mirror of
synced 2025-02-21 03:15:45 -08:00
* If a user doesn't belong to a company, when scoping to a company we should only show items that don't belong to a company. * Scope tables/items to the company they belong to when fetching items for the index. * Fix asset count to also scope to company. This fixes dashboard view * Exempt super users from the child company check to be consistent. Fixes license count on dashboard now that we scope everything
670 lines
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Executable file
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Executable file
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use App\Helpers\Helper;
use App\Models\Accessory;
use App\Models\Actionlog;
use App\Models\Company;
use App\Models\Setting;
use App\Models\User;
use Carbon\Carbon;
use Config;
use DB;
use Input;
use Lang;
use Mail;
use Redirect;
use Slack;
use Str;
use View;
use Auth;
use Request;
/** This controller handles all actions related to Accessories for
* the Snipe-IT Asset Management application.
* @version v1.0
class AccessoriesController extends Controller
* Returns a view that invokes the ajax tables which actually contains
* the content for the accessories listing, which is generated in getDatatable.
* @author [A. Gianotto] [<snipe@snipe.net>]
* @see AccessoriesController::getDatatable() method that generates the JSON response
* @since [v1.0]
* @return View
public function getIndex(Request $request)
return View::make('accessories/index');
* Returns a view with a form to create a new Accessory.
* @author [A. Gianotto] [<snipe@snipe.net>]
* @return View
public function getCreate(Request $request)
// Show the page
$category_list = Helper::categoryList('accessory');
$company_list = Helper::companyList();
$location_list = Helper::locationsList();
return View::make('accessories/edit')
->with('accessory', new Accessory)
->with('category_list', $category_list)
->with('company_list', $company_list)
->with('location_list', $location_list);
* Validate and save new Accessory from form post
* @author [A. Gianotto] [<snipe@snipe.net>]
* @return Redirect
public function postCreate(Request $request)
// create a new model instance
$accessory = new Accessory();
// Update the accessory data
$accessory->name = e(Input::get('name'));
$accessory->category_id = e(Input::get('category_id'));
$accessory->location_id = e(Input::get('location_id'));
$accessory->min_amt = e(Input::get('min_amt'));
$accessory->company_id = Company::getIdForCurrentUser(Input::get('company_id'));
$accessory->order_number = e(Input::get('order_number'));
if (e(Input::get('purchase_date')) == '') {
$accessory->purchase_date = null;
} else {
$accessory->purchase_date = e(Input::get('purchase_date'));
if (e(Input::get('purchase_cost')) == '0.00') {
$accessory->purchase_cost = null;
} else {
$accessory->purchase_cost = e(Input::get('purchase_cost'));
$accessory->qty = e(Input::get('qty'));
$accessory->user_id = Auth::user()->id;
// Was the accessory created?
if ($accessory->save()) {
// Redirect to the new accessory page
return redirect()->to("admin/accessories")->with('success', trans('admin/accessories/message.create.success'));
return redirect()->back()->withInput()->withErrors($accessory->getErrors());
* Return view for the Accessory update form, prepopulated with existing data
* @author [A. Gianotto] [<snipe@snipe.net>]
* @param int $accessoryId
* @return View
public function getEdit(Request $request, $accessoryId = null)
// Check if the accessory exists
if (is_null($accessory = Accessory::find($accessoryId))) {
// Redirect to the blogs management page
return redirect()->to('admin/accessories')->with('error', trans('admin/accessories/message.does_not_exist'));
} elseif (!Company::isCurrentUserHasAccess($accessory)) {
return redirect()->to('admin/accessories')->with('error', trans('general.insufficient_permissions'));
$category_list = Helper::categoryList('accessory');
$company_list = Helper::companyList();
$location_list = Helper::locationsList();
return View::make('accessories/edit', compact('accessory'))
->with('category_list', $category_list)
->with('company_list', $company_list)
->with('location_list', $location_list);
* Save edited Accessory from form post
* @author [A. Gianotto] [<snipe@snipe.net>]
