mirror of
synced 2025-02-21 03:15:45 -08:00
Add refresh licenses, accessories and consumables tables refresh when add a new element resources\assets\js\snipeit_modals.js Some design fixes resources\views\kits\edit.blade.php Add default value to form (template) resources\views\modals\kit-model.blade.php New routes for kit accessories and kit consumables routes\api.php New routes for kit models, kit accessories and kit consumables routes\web\kits.php New templates
578 lines
22 KiB
578 lines
22 KiB
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ mix('css/dist/bootstrap-table.css') }}">
<script src="{{ mix('js/dist/bootstrap-table.js') }}"></script>
@if (!isset($simple_view))
<script src="{{ mix('js/dist/bootstrap-table-simple-view.js') }}"></script>
<script nonce="{{ csrf_token() }}">
$(function () {
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cookieExpire: '2y',
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trimOnSearch: false,
paginationFirstText: "{{ trans('general.first') }}",
paginationLastText: "{{ trans('general.last') }}",
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formatLoadingMessage: function () {
return '<h4><i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin" aria-hidden="true"></i> Loading... please wait.... </h4>';
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$('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip(); // Need to attach tooltips after ajax call
function dateRowCheckStyle(value) {
if ((value.days_to_next_audit) && (value.days_to_next_audit < {{ $snipeSettings->audit_warning_days ?: 0 }})) {
return { classes : "danger" }
return {};
// Handle whether or not the edit button should be disabled
$('.snipe-table').on('check.bs.table', function () {
$('.snipe-table').on('check-all.bs.table', function () {
$('.snipe-table').on('uncheck.bs.table', function () {
if ($('.snipe-table').bootstrapTable('getSelections').length == 0) {
$('#bulkEdit').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
$('.snipe-table').on('uncheck-all.bs.table', function (e, row) {
$('#bulkEdit').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
// This only works for model index pages because it uses the row's model ID
function genericRowLinkFormatter(destination) {
return function (value,row) {
if (value) {
return '<a href="{{ url('/') }}/' + destination + '/' + row.id + '"> ' + value + '</a>';
// Use this when we're introspecting into a column object and need to link
function genericColumnObjLinkFormatter(destination) {
return function (value,row) {
if ((value) && (value.status_meta)) {
var text_color;
var icon_style;
var text_help;
var status_meta = {
'deployed': '{{ strtolower(trans('general.deployed')) }}',
'deployable': '{{ strtolower(trans('admin/hardware/general.deployable')) }}',
'pending': '{{ strtolower(trans('general.pending')) }}'
switch (value.status_meta) {
case 'deployed':
text_color = 'blue';
icon_style = 'fa-circle';
text_help = '<label class="label label-default">{{ trans('general.deployed') }}</label>';
case 'deployable':
text_color = 'green';
icon_style = 'fa-circle';
text_help = '';
case 'pending':
text_color = 'orange';
icon_style = 'fa-circle';
text_help = '';
text_color = 'red';
icon_style = 'fa-times';
text_help = '';
return '<nobr><a href="{{ url('/') }}/' + destination + '/' + value.id + '" data-toggle="tooltip" title="'+ status_meta[value.status_meta] + '"> <i class="fa ' + icon_style + ' text-' + text_color + '"></i> ' + value.name + ' ' + text_help + ' </a> </nobr>';
} else if ((value) && (value.name)) {
// Add some overrides for any funny urls we have
var dest = destination;
if (destination=='fieldsets') {
var dest = 'fields/fieldsets';
return '<nobr><a href="{{ url('/') }}/' + dest + '/' + value.id + '"> ' + value.name + '</a></span>';
// Make the edit/delete buttons
function genericActionsFormatter(owner_name, element_name = '') {
return function (value,row) {
var actions = '<nobr>';
// Add some overrides for any funny urls we have
var dest = owner_name;
if (dest =='groups') {
var dest = 'admin/groups';
if (dest =='maintenances') {
var dest = 'hardware/maintenances';
