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1325 lines
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* @preserve tableExport.jquery.plugin
* Copyright (c) 2015,2016 hhurz, https://github.com/hhurz/tableExport.jquery.plugin
* Original work Copyright (c) 2014 Giri Raj, https://github.com/kayalshri/
* Licensed under the MIT License, http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license
(function ($) {
tableExport: function (options) {
var defaults = {
consoleLog: false,
csvEnclosure: '"',
csvSeparator: ',',
csvUseBOM: true,
displayTableName: false,
escape: false,
excelstyles: [], // e.g. ['border-bottom', 'border-top', 'border-left', 'border-right']
fileName: 'tableExport',
htmlContent: false,
ignoreColumn: [],
jsonScope: 'all', // head, data, all
jspdf: {orientation: 'p',
unit: 'pt',
format: 'a4', // jspdf page format or 'bestfit' for autmatic paper format selection
margins: {left: 20, right: 10, top: 10, bottom: 10},
autotable: {styles: {cellPadding: 2,
rowHeight: 12,
fontSize: 8,
fillColor: 255, // color value or 'inherit' to use css background-color from html table
textColor: 50, // color value or 'inherit' to use css color from html table
fontStyle: 'normal', // normal, bold, italic, bolditalic or 'inherit' to use css font-weight and fonst-style from html table
overflow: 'ellipsize', // visible, hidden, ellipsize or linebreak
halign: 'left', // left, center, right
valign: 'middle' // top, middle, bottom
headerStyles: {fillColor: [52, 73, 94],
textColor: 255,
fontStyle: 'bold',
halign: 'center'
alternateRowStyles: {fillColor: 245
tableExport: {onAfterAutotable: null,
onBeforeAutotable: null,
onTable: null
numbers: {html: {decimalMark: '.',
thousandsSeparator: ','
output: {decimalMark: '.',
thousandsSeparator: ','
onCellData: null,
onCellHtmlData: null,
outputMode: 'file', // 'file', 'string' or 'base64'
tbodySelector: 'tr',
theadSelector: 'tr',
tableName: 'myTableName',
type: 'csv', // 'csv', 'txt', 'sql', 'json', 'xml', 'excel', 'doc', 'png' or 'pdf'
worksheetName: 'xlsWorksheetName'
var FONT_ROW_RATIO = 1.15;
var el = this;
var DownloadEvt = null;
var $hrows = [];
var $rows = [];
var rowIndex = 0;
var rowspans = [];
var trData = '';
var colNames = [];
$.extend(true, defaults, options);
colNames = GetColumnNames (el);
if (defaults.type == 'csv' || defaults.type == 'txt') {
var csvData = "";
var rowlength = 0;
rowIndex = 0;
function CollectCsvData (tgroup, tselector, rowselector, length) {
$rows = $(el).find(tgroup).first().find(tselector);
$rows.each(function () {
trData = "";
ForEachVisibleCell(this, rowselector, rowIndex, length + $rows.length,
function (cell, row, col) {
trData += csvString(cell, row, col) + defaults.csvSeparator;
trData = $.trim(trData).substring(0, trData.length - 1);
if (trData.length > 0) {
if (csvData.length > 0)
csvData += "\n";
csvData += trData;
return $rows.length;
rowlength += CollectCsvData ('thead', defaults.theadSelector, 'th,td', rowlength);
rowlength += CollectCsvData ('tbody', defaults.tbodySelector, 'td', rowlength);
CollectCsvData ('tfoot', defaults.tbodySelector, 'td', rowlength);
csvData += "\n";
if (defaults.consoleLog === true)
if (defaults.outputMode === 'string')
return csvData;
if (defaults.outputMode === 'base64')
return base64encode(csvData);
try {
var blob = new Blob([csvData], {type: "text/" + (defaults.type == 'csv' ? 'csv' : 'plain') + ";charset=utf-8"});
saveAs(blob, defaults.fileName + '.' + defaults.type, (defaults.type != 'csv' || defaults.csvUseBOM === false));
catch (e) {
downloadFile(defaults.fileName + '.' + defaults.type,
'data:text/' + (defaults.type == 'csv' ? 'csv' : 'plain') + ';charset=utf-8,' + ((defaults.type == 'csv' && defaults.csvUseBOM)? '\ufeff' : ''),
} else if (defaults.type == 'sql') {
// Header
rowIndex = 0;
var tdData = "INSERT INTO `" + defaults.tableName + "` (";
$hrows = $(el).find('thead').first().find(defaults.theadSelector);
$hrows.each(function () {
ForEachVisibleCell(this, 'th,td', rowIndex, $hrows.length,
function (cell, row, col) {
tdData += "'" + parseString(cell, row, col) + "',";
tdData = $.trim(tdData);
tdData = $.trim(tdData).substring(0, tdData.length - 1);
tdData += ") VALUES ";
// Row vs Column
$rows = $(el).find('tbody').first().find(defaults.tbodySelector);
$rows.each(function () {
trData = "";
