############################### #### Select Interface type #### ############################### # [type = serial] for USB connected devices #If there are multiple serial devices connected, be sure to use the "port" option and specify a port # Linux Example: # port = /dev/ttyUSB0 # # Windows Example: # port = COM3 # [type = tcp] for network connected devices (ESP32 devices only - this does not work for WisBlock) # If using tcp, remove the # from the beginning and replace 192.168.x.x with the IP address of your device # Example: # [interface] # type = tcp # hostname = [interface] type = serial # port = /dev/ttyACM0 # hostname = 192.168.x.x ############################ #### BBS NODE SYNC LIST #### ############################ # Provide a list of other nodes running TC²-BBS to sync mail messages and bulletins with # Enter in a list of other BBS Nodes by their nodeID separated by commas (no spaces) # Example: # [sync] # bbs_nodes = !17d7e4b7,!18e9f5a3,!1a2b3c4d # [sync] # bbs_nodes = !17d7e4b7 ############################ #### Allowed Node IDs #### ############################ # Provide a list of node IDs that are allowed to post to the urgent board. # If this section is commented out, anyone can post to the urgent board. # Example: # [allow_list] # allowed_nodes = 12345678,87654321 # # [allow_list] # allowed_nodes = !17d7e4b7 #################### #### Menu Items #### #################### # Remove any menu items you don't plan on using with your BBS below # [menu] # Default Main Menu options for reference # [Q]uick Commands # [B]BS # [U]tilities # E[X]IT # # Remove any menu items from the list below that you want to exclude from the main menu main_menu_items = Q, B, U, X # Default BBS Menu options for reference # [M]ail # [B]ulletins # [C]hannel Dir # [J]S8CALL # E[X]IT # # Remove any menu items from the list below that you want to exclude from the BBS menu bbs_menu_items = M, B, C, J, X # Default Utilities Menu option for reference # [S]tats # [F]ortune # [W]all of Shame # E[X]IT # # Remove any menu items from the list below that you want to exclude from the utilities menu utilities_menu_items = S, F, W, X ########################## #### JS8Call Settings #### ########################## # If you would like messages from JS8Call to go into the BBS, uncomment and enter in info below: # host = the IP address for your system running JS8Call # port = TCP API port for JS8CALL - Default is 2442 # db_file = this can be left as the default "js8call.db" unless you need to change for some reason # js8groups = the JS8Call groups you're interested in receiving into the BBS # store_messages = "true" will send messages that arent part of a group into the BBS (can be noisy). "false" will ignore these # js8urgent = the JS8Call groups you consider to be urgent - anything sent to these will have a notice sent to the # group chat (similar to how the urgent bulletin board works # [js8call] # host = # port = 2442 # db_file = js8call.db # js8groups = @GRP1,@GRP2,@GRP3 # store_messages = True # js8urgent = @URGNT