if(element_name != '') {
dest = dest + '/' + row.owner_id + '/' + element_name;
if ((row.available_actions) && (row.available_actions.clone === true)) {
actions += '<a href="{{ url('/') }}/' + dest + '/' + row.id + '/clone" class="btn btn-sm btn-info" data-toggle="tooltip" title="Clone"><i class="fa fa-copy"></i></a> ';
if ((row.available_actions) && (row.available_actions.update === true)) {
actions += '<a href="{{ url('/') }}/' + dest + '/' + row.id + '/edit" class="btn btn-sm btn-warning" data-toggle="tooltip" title="Update"><i class="fa fa-pencil"></i></a> ';
if ((row.available_actions) && (row.available_actions.delete === true)) {
actions += '<a href="{{ url('/') }}/' + dest + '/' + row.id + '" '
+ ' class="btn btn-danger btn-sm delete-asset" data-toggle="tooltip" '
+ ' data-toggle="modal" '
+ ' data-content="{{ trans('general.sure_to_delete') }} ' + row.name + '?" '
+ ' data-title="{{ trans('general.delete') }}" onClick="return false;">'
+ '<i class="fa fa-trash"></i></a> ';
} else {
actions += '<a class="btn btn-danger btn-sm delete-asset disabled" onClick="return false;"><i class="fa fa-trash"></i></a> ';
if ((row.available_actions) && (row.available_actions.restore === true)) {
actions += '<a href="{{ url('/') }}/' + dest + '/' + row.id + '/restore" class="btn btn-sm btn-warning" data-toggle="tooltip" title="Restore"><i class="fa fa-retweet"></i></a> ';
actions +='</nobr>';
return actions;
// This handles the icons and display of polymorphic entries
function polymorphicItemFormatter(value) {
var item_destination = '';
var item_icon;
if ((value) && (value.type)) {
if (value.type == 'asset') {
item_destination = 'hardware';
item_icon = 'fa-barcode';
} else if (value.type == 'accessory') {
item_destination = 'accessories';
item_icon = 'fa-keyboard-o';
} else if (value.type == 'component') {
item_destination = 'components';
item_icon = 'fa-hdd-o';
} else if (value.type == 'consumable') {
item_destination = 'consumables';
item_icon = 'fa-tint';
} else if (value.type == 'license') {
item_destination = 'licenses';
item_icon = 'fa-floppy-o';
} else if (value.type == 'user') {
item_destination = 'users';
item_icon = 'fa-user';
} else if (value.type == 'location') {
item_destination = 'locations'
item_icon = 'fa-map-marker';
return '<nobr><a href="{{ url('/') }}/' + item_destination +'/' + value.id + '" data-toggle="tooltip" title="' + value.type + '"><i class="fa ' + item_icon + ' text-blue"></i> ' + value.name + '</a></nobr>';
} else {
return '';
// This just prints out the item type in the activity report
function itemTypeFormatter(value, row) {
if ((row) && (row.item) && (row.item.type)) {
return row.item.type;
// Convert line breaks to <br>
function notesFormatter(value) {
if (value) {
return value.replace(/(?:\r\n|\r|\n)/g, '<br />');;
// We need a special formatter for license seats, since they don't work exactly the same
// Checkouts need the license ID, checkins need the specific seat ID
function licenseSeatInOutFormatter(value, row) {
// The user is allowed to check the license seat out and it's available
if ((row.available_actions.checkout == true) && (row.user_can_checkout == true) && ((!row.asset_id) && (!row.assigned_to))) {
return '<a href="{{ url('/') }}/licenses/' + row.license_id + '/checkout/'+row.id+'" class="btn btn-sm bg-maroon" data-toggle="tooltip" title="Check this item out">{{ trans('general.checkout') }}</a>';
} else {
return '<a href="{{ url('/') }}/licenses/' + row.id + '/checkin" class="btn btn-sm bg-purple" data-toggle="tooltip" title="Check in this license seat.">{{ trans('general.checkin') }}</a>';
function genericCheckinCheckoutFormatter(destination) {
return function (value,row) {
// The user is allowed to check items out, AND the item is deployable
if ((row.available_actions.checkout == true) && (row.user_can_checkout == true) && ((!row.asset_id) && (!row.assigned_to))) {
return '<a href="{{ url('/') }}/' + destination + '/' + row.id + '/checkout" class="btn btn-sm bg-maroon" data-toggle="tooltip" title="Check this item out">{{ trans('general.checkout') }}</a>';
// The user is allowed to check items out, but the item is not deployable
