mirror of
synced 2025-03-05 20:52:15 -08:00
179 lines
8.1 KiB
179 lines
8.1 KiB
<div class="col-md-12">
<div class="form-group col-md-12">
<label for="activeFile.import_type" class="col-md-3 col-xs-12 text-right">
Import Type
<div class="col-md-9 col-xs-12">
{{ Form::select('activeFile.import_type', $importTypes, $activeFile->import_type, [
'id' => 'import_type',
'class' => 'livewire-select2',
'style' => 'min-width: 350px',
'data-placeholder' => 'Select an import type...', /* TODO: translate me */
'placeholder' => '', //needed so that the form-helper will put an empty option first
'data-minimum-results-for-search' => '-1', // Remove this if the list gets long enough that we need to search
'data-livewire-component' => $_instance->id
]) }}
<div class="form-group col-md-12">
<label for="update" class="col-md-9 col-md-offset-3 col-xs-12" wire:ignore>
<input type="checkbox" class="minimal livewire-icheck" name="update" data-livewire-component="{{ $_instance->id }}">
Update Existing Values?
<div class="form-group col-md-12">
<label for="send_welcome" class="col-md-9 col-md-offset-3 col-xs-12" wire:ignore>
<input type="checkbox" class="minimal livewire-icheck" name="send_welcome" data-livewire-component="{{ $_instance->id }}">
Send Welcome Email for new Users?
<div class="form-group col-md-12">
<label for="run_backup" class="col-md-9 col-md-offset-3 col-xs-12" wire:ignore>
<input type="checkbox" class="minimal livewire-icheck" name="run_backup" data-livewire-component="{{ $_instance->id }}">
Backup before importing?
@if ($statusText)
<div class="form-group">
<div class="alert col-md-8 col-md-offset-2 {{ $statusType == 'success' ? 'alert-success' : ($statusType == 'error' ? 'alert-danger' : 'alert-info') }}" style="text-align:left">
{{ $statusText }}
</div><!-- /alert -->
@if ($activeFile->import_type)
<div class="form-group col-md-12">
<hr style="border-top: 1px solid lightgray">
<h3>Map Import Fields</h3>
<hr style="border-top: 1px solid lightgray">
<div class="form-group col-md-12">
<div class="col-md-3 text-right">
<strong>Header Field</strong>
<div class="col-md-4">
<strong>Import Field</strong>
<div class="col-md-5">
<strong>Sample Value</strong>
</div><!-- /div row -->
@foreach($activeFile->header_row as $index => $header)
<div class="form-group col-md-12" wire:key="header-row-{{ $index }}">
<label for="field_map.{{ $index }}" class="col-md-3 control-label text-right">{{ $header }}</label>
<div class="col-md-4">
{{ Form::select('field_map.'.$index, $columnOptions[$activeFile->import_type], @$field_map[$index],
'class' => 'mappings livewire-select2',
'placeholder' => 'Do Not Import',
'style' => 'min-width: 100%',
'data-livewire-component' => $_instance->id
'-' => ['disabled' => true] // this makes the "-----" line unclickable
<div class="col-md-5">
<p class="form-control-static">{{ str_limit($activeFile->first_row[$index], 50, '...') }}</p>
</div><!-- /div row -->
No Columns Found!
<div class="form-group col-md-12">
<div class="col-md-3 text-left">
<a href="#" wire:click="$emit('hideDetails')">{{ trans('general.cancel') }}</a>
<div class="col-md-9">
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary col-md-5" id="import">Import</button>
<div class="alert col-md-12 col-md-offset-2 {{ $statusType == 'success' ? 'alert-success' : ($statusType == 'error' ? 'alert-danger' : 'alert-info') }}" style="padding-top: 20px;">
{{ $statusText }}
@endif {{-- end of if ... activeFile->import_type --}}
</div><!-- /div v-show -->
$(function () {
// initialize iCheck for use with livewire
checkboxClass: 'icheckbox_minimal-blue',
// we have to hook up to the `<tr id='importer-file'>` at the root of this display,
// because the #import button isn't visible until you click an import_type
$('#importer-file').on('click', '#import', function () {
console.warn("You clicked it!!!!")
if(!@this.activeFile.import_type) {
@this.statusText= "An import type is required... "; //TODO: translate?
@this.statusText = "Processing...";
@this.generate_field_map().then(function (mappings_raw) {
var mappings = JSON.parse(mappings_raw)
// console.warn("Here is the mappings:")
// console.dir(mappings)
url: "{{ route('api.imports.importFile', $activeFile->id) }}",
contentType: 'application/json',
data: JSON.stringify({
'import-update': !!@this.update,
'send-welcome': !!@this.send_welcome,
'import-type': @this.activeFile.import_type,
'run-backup': !!@this.run_backup,
'column-mappings': mappings
headers: {
"X-CSRF-TOKEN": $('meta[name="csrf-token"]').attr('content')
}).done( function (body) {
// Success
@this.statusText = "Success... Redirecting.";
window.location.href = body.messages.redirect_url;
}).fail( function (jqXHR, textStatus, error) {
// Failure
var body = jqXHR.responseJSON
if(body.status == 'import-errors') {
@this.emit('importError', body.messages);
@this.statusText = "Error";
} else {
console.warn("Not import-errors, just regular errors")
@this.emit('alert', body.error)
return false;
</script> |