TC² aa6f70831f Large number of changes
- Changed menu structure to support Web Client
- Added Quick Commands
- Added Sync process for Channel Dir
2024-07-04 23:46:22 -04:00

673 lines
31 KiB
Raw Blame History

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import logging
import random
import time
from meshtastic import BROADCAST_NUM
from config_init import initialize_config
from db_operations import (
add_bulletin, add_mail, delete_mail,
get_bulletin_content, get_bulletins,
get_mail, get_mail_content,
add_channel, get_channels
from utils import (
get_node_id_from_num, get_node_info,
get_node_short_name, send_message,
def get_node_name(node_id, interface):
node_info = interface.nodes.get(node_id)
if node_info:
return node_info['user']['longName']
return f"Node {node_id}"
def handle_mail_command(sender_id, interface):
response = "✉️ MAIL MENU ✉️\nWhat would you like to do with mail?\n[0]Read [1]Send [2]Exit"
send_message(response, sender_id, interface)
update_user_state(sender_id, {'command': 'MAIL', 'step': 1})
def handle_bulletin_command(sender_id, interface):
response = "📰 BULLETIN MENU 📰\nWhich board would you like to enter?\n[0]General [1]Info [2]News [3]Urgent [4]Exit"
send_message(response, sender_id, interface)
update_user_state(sender_id, {'command': 'BULLETIN', 'step': 1})
def handle_exit_command(sender_id, interface):
send_message("Type 'HELP' for a list of commands.", sender_id, interface)
update_user_state(sender_id, None)
def handle_help_command(sender_id, interface, state=None):
title = "💾TC2 BBS💾\n"
commands = [
"[QCH] - Quick Commands",
"[St]ats Menu",
"[WS]Wall of Shame",
if state and 'command' in state:
current_command = state['command']
if current_command == 'MAIL':
commands = [
"[0]Read Mail",
"[1]Send Mail",
"[2]Exit Mail Menu"
elif current_command == 'BULLETIN':
commands = [
"[0]General Board",
"[1]Info Board",
"[2]News Board",
"[3]Urgent Board",
"[4]Exit Bulletin Menu"
elif current_command == 'STATS':
commands = [
"[0]Total Nodes",
"[1]Total HW Models",
"[2]Total Roles",
response = title + "Available commands:\n" + "\n".join(commands)
send_message(response, sender_id, interface)
def handle_stats_command(sender_id, interface):
response = "What stats would you like to view?\n[0]Node Numbers [1]Hardware [2]Roles [3]Main Menu"
send_message(response, sender_id, interface)
update_user_state(sender_id, {'command': 'STATS', 'step': 1})
def handle_fortune_command(sender_id, interface):
with open('fortunes.txt', 'r') as file:
fortunes = file.readlines()
if not fortunes:
send_message("No fortunes available.", sender_id, interface)
fortune = random.choice(fortunes).strip()
decorated_fortune = f"🔮 {fortune} 🔮"
send_message(decorated_fortune, sender_id, interface)
except Exception as e:
send_message(f"Error generating fortune: {e}", sender_id, interface)
def handle_stats_steps(sender_id, message, step, interface, bbs_nodes):
if step == 1:
choice = message.upper()
if choice == '3':
handle_help_command(sender_id, interface)
choice = int(choice)
if choice == 0:
response = "Select time period for total nodes:\n[0]ALL [1]Last 24 Hours [2]Last 8 Hours [3]Last Hour"
send_message(response, sender_id, interface)
update_user_state(sender_id, {'command': 'STATS', 'step': 2})
elif choice == 1:
hw_models = {}
for node in interface.nodes.values():
hw_model = node['user'].get('hwModel', 'Unknown')
hw_models[hw_model] = hw_models.get(hw_model, 0) + 1
response = "Hardware Models:\n" + "\n".join([f"{model}: {count}" for model, count in hw_models.items()])
send_message(response, sender_id, interface)
handle_stats_command(sender_id, interface)
elif choice == 2:
roles = {}
for node in interface.nodes.values():
role = node['user'].get('role', 'Unknown')
roles[role] = roles.get(role, 0) + 1
response = "Roles:\n" + "\n".join([f"{role}: {count}" for role, count in roles.items()])
send_message(response, sender_id, interface)
handle_stats_command(sender_id, interface)
elif step == 2:
choice = int(message)
current_time = int(time.time())
if choice == 0:
total_nodes = len(interface.nodes)
send_message(f"Total nodes seen: {total_nodes}", sender_id, interface)
time_limits = [86400, 28800, 3600] # Last 24 hours, Last 8 hours, Last hour
time_limit = current_time - time_limits[choice - 1]
total_nodes = 0
for node in interface.nodes.values():
last_heard = node.get('lastHeard', 0)
if last_heard is not None and last_heard >= time_limit:
total_nodes += 1"Node {node.get('user', {}).get('longName', 'Unknown')} heard at {last_heard}, within limit {time_limit}")
timeframes = ["24 hours", "8 hours", "hour"]
send_message(f"Total nodes seen in the last {timeframes[choice - 1]}: {total_nodes}", sender_id, interface)
handle_stats_steps(sender_id, '0', 1, interface, bbs_nodes)
def handle_bb_steps(sender_id, message, step, state, interface, bbs_nodes):
boards = {0: "General", 1: "Info", 2: "News", 3: "Urgent"}
if step == 1:
if message == '4':
handle_help_command(sender_id, interface)
board_name = boards.get(int(message))
if board_name:
response = f"What would you like to do in the {board_name} board?\n[0]View Bulletins [1]Post Bulletin [2]Exit"
send_message(response, sender_id, interface)
update_user_state(sender_id, {'command': 'BULLETIN', 'step': 2, 'board': board_name})
handle_help_command(sender_id, interface)
update_user_state(sender_id, None)
elif step == 2:
if message == '2':
# Return to the bulletin menu
response = "📰 BULLETIN MENU 📰\nWhich board would you like to enter?\n[0]General [1]Info [2]News [3]Urgent [4]Exit"
send_message(response, sender_id, interface)
update_user_state(sender_id, {'command': 'BULLETIN', 'step': 1})
if message == '0':
board_name = state['board']
bulletins = get_bulletins(board_name)
if (bulletins):
send_message(f"Select a bulletin number to view from {board_name}:", sender_id, interface)
for bulletin in bulletins:
send_message(f"[{bulletin[0]}] {bulletin[1]}", sender_id, interface)
update_user_state(sender_id, {'command': 'BULLETIN', 'step': 3, 'board': board_name})
send_message(f"No bulletins in {board_name}.", sender_id, interface)
# Go back to the board menu
response = f"What would you like to do in the {board_name} board?\n[0]View Bulletins [1]Post Bulletin [2]Exit"
send_message(response, sender_id, interface)
update_user_state(sender_id, {'command': 'BULLETIN', 'step': 2, 'board': board_name})
elif message == '1':
send_message("What is the subject of your bulletin? Keep it short.", sender_id, interface)
update_user_state(sender_id, {'command': 'BULLETIN', 'step': 4, 'board': state['board']})
elif step == 3:
bulletin_id = int(message)
sender_short_name, date, subject, content, unique_id = get_bulletin_content(bulletin_id)
send_message(f"From: {sender_short_name}\nDate: {date}\nSubject: {subject}\n- - - - - - -\n{content}", sender_id, interface)
board_name = state['board']
response = f"What would you like to do in the {board_name} board?\n[0]View Bulletins [1]Post Bulletin [2]Exit"
send_message(response, sender_id, interface)
update_user_state(sender_id, {'command': 'BULLETIN', 'step': 2, 'board': board_name})
elif step == 4:
subject = message
send_message("Send the contents of your bulletin. Send a message with END when finished.", sender_id, interface)
update_user_state(sender_id, {'command': 'BULLETIN', 'step': 6, 'board': state['board'], 'subject': subject, 'content': ''})
elif step == 5:
if message.lower() == "y":
bulletins = get_bulletins(state['board'])
send_message(f"Select a bulletin number to view from {state['board']}:", sender_id, interface)
for bulletin in bulletins:
send_message(f"[{bulletin[0]}]\nSubject: {bulletin[1]}", sender_id, interface)
update_user_state(sender_id, {'command': 'BULLETIN', 'step': 3, 'board': state['board']})
send_message("Okay, feel free to send another command.", sender_id, interface)
update_user_state(sender_id, None)
elif step == 6:
if message.lower() == "end":
board = state['board']
subject = state['subject']
content = state['content']
node_id = get_node_id_from_num(sender_id, interface)
node_info = interface.nodes.get(node_id)
if node_info is None:
send_message("Error: Unable to retrieve your node information.", sender_id, interface)
update_user_state(sender_id, None)
sender_short_name = node_info['user'].get('shortName', f"Node {sender_id}")
unique_id = add_bulletin(board, sender_short_name, subject, content, bbs_nodes, interface)
send_message(f"Your bulletin '{subject}' has been posted to {board}.\n(╯°□°)╯📄📌[{board}]", sender_id, interface)
response = f"What would you like to do in the {board} board?\n[0]View Bulletins [1]Post Bulletin [2]Exit"
send_message(response, sender_id, interface)
update_user_state(sender_id, {'command': 'BULLETIN', 'step': 2, 'board': board})
state['content'] += message + "\n"
update_user_state(sender_id, state)