} else if (((row.user_can_checkout == false)) && (row.available_actions.checkout == true) && (!row.assigned_to)) {
return '<div data-toggle="tooltip" title="This item has a status label that is undeployable and cannot be checked out at this time."><a class="btn btn-sm bg-maroon disabled">{{ trans('general.checkout') }}</a></div>';
// The user is allowed to check items in
} else if (row.available_actions.checkin == true) {
if (row.assigned_to) {
return '<a href="{{ url('/') }}/' + destination + '/' + row.id + '/checkin" class="btn btn-sm bg-purple" data-toggle="tooltip" title="Check this item in so it is available for re-imaging, re-issue, etc.">{{ trans('general.checkin') }}</a>';
} else if (row.assigned_pivot_id) {
return '<a href="{{ url('/') }}/' + destination + '/' + row.assigned_pivot_id + '/checkin" class="btn btn-sm bg-purple" data-toggle="tooltip" title="Check this item in so it is available for re-imaging, re-issue, etc.">{{ trans('general.checkin') }}</a>';
// This is only used by the requestable assets section
function assetRequestActionsFormatter (row, value) {
if (value.available_actions.cancel == true) {
return '<form action="{{ url('/') }}/account/request-asset/'+ value.id + '" method="GET"><button class="btn btn-danger btn-sm" data-toggle="tooltip" title="Cancel this item request">{{ trans('button.cancel') }}</button></form>';
} else if (value.available_actions.request == true) {
return '<form action="{{ url('/') }}/account/request-asset/'+ value.id + '" method="GET"><button class="btn btn-primary btn-sm" data-toggle="tooltip" title="Request this item">{{ trans('button.request') }}</button></form>';
var formatters = [
for (var i in formatters) {
window[formatters[i] + 'LinkFormatter'] = genericRowLinkFormatter(formatters[i]);
window[formatters[i] + 'LinkObjFormatter'] = genericColumnObjLinkFormatter(formatters[i]);
window[formatters[i] + 'ActionsFormatter'] = genericActionsFormatter(formatters[i]);
window[formatters[i] + 'InOutFormatter'] = genericCheckinCheckoutFormatter(formatters[i]);
var child_formatters = [
['kits', 'models'],
['kits', 'licenses'],
['kits', 'consumables'],
['kits', 'accessories'],
for (var i in child_formatters) {
var owner_name = child_formatters[i][0];
var child_name = child_formatters[i][1];
window[owner_name + '_' + child_name + 'ActionsFormatter'] = genericActionsFormatter(owner_name, child_name);
// This is gross, but necessary so that we can package the API response
// for custom fields in a more useful way.
function customFieldsFormatter(value, row) {
if ((!this) || (!this.title)) {
return '';
var field_column = this.title;
// Pull out any HTMl that might be passed via the presenter
// (for example, the locked icon for encrypted fields)
var field_column_plain = field_column.replace(/<(?:.|\n)*?> ?/gm, '');
if ((row.custom_fields) && (row.custom_fields[field_column_plain])) {
// If the field type needs special formatting, do that here
if ((row.custom_fields[field_column_plain].field_format) && (row.custom_fields[field_column_plain].value)) {
if (row.custom_fields[field_column_plain].field_format=='URL') {
return '<a href="' + row.custom_fields[field_column_plain].value + '" target="_blank" rel="noopener">' + row.custom_fields[field_column_plain].value + '</a>';
} else if (row.custom_fields[field_column_plain].field_format=='EMAIL') {
return '<a href="mailto:' + row.custom_fields[field_column_plain].value + '">' + row.custom_fields[field_column_plain].value + '</a>';
return row.custom_fields[field_column_plain].value;
function createdAtFormatter(value) {
if ((value) && (value.date)) {
return value.date;
function externalLinkFormatter(value) {
if (value) {
return '<a href="' + value + '" target="_blank">' + value + '</a>';
function groupsFormatter(value) {
if (value) {
var groups = '';
for (var index in value.rows) {
groups += '<a href="{{ url('/') }}/admin/groups/' + value.rows[index].id + '" class="label label-default"> ' + value.rows[index].name + '</a> ';
return groups;
function changeLogFormatter(value) {
var result = '';
for (var index in value) {