ForEachVisibleCell(this, 'td', rowIndex, $hrows.length + $rows.length,
function (cell, row, col) {
trData += "'" + parseString(cell, row, col) + "',";
if (trData.length > 3) {
tdData += "(" + trData;
tdData = $.trim(tdData).substring(0, tdData.length - 1);
tdData += "),";
tdData = $.trim(tdData).substring(0, tdData.length - 1);
tdData += ";";
if (defaults.consoleLog === true)
if (defaults.outputMode === 'string')
return tdData;
if (defaults.outputMode === 'base64')
return base64encode(tdData);
try {
var blob = new Blob([tdData], {type: "text/plain;charset=utf-8"});
saveAs(blob, defaults.fileName + '.sql');
catch (e) {
downloadFile(defaults.fileName + '.sql',
} else if (defaults.type == 'json') {
var jsonHeaderArray = [];
$hrows = $(el).find('thead').first().find(defaults.theadSelector);
$hrows.each(function () {
var jsonArrayTd = [];
ForEachVisibleCell(this, 'th,td', rowIndex, $hrows.length,
function (cell, row, col) {
jsonArrayTd.push(parseString(cell, row, col));
var jsonArray = [];
$rows = $(el).find('tbody').first().find(defaults.tbodySelector);
$rows.each(function () {
var jsonObjectTd = {};
var colIndex = 0;
ForEachVisibleCell(this, 'td', rowIndex, $hrows.length + $rows.length,
function (cell, row, col) {
if (jsonHeaderArray.length) {
jsonObjectTd[jsonHeaderArray[jsonHeaderArray.length-1][colIndex]] = parseString(cell, row, col);
} else {
jsonObjectTd[colIndex] = parseString(cell, row, col);
if ($.isEmptyObject(jsonObjectTd) == false)
var sdata = "";
if (defaults.jsonScope == 'head')
sdata = JSON.stringify(jsonHeaderArray);
else if (defaults.jsonScope == 'data')
sdata = JSON.stringify(jsonArray);
else // all
sdata = JSON.stringify({header: jsonHeaderArray, data: jsonArray});
if (defaults.consoleLog === true)
if (defaults.outputMode === 'string')
return sdata;
if (defaults.outputMode === 'base64')
return base64encode(sdata);
try {
var blob = new Blob([sdata], {type: "application/json;charset=utf-8"});
saveAs(blob, defaults.fileName + '.json');
catch (e) {
downloadFile(defaults.fileName + '.json',
} else if (defaults.type === 'xml') {
rowIndex = 0;
var xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>';
xml += '<tabledata><fields>';
// Header
$hrows = $(el).find('thead').first().find(defaults.theadSelector);
$hrows.each(function () {
ForEachVisibleCell(this, 'th,td', rowIndex, $rows.length,
function (cell, row, col) {
xml += "<field>" + parseString(cell, row, col) + "</field>";
xml += '</fields><data>';
// Row Vs Column
var rowCount = 1;
$rows = $(el).find('tbody').first().find(defaults.tbodySelector);
$rows.each(function () {
var colCount = 1;
trData = "";
ForEachVisibleCell(this, 'td', rowIndex, $hrows.length + $rows.length,
function (cell, row, col) {
trData += "<column-" + colCount + ">" + parseString(cell, row, col) + "</column-" + colCount + ">";
if (trData.length > 0 && trData != "<column-1></column-1>") {
xml += '<row id="' + rowCount + '">' + trData + '</row>';
xml += '</data></tabledata>';
if (defaults.consoleLog === true)
if (defaults.outputMode === 'string')
return xml;
if (defaults.outputMode === 'base64')
return base64encode(xml);
try {
var blob = new Blob([xml], {type: "application/xml;charset=utf-8"});
saveAs(blob, defaults.fileName + '.xml');
catch (e) {
downloadFile(defaults.fileName + '.xml',
} else if (defaults.type == 'excel' || defaults.type == 'xls' || defaults.type == 'word' || defaults.type == 'doc') {
var MSDocType = (defaults.type == 'excel' || defaults.type == 'xls') ? 'excel' : 'word';
var MSDocExt = (MSDocType == 'excel') ? 'xls' : 'doc';
var MSDocSchema = (MSDocExt == 'xls') ? 'xmlns:x="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel"' : 'xmlns:w="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:word"';
var $tables = $(el).filter(function() {
return $(this).data("tableexport-display") != 'none' &&
($(this).is(':visible') ||
$(this).data("tableexport-display") == 'always');
var docData = '';
rowIndex = 0;
colNames = GetColumnNames (this);
docData += '<table><thead>';
// Header
$hrows = $(this).find('thead').first().find(defaults.theadSelector);
$hrows.each(function() {
trData = "";
ForEachVisibleCell(this, 'th,td', rowIndex, $hrows.length,
function(cell, row, col) {
if (cell != null) {
var thstyle = '';
trData += '<th';
for (var styles in defaults.excelstyles) {
