mirror of
synced 2024-11-17 19:14:06 -08:00
Signed-off-by: snipe <snipe@snipe.net>
339 lines
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339 lines
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return [
'ad' => 'Ang Aktibong Direktorya',
'ad_domain' => 'Ang Aktibong Directory domain',
'ad_domain_help' => 'Ito ay minsan kapareho ng iyong email domain, pero hindi palagi.',
'ad_append_domain_label' => 'Append domain name',
'ad_append_domain' => 'Append domain name to username field',
'ad_append_domain_help' => 'User isn\'t required to write "username@domain.local", they can just type "username".',
'admin_cc_email' => 'CC Email',
'admin_cc_email_help' => 'If you would like to send a copy of checkin/checkout emails that are sent to users to an additional email account, enter it here. Otherwise leave this field blank.',
'is_ad' => 'Ito ay isang Aktibong serber ng Direktorya',
'alerts' => 'Alerts',
'alert_title' => 'Update Notification Settings',
'alert_email' => 'Magpadala ng mga alerto sa',
'alert_email_help' => 'Email addresses or distribution lists you want alerts to be sent to, comma separated',
'alerts_enabled' => 'Punagana na ang Alerto sa Email',
'alert_interval' => 'Ang pagka-expire ng Alert Threshold (sa iilang araw)',
'alert_inv_threshold' => 'Ang Inventory Alert Threshold',
'allow_user_skin' => 'Allow User Skin',
'allow_user_skin_help_text' => 'Checking this box will allow a user to override the UI skin with a different one.',
'asset_ids' => 'Ang mga ID ng Asset',
'audit_interval' => 'Ang Pagitan ng Pag-audit',
'audit_interval_help' => 'If you are required to regularly physically audit your assets, enter the interval in months that you use. If you update this value, all of the "next audit dates" for assets with an upcoming audit date will be updated.',
'audit_warning_days' => 'Audit Warning Threshold',
'audit_warning_days_help' => 'How many days in advance should we warn you when assets are due for auditing?',
'auto_increment_assets' => 'Generate auto-incrementing asset tags',
'auto_increment_prefix' => 'Prefix (optional)',
'auto_incrementing_help' => 'Enable auto-incrementing asset tags first to set this',
'backups' => 'Backups',
'backups_help' => 'Create, download, and restore backups ',
'backups_restoring' => 'Restoring from Backup',
'backups_upload' => 'Upload Backup',
'backups_path' => 'Backups on the server are stored in <code>:path</code>',
'backups_restore_warning' => 'Use the restore button <small><span class="btn btn-xs btn-warning"><i class="text-white fas fa-retweet" aria-hidden="true"></i></span></small> to restore from a previous backup. (This does not currently work with S3 file storage or Docker.)<br><br>Your <strong>entire :app_name database and any uploaded files will be completely replaced</strong> by what\'s in the backup file. ',
'backups_logged_out' => 'All existing users, including you, will be logged out once your restore is complete.',
'backups_large' => 'Very large backups may time out on the restore attempt and may still need to be run via command line. ',
'barcode_settings' => 'Barcode Settings',
'confirm_purge' => 'Confirm Purge',
'confirm_purge_help' => 'Enter the text "DELETE" in the box below to purge your deleted records. This action cannot be undone and will PERMANENTLY delete all soft-deleted items and users. (You should make a backup first, just to be safe.)',
'custom_css' => 'Custom CSS',
'custom_css_help' => 'Enter any custom CSS overrides you would like to use. Do not include the <style></style> tags.',
'custom_forgot_pass_url' => 'Custom Password Reset URL',
'custom_forgot_pass_url_help' => 'This replaces the built-in forgotten password URL on the login screen, useful to direct people to internal or hosted LDAP password reset functionality. It will effectively disable local user forgotten password functionality.',
'dashboard_message' => 'Dashboard Message',
'dashboard_message_help' => 'This text will appear on the dashboard for anyone with permission to view the dashboard.',
