Untested support for multiple devices added. Single device should still be working ok.

This commit is contained in:
Christopher Smith 2021-03-29 02:55:29 -05:00
parent 6ae65a0738
commit 3f0600e2be
3 changed files with 135 additions and 48 deletions

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@ -31,4 +31,17 @@ This makes it possible to track an Iridium-based satellite device, say, on aprs.
* Run the daemon. It should begin to scan your KML feed.
### Multiple inReach devices
Some preliminary but untested support is now included for multiple inReach devices on the same feed. There are a few strategies for dealing with multiple devices:
* Just define a single SSID in the configuration file, leave the Devices section undefined, and the software will increment the number on your SSID for each new IMEI it finds in the feed. Mappings generated this way will be consistent within a single run, but may -- or may not -- change if you run the service again.
* Still define the SSID in the APRS section, since it's used for the login to APRS-IS, but also define the Devices section. Each line should have an SSID = IMEI mapping. All devices not present in the Devices section will be ignored.
* Run multiple instances of the daemon, each with an IMEI specified on the command-line, or each with a new configuration file and a Devices section that includes some but not all of the devices you want to watch.
If you have multiple inReach devices, try doing any one of the above, and if my guesses about the KML feed behavior are correct, they should all be accessible.

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@ -28,32 +28,43 @@ from optparse import OptionParser
#Name of our configuration file.
cf = "ir-aprsisd.cfg"
conf = configparser.ConfigParser()
#Try /etc, then try the current directory, or just quit.
conf.read("/etc/" + cf)
if not conf.has_section('General'):
if not conf.has_section('General'):
sys.exit("Can't read configuration file: " + cf)
sys.exit("Can't read configuration file: " + cf)
#Command-line options
op = OptionParser()
op.add_option("-C","--config",action="store",type="string",dest="config",help="Load the named configuration file.")
op.add_option("-s","--ssid",action="store",type="string",dest="ssid",help="APRS SSID")
op.add_option("-p","--pass",action="store",type="int",dest="passwd",help="APRS-IS password")
op.add_option("-P","--port",action="store",type="int",dest="port",help="APRS-IS port")
op.add_option("--port",action="store",type="int",dest="port",help="APRS-IS port")
op.add_option("-u","--user",action="store",type="string",dest="user",help="inReach username")
op.add_option("-i","--irpass",action="store",type="string",dest="irpass",help="inReach feed password")
op.add_option("-P","--irpass",action="store",type="string",dest="irpass",help="inReach feed password")
op.add_option("-U","--url",action="store",type="string",dest="url",help="URL for KML feed")
op.add_option("-i","--imei",action="store",type="int",dest="imei",help="This instance should watch *only* for the single IMEI given in this option. For a more complicated mapping, use the Device section in the configuration file.")
op.add_option("-c","--comment",action="store",type="string",dest="comment",help="APRS-IS location beacon comment text")
op.add_option("-d","--delay",action="store",type="int",dest="delay",help="Delay between polls of KML feed")
(opts,args) = op.parse_args()
#This needs to be defined before the load below happens.
#Load a configuration file, and try to validate that it is loaded.
def loadConfig(cfile):
global conf
conf = configparser.ConfigParser()
if conf.read(cfile):
if conf.has_section('General'):
return True
return False
#Handle loading of the configuration file first.
#Other command-line options may override things defined in the file.
if opts.config:
if not loadConfig(opts.config):
print("Can't load configuration: " + opts.config)
else: #Default behavior if no file specified.
if not loadConfig("/etc/" + cf):
if not loadConfig(cf):
print("Can't find default configuration: " + cf)
#Allow command-line arguments to override the config file.
if opts.ssid:
conf['APRS']['SSID'] = opts.ssid
@ -72,17 +83,31 @@ if opts.comment:
if opts.delay:
conf['General']['Period'] = opts.delay
#Handle the special case where we've specified an IMEI on the command-line
if opts.imei:
conf['Devices'] = {}
conf['Devices'][conf['APRS']['SSID']] = str(opts.imei)
#Get the number and call from from the default SSID
#If we have multiple devices with non-specific ID mapping, we'll make it up
# from this.
(Call,SSNum) = re.search('(\w+)-(\d+)$',conf['APRS']['SSID']).groups()
SSNum = int(SSNum)
#The beginning of our APRS packets should contain a source, path,
# q construct, and gateway address. We'll reuse the same SSID as a gate.
ARPreamble = ''.join([conf['APRS']['SSID'],'>APRS,','TCPIP*,','qAS,',conf['APRS']['SSID']])
# This is the part between the source and the gate.
ARPreamble = ''.join(['>APRS,','TCPIP*,','qAS,'])
REV = "0.1"
REV = "0.2"
#Start with the current time. We use this to keep track of whether we've
# already sent a position, so if we cut it off when the program starts, we
# won't (re-)send old stale entry from inReach
lastUpdate = calendar.timegm(time.gmtime())
