snipe 8a6713d5c0
WIP - Improved requested assets ()
* WIP - beginning of improved requested assets

- Use Ajax tables for faster loading
- Use new notifications for requesting an asset

- Use ajax tables for requestable asset models
- Use new notifications for canceling an asset request
- Expire requests once the asset has been checked out to the requesting user

* Only show asset name in email if it has one

* Refactor requested method to only include non-canceled requests

* Refactored requestable assets to log request and cancelation

* Added softdeletes on checkout requests

* Differentiate between canceling and deleting requests

* Added asset request cancelation notification

* Added timestamps and corrected unique key on requests table

* Improved requests view

* Re-use blade for cancel/request email

* Refactored BS table formatter for requested assets

* Location name min reduced to 2

* Added PAT test as maintenance option

This needs to be refactored into database-driven options with a UI

* Better slack message

* Added getImageUrl method for assets

* Include qty in request notifications

- Try to pull requested info from original request for cancelation, otherwise it will default to 1

* Removed old asset request/cancel emails

* Added user profile asset request routes

* Added profile controller requested assets method

* Added blade link to requested assets for profile view

* Sort user history desc

* Added requested assets blade

* Added canceled at to checkoutRequest method

* Include qty in request

* Fixed comment, removed allowed_columns

* Removed Queable methods, since we don’t use a queue

* Fixed return type in method doc

* Fixed version number

* Changed id to user_id for clarity
2018-04-04 17:33:02 -07:00

135 lines
3.7 KiB

namespace App\Notifications;
use App\Models\Setting;
use Illuminate\Notifications\Messages\MailMessage;
use Illuminate\Notifications\Messages\SlackMessage;
use Illuminate\Notifications\Notification;
class RequestAssetNotification extends Notification
* @var
private $params;
* Create a new notification instance.
* @param $params
public function __construct($params)
$this->target = $params['target'];
$this->item = $params['item'];
$this->item_type = $params['item_type'];
$this->item_quantity = $params['item_quantity'];
$this->note = '';
$this->last_checkout = '';
$this->expected_checkin = '';
$this->requested_date = \App\Helpers\Helper::getFormattedDateObject($params['requested_date'], 'datetime',
$this->settings = Setting::getSettings();
if (array_key_exists('note', $params)) {
$this->note = $params['note'];
if ($this->item->last_checkout) {
$this->last_checkout = \App\Helpers\Helper::getFormattedDateObject($this->item->last_checkout, 'date',
if ($this->item->expected_checkin) {
$this->expected_checkin = \App\Helpers\Helper::getFormattedDateObject($this->item->expected_checkin, 'date',
* Get the notification's delivery channels.
* @param mixed $notifiable
* @return array
public function via()
$notifyBy = [];
if (Setting::getSettings()->slack_endpoint!='') {
\Log::debug('use slack');
$notifyBy[] = 'slack';
$notifyBy[] = 'mail';
return $notifyBy;
public function toSlack()
$target = $this->target;
$qty = $this->item_quantity;
$item = $this->item;
$note = $this->note;
$botname = ($this->settings->slack_botname) ? $this->settings->slack_botname : 'Snipe-Bot' ;
$fields = [
'QTY' => $qty,
'Requested By' => '<'.$target->present()->viewUrl().'|'.$target->present()->fullName().'>',
return (new SlackMessage)
->attachment(function ($attachment) use ($item, $note, $fields) {
$attachment->title(htmlspecialchars_decode($item->present()->name), $item->present()->viewUrl())
* Get the mail representation of the notification.
* @param mixed $notifiable
* @return \Illuminate\Notifications\Messages\MailMessage
public function toMail()
$fields = [];
// Check if the item has custom fields associated with it
if (($this->item->model) && ($this->item->model->fieldset)) {
$fields = $this->item->model->fieldset->fields;
$message = (new MailMessage)->markdown('notifications.markdown.asset-requested',
'item' => $this->item,
'note' => $this->note,
'requested_by' => $this->target,
'requested_date' => $this->requested_date,
'fields' => $fields,
'last_checkout' => $this->last_checkout,
'expected_checkin' => $this->expected_checkin,
'intro_text' => trans('mail.a_user_requested'),
'qty' => $this->item_quantity,
return $message;