
$deprecationYears = ceil($this->get_depreciation()->months / 12);
if ($onlyHalfFirstYear) {
$yearsPast -= 0.5;
} elseif (! $this->is_first_half_of_year($purchase_date)) {
$yearsPast -= 0.5;
if (! $this->is_first_half_of_year($current_date)) {
$yearsPast += 0.5;
if ($yearsPast >= $deprecationYears) {
$yearsPast = $deprecationYears;
} elseif ($yearsPast < 0) {
$yearsPast = 0;
return $this->purchase_cost - round($yearsPast / $deprecationYears * $this->purchase_cost, 2);
* @param \DateTime $date
* @return int
protected function get_fiscal_year($date)
$year = intval($date->format('Y'));
// also, maybe it'll have to set fiscal year date
if ($date->format('nj') === '1231') {
return $year;
} else {
return $year - 1;
* @param \DateTime $date
* @return bool
protected function is_first_half_of_year($date)
$date0m0d = intval($date->format('md'));
return ($date0m0d < 601) || ($date0m0d >= 1231);
public function time_until_depreciated()
// @link http://www.php.net/manual/en/class.datetime.php
$d1 = new \DateTime();
$d2 = $this->depreciated_date();
// @link http://www.php.net/manual/en/class.dateinterval.php
$interval = $d1->diff($d2);
if (! $interval->invert) {
return $interval;
} else {
return new \DateInterval('PT0S'); //null interval (zero seconds from now)
public function depreciated_date()
if (($this->purchase_date) && ($this->get_depreciation())) {
$date = date_create($this->purchase_date);
return date_add($date, date_interval_create_from_date_string($this->get_depreciation()->months.' months'));//date_format($date, 'Y-m-d'); //don't bake-in format, for internationalization
return null;
// it's necessary for unit tests
protected function getDateTime($time = null)
return new \DateTime($time);