'default_currency' => 'Default Currency',
'default_eula_text' => 'Default EULA',
'default_language' => 'Default Language',
'default_eula_help_text' => 'You can also associate custom EULAs to specific asset categories.',
'display_asset_name' => 'Display Asset Name',
'display_checkout_date' => 'Display Checkout Date',
'display_eol' => 'Display EOL in table view',
'display_qr' => 'Display Square Codes',
'display_alt_barcode' => 'Display 1D barcode',
'email_logo' => 'Email Logo',
'barcode_type' => '2D Barcode Type',
'alt_barcode_type' => '1D barcode type',
'email_logo_size' => 'Square logos in email look best. ',
'enabled' => 'Enabled',
'eula_settings' => 'EULA Settings',
'eula_markdown' => 'This EULA allows <a href="https://help.github.com/articles/github-flavored-markdown/">Github flavored markdown</a>.',
'favicon' => 'Favicon',
'favicon_format' => 'Accepted filetypes are ico, png, and gif. Other image formats may not work in all browsers.',
'favicon_size' => 'Favicons should be square images, 16x16 pixels.',
'footer_text' => 'Additional Footer Text ',
'footer_text_help' => 'This text will appear in the right-side footer. Links are allowed using <a href="https://help.github.com/articles/github-flavored-markdown/">Github flavored markdown</a>. Line breaks, headers, images, etc may result in unpredictable results.',
'general_settings' => 'General Settings',
'general_settings_keywords' => 'company support, signature, acceptance, email format, username format, images, per page, thumbnail, eula, tos, dashboard, privacy',
'general_settings_help' => 'Default EULA and more',
'generate_backup' => 'Generate Backup',
'header_color' => 'Header Color',
'info' => 'These settings let you customize certain aspects of your installation.',
'label_logo' => 'Label Logo',
'label_logo_size' => 'Square logos look best - will be displayed in the top right of each asset label. ',
'laravel' => 'Laravel Version',
'ldap' => 'LDAP',
'ldap_default_group' => 'Default Permissions Group',
'ldap_default_group_info' => 'Select a group to assign to newly synced users. Remember that a user takes on the permissions of the group they are assigned.',
'no_default_group' => 'No Default Group',
'ldap_help' => 'LDAP/Active Directory',
'ldap_client_tls_key' => 'LDAP Client TLS Key',
'ldap_client_tls_cert' => 'LDAP Client-Side TLS Certificate',
'ldap_enabled' => 'LDAP enabled',
'ldap_integration' => 'LDAP Integration',
'ldap_settings' => 'LDAP Settings',
'ldap_client_tls_cert_help' => 'Client-Side TLS Certificate and Key for LDAP connections are usually only useful in Google Workspace configurations with "Secure LDAP." Both are required.',
'ldap_client_tls_key' => 'LDAP Client-Side TLS key',
'ldap_location' => 'LDAP Location',
'ldap_location_help' => 'The Ldap Location field should be used if <strong>an OU is not being used in the Base Bind DN.</strong> Leave this blank if an OU search is being used.',
'ldap_login_test_help' => 'Enter a valid LDAP username and password from the base DN you specified above to test whether your LDAP login is configured correctly. YOU MUST SAVE YOUR UPDATED LDAP SETTINGS FIRST.',
'ldap_login_sync_help' => 'This only tests that LDAP can sync correctly. If your LDAP Authentication query is not correct, users may still not be able to login. YOU MUST SAVE YOUR UPDATED LDAP SETTINGS FIRST.',
'ldap_manager' => 'LDAP Manager',
'ldap_server' => 'LDAP Server',
'ldap_server_help' => 'This should start with ldap:// (for unencrypted or TLS) or ldaps:// (for SSL)',
'ldap_server_cert' => 'LDAP SSL certificate validation',
'ldap_server_cert_ignore' => 'Allow invalid SSL Certificate',
'ldap_server_cert_help' => 'Select this checkbox if you are using a self signed SSL cert and would like to accept an invalid SSL certificate.',
'ldap_tls' => 'Use TLS',
'ldap_tls_help' => 'This should be checked only if you are running STARTTLS on your LDAP server. ',
'ldap_uname' => 'LDAP Bind Username',
'ldap_dept' => 'LDAP Department',
'ldap_phone' => 'LDAP Telephone Number',