* @param int $accessoryId
* @return Redirect
public function postEdit(Request $request, $accessoryId = null)
// Check if the blog post exists
if (is_null($accessory = Accessory::find($accessoryId))) {
// Redirect to the blogs management page
return redirect()->to('admin/accessories')->with('error', trans('admin/accessories/message.does_not_exist'));
} elseif (!Company::isCurrentUserHasAccess($accessory)) {
return redirect()->to('admin/accessories')->with('error', trans('general.insufficient_permissions'));
// Update the accessory data
$accessory->name = e(Input::get('name'));
if (e(Input::get('location_id')) == '') {
$accessory->location_id = null;
} else {
$accessory->location_id = e(Input::get('location_id'));
$accessory->min_amt = e(Input::get('min_amt'));
$accessory->category_id = e(Input::get('category_id'));
$accessory->company_id = Company::getIdForCurrentUser(Input::get('company_id'));
$accessory->order_number = e(Input::get('order_number'));
if (e(Input::get('purchase_date')) == '') {
$accessory->purchase_date = null;
} else {
$accessory->purchase_date = e(Input::get('purchase_date'));
if (e(Input::get('purchase_cost')) == '0.00') {
$accessory->purchase_cost = null;
} else {
$accessory->purchase_cost = e(Input::get('purchase_cost'));
$accessory->qty = e(Input::get('qty'));
// Was the accessory created?
if ($accessory->save()) {
// Redirect to the new accessory page
return redirect()->to("admin/accessories")->with('success', trans('admin/accessories/message.update.success'));
return redirect()->back()->withInput()->withErrors($accessory->getErrors());
* Delete the given accessory.
* @author [A. Gianotto] [<snipe@snipe.net>]
* @param int $accessoryId
* @return Redirect
public function getDelete(Request $request, $accessoryId)
// Check if the blog post exists
if (is_null($accessory = Accessory::find($accessoryId))) {
// Redirect to the blogs management page
return redirect()->to('admin/accessories')->with('error', trans('admin/accessories/message.not_found'));
} elseif (!Company::isCurrentUserHasAccess($accessory)) {
return redirect()->to('admin/accessories')->with('error', trans('general.insufficient_permissions'));
if ($accessory->hasUsers() > 0) {
return redirect()->to('admin/accessories')->with('error', trans('admin/accessories/message.assoc_users', array('count'=> $accessory->hasUsers())));
} else {
// Redirect to the locations management page
return redirect()->to('admin/accessories')->with('success', trans('admin/accessories/message.delete.success'));
* Returns a view that invokes the ajax table which contains
* the content for the accessory detail view, which is generated in getDataView.
* @author [A. Gianotto] [<snipe@snipe.net>]
* @param int $accessoryId
* @see AccessoriesController::getDataView() method that generates the JSON response
* @since [v1.0]
* @return View
public function getView(Request $request, $accessoryID = null)
$accessory = Accessory::find($accessoryID);
if (isset($accessory->id)) {
if (!Company::isCurrentUserHasAccess($accessory)) {
return redirect()->to('admin/accessories')->with('error', trans('general.insufficient_permissions'));
} else {
return View::make('accessories/view', compact('accessory'));
} else {
// Prepare the error message
$error = trans('admin/accessories/message.does_not_exist', compact('id'));
// Redirect to the user management page
return redirect()->route('accessories')->with('error', $error);
* Return the form to checkout an Accessory to a user.
* @author [A. Gianotto] [<snipe@snipe.net>]
* @param int $accessoryId
* @return View
public function getCheckout(Request $request, $accessoryId)
// Check if the accessory exists
if (is_null($accessory = Accessory::find($accessoryId))) {
// Redirect to the accessory management page with error
return redirect()->to('accessories')->with('error', trans('admin/accessories/message.not_found'));
} elseif (!Company::isCurrentUserHasAccess($accessory)) {
return redirect()->to('admin/accessories')->with('error', trans('general.insufficient_permissions'));
// Get the dropdown of users and then pass it to the checkout view
$users_list = Helper::usersList();
return View::make('accessories/checkout', compact('accessory'))->with('users_list', $users_list);
* Save the Accessory checkout information.