if (defaults.excelstyles.hasOwnProperty(styles)) {
var thcss = $(cell).css(defaults.excelstyles[styles]);
if (thcss != '' && thcss !='0px none rgb(0, 0, 0)') {
if (thstyle == '')
thstyle = 'style="';
thstyle += defaults.excelstyles[styles] + ':' + thcss + ';';
if (thstyle != '' )
trData += ' ' + thstyle + '"';
if ($(cell).is("[colspan]"))
trData += ' colspan="' + $(cell).attr('colspan') + '"';
if ($(cell).is("[rowspan]"))
trData += ' rowspan="' + $(cell).attr('rowspan') + '"';
trData += '>' + parseString(cell, row, col) + '</th>';
if (trData.length > 0)
docData += '<tr>' + trData + '</tr>';
docData += '</thead><tbody>';
// Row Vs Column
$rows = $(this).find('tbody').first().find(defaults.tbodySelector);
$rows.each(function() {
trData = "";
ForEachVisibleCell(this, 'td', rowIndex, $hrows.length + $rows.length,
function(cell, row, col) {
if (cell != null) {
var tdstyle = '';
var tdcss = $(cell).data("tableexport-msonumberformat");
if (typeof tdcss == 'undefined' && typeof defaults.onMsoNumberFormat === 'function')
tdcss = defaults.onMsoNumberFormat(cell, row, col);
if (typeof tdcss != 'undefined' && tdcss != '') {
if (tdstyle == '')
tdstyle = 'style="';
tdstyle = 'style="mso-number-format:' + tdcss + ';';
trData += '<td';
for (var styles in defaults.excelstyles) {
if (defaults.excelstyles.hasOwnProperty(styles)) {
tdcss = $(cell).css(defaults.excelstyles[styles]);
if (tdcss != '' && tdcss !='0px none rgb(0, 0, 0)') {
if (tdstyle == '')
tdstyle = 'style="';
tdstyle += defaults.excelstyles[styles] + ':' + tdcss + ';';
if (tdstyle != '' )
trData += ' ' + tdstyle + '"';
if ($(cell).is("[colspan]"))
trData += ' colspan="' + $(cell).attr('colspan') + '"';
if ($(cell).is("[rowspan]"))
trData += ' rowspan="' + $(cell).attr('rowspan') + '"';
trData += '>' + parseString(cell, row, col) + '</td>';
if (trData.length > 0)
docData += '<tr>' + trData + '</tr>';
if (defaults.displayTableName)
docData += '<tr><td></td></tr><tr><td></td></tr><tr><td>' + parseString($('<p>' + defaults.tableName + '</p>')) + '</td></tr>';
docData += '</tbody></table>';
if (defaults.consoleLog === true)
var docFile = '<html xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" ' + MSDocSchema + ' xmlns="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40">';
docFile += '<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="application/vnd.ms-' + MSDocType + '; charset=UTF-8">';
docFile += "<head>";
if (MSDocType === 'excel') {
docFile += "<!--[if gte mso 9]>";
docFile += "<xml>";
docFile += "<x:ExcelWorkbook>";
docFile += "<x:ExcelWorksheets>";
docFile += "<x:ExcelWorksheet>";
docFile += "<x:Name>";
docFile += defaults.worksheetName;
docFile += "</x:Name>";
docFile += "<x:WorksheetOptions>";
docFile += "<x:DisplayGridlines/>";
docFile += "</x:WorksheetOptions>";
docFile += "</x:ExcelWorksheet>";
docFile += "</x:ExcelWorksheets>";
docFile += "</x:ExcelWorkbook>";
docFile += "</xml>";
docFile += "<![endif]-->";
docFile += "</head>";
docFile += "<body>";
docFile += docData;
docFile += "</body>";
docFile += "</html>";
if (defaults.consoleLog === true)
if (defaults.outputMode === 'string')
return docFile;
if (defaults.outputMode === 'base64')
return base64encode(docFile);
try {
var blob = new Blob([docFile], {type: 'application/vnd.ms-' + defaults.type});
saveAs(blob, defaults.fileName + '.' + MSDocExt);
catch (e) {
downloadFile(defaults.fileName + '.' + MSDocExt,
'data:application/vnd.ms-' + MSDocType + ';base64,',
} else if (defaults.type == 'png') {
html2canvas($(el)[0], {
allowTaint: true,
background: '#fff',
onrendered: function (canvas) {
var image = canvas.toDataURL();
image = image.substring(22); // remove data stuff
var byteString = atob(image);
var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(byteString.length);
var intArray = new Uint8Array(buffer);
for (var i = 0; i < byteString.length; i++)
intArray[i] = byteString.charCodeAt(i);
if (defaults.consoleLog === true)
if (defaults.outputMode === 'string')
return byteString;
if (defaults.outputMode === 'base64')
return base64encode(image);
try {
var blob = new Blob([buffer], {type: "image/png"});
saveAs(blob, defaults.fileName + '.png');
catch (e) {
downloadFile(defaults.fileName + '.png',
} else if (defaults.type == 'pdf') {
if (defaults.jspdf.autotable === false) {
var addHtmlOptions = {
dim: {