'ldap_jobtitle' => 'LDAP Job Title',
'ldap_country' => 'LDAP Country',
'ldap_pword' => 'LDAP Bind Password',
'ldap_basedn' => 'Base Bind DN',
'ldap_filter' => 'LDAP Filter',
'ldap_pw_sync' => 'LDAP Password Sync',
'ldap_pw_sync_help' => 'Uncheck this box if you do not wish to keep LDAP passwords synced with local passwords. Disabling this means that your users may not be able to login if your LDAP server is unreachable for some reason.',
'ldap_username_field' => 'Username Field',
'ldap_lname_field' => 'Last Name',
'ldap_fname_field' => 'LDAP First Name',
'ldap_auth_filter_query' => 'LDAP Authentication query',
'ldap_version' => 'LDAP Version',
'ldap_active_flag' => 'LDAP Active Flag',
'ldap_activated_flag_help' => 'This value is used to determine whether a synced user can login to Snipe-IT. <strong>It does not affect the ability to check items in or out to them</strong>, and should be the <strong>attribute name</strong> within your AD/LDAP, <strong>not the value</strong>. <br><br>If this field is set to a field name that does not exist in your AD/LDAP, or the value in the AD/LDAP field is set to <code>0</code> or <code>false</code>, <strong>user login will be disabled</strong>. If the value in the AD/LDAP field is set to <code>1</code> or <code>true</code> or <em>any other text</em> means the user can log in. When the field is blank in your AD, we respect the <code>userAccountControl</code> attribute, which usually allows non-suspended users to log in.',
'ldap_emp_num' => 'LDAP Employee Number',
'ldap_email' => 'LDAP Email',
'ldap_test' => 'Test LDAP',
'ldap_test_sync' => 'Test LDAP Synchronization',
'license' => 'Software License',
'load_remote_text' => 'Remote Scripts',
'load_remote_help_text' => 'This Snipe-IT install can load scripts from the outside world.',
'login' => 'Login Attempts',
'login_attempt' => 'Login Attempt',
'login_ip' => 'IP Address',
'login_success' => 'Success?',
'login_user_agent' => 'User Agent',
'login_help' => 'List of attempted logins',
'login_note' => 'Login Note',
'login_note_help' => 'Optionally include a few sentences on your login screen, for example to assist people who have found a lost or stolen device. This field accepts <a href="https://help.github.com/articles/github-flavored-markdown/">Github flavored markdown</a>',
'login_remote_user_text' => 'Remote User login options',
'login_remote_user_enabled_text' => 'Enable Login with Remote User Header',
'login_remote_user_enabled_help' => 'This option enables Authentication via the REMOTE_USER header according to the "Common Gateway Interface (rfc3875)"',
'login_common_disabled_text' => 'Disable other authentication mechanisms',
'login_common_disabled_help' => 'This option disables other authentication mechanisms. Just enable this option if you are sure that your REMOTE_USER login is already working',
'login_remote_user_custom_logout_url_text' => 'Custom logout URL',
'login_remote_user_custom_logout_url_help' => 'If a url is provided here, users will get redirected to this URL after the user logs out of Snipe-IT. This is useful to close the user sessions of your Authentication provider correctly.',
'login_remote_user_header_name_text' => 'Custom user name header',
'login_remote_user_header_name_help' => 'Use the specified header instead of REMOTE_USER',
'logo' => 'Logo',
'logo_print_assets' => 'Use in Print',
'logo_print_assets_help' => 'Use branding on printable asset lists ',
'full_multiple_companies_support_help_text' => 'Restricting users (including admins) assigned to companies to their company\'s assets.',
'full_multiple_companies_support_text' => 'Full Multiple Companies Support',
'show_in_model_list' => 'Show in Model Dropdowns',
'optional' => 'optional',
'per_page' => 'Results Per Page',
'php' => 'PHP Version',
'php_info' => 'PHP Info',
'php_overview' => 'PHP',
'php_overview_keywords' => 'phpinfo, system, info',
'php_overview_help' => 'PHP System info',
'php_gd_info' => 'You must install php-gd to display QR codes, see install instructions.',
