Laravel Shift 802dc9240d Shift bindings
PHP 5.5.9+ adds the new static `class` property which provides the fully qualified class name. This is preferred over using class name strings as these references are checked by the parser.
2021-06-10 20:16:56 +00:00

139 lines
6.3 KiB

namespace App\Console\Commands;
use App\Models\Asset;
use Illuminate\Console\Command;
class SyncAssetLocations extends Command
* The name and signature of the console command.
* @var string
protected $signature = 'snipeit:sync-asset-locations {--output= : info|warn|error|all} ';
* The console command description.
* @var string
protected $description = 'This utility will sync the location_id of assets based on current state. It should not normally be needed, but is a safeguard in case we missed something in the Great Migration when flattening the assets to location relationship.';
* Create a new command instance.
* @return void
public function __construct()
* Execute the console command.
* @return mixed
public function handle()
$output['info'] = [];
$output['warn'] = [];
$output['error'] = [];
$total_assets = Asset::whereNull('deleted_at')->get();
$bar = $this->output->createProgressBar(count($total_assets));
// Unassigned
$rtd_assets = Asset::whereNull('assigned_to')->whereNull('deleted_at')->with('defaultLoc')->get();
$output['info'][] = 'There are '.$rtd_assets->count().' unassigned assets.';
foreach ($rtd_assets as $rtd_asset) {
$output['info'][] = 'Setting Unassigned Asset '.$rtd_asset->id.' ('.$rtd_asset->asset_tag.') to location: '.$rtd_asset->rtd_location_id.' because their default location is: '.$rtd_asset->rtd_location_id;
$rtd_asset->location_id = $rtd_asset->rtd_location_id;
$assigned_user_assets = Asset::where('assigned_type', \App\Models\User::class)->whereNotNull('assigned_to')->whereNull('deleted_at')->get();
$output['info'][] = 'There are '.$assigned_user_assets->count().' assets checked out to users.';
foreach ($assigned_user_assets as $assigned_user_asset) {
if (($assigned_user_asset->assignedTo) && ($assigned_user_asset->assignedTo->userLoc)) {
$new_location = $assigned_user_asset->assignedTo->userLoc->id;
$output['info'][] = 'Setting User Asset '.$assigned_user_asset->id.' ('.$assigned_user_asset->asset_tag.') to '.$assigned_user_asset->assignedTo->userLoc->name.' which is id: '.$new_location;
} else {
$output['warn'][] = 'Asset '.$assigned_user_asset->id.' ('.$assigned_user_asset->asset_tag.') still has no location! ';
$new_location = $assigned_user_asset->rtd_location_id;
$assigned_user_asset->location_id = $new_location;
$assigned_location_assets = Asset::where('assigned_type', \App\Models\Location::class)
$output['info'][] = 'There are '.$assigned_location_assets->count().' assets checked out to locations.';
foreach ($assigned_location_assets as $assigned_location_asset) {
if ($assigned_location_asset->assignedTo) {
$assigned_location_asset->location_id = $assigned_location_asset->assignedTo->id;
$output['info'][] = 'Setting Location Assigned asset '.$assigned_location_asset->id.' ('.$assigned_location_asset->asset_tag.') that is checked out to '.$assigned_location_asset->assignedTo->name.' (#'.$assigned_location_asset->assignedTo->id.') to location: '.$assigned_location_asset->assetLoc()->id;
} else {
$output['warn'][] = 'Asset '.$assigned_location_asset->id.' ('.$assigned_location_asset->asset_tag.') did not return a valid associated location - perhaps it was deleted?';
// Assigned to assets
$assigned_asset_assets = Asset::where('assigned_type', \App\Models\Asset::class)
$output['info'][] = 'Asset-assigned assets: '.$assigned_asset_assets->count();
foreach ($assigned_asset_assets as $assigned_asset_asset) {
// Check to make sure there aren't any invalid relationships
if ($assigned_asset_asset->assetLoc()) {
$assigned_asset_asset->location_id = $assigned_asset_asset->assetLoc()->id;
$output['info'][] = 'Setting Asset Assigned asset '.$assigned_asset_asset->assetLoc()->id.' ('.$assigned_asset_asset->asset_tag.') location to: '.$assigned_asset_asset->assetLoc()->id;
} else {
$output['warn'][] = 'Asset Assigned asset '.$assigned_asset_asset->id.' ('.$assigned_asset_asset->asset_tag.') does not seem to have a valid location';
$unlocated_assets = Asset::whereNull('location_id')->whereNull('deleted_at')->get();
$output['info'][] = 'Assets still without a location: '.$unlocated_assets->count();
foreach ($unlocated_assets as $unlocated_asset) {
$output['warn'][] = 'Asset: '.$unlocated_asset->id.' still has no location. ';
if (($this->option('output') == 'all') || ($this->option('output') == 'info')) {
foreach ($output['info'] as $key => $output_text) {
if (($this->option('output') == 'all') || ($this->option('output') == 'warn')) {
foreach ($output['warn'] as $key => $output_text) {
if (($this->option('output') == 'all') || ($this->option('output') == 'error')) {
foreach ($output['error'] as $key => $output_text) {