w: getPropertyUnitValue($(el).first().get(0), 'width', 'mm'),
h: getPropertyUnitValue($(el).first().get(0), 'height', 'mm')
pagesplit: false
var doc = new jsPDF(defaults.jspdf.orientation, defaults.jspdf.unit, defaults.jspdf.format);
function () {
//delete doc;
else {
// pdf output using jsPDF AutoTable plugin
// https://github.com/simonbengtsson/jsPDF-AutoTable
var teOptions = defaults.jspdf.autotable.tableExport;
// When setting jspdf.format to 'bestfit' tableExport tries to choose
// the minimum required paper format and orientation in which the table
// (or tables in multitable mode) completely fits without column adjustment
if (typeof defaults.jspdf.format === 'string' && defaults.jspdf.format.toLowerCase() === 'bestfit') {
var pageFormats = {
'a0': [2383.94, 3370.39], 'a1': [1683.78, 2383.94],
'a2': [1190.55, 1683.78], 'a3': [841.89, 1190.55],
'a4': [595.28, 841.89]
var rk = '', ro = '';
var mw = 0;
$(el).filter(':visible').each(function () {
if ($(this).css('display') != 'none') {
var w = getPropertyUnitValue($(this).get(0), 'width', 'pt');
if (w > mw) {
if (w > pageFormats['a0'][0]) {
rk = 'a0';
ro = 'l';
for (var key in pageFormats) {
if (pageFormats.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
if (pageFormats[key][1] > w) {
rk = key;
ro = 'l';
if (pageFormats[key][0] > w)
ro = 'p';
mw = w;
defaults.jspdf.format = (rk == '' ? 'a4' : rk);
defaults.jspdf.orientation = (ro == '' ? 'w' : ro);
// The jsPDF doc object is stored in defaults.jspdf.autotable.tableExport,
// thus it can be accessed from any callback function
teOptions.doc = new jsPDF(defaults.jspdf.orientation,
$(el).filter(function() {
return $(this).data("tableexport-display") != 'none' &&
($(this).is(':visible') ||
$(this).data("tableexport-display") == 'always');
}).each(function () {
var colKey;
var rowIndex = 0;
colNames = GetColumnNames (this);
teOptions.columns = [];
teOptions.rows = [];
teOptions.rowoptions = {};
// onTable: optional callback function for every matching table that can be used
// to modify the tableExport options or to skip the output of a particular table
// if the table selector targets multiple tables
if (typeof teOptions.onTable === 'function')
if (teOptions.onTable($(this), defaults) === false)
return true; // continue to next iteration step (table)
// each table works with an own copy of AutoTable options
defaults.jspdf.autotable.tableExport = null; // avoid deep recursion error
var atOptions = $.extend(true, {}, defaults.jspdf.autotable);
defaults.jspdf.autotable.tableExport = teOptions;
atOptions.margin = {};
$.extend(true, atOptions.margin, defaults.jspdf.margins);
atOptions.tableExport = teOptions;
// Fix jsPDF Autotable's row height calculation
if (typeof atOptions.beforePageContent !== 'function') {
atOptions.beforePageContent = function (data) {
if (data.pageCount == 1) {
var all = data.table.rows.concat(data.table.headerRow);
all.forEach(function (row) {
if ( row.height > 0 ) {
row.height += (2 - FONT_ROW_RATIO) / 2 * row.styles.fontSize;
data.table.height += (2 - FONT_ROW_RATIO) / 2 * row.styles.fontSize;
if (typeof atOptions.createdHeaderCell !== 'function') {
// apply some original css styles to pdf header cells
atOptions.createdHeaderCell = function (cell, data) {
// jsPDF AutoTable plugin v2.0.14 fix: each cell needs its own styles object
cell.styles = $.extend({}, data.row.styles);
if (typeof teOptions.columns [data.column.dataKey] != 'undefined') {
var col = teOptions.columns [data.column.dataKey];
if (typeof col.rect != 'undefined') {
var rh;
cell.contentWidth = col.rect.width;
if (typeof teOptions.heightRatio == 'undefined' || teOptions.heightRatio == 0) {
if (data.row.raw [data.column.dataKey].rowspan)
rh = data.row.raw [data.column.dataKey].rect.height / data.row.raw [data.column.dataKey].rowspan;
rh = data.row.raw [data.column.dataKey].rect.height;
teOptions.heightRatio = cell.styles.rowHeight / rh;
rh = data.row.raw [data.column.dataKey].rect.height * teOptions.heightRatio;
if (rh > cell.styles.rowHeight)
cell.styles.rowHeight = rh;
if (typeof col.style != 'undefined' && col.style.hidden !== true) {
cell.styles.halign = col.style.align;
if (atOptions.styles.fillColor === 'inherit')
cell.styles.fillColor = col.style.bcolor;
if (atOptions.styles.textColor === 'inherit')
cell.styles.textColor = col.style.color;
