snipe 759e3794df Small upgrader UI fixes
Signed-off-by: snipe <>
2025-03-04 14:57:28 +00:00

612 lines
23 KiB

$error_icon = "\e[91m✘\e[0m";
$success_icon = "\e[92m√\e[0m";
$info_icon = "\e[93mⓘ\e[0m";
(PHP_SAPI !== 'cli' || isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) && die('Access denied.');
// We define this because we can't reliably use file_get_contents because some
// machines don't allow URL access via allow_url_fopen being set to off
function url_get_contents ($Url) {
$results = file_get_contents($Url);
if ($results) {
return $results;
print("file_get_contents() failed, trying curl instead.\n");
if (!function_exists('curl_init')){
die("cURL is not installed!\nThis is required for Snipe-IT as well as the upgrade script, so you will need to fix this before continuing.\nAborting upgrade...\n");
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $Url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
// If we're on windows, make sure we can load intermediate certificates in
// weird corporate environments.
// See:
// this will _probably_ only work if your libcurl has been linked to Schannel, the native Windows SSL implementation
if (PHP_OS == "WINNT" && defined("CURLOPT_SSL_OPTIONS") && defined("CURLSSLOPT_NATIVE_CA")) {
$output = curl_exec($ch);
if ($output === false) {
print("\e[91mError retrieving PHP requirements!\e[39m\n");
print("Error was: " . curl_error($ch) . "\n");
print("Try enabling allow_url_fopen in php.ini, or fixing your curl/OpenSSL setup, or try rerunning with --skip-php-compatibility-checks");
return '{}';
return $output;
$app_environment = 'develop';
$skip_php_checks = false;
$branch = 'master';
$branch_override = false;
$no_interactive = false;
$skip_backup = false;
// Check for branch or other overrides
if ($argc > 1){
for ($arg=1; $arg<$argc; $arg++){
switch ($argv[$arg]) {
case '--skip-php-compatibility-checks':
$skip_php_checks = true;
case '--skip-backup':
$skip_backup = true;
case '--branch':
$branch = $argv[$arg];
$branch_override = true;
case '--no-interactive':
$no_interactive = true;
default: // for legacy support from before we started using --branch
$branch = $argv[$arg];
$branch_override = true;
echo "\e[95m--------------------------------------------------------\n";
echo "--------------------------------------------------------\n\n";
echo "This script will attempt to: \n\n";
echo "- validate some very basic .env file settings \n";
echo "- check your PHP version and extension requirements \n";
echo "- check directory permissions \n";
echo "- do a git pull to bring you to the latest version \n";
echo "- run composer install to get your vendors up to date \n";
echo "- run a backup \n";
echo "- run migrations to get your schema up to date \n";
echo "- clear out old cache settings\e[39m\n\n";
// Fetching most current upgrade requirements from github. Read more here:
$remote_requirements_file = "$branch/.upgrade_requirements.json";
$upgrade_requirements_raw = url_get_contents($remote_requirements_file);
$upgrade_requirements = json_decode($upgrade_requirements_raw, true);
if (! $upgrade_requirements) {
echo "\n\e[91mERROR: Failed to retrieve remote requirements from $remote_requirements_file \e[39m\n\n";
if ($branch_override){
echo "\e[93mNOTE: You passed a custom branch: $branch\n";
echo "If the above URL doesn't work, that may be why. Please check the branch spelling/existence\e[39m\n\n";
if (json_last_error()) {
print json_last_error_msg() . "\n\n";
print "Raw curl output:\n";
print $upgrade_requirements_raw . "\e[39m\n\n";
echo "\e[93mWe suggest correcting this, but if you can't, please verify that your requirements conform to those at that url.\n\n";
echo "\e[91m-- DANGER -- DO AT YOUR OWN RISK --\n";
echo "IF YOU ARE SURE, re-run this script with --skip-php-compatibility-checks to skip this check.\n";
die("Aborting upgrade.\n\n");