def handle_mail_steps(sender_id, message, step, state, interface, bbs_nodes):
if step == 1:
choice = message
if choice == '0':
sender_node_id = get_node_id_from_num(sender_id, interface)
mail = get_mail(sender_node_id)
if mail:
send_message(f"You have {len(mail)} mail messages. Select a message number to read:", sender_id, interface)
for msg in mail:
send_message(f"✉️ {msg[0]} ✉️\nDate: {msg[3]}\nFrom: {msg[1]}\nSubject: {msg[2]}", sender_id, interface)
update_user_state(sender_id, {'command': 'MAIL', 'step': 2})
send_message("There are no messages in your mailbox.\n(`⌒`)", sender_id, interface)
update_user_state(sender_id, None)
elif choice == '1':
send_message("What is the Short Name of the node you want to leave a message for?", sender_id, interface)
update_user_state(sender_id, {'command': 'MAIL', 'step': 3})
elif choice == '2':
handle_help_command(sender_id, interface)
elif step == 2:
mail_id = int(message)
# ERROR: sender_id is not what is stored in the DB
sender_node_id = get_node_id_from_num(sender_id, interface)
sender, date, subject, content, unique_id = get_mail_content(mail_id, sender_node_id)
send_message(f"Date: {date}\nFrom: {sender}\nSubject: {subject}\n{content}", sender_id, interface)
send_message("Would you like to delete this message now that you've viewed it? Y/N", sender_id, interface)
update_user_state(sender_id, {'command': 'MAIL', 'step': 4, 'mail_id': mail_id, 'unique_id': unique_id})
except TypeError:
# get_main_content returned None. Node tried to access somebody's else mail message"Node {sender_id} tried to access non-existent message")
send_message(f"Mail not found", sender_id, interface)
update_user_state(sender_id, None)
elif step == 3:
short_name = message.lower()
nodes = get_node_info(interface, short_name)
if not nodes:
send_message("I'm unable to find that node in my database.", sender_id, interface)
handle_mail_command(sender_id, interface)
elif len(nodes) == 1:
recipient_id = nodes[0]['num']
recipient_name = get_node_name(recipient_id, interface)
send_message(f"What is the subject of your message to {recipient_name}?\nKeep it short.", sender_id, interface)
update_user_state(sender_id, {'command': 'MAIL', 'step': 5, 'recipient_id': recipient_id})
send_message("There are multiple nodes with that short name. Which one would you like to leave a message for?", sender_id, interface)
for i, node in enumerate(nodes):
send_message(f"[{i}] {node['longName']}", sender_id, interface)
update_user_state(sender_id, {'command': 'MAIL', 'step': 6, 'nodes': nodes})
elif step == 4:
if message.lower() == "y":
unique_id = state['unique_id']
sender_node_id = get_node_id_from_num(sender_id, interface)
delete_mail(unique_id, sender_node_id, bbs_nodes, interface)
send_message("The message has been deleted 🗑️", sender_id, interface)
send_message("The message has been kept in your inbox.✉️\nJust don't let it get as messy as your regular email inbox (ಠ_ಠ)", sender_id, interface)
update_user_state(sender_id, None)
elif step == 5:
subject = message
send_message("Send your message. You can send it in multiple messages if it's too long for one.\nSend a single message with END when you're done", sender_id, interface)
update_user_state(sender_id, {'command': 'MAIL', 'step': 7, 'recipient_id': state['recipient_id'], 'subject': subject, 'content': ''})
elif step == 6:
selected_node_index = int(message)
selected_node = state['nodes'][selected_node_index]
recipient_id = selected_node['num']
recipient_name = get_node_name(recipient_id, interface)
send_message(f"What is the subject of your message to {recipient_name}?\nKeep it short.", sender_id, interface)
update_user_state(sender_id, {'command': 'MAIL', 'step': 5, 'recipient_id': recipient_id})
elif step == 7:
if message.lower() == "end":
recipient_id = state['recipient_id']
subject = state['subject']
content = state['content']
recipient_name = get_node_name(recipient_id, interface)
sender_short_name = get_node_short_name(get_node_id_from_num(sender_id, interface), interface)
unique_id = add_mail(get_node_id_from_num(sender_id, interface), sender_short_name, recipient_id, subject, content, bbs_nodes, interface)
send_message(f"Mail has been posted to the mailbox of {recipient_name}.\n(╯°□°)╯📨📬", sender_id, interface)
notification_message = f"You have a new mail message from {sender_short_name}. Check your mailbox by responding to this message with CM."