if (atOptions.styles.fontStyle === 'inherit')
cell.styles.fontStyle = col.style.fstyle;
if (typeof atOptions.createdCell !== 'function') {
// apply some original css styles to pdf table cells
atOptions.createdCell = function (cell, data) {
var rowopt = teOptions.rowoptions [data.row.index + ":" + data.column.dataKey];
if (typeof rowopt != 'undefined' &&
typeof rowopt.style != 'undefined' &&
rowopt.style.hidden !== true) {
cell.styles.halign = rowopt.style.align;
if (atOptions.styles.fillColor === 'inherit')
cell.styles.fillColor = rowopt.style.bcolor;
if (atOptions.styles.textColor === 'inherit')
cell.styles.textColor = rowopt.style.color;
if (atOptions.styles.fontStyle === 'inherit')
cell.styles.fontStyle = rowopt.style.fstyle;
if (typeof atOptions.drawHeaderCell !== 'function') {
atOptions.drawHeaderCell = function (cell, data) {
var colopt = teOptions.columns [data.column.dataKey];
if ((colopt.style.hasOwnProperty("hidden") != true || colopt.style.hidden !== true) &&
colopt.rowIndex >= 0 )
return prepareAutoTableText (cell, data, colopt);
return false; // cell is hidden
if (typeof atOptions.drawCell !== 'function') {
atOptions.drawCell = function (cell, data) {
var rowopt = teOptions.rowoptions [data.row.index + ":" + data.column.dataKey];
if ( prepareAutoTableText (cell, data, rowopt) ) {
teOptions.doc.rect(cell.x, cell.y, cell.width, cell.height, cell.styles.fillStyle);
if (typeof rowopt != 'undefined' && typeof rowopt.kids != 'undefined' && rowopt.kids.length > 0) {
var dh = cell.height / rowopt.rect.height;
if ( dh > teOptions.dh || typeof teOptions.dh == 'undefined' )
teOptions.dh = dh;
teOptions.dw = cell.width / rowopt.rect.width;
drawCellElements (cell, rowopt.kids, teOptions);
teOptions.doc.autoTableText(cell.text, cell.textPos.x, cell.textPos.y, {
halign: cell.styles.halign,
valign: cell.styles.valign
return false;
// collect header and data rows
teOptions.headerrows = [];
$hrows = $(this).find('thead').find(defaults.theadSelector);
$hrows.each(function () {
colKey = 0;
teOptions.headerrows[rowIndex] = [];
ForEachVisibleCell(this, 'th,td', rowIndex, $hrows.length,
function (cell, row, col) {
var obj = getCellStyles (cell);
obj.title = parseString(cell, row, col);
obj.key = colKey++;
obj.rowIndex = rowIndex;
if (rowIndex > 0) {
// iterate through last row
$.each(teOptions.headerrows[rowIndex-1], function () {
if (rowIndex > 1 && this.rect == null)
obj = teOptions.headerrows[rowIndex-2][this.key];
obj = this;
if (obj != null)
var rowCount = 0;
$rows = $(this).find('tbody').find(defaults.tbodySelector);
$rows.each(function () {
var rowData = [];
colKey = 0;
ForEachVisibleCell(this, 'td', rowIndex, $hrows.length + $rows.length,
function (cell, row, col) {
if (typeof teOptions.columns[colKey] === 'undefined') {
// jsPDF-Autotable needs columns. Thus define hidden ones for tables without thead
var obj = {
title: '',
key: colKey,
style: {
hidden: true
if (typeof cell !== 'undefined' && cell != null) {
var obj = getCellStyles (cell);
obj.kids = $(cell).children();
teOptions.rowoptions [rowCount + ":" + colKey++] = obj;
else {
var obj = $.extend(true, {}, teOptions.rowoptions [rowCount + ":" + (colKey-1)]);
obj.colspan = -1;
teOptions.rowoptions [rowCount + ":" + colKey++] = obj;
rowData.push(parseString(cell, row, col));
if (rowData.length) {
// onBeforeAutotable: optional callback function before calling
// jsPDF AutoTable that can be used to modify the AutoTable options
if (typeof teOptions.onBeforeAutotable === 'function')
teOptions.onBeforeAutotable($(this), teOptions.columns, teOptions.rows, atOptions);
teOptions.doc.autoTable(teOptions.columns, teOptions.rows, atOptions);
// onAfterAutotable: optional callback function after returning
// from jsPDF AutoTable that can be used to modify the AutoTable options
if (typeof teOptions.onAfterAutotable === 'function')
teOptions.onAfterAutotable($(this), atOptions);
// set the start position for the next table (in case there is one)
defaults.jspdf.autotable.startY = teOptions.doc.autoTableEndPosY() + atOptions.margin.top;
if (typeof teOptions.headerrows != 'undefined')
teOptions.headerrows.length = 0;
if (typeof teOptions.columns != 'undefined')
teOptions.columns.length = 0;
if (typeof teOptions.rows != 'undefined')
teOptions.rows.length = 0;
delete teOptions.doc;