'php_gd_warning' => 'PHP Image Processing and GD plugin is NOT installed.',
'pwd_secure_complexity' => 'Password Complexity',
'pwd_secure_complexity_help' => 'Select whichever password complexity rules you wish to enforce.',
'pwd_secure_complexity_disallow_same_pwd_as_user_fields' => 'Password cannot be the same as first name, last name, email, or username',
'pwd_secure_complexity_letters' => 'Require at least one letter',
'pwd_secure_complexity_numbers' => 'Require at least one number',
'pwd_secure_complexity_symbols' => 'Require at least one symbol',
'pwd_secure_complexity_case_diff' => 'Require at least one uppercase and one lowercase',
'pwd_secure_min' => 'Password minimum characters',
'pwd_secure_min_help' => 'Minimum permitted value is 8',
'pwd_secure_uncommon' => 'Prevent common passwords',
'pwd_secure_uncommon_help' => 'This will disallow users from using common passwords from the top 10,000 passwords reported in breaches.',
'qr_help' => 'Enable QR Codes first to set this',
'qr_text' => 'QR Code Text',
'saml' => 'SAML',
'saml_title' => 'Update SAML settings',
'saml_help' => 'SAML settings',
'saml_enabled' => 'SAML enabled',
'saml_integration' => 'SAML Integration',
'saml_sp_entityid' => 'Entity ID',
'saml_sp_acs_url' => 'Assertion Consumer Service (ACS) URL',
'saml_sp_sls_url' => 'Single Logout Service (SLS) URL',
'saml_sp_x509cert' => 'Public Certificate',
'saml_sp_metadata_url' => 'Metadata URL',
'saml_idp_metadata' => 'SAML IdP Metadata',
'saml_idp_metadata_help' => 'You can specify the IdP metadata using a URL or XML file.',
'saml_attr_mapping_username' => 'Attribute Mapping - Username',
'saml_attr_mapping_username_help' => 'NameID will be used if attribute mapping is unspecified or invalid.',
'saml_forcelogin_label' => 'SAML Force Login',
'saml_forcelogin' => 'Make SAML the primary login',
'saml_forcelogin_help' => 'You can use \'/login?nosaml\' to get to the normal login page.',
'saml_slo_label' => 'SAML Single Log Out',
'saml_slo' => 'Send a LogoutRequest to IdP on Logout',
'saml_slo_help' => 'This will cause the user to be first redirected to the IdP on logout. Leave unchecked if the IdP doesn\'t correctly support SP-initiated SAML SLO.',
'saml_custom_settings' => 'SAML Custom Settings',
'saml_custom_settings_help' => 'You can specify additional settings to the onelogin/php-saml library. Use at your own risk.',
'saml_download' => 'Download Metadata',
'setting' => 'Setting',
'settings' => 'Settings',
'show_alerts_in_menu' => 'Show alerts in top menu',
'show_archived_in_list' => 'Archived Assets',
'show_archived_in_list_text' => 'Show archived assets in the "all assets" listing',
'show_assigned_assets' => 'Show assets assigned to assets',
'show_assigned_assets_help' => 'Display assets which were assigned to the other assets in View User -> Assets, View User -> Info -> Print All Assigned and in Account -> View Assigned Assets.',
'show_images_in_email' => 'Show images in emails',
'show_images_in_email_help' => 'Uncheck this box if your Snipe-IT installation is behind a VPN or closed network and users outside the network will not be able to load images served from this installation in their emails.',
'site_name' => 'Site Name',
'integrations' => 'Integrations',
'slack' => 'Slack',
'general_webhook' => 'General Webhook',
'webhook' => ':app',
'webhook_presave' => 'Test to Save',
'webhook_title' => 'Update Webhook Settings',
'webhook_help' => 'Integration settings',
'webhook_botname' => ':app Botname',
'webhook_channel' => ':app Channel',
'webhook_endpoint' => ':app Endpoint',
'webhook_integration' => ':app Settings',
'webhook_test' =>'Test :app integration',
'webhook_integration_help' => ':app integration is optional, however the endpoint and channel are required if you wish to use it. To configure :app integration, you must first <a href=":webhook_link" target="_new" rel="noopener">create an incoming webhook</a> on your :app account. Click on the <strong>Test :app Integration</strong> button to confirm your settings are correct before saving. ',