echo "\e[93mNOTICE: Unable to fetch upgrade requirements, but continuing because you passed --skip-php-compatibility-checks...e[39m\n";
echo "Launching using branch: $branch\e[39m\n";
$php_min_works = $upgrade_requirements['php_min_version'];
$php_max_wontwork = $upgrade_requirements['php_max_wontwork'];
echo "Found PHP requirements, will check for PHP > $php_min_works and < $php_max_wontwork\n";
// done fetching requirements
if (!$no_interactive) {
$yesno = readline("\nProceed with upgrade? [y/N]: ");
} else {
$yesno = "yes";
if ($yesno == "yes" || $yesno == "YES" ||$yesno == "y" ||$yesno == "Y"){
# don't do anything
} else {
echo "\n";
if ((strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN') || (!function_exists('posix_getpwuid'))) {
echo "Skipping user check as it is not supported on Windows or Posix is not installed on this server. \n";
} else {
$pwu_data = posix_getpwuid(posix_geteuid());
$username = $pwu_data['name'];
if (($username=='root') || ($username=='admin')) {
die("\n".$error_icon."ERROR: This script should not be run as root/admin. Exiting.\n\n");
echo "\e[95m--------------------------------------------------------\n";
echo "STEP 1: Checking .env file: \n";
echo "- Your .env is located at ".getcwd()."/.env \n";
echo "--------------------------------------------------------\e[39m\\n\n";
// Check the .env looks ok
$env = file('.env');
if (! $env){
echo "\n\e[91m!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .ENV FILE ERROR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n";
echo "Your .env file doesn't seem to exist in this directory or isn't readable! Please look into that.\n";
$env_good = '';
$env_bad = '';
// Loop through each line of the .env
foreach ($env as $line_num => $line) {
if ((strlen($line) > 1) && (strpos($line, "#") !== 0)) {
$env_line = explode('=', $line, 2);
if (count($env_line) != 2) {
list ($env_key, $env_value) = $env_line;
// The array starts at 0
$show_line_num = $line_num+1;
$env_value = trim($env_value);
// Strip out the quote marks if there are any
$env_value = str_replace('"', '',$env_value);
$env_value = str_replace("'", '',$env_value);
* We set this $app_environment here to determine which version of composer to use, --no-dev or with dev dependencies.
* This doesn't actually *change* anything in the .env file, but if the user is running this with
* APP_ENV set to anything OTHER than production, they'll get an error when they try to dump-autoload
* because the Dusk service provider only tries to load if the app is not in production mode.
* It's 100% okay if they're not in production mode, but this will avoid any confusion as they get
* erroneous errors using this upgrader if they are not in production mode when they run this script.
* We use this further down in the composer section of this upgrader.
if ($env_key == "APP_ENV") {
if ($env_value == 'production') {
$app_environment = 'production';
if ($env_key == 'APP_KEY') {
if (($env_value=='') || (strlen($env_value) < 20)) {
$env_bad .= $error_icon." APP_KEY ERROR in your .env on line #'.{$show_line_num}.': Your APP_KEY should not be blank. Run `php artisan key:generate` to generate one.\n";
} else {
$env_good .= $success_icon." Your APP_KEY is not blank. \n";
if ($env_key == 'APP_URL') {
if (($env_value!="null") && ($env_value!="")) {
$env_good .= $success_icon.' Your APP_URL is not null or blank. It is set to '.$env_value."\n";
if (!str_begins(trim($env_value), 'http://') && (!str_begins($env_value, 'https://'))) {
$env_bad .= $error_icon.' APP_URL ERROR in your .env on line #'.$show_line_num.': Your APP_URL should start with https:// or http://!! It is currently set to: '.$env_value;
} else {
$env_good .= $success_icon.' Your APP_URL is set to '.$env_value.' and starts with the protocol (https:// or http://)'."\n";
if (str_ends(trim($env_value), "/")) {
$env_bad .= $error_icon.' APP_URL ERROR in your .env on line #'.$show_line_num.': Your APP_URL should NOT end with a trailing slash. It is currently set to: '.$env_value;