* If Slack is enabled and/or asset acceptance is enabled, it will also
* trigger a Slack message and send an email.
* @author [A. Gianotto] [<snipe@snipe.net>]
* @param int $accessoryId
* @return Redirect
public function postCheckout(Request $request, $accessoryId)
// Check if the accessory exists
if (is_null($accessory = Accessory::find($accessoryId))) {
// Redirect to the accessory management page with error
return redirect()->to('accessories')->with('error', trans('admin/accessories/message.user_not_found'));
} elseif (!Company::isCurrentUserHasAccess($accessory)) {
return redirect()->to('admin/accessories')->with('error', trans('general.insufficient_permissions'));
if (!$user = User::find(Input::get('assigned_to'))) {
return redirect()->to('admin/accessories')->with('error', trans('admin/accessories/message.not_found'));
// Update the accessory data
$accessory->assigned_to = e(Input::get('assigned_to'));
$accessory->users()->attach($accessory->id, array(
'accessory_id' => $accessory->id,
'created_at' => Carbon::now(),
'user_id' => Auth::user()->id,
'assigned_to' => e(Input::get('assigned_to'))));
$logaction = new Actionlog();
$logaction->accessory_id = $accessory->id;
$logaction->asset_id = 0;
$logaction->checkedout_to = $accessory->assigned_to;
$logaction->asset_type = 'accessory';
$logaction->location_id = $user->location_id;
$logaction->user_id = Auth::user()->id;
$logaction->note = e(Input::get('note'));
$admin_user = Auth::user();
$settings = Setting::getSettings();
if ($settings->slack_endpoint) {
$slack_settings = [
'username' => $settings->botname,
'channel' => $settings->slack_channel,
'link_names' => true
$client = new \Maknz\Slack\Client($settings->slack_endpoint, $slack_settings);
try {
'color' => 'good',
'fields' => [
'title' => 'Checked Out:',
'value' => strtoupper($logaction->asset_type).' <'.config('app.url').'/admin/accessories/'.$accessory->id.'/view'.'|'.$accessory->name.'> checked out to <'.config('app.url').'/admin/users/'.$user->id.'/view|'.$user->fullName().'> by <'.config('app.url').'/admin/users/'.$admin_user->id.'/view'.'|'.$admin_user->fullName().'>.'
'title' => 'Note:',
'value' => e($logaction->note)
])->send('Accessory Checked Out');
} catch (Exception $e) {
$log = $logaction->logaction('checkout');
$accessory_user = DB::table('accessories_users')->where('assigned_to', '=', $accessory->assigned_to)->where('accessory_id', '=', $accessory->id)->first();
$data['log_id'] = $logaction->id;
$data['eula'] = $accessory->getEula();
$data['first_name'] = $user->first_name;
$data['item_name'] = $accessory->name;
$data['checkout_date'] = $logaction->created_at;
$data['item_tag'] = '';
$data['expected_checkin'] = '';
$data['note'] = $logaction->note;
$data['require_acceptance'] = $accessory->requireAcceptance();
if (($accessory->requireAcceptance()=='1') || ($accessory->getEula())) {
Mail::send('emails.accept-accessory', $data, function ($m) use ($user) {
$m->to($user->email, $user->first_name . ' ' . $user->last_name);
$m->subject('Confirm accessory delivery');
// Redirect to the new accessory page
return redirect()->to("admin/accessories")->with('success', trans('admin/accessories/message.checkout.success'));
* Check the accessory back into inventory
* @author [A. Gianotto] [<snipe@snipe.net>]
* @param int $accessoryId
* @return View
public function getCheckin(Request $request, $accessoryUserId = null, $backto = null)
// Check if the accessory exists
if (is_null($accessory_user = DB::table('accessories_users')->find($accessoryUserId))) {
// Redirect to the accessory management page with error
return redirect()->to('admin/accessories')->with('error', trans('admin/accessories/message.not_found'));
$accessory = Accessory::find($accessory_user->accessory_id);
if (!Company::isCurrentUserHasAccess($accessory)) {
return redirect()->to('admin/accessories')->with('error', trans('general.insufficient_permissions'));
} else {
return View::make('accessories/checkin', compact('accessory'))->with('backto', $backto);
* Check in the item so that it can be checked out again to someone else
* @uses Accessory::checkin_email() to determine if an email can and should be sent
* @author [A. Gianotto] [<snipe@snipe.net>]
* @param int $accessoryId
* @return Redirect
public function postCheckin(Request $request, $accessoryUserId = null, $backto = null)
// Check if the accessory exists
if (is_null($accessory_user = DB::table('accessories_users')->find($accessoryUserId))) {
// Redirect to the accessory management page with error
return redirect()->to('admin/accessories')->with('error', trans('admin/accessories/message.not_found'));
$accessory = Accessory::find($accessory_user->accessory_id);
if (!Company::isCurrentUserHasAccess($accessory)) {
return redirect()->to('admin/accessories')->with('error', trans('general.insufficient_permissions'));
$logaction = new Actionlog();
$logaction->checkedout_to = e($accessory_user->assigned_to);
$return_to = e($accessory_user->assigned_to);
$admin_user = Auth::user();
// Was the accessory updated?
