Brady Wetherington 6066005aeb
[WIP] Initial rough stabs at the Backup Migrator. It kinda-sorta works? (#9457)
* Initial rough stabs at the Backup Migrator. It kinda-sorta works?

* Fix hardcoded mysql path var
2021-05-12 17:44:39 -07:00

250 lines
10 KiB

namespace App\Console\Commands;
use Illuminate\Console\Command;
use ZipArchive;
class RestoreFromBackup extends Command
* The name and signature of the console command.
* @var string
protected $signature = 'snipeit:restore
{--force : Skip the danger prompt; assuming you hit "y"}
{filename : The zip file to be migrated}';
* The console command description.
* @var string
protected $description = 'Restore from a previously created backup';
* Create a new command instance.
* @return void
public function __construct()
* Execute the console command.
* @return mixed
public function handle()
$dir = getcwd();
print "Current working directory is: $dir\n";
$filename = $this->argument('filename');
if (!$filename) {
return $this->error("Missing required filename");
if (!$this->option('force') && !$this->confirm('Are you sure you wish to restore from the given backup file? This can lead to MASSIVE DATA LOSS!')) {
return $this->error("Data loss not confirmed");
if (config('database.default') != 'mysql') {
return $this->error("DB_CONNECTION must be MySQL in order to perform a restore. Detected: ".config('database.default'));
$za = new ZipArchive();
$errcode = $za->open($filename, ZipArchive::RDONLY);
if ($errcode !== true) {
$errors = [
ZipArchive::ER_EXISTS => "File already exists.",
ZipArchive::ER_INCONS => "Zip archive inconsistent.",
ZipArchive::ER_INVAL => "Invalid argument.",
ZipArchive::ER_MEMORY => "Malloc failure.",
ZipArchive::ER_NOENT => "No such file.",
ZipArchive::ER_NOZIP => "Not a zip archive.",
ZipArchive::ER_OPEN => "Can't open file.",
ZipArchive::ER_READ => "Read error.",
ZipArchive::ER_SEEK => "Seek error."
return $this->error("Could not access file: ".$filename." - ".array_key_exists($errcode,$errors) ? $errors[$errcode] : " Unknown reason: $errcode");
$private_dirs = [
'storage/private_uploads/signatures' // We probably don't want this in the first place.
$private_files = [
$public_dirs = [
'public/uploads/barcodes', // don't want this neither
'public/uploads/assets', //wait, what?!
$public_files = [
$all_files = $private_dirs + $public_dirs;
$sqlfiles = [];
$sqlfile_indices = [];
$interesting_files = [];
for ($i=0; $i<$za->numFiles;$i++) {
$stat_results = $za->statIndex($i);
// echo "index: $i\n";
// print_r($stat_results);
$raw_path = $stat_results['name'];
// skip macOS resource fork files (?!?!?!)
if(strpos($raw_path,"__MACOSX")!==false && strpos($raw_path,"._") !== false) {
//print "SKIPPING macOS Resource fork file: $raw_path\n";
if(strpos($raw_path,'\\')!==false) { //found a backslash, swap it to forward-slash
$raw_path = strtr($raw_path,'\\','/');
//print "Translating file: ".$stat_results['name']." to: ".$raw_path."\n";
if(@pathinfo($raw_path)['extension'] == "sql") {
print "Found a sql file!\n";
$sqlfiles[] = $raw_path;
$sqlfile_indices[] = $i;
foreach($private_dirs+$public_dirs as $dir) {
$last_pos = strrpos($raw_path,$dir.'/');
if($last_pos !== false ) {
//print("INTERESTING - last_pos is $last_pos when searching $raw_path for $dir - last_pos+strlen(\$dir) is: ".($last_pos+strlen($dir))." and strlen(\$rawpath) is: ".strlen($raw_path)."\n");
print("We would copy $raw_path to $dir.\n"); //FIXME append to a path?
$interesting_files[$raw_path] = ['dest' =>$dir, 'index' => $i];
if($last_pos + strlen($dir) +1 == strlen($raw_path)) {
// we don't care about that; we just want files with the appropriate prefix