} else {
$env_good .= $success_icon.' Your APP_URL ('.$env_value.') does not have a trailing slash.'."\n";
} else {
$env_bad .= $error_icon." APP_URL ERROR in your .env on line #".$show_line_num.": Your APP_URL CANNOT be set to null or left blank.\n";
echo $env_good;
if ($env_bad !='') {
echo "\e[91m!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .ENV FILE ERROR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n";
echo "\e[91mYour .env file is misconfigured. Upgrade cannot continue.\n";
echo "--------------------------------------------------------\n\n";
echo $env_bad;
echo "\n\n--------------------------------------------------------\n";
echo "\e[91m!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ABORTING THE UPGRADER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n";
echo "\e[91mPlease correct the issues above in ".getcwd()."/.env and try again.\n";
echo "\e[91m--------------------------------------------------------\n";
echo "\n\e[95m--------------------------------------------------------\n";
echo "STEP 2: Checking PHP requirements: (Required PHP >=". $php_min_works. " - <".$php_max_wontwork.")\n";
echo "--------------------------------------------------------\e[39m\n\n";
if ((version_compare(phpversion(), $php_min_works, '>=')) && (version_compare(phpversion(), $php_max_wontwork, '<'))) {
echo $success_icon." Current PHP version: (" . phpversion() . ") is at least " . $php_min_works . " and less than ".$php_max_wontwork."! Continuing... \n";
echo sprintf("FYI: The php.ini used by this PHP is: %s\n\n", get_cfg_var('cfg_file_path'));
} else {
echo "\e[91m!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PHP VERSION ERROR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n";
echo "This version of PHP (".phpversion().") is NOT compatible with Snipe-IT.\n";
echo "Snipe-IT requires PHP versions between ".$php_min_works." and ".$php_max_wontwork.".\n";
echo "Please install a compatible version of PHP and re-run this script again. \n";
echo "\e[91m!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ABORTING THE UPGRADER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n";
echo "Checking Required PHP extensions... \n\n";
// Get the list of installed extensions
$loaded_exts_array = get_loaded_extensions();
// The PHP extensions PHP is *required* to have enabled in order to run
$required_exts_array =
$recommended_exts_array =
'sodium', //note that extensions need to be in BOTH the $required_exts_array and this one to be 'optional'
$ext_missing = '';
$ext_installed = '';
// Loop through the required extensions
foreach ($required_exts_array as $required_ext) {
// If we don't find the string in the array....
if (!in_array($required_ext, $loaded_exts_array)) {
// Let's check for any options with pipes in them - those mean you can have either or
if (strpos($required_ext, '|')) {
// Split the either/ors by their pipe and put them into an array
$require_either = explode("|", $required_ext);
$has_one_required_ext = false;
// Now loop through the either/or array and see whether any of the options match
foreach ($require_either as $require_either_value) {
if (in_array($require_either_value, $loaded_exts_array)) {
$ext_installed .= $success_icon.' '.$require_either_value." is installed!\n";
$has_one_required_ext = true;
// If no match, add it to the string for errors
if (!$has_one_required_ext) {
$ext_missing .= $error_icon.' MISSING PHP EXTENSION: '.str_replace("|", " OR ", $required_ext)."\n";
// If this isn't an either/or option, just add it to the string of errors conventionally
} elseif (!in_array($required_ext, $recommended_exts_array)){
$ext_missing .= $error_icon.' MISSING PHP EXTENSION: '.$required_ext."\n";
} else {
$ext_installed .= '- '.$required_ext." is *NOT* installed, but is recommended...\n";
// The required extension string was found in the array of installed extensions - yay!