if (DB::table('accessories_users')->where('id', '=', $accessory_user->id)->delete()) {
$logaction->accessory_id = e($accessory->id);
$logaction->location_id = null;
$logaction->asset_type = 'accessory';
$logaction->user_id = e($admin_user->id);
$logaction->note = e(Input::get('note'));
$settings = Setting::getSettings();
if ($settings->slack_endpoint) {
$slack_settings = [
'username' => e($settings->botname),
'channel' => e($settings->slack_channel),
'link_names' => true
$client = new \Maknz\Slack\Client($settings->slack_endpoint, $slack_settings);
try {
'color' => 'good',
'fields' => [
'title' => 'Checked In:',
'value' => strtoupper($logaction->asset_type).' <'.config('app.url').'/admin/accessories/'.e($accessory->id).'/view'.'|'.e($accessory->name).'> checked in by <'.config('app.url').'/admin/users/'.e($admin_user->id).'/view'.'|'.e($admin_user->fullName()).'>.'
'title' => 'Note:',
'value' => e($logaction->note)
])->send('Accessory Checked In');
} catch (Exception $e) {
$log = $logaction->logaction('checkin from');
if (!is_null($accessory_user->assigned_to)) {
$user = User::find($accessory_user->assigned_to);
$data['log_id'] = $logaction->id;
$data['first_name'] = e($user->first_name);
$data['item_name'] = e($accessory->name);
$data['checkin_date'] = e($logaction->created_at);
$data['item_tag'] = '';
$data['note'] = e($logaction->note);
if (($accessory->checkin_email()=='1')) {
Mail::send('emails.checkin-asset', $data, function ($m) use ($user) {
$m->to($user->email, $user->first_name . ' ' . $user->last_name);
$m->subject('Confirm Accessory Checkin');
if ($backto=='user') {
return redirect()->to("admin/users/".$return_to.'/view')->with('success', trans('admin/accessories/message.checkin.success'));
} else {
return redirect()->to("admin/accessories/".$accessory->id."/view")->with('success', trans('admin/accessories/message.checkin.success'));
// Redirect to the accessory management page with error
return redirect()->to("admin/accessories")->with('error', trans('admin/accessories/message.checkin.error'));
* Generates the JSON response for accessories listing view.
* Example:
* {
* "actions": "(links to available actions)",
* "category": "(link to category)",
* "companyName": "My Company",
* "location": "My Location",
* "min_amt": 2,
* "name": "(link to accessory),
* "numRemaining": 6,
* "order_number": null,
* "purchase_cost": "0.00",
* "purchase_date": null,
* "qty": 7
* },
* The names of the fields in the returns JSON correspond directly to the the
* names of the fields in the bootstrap-tables in the view.