send_message(notification_message, recipient_id, interface)
update_user_state(sender_id, None)
update_user_state(sender_id, {'command': 'MAIL', 'step': 8})
state['content'] += message + "\n"
update_user_state(sender_id, state)
elif step == 8:
if message.lower() == "y":
handle_mail_command(sender_id, interface)
send_message("Okay, feel free to send another command.", sender_id, interface)
update_user_state(sender_id, None)
def handle_wall_of_shame_command(sender_id, interface):
response = "Devices with battery levels below 20%:\n"
for node_id, node in interface.nodes.items():
metrics = node.get('deviceMetrics', {})
battery_level = metrics.get('batteryLevel', 101)
if battery_level < 20:
long_name = node['user']['longName']
response += f"{long_name} - Battery {battery_level}%\n"
if response == "Devices with battery levels below 20%:\n":
response = "No devices with battery levels below 20% found."
send_message(response, sender_id, interface)
def handle_channel_directory_command(sender_id, interface):
response = "📚 CHANNEL DIRECTORY 📚\nWhat would you like to do in the Channel Directory?\n[0]View [1]Post [2]Exit"
send_message(response, sender_id, interface)
update_user_state(sender_id, {'command': 'CHANNEL_DIRECTORY', 'step': 1})
def handle_channel_directory_steps(sender_id, message, step, state, interface):
if step == 1:
choice = message
if choice == '2':
handle_help_command(sender_id, interface)
elif choice == '0':
channels = get_channels()
if channels:
response = "Select a channel number to view:\n" + "\n".join(
[f"[{i}] {channel[0]}" for i, channel in enumerate(channels)])
send_message(response, sender_id, interface)
update_user_state(sender_id, {'command': 'CHANNEL_DIRECTORY', 'step': 2})
send_message("No channels available in the directory.", sender_id, interface)
handle_channel_directory_command(sender_id, interface)
elif choice == '1':
send_message("Name your channel for the directory:", sender_id, interface)
update_user_state(sender_id, {'command': 'CHANNEL_DIRECTORY', 'step': 3})
elif step == 2:
channel_index = int(message)
channels = get_channels()
if 0 <= channel_index < len(channels):
channel_name, channel_url = channels[channel_index]
send_message(f"Channel Name: {channel_name}\nChannel URL:\n{channel_url}", sender_id, interface)
handle_channel_directory_command(sender_id, interface)
elif step == 3:
channel_name = message
send_message("Send a message with your channel URL:", sender_id, interface)
update_user_state(sender_id, {'command': 'CHANNEL_DIRECTORY', 'step': 4, 'channel_name': channel_name})
elif step == 4:
channel_url = message
channel_name = state['channel_name']
add_channel(channel_name, channel_url)
send_message(f"Your channel '{channel_name}' has been added to the directory.", sender_id, interface)
handle_channel_directory_command(sender_id, interface)
def handle_send_mail_command(sender_id, message, interface, bbs_nodes):
parts = message.split("|", 3)
if len(parts) != 4:
send_message("Send Mail Quick Command format:\nSM|{short_name}|{subject}|{message}", sender_id, interface)
_, short_name, subject, content = parts
nodes = get_node_info(interface, short_name.lower())
if not nodes:
send_message(f"Node with short name '{short_name}' not found.", sender_id, interface)
if len(nodes) > 1:
send_message(f"Multiple nodes with short name '{short_name}' found. Please be more specific.", sender_id,
recipient_id = nodes[0]['num']
recipient_name = get_node_name(recipient_id, interface)
sender_short_name = get_node_short_name(get_node_id_from_num(sender_id, interface), interface)
unique_id = add_mail(get_node_id_from_num(sender_id, interface), sender_short_name, recipient_id, subject,
content, bbs_nodes, interface)
send_message(f"Mail has been sent to {recipient_name}.", sender_id, interface)
notification_message = f"You have a new mail message from {sender_short_name}. Check your mailbox by responding to this message with M."