} else {
$ext_installed .= $success_icon.' '.$required_ext." is installed!\n";
// Print out a useful error message and abort the install
if ($ext_missing!='') {
echo "--------------------------------------------------------\n";
echo "You have the following extensions installed: \n";
echo "--------------------------------------------------------\n";
foreach ($loaded_exts_array as $loaded_ext) {
echo $success_icon.' '.$loaded_ext."\n";
echo "\e[91m--------------------- !! ERROR !! ----------------------\n";
echo $ext_missing;
echo "\e[91m--------------------------------------------------------\n";
echo "\e[91mPlease install the extensions above and re-run this script.\n";
echo "\e[91m--------------------------------------------------------\n";
} else {
echo $ext_installed."\n";
echo "\e[95m--------------------------------------------------------\n";
echo "STEP 3: Checking directory permissions: \n";
echo "--------------------------------------------------------\e[39m\n\n";
$writable_dirs_array =
$dirs_writable = '';
$dirs_not_writable = '';
// Loop through the directories that need to be writable
foreach ($writable_dirs_array as $writable_dir) {
if (is_writable($writable_dir)) {
$dirs_writable .= $success_icon.' '.getcwd().'/'.$writable_dir." is writable \n";
} else {
$dirs_not_writable .= $error_icon.' PERMISSIONS ERROR: '.getcwd().'/'.$writable_dir." is NOT writable\n";
echo $dirs_writable."\n";
// Print out a useful error message
if ($dirs_not_writable!='') {
echo "\e[91m--------------------------------------------------------\n";
echo "\eThe following directories/files do not seem writable: \n";
echo "\e--------------------------------------------------------\e[39m\n";
echo $dirs_not_writable;
echo "\e[91m--------------------- !! ERROR !! ----------------------\n";
echo "\ePlease check the permissions on the directories above and re-run this script.\n";
echo "\e------------------------- :( ---------------------------\e[39m\n\n";
echo "\e[95m--------------------------------------------------------\n";
echo "STEP 4: Pulling latest from Git (".$branch." branch): \n";
echo "--------------------------------------------------------\e[39m\n\n";
$git_version = shell_exec('git --version');
if ((strpos('git version', $git_version)) === false) {
echo "Git is installed. \n";
$git_fetch = shell_exec('git fetch');
$git_checkout = shell_exec('git checkout '.$branch);
$git_stash = shell_exec('git stash');
$git_pull = shell_exec('git pull');
echo $git_fetch;
echo '-- '.$git_stash;
echo '-- '.$git_checkout;
echo '-- '.$git_pull."\n";
} else {
echo "Git is NOT installed. You can still use this upgrade script to run common \n";
echo "migration commands, but you will have to manually download the updated files. \n\n";
echo "Please note that this script will not download the latest Snipe-IT \n";
echo "files for you unless you have git installed. \n";
echo "It simply runs the standard composer, artisan, and migration \n";
echo "commands needed to finalize the upgrade after. \n\n";
echo "\e[95m--------------------------------------------------------\n";
echo "STEP 5: Cleaning up old cached files:\n";
echo "--------------------------------------------------------\e[39m\n\n";
// Build an array of the files we generally want to delete because they
// can cause issues with funky caching
$unused_files = [
foreach ($unused_files as $unused_file) {
if (file_exists($unused_file)) {
echo $success_icon." Deleting ".$unused_file.". It is no longer used.\n";
} else {
echo $success_icon." No ".$unused_file.", so nothing to delete.\n";
echo "\n";
echo "\e[95m--------------------------------------------------------\n";
echo "STEP 6: Updating composer dependencies:\n";
echo "(This may take a moment.)\n";
echo "--------------------------------------------------------\e[39m\n\n";
echo "-- Running the app in ".$app_environment." mode.\n";
// Composer install
if (file_exists('composer.phar')) {
echo $success_icon." Local composer.phar detected, so we'll use that.\n\n";
echo "-- Updating local composer.phar\n\n";
$composer_update = shell_exec('php composer.phar self-update');
echo $composer_update."\n\n";
// Use --no-dev only if we are in production mode.
