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synced 2025-03-05 20:52:15 -08:00
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return array(
'accepted' => 'Uwamukele ngempumelelo le mali.',
'declined' => 'Uye wenqaba ngempumelelo le mali.',
'bulk_manager_warn' => 'Abasebenzisi bakho babuyekezwe ngempumelelo, kodwa ukungena kwakho kwemenenja akulondoloziwe ngoba umphathi oyikhethile naye ohlwini lomsebenzisi oluzohlelwa, futhi abasebenzisi bangase bangabi umphathi wabo. Sicela ukhethe abasebenzisi bakho futhi, ngaphandle kwamenenja.',
'user_exists' => 'Umsebenzisi usuvele ukhona!',
'user_not_found' => 'Umsebenzisi akakho.',
'user_login_required' => 'Insimu yokungena ngemvume iyadingeka',
'user_has_no_assets_assigned' => 'No assets currently assigned to user.',
'user_password_required' => 'Iphasiwedi iyadingeka.',
'insufficient_permissions' => 'Izimvume ezinganele.',
'user_deleted_warning' => 'Lo msebenzisi ususiwe. Kuzodingeka ubuyisele lo msebenzisi ukuwahlela noma ubanikeze amafa amasha.',
'ldap_not_configured' => 'Ukuhlanganiswa kwe-LDAP akulungiselelwe lokhu kufakwa.',
'password_resets_sent' => 'The selected users who are activated and have a valid email addresses have been sent a password reset link.',
'password_reset_sent' => 'A password reset link has been sent to :email!',
'user_has_no_email' => 'This user does not have an email address in their profile.',
'log_record_not_found' => 'A matching log record for this user could not be found.',
'success' => array(
'create' => 'Umsebenzisi udale ngempumelelo.',
'update' => 'Umsebenzisi ubuyekezwe ngempumelelo.',
'update_bulk' => 'Abasebenzisi baphinde babuyekezwe ngempumelelo!',
'delete' => 'Umsebenzisi ususwe ngempumelelo.',
'ban' => 'Umsebenzisi uvinjelwe ngempumelelo.',
'unban' => 'Umsebenzisi uvinjelwe ngempumelelo.',
'suspend' => 'Umsebenzisi umiswe ngempumelelo.',
'unsuspend' => 'Umsebenzisi uphumelelwanga ngempumelelo.',
'restored' => 'Umsebenzisi ubuyiselwe ngempumelelo.',
'import' => 'Abasebenzisi bangeniswe ngempumelelo.',
'error' => array(
'create' => 'Kube nenkinga yokudala umsebenzisi. Ngicela uzame futhi.',
'update' => 'Kube nenkinga yokuvuselela umsebenzisi. Ngicela uzame futhi.',
'delete' => 'Kube nenkinga yokusula umsebenzisi. Ngicela uzame futhi.',
'delete_has_assets' => 'Lo msebenzisi unezinto ezinikezwe futhi azikwazanga ukususwa.',
'delete_has_assets_var' => 'This user still has an asset assigned. Please check it in first.|This user still has :count assets assigned. Please check their assets in first.',
'delete_has_licenses_var' => 'This user still has a license seats assigned. Please check it in first.|This user still has :count license seats assigned. Please check them in first.',
'delete_has_accessories_var' => 'This user still has an accessory assigned. Please check it in first.|This user still has :count accessories assigned. Please check their assets in first.',
'delete_has_locations_var' => 'This user still manages a location. Please select another manager first.|This user still manages :count locations. Please select another manager first.',
'delete_has_users_var' => 'This user still manages another user. Please select another manager for that user first.|This user still manages :count users. Please select another manager for them first.',
'unsuspend' => 'Kube nenkinga engalindeleki umsebenzisi. Ngicela uzame futhi.',
'import' => 'Kube nenkinga yokungenisa abasebenzisi. Ngicela uzame futhi.',
'asset_already_accepted' => 'Lelifa selivele lamukelwe.',
'accept_or_decline' => 'Kufanele wamukele noma unqabe le mali.',
'cannot_delete_yourself' => 'We would feel really bad if you deleted yourself, please reconsider.',
'incorrect_user_accepted' => 'Impahla oyizame ukwamukela ayizange ihlolwe kuwe.',
'ldap_could_not_connect' => 'Ayikwazanga ukuxhuma kuseva ye-LDAP. Sicela uhlole ukumisa kweseva yakho ye-LDAP kufayili ye-LDAP config. <br>Iphutha kusuka kwiseva ye-LDAP:',
'ldap_could_not_bind' => 'Ayikwazanga ukubopha iseva ye-LDAP. Sicela uhlole ukumisa kweseva yakho ye-LDAP kufayili ye-LDAP config. <br>Iphutha kusuka kwiseva ye-LDAP:',
'ldap_could_not_search' => 'Ayikwazanga ukusesha isiphakeli se-LDAP. Sicela uhlole ukumisa kweseva yakho ye-LDAP kufayili ye-LDAP config. <br>Iphutha kusuka kwiseva ye-LDAP:',
'ldap_could_not_get_entries' => 'Ayikwazanga ukungena okuvela kuseva ye-LDAP. Sicela uhlole ukumisa kweseva yakho ye-LDAP kufayili ye-LDAP config. <br>Iphutha kusuka kwiseva ye-LDAP:',
'password_ldap' => 'Iphasiwedi yale akhawunti ilawulwa yi-LDAP / Active Directory. Sicela uxhumane nomnyango wakho we-IT ukushintsha iphasiwedi yakho.',
'deletefile' => array(
'error' => 'Ifayela alisusiwe. Ngicela uzame futhi.',
'success' => 'Ifayili isusiwe ngempumelelo.',
'upload' => array(
'error' => 'Amafayela (ama) awalayishiwe. Ngicela uzame futhi.',
'success' => 'Amafayela (ama) alayishwe ngempumelelo.',
'nofiles' => 'Awukakhethi noma yimaphi amafayela okulayishwa',
'invalidfiles' => 'Ifayela elilodwa noma ngaphezulu likhulu kakhulu noma ifayelathi engavumelekile. Amafayela afakiwe avunyelwe i-png, i-gif, i-jpg, i-doc, i-docx, i-pdf, ne-txt.',
'inventorynotification' => array(
'error' => 'This user has no email set.',
'success' => 'The user has been notified about their current inventory.'
); |