send_message(notification_message, recipient_id, interface)
except Exception as e:
logging.error(f"Error processing send mail command: {e}")
send_message("Error processing send mail command.", sender_id, interface)
def handle_check_mail_command(sender_id, interface):
sender_node_id = get_node_id_from_num(sender_id, interface)
mail = get_mail(sender_node_id)
if not mail:
send_message("You have no new messages.", sender_id, interface)
response = "📬 You have the following messages:\n"
for i, msg in enumerate(mail):
response += f"{i + 1:02d}. From: {msg[1]}, Subject: {msg[2]}, Date: {msg[3]}\n"
response += "\nPlease reply with the number of the message you want to read."
send_message(response, sender_id, interface)
update_user_state(sender_id, {'command': 'CHECK_MAIL', 'step': 1, 'mail': mail})
except Exception as e:
logging.error(f"Error processing check mail command: {e}")
send_message("Error processing check mail command.", sender_id, interface)
def handle_read_mail_command(sender_id, message, state, interface):
mail = state.get('mail', [])
message_number = int(message) - 1
if message_number < 0 or message_number >= len(mail):
send_message("Invalid message number. Please try again.", sender_id, interface)
mail_id = mail[message_number][0]
sender_node_id = get_node_id_from_num(sender_id, interface)
sender, date, subject, content, unique_id = get_mail_content(mail_id, sender_node_id)
response = f"Date: {date}\nFrom: {sender}\nSubject: {subject}\n\n{content}"
send_message(response, sender_id, interface)
send_message("Would you like to delete this message now that you've read it? Y/N", sender_id, interface)
update_user_state(sender_id, {'command': 'CHECK_MAIL', 'step': 2, 'mail_id': mail_id, 'unique_id': unique_id})
except ValueError:
send_message("Invalid input. Please enter a valid message number.", sender_id, interface)
except Exception as e:
logging.error(f"Error processing read mail command: {e}")
send_message("Error processing read mail command.", sender_id, interface)
def handle_delete_mail_confirmation(sender_id, message, state, interface, bbs_nodes):
choice = message.lower()
if choice == 'y':
unique_id = state['unique_id']
sender_node_id = get_node_id_from_num(sender_id, interface)
delete_mail(unique_id, sender_node_id, bbs_nodes, interface)
send_message("The message has been deleted 🗑️", sender_id, interface)
send_message("The message has been kept in your inbox.✉️", sender_id, interface)
update_user_state(sender_id, None)
except Exception as e:
logging.error(f"Error processing delete mail confirmation: {e}")
send_message("Error processing delete mail confirmation.", sender_id, interface)
def handle_post_bulletin_command(sender_id, message, interface, bbs_nodes):
parts = message.split("|", 3)
if len(parts) != 4:
send_message("Post Bulletin Quick Command format:\nPB|{board_name}|{subject}|{content}", sender_id, interface)
_, board_name, subject, content = parts
sender_short_name = get_node_short_name(get_node_id_from_num(sender_id, interface), interface)
unique_id = add_bulletin(board_name, sender_short_name, subject, content, bbs_nodes, interface)
send_message(f"Your bulletin '{subject}' has been posted to {board_name}.", sender_id, interface)
# New logic to send group chat notification for urgent bulletins
if board_name.lower() == "urgent":
notification_message = f"💥NEW URGENT BULLETIN💥\nFrom: {sender_short_name}\nTitle: {subject}"
send_message(notification_message, BROADCAST_NUM, interface)
except Exception as e:
logging.error(f"Error processing post bulletin command: {e}")
send_message("Error processing post bulletin command.", sender_id, interface)
def handle_check_bulletin_command(sender_id, message, interface):
parts = message.split("|", 2)
if len(parts) != 2:
send_message("Check Bulletins Quick Command format:\nCB|{board_name}", sender_id, interface)
_, board_name = parts
bulletins = get_bulletins(board_name)
if not bulletins:
send_message(f"No bulletins available on {board_name} board.", sender_id, interface)
response = f"📰 Bulletins on {board_name} board:\n"
for i, bulletin in enumerate(bulletins):
response += f"[{i+1:02d}] Subject: {bulletin[1]}, From: {bulletin[2]}, Date: {bulletin[3]}\n"
response += "\nPlease reply with the number of the bulletin you want to read."