* For debugging, see at /api/accessories/list
* @author [A. Gianotto] [<snipe@snipe.net>]
* @param int $accessoryId
* @return string JSON containing accessories and their associated atrributes.
public function getDatatable(Request $request)
$accessories = Company::scopeCompanyables(Accessory::select('accessories.*')->with('category', 'company'))
if (Input::has('search')) {
$accessories = $accessories->TextSearch(e(Input::get('search')));
if (Input::has('offset')) {
$offset = e(Input::get('offset'));
} else {
$offset = 0;
if (Input::has('limit')) {
$limit = e(Input::get('limit'));
} else {
$limit = 50;
$allowed_columns = ['name','min_amt','order_number','purchase_date','purchase_cost','companyName','category'];
$order = Input::get('order') === 'asc' ? 'asc' : 'desc';
$sort = in_array(Input::get('sort'), $allowed_columns) ? e(Input::get('sort')) : 'created_at';
switch ($sort) {
case 'category':
$accessories = $accessories->OrderCategory($order);
case 'companyName':
$accessories = $accessories->OrderCompany($order);
$accessories = $accessories->orderBy($sort, $order);
$accessCount = $accessories->count();
$accessories = $accessories->skip($offset)->take($limit)->get();
$rows = array();
foreach ($accessories as $accessory) {
$actions = '<nobr><a href="'.route('checkout/accessory', $accessory->id).'" style="margin-right:5px;" class="btn btn-info btn-sm" '.(($accessory->numRemaining() > 0 ) ? '' : ' disabled').'>'.trans('general.checkout').'</a><a href="'.route('update/accessory', $accessory->id).'" class="btn btn-warning btn-sm" style="margin-right:5px;"><i class="fa fa-pencil icon-white"></i></a><a data-html="false" class="btn delete-asset btn-danger btn-sm" data-toggle="modal" href="'.route('delete/accessory', $accessory->id).'" data-content="'.trans('admin/accessories/message.delete.confirm').'" data-title="'.trans('general.delete').' '.htmlspecialchars($accessory->name).'?" onClick="return false;"><i class="fa fa-trash icon-white"></i></a></nobr>';
$company = $accessory->company;
$rows[] = array(
'name' => '<a href="'.url('admin/accessories/'.$accessory->id).'/view">'. $accessory->name.'</a>',
'category' => ($accessory->category) ? (string)link_to('admin/settings/categories/'.$accessory->category->id.'/view', $accessory->category->name) : '',
'qty' => e($accessory->qty),
'order_number' => e($accessory->order_number),
'min_amt' => e($accessory->min_amt),
'location' => ($accessory->location) ? e($accessory->location->name): '',
'purchase_date' => e($accessory->purchase_date),
'purchase_cost' => number_format($accessory->purchase_cost, 2),
'numRemaining' => $accessory->numRemaining(),
'actions' => $actions,
'companyName' => is_null($company) ? '' : e($company->name)
$data = array('total'=>$accessCount, 'rows'=>$rows);
return $data;
* Generates the JSON response for accessory detail view.
* Example:
* <code>
* {
* "rows": [
* {
* "actions": "(link to available actions)",
* "name": "(link to user)"
* }
* ],
* "total": 1
* }
* </code>
* The names of the fields in the returns JSON correspond directly to the the
* names of the fields in the bootstrap-tables in the view.
* For debugging, see at /api/accessories/$accessoryID/view
* @author [A. Gianotto] [<snipe@snipe.net>]
* @param int $accessoryId
* @return string JSON containing accessories and their associated atrributes.
public function getDataView(Request $request, $accessoryID)
$accessory = Accessory::find($accessoryID);
if (!Company::isCurrentUserHasAccess($accessory)) {
return ['total' => 0, 'rows' => []];
$accessory_users = $accessory->users;
$count = $accessory_users->count();
$rows = array();
foreach ($accessory_users as $user) {
$actions = '<a href="'.route('checkin/accessory', $user->pivot->id).'" class="btn btn-info btn-sm">Checkin</a>';
$rows[] = array(
'name' =>(string) link_to('/admin/users/'.$user->id.'/view', e($user->fullName())),
'actions' => $actions
$data = array('total'=>$count, 'rows'=>$rows);
return $data;