#lastUpdate = calendar.timegm(time.gmtime())
#Set up the handler for HTTP connections
if conf.has_option('inReach','Password'):
@ -94,7 +119,6 @@ else:
http = urllib.request.build_opener()
#Handle connection to APRS-IS
def reconnect():
global AIS
@ -107,32 +131,49 @@ def reconnect():
print("Trouble connecting to APRS-IS server.")
#We'll store the IMEI to ssid mapping here.
SSIDList = {}
#We'll store timestamps here
lastUpdate = {}
#Load any preconfigured IMEI mappings
if conf.has_section('Devices'):
for device in conf['Devices'].keys():
SSIDList[conf['Devices'][device]] = device.upper()
#Get an SSID
def getSSID(IMEI):
global lastUpdate, SSIDList, SSNum, Call
#If we have a Devices section, the SSID list is static.
if IMEI not in SSIDList:
if conf.has_section('Devices'):
return None
SSIDList[IMEI] = ''.join([Call,"-",str(SSNum)])
SSNum = SSNum + 1
#Add a timestamp on the first call
# This prevents us from redelivering an old message, which can stay
# in the feed.
if IMEI not in lastUpdate:
lastUpdate[IMEI] = calendar.timegm(time.gmtime())
return SSIDList[IMEI]
#APRS-IS Setup
AIS = None
while True:
KML = http.open(conf['inReach']['URL']).read()
except Exception as e:
print(''.join(["Error reading URL: ", conf['inReach']['URL']]))
data = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(KML).documentElement
#The first placemark will have the expanded current location information.
position = data.getElementsByTagName('Placemark')[0]
#Generate an APRS packet from a Placemark
def sendAPRS(Placemark):
#We only care about the Placemarks with the ExtendedData sections.
if not Placemark.getElementsByTagName('ExtendedData'):
return None
#Now process the extended data into something easier to handle.
extended = {}
for xd in position.getElementsByTagName('ExtendedData')[0].getElementsByTagName('Data'):
if not xd.getElementsByTagName('value')[0].firstChild == None:
extended[xd.getAttribute('name')] = xd.getElementsByTagName('value')[0].firstChild.nodeValue
except Exception as e:
print(''.join(["Could not parse data from URL: ",conf['inReach']['URL']]))
#Now process the extended data into something easier to handle.
extended = {}
for xd in Placemark.getElementsByTagName('ExtendedData')[0].getElementsByTagName('Data'):
if not xd.getElementsByTagName('value')[0].firstChild == None:
extended[xd.getAttribute('name')] = xd.getElementsByTagName('value')[0].firstChild.nodeValue
#Here is the position vector
latitude = extended['Latitude']
@ -142,7 +183,12 @@ while True:
course = extended['Course']
uttime = extended['Time UTC']
device = extended['Device Type']
IMEI = extended['IMEI']
#If there's no valid SSID mapping, we don't process this one.
if not SSID:
return None
#Some time conversions. First the time struct.
ts = time.strptime(''.join([uttime," UTC"]),"%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p %Z")
@ -152,9 +198,9 @@ while True:
aprstime = time.strftime("%d%H%Mz",ts)
#Skip this one if it's old.
if lastUpdate > etime:
if lastUpdate[IMEI] > etime:
return None
#If we have SMS data, add that.
if 'Text' in extended:
@ -217,12 +263,13 @@ while True:
# @092345z/4903.50N/07201.75W>088/036
# with a comment on the end that can include altitude and other
# information.
aprsPacket = ''.join([ARPreamble,':@',aprstime,aprspos,aprscs,aprsalt,comment])
aprsPacket = ''.join([getSSID(IMEI),ARPreamble,getSSID(IMEI),':@',aprstime,aprspos,aprscs,aprsalt,comment])
#This will throw an exception if the packet is somehow wrong.
lastUpdate = etime
lastUpdate[IMEI] = etime
return aprsPacket
except Exception as e:
print("Could not send the update: ")
if 'aprsPacket' in locals():
@ -231,6 +278,21 @@ while True:
print("Attempting reconnection, just in case.")
while True:
KML = http.open(conf['inReach']['URL']).read()
except Exception as e:
print(''.join(["Error reading URL: ", conf['inReach']['URL']]))
data = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(KML).documentElement
except Exception as e:
print("Can't process KML feed on this pass.")
#The first placemark will have the expanded current location information.
for PM in data.getElementsByTagName('Placemark'):

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
User = Your-inReach-Username
User = Your inReach feed user
#If this is defined, we will authenticate to the inReach service.
# If it is not, we will assume public access is ok.
#Password = Your inReach feed password, if required
@ -8,7 +8,12 @@ User = Your-inReach-Username
URL = https://share.garmin.com/Feed/Share/%(User)s
#This SSID is used for logging into APRS-IS, and also as a base ID for
# generating callsigns for devices. The first device found will be this
# SSID, the next will be this ID + 1, and so on. If you define a [Devices]
# section, it is _only_ used for the login, and the device mapping must be
# given in full in the [Devices] section.
Password = 1234
Port = 14580
@ -22,9 +27,16 @@ Symbol = (
# other data.
Comment = APRS-IS KML forwarder, by K0SIN
#Define this section if you'd like to enforce an SSID to IMEI mapping.
# It must contain all devices you want to publish. Anything without a
# mapping defined will be ignored if this section exists.
#N0CALL-12 = 987654321987654
#N0CALL-15 = 987654321987656
#N0CALL-8 = 092847784398753
# KML polling interval in seconds.
Period = 300