'webhook_integration_help_button' => 'Once you have saved your :app information, a test button will appear.',
'webhook_test_help' => 'Test whether your :app integration is configured correctly. YOU MUST SAVE YOUR UPDATED :app SETTINGS FIRST.',
'snipe_version' => 'Snipe-IT version',
'support_footer' => 'Support Footer Links ',
'support_footer_help' => 'Specify who sees the links to the Snipe-IT Support info and Users Manual',
'version_footer' => 'Version in Footer ',
'version_footer_help' => 'Specify who sees the Snipe-IT version and build number.',
'system' => 'System Information',
'update' => 'Update Settings',
'value' => 'Value',
'brand' => 'Branding',
'brand_keywords' => 'footer, logo, print, theme, skin, header, colors, color, css',
'brand_help' => 'Logo, Site Name',
'web_brand' => 'Web Branding Type',
'about_settings_title' => 'About Settings',
'about_settings_text' => 'These settings let you customize certain aspects of your installation.',
'labels_per_page' => 'Labels per page',
'label_dimensions' => 'Label dimensions (inches)',
'next_auto_tag_base' => 'Next auto-increment',
'page_padding' => 'Page margins (inches)',
'privacy_policy_link' => 'Link to Privacy Policy',
'privacy_policy' => 'Privacy Policy',
'privacy_policy_link_help' => 'If a url is included here, a link to your privacy policy will be included in the app footer and in any emails that the system sends out, in compliance with GDPR. ',
'purge' => 'Purge Deleted Records',
'purge_deleted' => 'Purge Deleted ',
'labels_display_bgutter' => 'Label bottom gutter',
'labels_display_sgutter' => 'Label side gutter',
'labels_fontsize' => 'Label font size',
'labels_pagewidth' => 'Label sheet width',
'labels_pageheight' => 'Label sheet height',
'label_gutters' => 'Label spacing (inches)',
'page_dimensions' => 'Page dimensions (inches)',
'label_fields' => 'Label visible fields',
'inches' => 'inches',
'width_w' => 'w',
'height_h' => 'h',
'show_url_in_emails' => 'Link to Snipe-IT in Emails',
'show_url_in_emails_help_text' => 'Uncheck this box if you do not wish to link back to your Snipe-IT installation in your email footers. Useful if most of your users never login. ',
'text_pt' => 'pt',
'thumbnail_max_h' => 'Max thumbnail height',
'thumbnail_max_h_help' => 'Maximum height in pixels that thumbnails may display in the listing view. Min 25, max 500.',
'two_factor' => 'Two Factor Authentication',
'two_factor_secret' => 'Two-Factor Code',
'two_factor_enrollment' => 'Two-Factor Enrollment',
'two_factor_enabled_text' => 'Enable Two Factor',
'two_factor_reset' => 'Reset Two-Factor Secret',
'two_factor_reset_help' => 'This will force the user to enroll their device with Google Authenticator again. This can be useful if their currently enrolled device is lost or stolen. ',
'two_factor_reset_success' => 'Two factor device successfully reset',
'two_factor_reset_error' => 'Two factor device reset failed',
'two_factor_enabled_warning' => 'Enabling two-factor if it is not currently enabled will immediately force you to authenticate with a Google Auth enrolled device. You will have the ability to enroll your device if one is not currently enrolled.',
'two_factor_enabled_help' => 'This will turn on two-factor authentication using Google Authenticator.',
'two_factor_optional' => 'Selective (Users can enable or disable if permitted)',
'two_factor_required' => 'Required for all users',
'two_factor_disabled' => 'Disabled',
'two_factor_enter_code' => 'Enter Two-Factor Code',
'two_factor_config_complete' => 'Submit Code',
'two_factor_enabled_edit_not_allowed' => 'Your administrator does not permit you to edit this setting.',
'two_factor_enrollment_text' => "Two factor authentication is required, however your device has not been enrolled yet. Open your Google Authenticator app and scan the QR code below to enroll your device. Once you've enrolled your device, enter the code below",
'require_accept_signature' => 'Require Signature',
'require_accept_signature_help_text' => 'Enabling this feature will require users to physically sign off on accepting an asset.',