teOptions.doc = null;
function FindColObject (objects, colIndex, rowIndex) {
var result = null;
$.each(objects, function () {
if (this.rowIndex == rowIndex && this.key == colIndex) {
result = this;
return false;
return result;
function GetColumnNames (table) {
var result = [];
$(table).find('thead').first().find('th').each(function(index, el) {
if ($(el).attr("data-field") !== undefined)
result[index] = $(el).attr("data-field");
result[index] = index.toString();
return result;
function isColumnIgnored($row, colIndex) {
var result = false;
if (defaults.ignoreColumn.length > 0) {
if (typeof defaults.ignoreColumn[0] == 'string') {
if (colNames.length > colIndex && typeof colNames[colIndex] != 'undefined')
if ($.inArray(colNames[colIndex], defaults.ignoreColumn) != -1)
result = true;
else if (typeof defaults.ignoreColumn[0] == 'number') {
if ($.inArray(colIndex, defaults.ignoreColumn) != -1 ||
$.inArray(colIndex-$row.length, defaults.ignoreColumn) != -1)
result = true;
return result;
function ForEachVisibleCell(tableRow, selector, rowIndex, rowCount, cellcallback) {
if ($.inArray(rowIndex, defaults.ignoreRow) == -1 &&
$.inArray(rowIndex-rowCount, defaults.ignoreRow) == -1) {
var $row = $(tableRow).filter(function() {
return $(this).data("tableexport-display") != 'none' &&
($(this).is(':visible') ||
$(this).data("tableexport-display") == 'always' ||
$(this).closest('table').data("tableexport-display") == 'always');
var rowColspan = 0;
var rowColIndex = 0;
$row.each(function (colIndex) {
if ($(this).data("tableexport-display") == 'always' ||
($(this).css('display') != 'none' &&
$(this).css('visibility') != 'hidden' &&
$(this).data("tableexport-display") != 'none')) {
if (isColumnIgnored($row, colIndex) == false) {
if (typeof (cellcallback) === "function") {
var c, Colspan = 0;
var r, Rowspan = 0;
// handle rowspans from previous rows
if (typeof rowspans[rowIndex] != 'undefined' && rowspans[rowIndex].length > 0) {
for (c = 0; c <= colIndex; c++) {
if (typeof rowspans[rowIndex][c] != 'undefined') {
cellcallback(null, rowIndex, c);
delete rowspans[rowIndex][c];
rowColIndex = colIndex;
if ($(this).is("[colspan]")) {
Colspan = parseInt($(this).attr('colspan'));
rowColspan += Colspan > 0 ? Colspan - 1 : 0;
if ($(this).is("[rowspan]"))
Rowspan = parseInt($(this).attr('rowspan'));
// output content of current cell
cellcallback(this, rowIndex, colIndex);
// handle colspan of current cell
for (c = 0; c < Colspan - 1; c++)
cellcallback(null, rowIndex, colIndex + c);
// store rowspan for following rows
if (Rowspan) {
for (r = 1; r < Rowspan; r++) {
if (typeof rowspans[rowIndex + r] == 'undefined')
rowspans[rowIndex + r] = [];
rowspans[rowIndex + r][colIndex + rowColspan] = "";
for (c = 1; c < Colspan; c++)
rowspans[rowIndex + r][colIndex + rowColspan - c] = "";
// handle rowspans from previous rows
if (typeof rowspans[rowIndex] != 'undefined' && rowspans[rowIndex].length > 0) {
for (c = 0; c <= rowspans[rowIndex].length; c++) {
if (typeof rowspans[rowIndex][c] != 'undefined') {
cellcallback(null, rowIndex, c);
delete rowspans[rowIndex][c];
function jsPdfOutput(doc) {
if (defaults.consoleLog === true)
if (defaults.outputMode === 'string')
return doc.output();
if (defaults.outputMode === 'base64')
return base64encode(doc.output());
try {
var blob = doc.output('blob');
saveAs(blob, defaults.fileName + '.pdf');
catch (e) {
downloadFile(defaults.fileName + '.pdf',
function prepareAutoTableText (cell, data, cellopt) {
var cs = 0;
if ( typeof cellopt != 'undefined' )
cs = cellopt.colspan;
if ( cs >= 0 ) {
// colspan handling
var cellWidth = cell.width;
var textPosX = cell.textPos.x;
var i = data.table.columns.indexOf(data.column);
for (var c = 1; c < cs; c++) {
var column = data.table.columns[i+c];
cellWidth += column.width;
if ( cs > 1 ) {
if ( cell.styles.halign === 'right' )
textPosX = cell.textPos.x + cellWidth - cell.width;
else if ( cell.styles.halign === 'center' )
textPosX = cell.textPos.x + (cellWidth - cell.width) / 2;
cell.width = cellWidth;
cell.textPos.x = textPosX;
if ( typeof cellopt != 'undefined' && cellopt.rowspan > 1 )
cell.height = cell.height * cellopt.rowspan;
// fix jsPDF's calculation of text position
if ( cell.styles.valign === 'middle' || cell.styles.valign === 'bottom' ) {
var splittedText = typeof cell.text === 'string' ? cell.text.split(/\r\n|\r|\n/g) : cell.text;