// This will cause errors otherwise, if the user is in develop or local for their APP_ENV
if ($app_environment == 'production') {
$composer = shell_exec('php composer.phar install --no-dev --prefer-source');
} else {
$composer = shell_exec('php composer.phar install --prefer-source');
$composer_dump = shell_exec('php composer.phar dump');
} else {
echo "-- We couldn't find a local composer.phar. No worries, trying globally.\n";
echo "Since you are running composer globally, we won't try to update it for you.\n";
echo "If you run into issues with this step, try running `composer self-update` \n";
echo "before running this updater again\n\n";
if ($app_environment == 'production') {
$composer = shell_exec('composer install --no-dev --prefer-source');
} else {
$composer = shell_exec('composer install --prefer-source');
$composer_dump = shell_exec('composer dump');
echo $composer_dump."\n";
echo $composer;
$config_clear = shell_exec('php artisan config:clear');
$cache_clear = shell_exec('php artisan cache:clear');
$route_clear = shell_exec('php artisan route:clear');
$view_clear = shell_exec('php artisan view:clear');
echo $success_icon.' '.trim($config_clear)."\n";
echo $success_icon.' '.trim($cache_clear)."\n";
echo $success_icon.' '.trim($route_clear)."\n";
echo $success_icon.' '.trim($view_clear)."\n";
echo "\n";
echo "\e[95m--------------------------------------------------------\n";
echo "STEP 7: Putting application into maintenance mode: \n";
echo "--------------------------------------------------------\e[39m\n\n";
exec('php artisan down', $down_results, $return_code);
echo '-- ' . implode("\n", $down_results) . "\n";
if ($return_code > 0) {
die("Something went wrong with downing your site. This can't be good. Please investigate the error. Aborting!\n\n");
echo "\e[95m--------------------------------------------------------\n";
echo "STEP 8: Backing up database: \n";
echo "--------------------------------------------------------\e[39m\n\n";
if (!$skip_backup) {
$backup = exec('php artisan snipeit:backup', $backup_results, $return_code);
if ($return_code > 0) {
die($error_icon." Something went wrong with your backup. Aborting!\n\n");
} else {
echo '-- ' . implode("\n", $backup_results) . "\n\n";
} else {
echo "Upgrade was run with --skip-backup, so no backup will be run.\n\n";
echo "\e[95m--------------------------------------------------------\n";
echo "STEP 9: Migrating database:\n";
echo "--------------------------------------------------------\e[39m\n\n";
$migrations = shell_exec('php artisan migrate --force');
echo $migrations."\n";
echo "\e[95m--------------------------------------------------------\n";
echo "STEP 10: Checking for OAuth keys:\n";
echo "--------------------------------------------------------\e[39m\n\n";
if ((!file_exists('storage/oauth-public.key')) || (!file_exists('storage/oauth-private.key'))) {
echo $info_icon." No OAuth keys detected. Running passport install now.\n\n";
$passport = shell_exec('php artisan passport:install --no-interaction');
echo $passport;
} else {
echo $success_icon." OAuth keys detected. Skipping passport install.\n\n";
echo "\e[95m--------------------------------------------------------\n";
echo "STEP 11: Taking application out of maintenance mode:\n";
echo "--------------------------------------------------------\e[39m\n\n";
$up = shell_exec('php artisan up');
echo $success_icon.' '.trim($up)."\n\n";
echo "\e[92m---------------------- FINISHED! -----------------------\n";
echo "All done! Clear your browser cookies and re-login to use \n";
echo "your upgraded Snipe-IT!\n";
echo "--------------------------------------------------------\e[39m\n\n";
function str_begins($haystack, $needle) {
return (substr_compare($haystack, $needle, 0, strlen($needle)) === 0);
function str_ends($haystack, $needle) {
return (substr_compare($haystack, $needle, -strlen($needle)) === 0);