## system.properties # # each unifi instance requires a set of ports: # ## device inform # unifi.http.port=8080 ## controller UI / API # unifi.https.port=8443 ## portal redirect port for HTTP # portal.http.port=8880 ## portal redirect port for HTTPs # portal.https.port=8843 ## local-bound port for DB server # unifi.db.port=27117 ## UDP port used for STUN # unifi.stun.port=3478 # ## the IP devices should be talking to for inform # system_ip=a.b.c.d ## disable mongodb journaling # unifi.db.nojournal=false ## extra mongod args # unifi.db.extraargs # ## HTTPS options # unifi.https.ciphers=TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA,TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA # unifi.https.sslEnabledProtocols=TLSv1,SSLv2Hello # unifi.https.hsts=false # unifi.https.hsts.max_age=31536000 # unifi.https.hsts.preload=false # unifi.https.hsts.subdomain=false # # Ports reserved for device redirector. There is no need to open # firewall for these ports on controller, however do NOT set # controller to use these ports. # # portal.redirector.port=8881 # portal.redirector.port.wired=8882 # # Port used for throughput measurement. # unifi.throughput.port=6789 # db.mongo.local=false db.mongo.uri=mongodb://~MONGO_USER~:~MONGO_PASS~@~MONGO_HOST~:~MONGO_PORT~/~MONGO_DBNAME~?tls=~MONGO_TLS~~MONGO_AUTHSOURCE~ statdb.mongo.uri=mongodb://~MONGO_USER~:~MONGO_PASS~@~MONGO_HOST~:~MONGO_PORT~/~MONGO_DBNAME~_stat?tls=~MONGO_TLS~~MONGO_AUTHSOURCE~ unifi.db.name=~MONGO_DBNAME~