var lineCount = splittedText.length || 1;
if (lineCount > 2)
cell.textPos.y -= ((2 - FONT_ROW_RATIO) / 2 * data.row.styles.fontSize) * (lineCount-2) / 3 ;
return true;
return false; // cell is hidden (colspan = -1), don't draw it
function drawCellElements (cell, elements, teOptions) {
elements.each(function () {
var kids = $(this).children();
if ( $(this).is("div") ) {
var bcolor = rgb2array(getStyle(this, 'background-color'), [255, 255, 255]);
var lcolor = rgb2array(getStyle(this, 'border-top-color'), [0, 0, 0]);
var lwidth = getPropertyUnitValue(this, 'border-top-width', defaults.jspdf.unit);
var r = this.getBoundingClientRect();
var ux = this.offsetLeft * teOptions.dw;
var uy = this.offsetTop * teOptions.dh;
var uw = r.width * teOptions.dw;
var uh = r.height * teOptions.dh;
teOptions.doc.setDrawColor.apply (undefined, lcolor);
teOptions.doc.setFillColor.apply (undefined, bcolor);
teOptions.doc.setLineWidth (lwidth);
teOptions.doc.rect(cell.x + ux, cell.y + uy, uw, uh, lwidth ? "FD" : "F");
if (typeof kids != 'undefined' && kids.length > 0)
drawCellElements (cell, kids, teOptions);
function escapeRegExp(string) {
return string.replace(/([.*+?^=!:${}()|\[\]\/\\])/g, "\\$1");
function replaceAll(string, find, replace) {
return string.replace(new RegExp(escapeRegExp(find), 'g'), replace);
// Takes a string and encapsulates it (by default in double-quotes) if it
// contains the csv field separator, spaces, or linebreaks.
function csvString(cell, rowIndex, colIndex) {
var result = '';
if (cell != null) {
var dataString = parseString(cell, rowIndex, colIndex);
var csvValue = (dataString === null || dataString == '') ? '' : dataString.toString();
if (dataString instanceof Date)
result = defaults.csvEnclosure + dataString.toLocaleString() + defaults.csvEnclosure;
else {
result = replaceAll(csvValue, defaults.csvEnclosure, defaults.csvEnclosure + defaults.csvEnclosure);
if (result.indexOf(defaults.csvSeparator) >= 0 || /[\r\n ]/g.test(result))
result = defaults.csvEnclosure + result + defaults.csvEnclosure;
return result;
function parseNumber(value) {
value = value || "0";
value = replaceAll(value, defaults.numbers.html.decimalMark, '.');
value = replaceAll(value, defaults.numbers.html.thousandsSeparator, '');
return typeof value === "number" || jQuery.isNumeric(value) !== false ? value : false;
function parseString(cell, rowIndex, colIndex) {
var result = '';
if (cell != null) {
var $cell = $(cell);
var htmlData;
if ($cell[0].hasAttribute("data-tableexport-value"))
htmlData = $cell.data("tableexport-value");
htmlData = $cell.html();
if (typeof defaults.onCellHtmlData === 'function')
htmlData = defaults.onCellHtmlData($cell, rowIndex, colIndex, htmlData);
if (defaults.htmlContent === true) {
result = $.trim(htmlData);
else {
var text = htmlData.replace(/\n/g,'\u2028').replace(/<br\s*[\/]?>/gi, '\u2060');
var obj = $('<div/>').html(text).contents();
text = '';
$.each(obj.text().split("\u2028"), function(i, v) {
if (i > 0)
text += " ";
text += $.trim(v);
$.each(text.split("\u2060"), function(i, v) {
if (i > 0)
result += "\n";
result += $.trim(v).replace(/\u00AD/g, ""); // remove soft hyphens
if (defaults.numbers.html.decimalMark != defaults.numbers.output.decimalMark ||
defaults.numbers.html.thousandsSeparator != defaults.numbers.output.thousandsSeparator) {
var number = parseNumber (result);
if ( number !== false ) {
var frac = ("" + number).split('.');
if ( frac.length == 1 )
frac[1] = "";
var mod = frac[0].length > 3 ? frac[0].length % 3 : 0;
result = (number < 0 ? "-" : "") +
(defaults.numbers.output.thousandsSeparator ? ((mod ? frac[0].substr(0, mod) + defaults.numbers.output.thousandsSeparator : "") + frac[0].substr(mod).replace(/(\d{3})(?=\d)/g, "$1" + defaults.numbers.output.thousandsSeparator)) : frac[0]) +
(frac[1].length ? defaults.numbers.output.decimalMark + frac[1] : "");
if (defaults.escape === true) {
result = escape(result);
if (typeof defaults.onCellData === 'function') {
result = defaults.onCellData($cell, rowIndex, colIndex, result);
return result;
function hyphenate(a, b, c) {
return b + "-" + c.toLowerCase();
function rgb2array(rgb_string, default_result) {
var re = /^rgb\((\d{1,3}),\s*(\d{1,3}),\s*(\d{1,3})\)$/;
var bits = re.exec(rgb_string);
var result = default_result;