send_message(response, sender_id, interface)
update_user_state(sender_id, {'command': 'CHECK_BULLETIN', 'step': 1, 'board_name': board_name, 'bulletins': bulletins})
except Exception as e:
logging.error(f"Error processing check bulletin command: {e}")
send_message("Error processing check bulletin command.", sender_id, interface)
def handle_read_bulletin_command(sender_id, message, state, interface):
bulletins = state.get('bulletins', [])
message_number = int(message) - 1
if message_number < 0 or message_number >= len(bulletins):
send_message("Invalid bulletin number. Please try again.", sender_id, interface)
bulletin_id = bulletins[message_number][0]
sender, date, subject, content, unique_id = get_bulletin_content(bulletin_id)
response = f"Date: {date}\nFrom: {sender}\nSubject: {subject}\n\n{content}"
send_message(response, sender_id, interface)
update_user_state(sender_id, None)
except ValueError:
send_message("Invalid input. Please enter a valid bulletin number.", sender_id, interface)
except Exception as e:
logging.error(f"Error processing read bulletin command: {e}")
send_message("Error processing read bulletin command.", sender_id, interface)
def handle_post_channel_command(sender_id, message, interface):
parts = message.split("|", 3)
if len(parts) != 3:
send_message("Post Channel Quick Command format:\nCHP|{channel_name}|{channel_url}", sender_id, interface)
_, channel_name, channel_url = parts
bbs_nodes = interface.bbs_nodes
add_channel(channel_name, channel_url, bbs_nodes, interface)
send_message(f"Channel '{channel_name}' has been added to the directory.", sender_id, interface)
except Exception as e:
logging.error(f"Error processing post channel command: {e}")
send_message("Error processing post channel command.", sender_id, interface)
def handle_check_channel_command(sender_id, interface):
channels = get_channels()
if not channels:
send_message("No channels available in the directory.", sender_id, interface)
response = "📚 Available Channels:\n"
for i, channel in enumerate(channels):
response += f"{i + 1:02d}. Name: {channel[0]}\n"
response += "\nPlease reply with the number of the channel you want to view."
send_message(response, sender_id, interface)
update_user_state(sender_id, {'command': 'CHECK_CHANNEL', 'step': 1, 'channels': channels})
except Exception as e:
logging.error(f"Error processing check channel command: {e}")
send_message("Error processing check channel command.", sender_id, interface)
def handle_read_channel_command(sender_id, message, state, interface):
channels = state.get('channels', [])
message_number = int(message) - 1
if message_number < 0 or message_number >= len(channels):
send_message("Invalid channel number. Please try again.", sender_id, interface)
channel_name, channel_url = channels[message_number]
response = f"Channel Name: {channel_name}\nChannel URL: {channel_url}"
send_message(response, sender_id, interface)
update_user_state(sender_id, None)
except ValueError:
send_message("Invalid input. Please enter a valid channel number.", sender_id, interface)
except Exception as e:
logging.error(f"Error processing read channel command: {e}")
send_message("Error processing read channel command.", sender_id, interface)
def handle_list_channels_command(sender_id, interface):
channels = get_channels()
if not channels:
send_message("No channels available in the directory.", sender_id, interface)
response = "📚 Available Channels:\n"
for i, channel in enumerate(channels):
response += f"{i+1:02d}. Name: {channel[0]}\n"
response += "\nPlease reply with the number of the channel you want to view."
send_message(response, sender_id, interface)
update_user_state(sender_id, {'command': 'LIST_CHANNELS', 'step': 1, 'channels': channels})
except Exception as e:
logging.error(f"Error processing list channels command: {e}")
send_message("Error processing list channels command.", sender_id, interface)
def handle_read_channel_command(sender_id, message, state, interface):
channels = state.get('channels', [])
message_number = int(message) - 1
if message_number < 0 or message_number >= len(channels):
send_message("Invalid channel number. Please try again.", sender_id, interface)
channel_name, channel_url = channels[message_number]
response = f"Channel Name: {channel_name}\nChannel URL: {channel_url}"
send_message(response, sender_id, interface)
update_user_state(sender_id, None)
except ValueError:
send_message("Invalid input. Please enter a valid channel number.", sender_id, interface)
except Exception as e:
logging.error(f"Error processing read channel command: {e}")
send_message("Error processing read channel command.", sender_id, interface)
def handle_quick_help_command(sender_id, interface):
response = ("🏃QUICK COMMANDS🏃\nSend command and pipe symbol -> | to learn how to use each one\nSM| - Send "
"Mail\nCM - Check Mail (No Pipe)\nPB| - Post Bulletin\nCB| - Check Bulletins\nCHP| - Post "
"Channel\nCHL - List Channels (no Pipe)")
send_message(response, sender_id, interface)