result += index + ': <del>' + value[index].old + '</del> <i class="fa fa-long-arrow-right" aria-hidden="true"></i> ' + value[index].new + '<br>'
return result;
// Create a linked phone number in the table list
function phoneFormatter(value) {
if (value) {
return '<a href="tel:' + value + '">' + value + '</a>';
function deployedLocationFormatter(row, value) {
if ((row) && (row!=undefined)) {
return '<a href="{{ url('/') }}/locations/' + row.id + '"> ' + row.name + '</a>';
} else if (value.rtd_location) {
return '<a href="{{ url('/') }}/locations/' + value.rtd_location.id + '" data-toggle="tooltip" title="Default Location"> ' + value.rtd_location.name + '</a>';
function groupsAdminLinkFormatter(value, row) {
return '<a href="{{ url('/') }}/admin/groups/' + row.id + '"> ' + value + '</a>';
function assetTagLinkFormatter(value, row) {
return '<a href="{{ url('/') }}/hardware/' + row.asset.id + '"> ' + row.asset.asset_tag + '</a>';
function assetNameLinkFormatter(value, row) {
if ((row.asset) && (row.asset.name)) {
return '<a href="{{ url('/') }}/hardware/' + row.asset.id + '"> ' + row.asset.name + '</a>';
function trueFalseFormatter(value) {
if ((value) && ((value == 'true') || (value == '1'))) {
return '<i class="fa fa-check text-success"></i>';
} else {
return '<i class="fa fa-times text-danger"></i>';
function dateDisplayFormatter(value) {
if (value) {
return value.formatted;
function iconFormatter(value) {
if (value) {
return '<i class="' + value + ' icon-med"></i>';
function emailFormatter(value) {
if (value) {
return '<a href="mailto:' + value + '"> ' + value + '</a>';
function linkFormatter(value) {
if (value) {
return '<a href="' + value + '"> ' + value + '</a>';
function assetCompanyFilterFormatter(value, row) {
if (value) {
return '<a href="{{ url('/') }}/hardware/?company_id=' + row.id + '"> ' + value + '</a>';
function assetCompanyObjFilterFormatter(value, row) {
if ((row) && (row.company)) {
return '<a href="{{ url('/') }}/hardware/?company_id=' + row.company.id + '"> ' + row.company.name + '</a>';
function usersCompanyObjFilterFormatter(value, row) {
if (value) {
return '<a href="{{ url('/') }}/users/?company_id=' + row.id + '"> ' + value + '</a>';
} else {
return value;
function employeeNumFormatter(value, row) {
if ((row) && (row.assigned_to) && ((row.assigned_to.employee_number))) {
return '<a href="{{ url('/') }}/users/' + row.assigned_to.id + '"> ' + row.assigned_to.employee_number + '</a>';
function orderNumberObjFilterFormatter(value, row) {
if (value) {
return '<a href="{{ url('/') }}/hardware/?order_number=' + row.order_number + '"> ' + row.order_number + '</a>';
function imageFormatter(value) {
if (value) {
return '<a href="' + value + '" data-toggle="lightbox" data-type="image"><img src="' + value + '" style="max-height: {{ $snipeSettings->thumbnail_max_h }}px; width: auto;" class="img-responsive"></a>';
function fileUploadFormatter(value) {
if ((value) && (value.url) && (value.inlineable)) {
return '<a href="' + value.url + '" data-toggle="lightbox" data-type="image"><img src="' + value.url + '" style="max-height: {{ $snipeSettings->thumbnail_max_h }}px; width: auto;" class="img-responsive"></a>';
} else if ((value) && (value.url)) {
return '<a href="' + value.url + '" class="btn btn-default"><i class="fa fa-download"></i></a>';
function fileUploadNameFormatter(value) {
if ((value) && (value.filename) && (value.url)) {
return '<a href="' + value.url + '">' + value.filename + '</a>';
function sumFormatter(data) {
if (Array.isArray(data)) {
var field = this.field;
var total_sum = data.reduce(function(sum, row) {
return (sum) + (parseFloat(row[field]) || 0);
}, 0);
return total_sum.toFixed(2);
return 'not an array';
$(function () {
$('#bulkEdit').click(function () {
var selectedIds = $('.snipe-table').bootstrapTable('getSelections');
$.each(selectedIds, function(key,value) {
$( "#bulkForm" ).append($('<input type="hidden" name="ids[' + value.id + ']" value="' + value.id + '">' ));
// This is necessary to make the bootstrap tooltips work inside of the
// wenzhixin/bootstrap-table formatters
$(function() {
$('#table').on('post-body.bs.table', function () {
container: 'body'