if (bits)
result = [ parseInt(bits[1]), parseInt(bits[2]), parseInt(bits[3]) ];
return result;
function getCellStyles (cell) {
var a = getStyle(cell, 'text-align');
var fw = getStyle(cell, 'font-weight');
var fs = getStyle(cell, 'font-style');
var f = '';
if (a == 'start')
a = getStyle(cell, 'direction') == 'rtl' ? 'right' : 'left';
if (fw >= 700)
f = 'bold';
if (fs == 'italic')
f += fs;
if (f == '')
f = 'normal';
var result = {
style: {
align: a,
bcolor: rgb2array(getStyle(cell, 'background-color'), [255, 255, 255]),
color: rgb2array(getStyle(cell, 'color'), [0, 0, 0]),
fstyle: f
colspan: (parseInt($(cell).attr('colspan')) || 0),
rowspan: (parseInt($(cell).attr('rowspan')) || 0)
if (cell !== null) {
var r = cell.getBoundingClientRect();
result.rect = {
width: r.width,
height: r.height
return result;
// get computed style property
function getStyle(target, prop) {
try {
if (window.getComputedStyle) { // gecko and webkit
prop = prop.replace(/([a-z])([A-Z])/, hyphenate); // requires hyphenated, not camel
return window.getComputedStyle(target, null).getPropertyValue(prop);
if (target.currentStyle) { // ie
return target.currentStyle[prop];
return target.style[prop];
catch (e) {
return "";
function getUnitValue(parent, value, unit) {
var baseline = 100; // any number serves
var temp = document.createElement("div"); // create temporary element
temp.style.overflow = "hidden"; // in case baseline is set too low
temp.style.visibility = "hidden"; // no need to show it
parent.appendChild(temp); // insert it into the parent for em, ex and %
temp.style.width = baseline + unit;
var factor = baseline / temp.offsetWidth;
parent.removeChild(temp); // clean up
return (value * factor);
function getPropertyUnitValue(target, prop, unit) {
var value = getStyle(target, prop); // get the computed style value
var numeric = value.match(/\d+/); // get the numeric component
if (numeric !== null) {
numeric = numeric[0]; // get the string
return getUnitValue (target.parentElement, numeric, unit);
return 0;
function downloadFile(filename, header, data) {
var ua = window.navigator.userAgent;
if (ua.indexOf("MSIE ") > 0 || !!ua.match(/Trident.*rv\:11\./)) {
// Internet Explorer (<= 9) workaround by Darryl (https://github.com/dawiong/tableExport.jquery.plugin)
// based on sampopes answer on http://stackoverflow.com/questions/22317951
// ! Not working for json and pdf format !
var frame = document.createElement("iframe");
if (frame) {
frame.setAttribute("style", "display:none");
frame.contentDocument.open("txt/html", "replace");
frame.contentDocument.execCommand("SaveAs", true, filename);
else {
var DownloadLink = document.createElement('a');
if (DownloadLink) {
DownloadLink.style.display = 'none';
DownloadLink.download = filename;
if (header.toLowerCase().indexOf("base64,") >= 0)
DownloadLink.href = header + base64encode(data);
DownloadLink.href = header + encodeURIComponent(data);
if (document.createEvent) {
if (DownloadEvt == null)
DownloadEvt = document.createEvent('MouseEvents');
DownloadEvt.initEvent('click', true, false);
else if (document.createEventObject)
else if (typeof DownloadLink.onclick == 'function')
function utf8Encode(string) {
string = string.replace(/\x0d\x0a/g, "\x0a");
var utftext = "";
for (var n = 0; n < string.length; n++) {
var c = string.charCodeAt(n);
if (c < 128) {
utftext += String.fromCharCode(c);
else if ((c > 127) && (c < 2048)) {
utftext += String.fromCharCode((c >> 6) | 192);
utftext += String.fromCharCode((c & 63) | 128);
else {
utftext += String.fromCharCode((c >> 12) | 224);
utftext += String.fromCharCode(((c >> 6) & 63) | 128);
utftext += String.fromCharCode((c & 63) | 128);
return utftext;
function base64encode(input) {
var keyStr = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=";
var output = "";
var chr1, chr2, chr3, enc1, enc2, enc3, enc4;
var i = 0;
input = utf8Encode(input);
while (i < input.length) {
chr1 = input.charCodeAt(i++);
chr2 = input.charCodeAt(i++);
chr3 = input.charCodeAt(i++);
enc1 = chr1 >> 2;
enc2 = ((chr1 & 3) << 4) | (chr2 >> 4);
enc3 = ((chr2 & 15) << 2) | (chr3 >> 6);
enc4 = chr3 & 63;
if (isNaN(chr2)) {
enc3 = enc4 = 64;
} else if (isNaN(chr3)) {
enc4 = 64;
output = output +
keyStr.charAt(enc1) + keyStr.charAt(enc2) +
keyStr.charAt(enc3) + keyStr.charAt(enc4);
return output;
return this;