//print("FOUND THE EXACT DIRECTORY: $dir AT: $raw_path!!!\n");
foreach($private_files+$public_files as $file) {
$last_pos = strrpos($raw_path,$file); // no trailing slash!
if($last_pos !== false ) {
//print("INTERESTING - last_pos is $last_pos when searching $raw_path for $file - last_pos+strlen(\$file) is: ".($last_pos+strlen($file))." and strlen(\$rawpath) is: ".strlen($raw_path)."\n");
if($last_pos + strlen($file) == strlen($raw_path)) { //again, no trailing slash
print("FOUND THE EXACT FILE: $file AT: $raw_path!!!\n"); //we *do* care about this, though.
$interesting_files[$raw_path] = ['dest' => dirname($file),'index' => $i];
// print_r($interesting_files);exit(-1);
if( count($sqlfiles) != 1) {
return $this->error("There should be exactly *one* sql backup file found, found: ".( count($sqlfiles) == 0 ? "None" : implode(", ",$sqlfiles)));
if( strpos($sqlfiles[0], "db-dumps") === false ) {
//return $this->error("SQL backup file is missing 'db-dumps' component of full pathname: ".$sqlfiles[0]);
//older Snipe-IT installs don't have the db-dumps subdirectory component
//how to invoke the restore?
$pipes = [];
// FIXME - absolutely can *NOT* be hardcoding paths like this!!!!!!! But I don't know how to do it right? (Maybe get the user's ENV and append the MYSQL_PWD to it?)
$env_vars = getenv();
$env_vars['MYSQL_PWD'] = config("database.connections.mysql.password");
$proc_results = proc_open("mysql -h ".escapeshellarg(config(''))." -u ".escapeshellarg(config('database.connections.mysql.username'))." ".escapeshellarg(config('database.connections.mysql.database')), // yanked -p since we pass via ENV
[0 => ['pipe','r'],1 => ['pipe','w'],2 => ['pipe','w']],
$env_vars); // this is not super-duper awesome-secure, but definitely more secure than showing it on the CLI, or dropping temporary files with passwords in them.
if($proc_results === false) {
return $this->error("Unable to invoke mysql via CLI");
// $this->info("Stdout says? ".fgets($pipes[1])); //FIXME: I think we might need to set non-blocking mode to use this properly?
// $this->info("Stderr says? ".fgets($pipes[2])); //FIXME: ditto, same.
// should we read stdout?
// fwrite($pipes[0],config("database.connections.mysql.password")."\n"); //this doesn't work :(
//$sql_contents = fopen($sqlfiles[0], "r"); //NOPE! This isn't a real file yet, silly-billy!
$sql_stat = $za->statIndex($sqlfile_indices[0]);
$this->info("SQL Stat is: ".print_r($sql_stat,true));
$sql_contents = $za->getStream($sql_stat['name']);
if ($sql_contents === false) {
$stdout = fgets($pipes[1]);
$stderr = fgets($pipes[2]);
return false;
while(($buffer = fgets($sql_contents)) !== false ) {
//$this->info("Buffer is: '$buffer'");
$bytes_written = fwrite($pipes[0],$buffer);
if($bytes_written === false) {
$stdout = fgets($pipes[1]);
$stderr = fgets($pipes[2]);
return false;
//wait, have to do fclose() on all pipes first?
$close_results = proc_close($proc_results);
if($close_results != 0) {
return $this->error("There may have been a problem with the database import: Error number ".$close_results);
//and now copy the files over too (right?)
//FIXME - we don't prune the filesystem space yet!!!!
foreach($interesting_files AS $pretty_file_name => $file_details) {
$ugly_file_name = $za->statIndex($file_details['index'])['name'];
$fp = $za->getStream($ugly_file_name);
$this->info("Weird problem, here are file details? ".print_r($file_details,true));
$migrated_file = fopen($file_details['dest']."/".basename($pretty_file_name),"w");
while(($buffer = fgets($fp))!== false) {
$this->info("Wrote $ugly_file_name to $pretty_file_name");