'left' => 'left',
'right' => 'right',
'top' => 'top',
'bottom' => 'bottom',
'vertical' => 'vertical',
'horizontal' => 'horizontal',
'unique_serial' => 'Unique serial numbers',
'unique_serial_help_text' => 'Checking this box will enforce a uniqueness constraint on asset serials',
'zerofill_count' => 'Length of asset tags, including zerofill',
'username_format_help' => 'This setting will only be used by the import process if a username is not provided and we have to generate a username for you.',
'oauth_title' => 'OAuth API Settings',
'oauth' => 'OAuth',
'oauth_help' => 'Oauth Endpoint Settings',
'asset_tag_title' => 'Update Asset Tag Settings',
'barcode_title' => 'Update Barcode Settings',
'barcodes' => 'Barcodes',
'barcodes_help_overview' => 'Barcode & QR settings',
'barcodes_help' => 'This will attempt to delete cached barcodes. This would typically only be used if your barcode settings have changed, or if your Snipe-IT URL has changed. Barcodes will be re-generated when accessed next.',
'barcodes_spinner' => 'Attempting to delete files...',
'barcode_delete_cache' => 'Delete Barcode Cache',
'branding_title' => 'Update Branding Settings',
'general_title' => 'Update General Settings',
'mail_test' => 'Send Test',
'mail_test_help' => 'This will attempt to send a test mail to :replyto.',
'filter_by_keyword' => 'Filter by setting keyword',
'security' => 'Security',
'security_title' => 'Update Security Settings',
'security_keywords' => 'password, passwords, requirements, two factor, two-factor, common passwords, remote login, logout, authentication',
'security_help' => 'Two-factor, Password Restrictions',
'groups_keywords' => 'permissions, permission groups, authorization',
'groups_help' => 'Account permission groups',
'localization' => 'Localization',
'localization_title' => 'Update Localization Settings',
'localization_keywords' => 'localization, currency, local, locale, time zone, timezone, international, internatinalization, language, languages, translation',
'localization_help' => 'Language, date display',
'notifications' => 'Notifications',
'notifications_help' => 'Email Alerts & Audit Settings',
'asset_tags_help' => 'Incrementing and prefixes',
'labels' => 'Labels',
'labels_title' => 'Update Label Settings',
'labels_help' => 'Label sizes & settings',
'purge' => 'Purge',
'purge_keywords' => 'permanently delete',
'purge_help' => 'Purge Deleted Records',
'ldap_extension_warning' => 'It does not look like the LDAP extension is installed or enabled on this server. You can still save your settings, but you will need to enable the LDAP extension for PHP before LDAP syncing or login will work.',
'ldap_ad' => 'LDAP/AD',
'employee_number' => 'Employee Number',
'create_admin_user' => 'Create a User ::',
'create_admin_success' => 'Success! Your admin user has been added!',
'create_admin_redirect' => 'Click here to go to your app login!',
'setup_migrations' => 'Database Migrations ::',
'setup_no_migrations' => 'There was nothing to migrate. Your database tables were already set up!',
'setup_successful_migrations' => 'Your database tables have been created',
'setup_migration_output' => 'Migration output:',
'setup_migration_create_user' => 'Next: Create User',
'ldap_settings_link' => 'LDAP Settings Page',
'slack_test' => 'Test <i class="fab fa-slack"></i> Integration',
'google_callback_help' => 'This should be entered as the callback URL in your Google OAuth app settings in your organization's <strong><a href="https://console.cloud.google.com/" target="_blank">Google developer console <i class="fa fa-external-link" aria-hidden="true"></i></a></strong>.',
'google_login' => 'Google Workspace Login Settings',
'enable_google_login' => 'Enable users to login with Google Workspace',
'enable_google_login_help' => 'Users will not be automatically provisioned. They must have an existing account here AND in Google Workspace, and their username here must match their Google Workspace email address. ',