Fixed up configuration handling a bit. os.path now used to build pathnames, also added an attempt to load the configuration file from the same directory as the script, between current directory and /etc. Also added message about which configuration file is used during startup.

This commit is contained in:
Chris Smith 2021-04-03 16:02:46 -05:00
parent 064f144955
commit 5b91974c23

View file

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ import aprslib
import urllib.request
import xml.dom.minidom
import time, calendar, math, re
import platform, sys, signal
import platform, sys, os, signal
import configparser
from optparse import OptionParser
@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ def loadConfig(cfile):
conf = configparser.ConfigParser()
if conf.has_section('General'):
print("Loaded configuration: " + cfile)
return True
return False
@ -71,10 +72,11 @@ if opts.config:
print("Can't load configuration: " + opts.config)
else: #Default behavior if no file specified.
if not loadConfig("/etc/" + cf):
if not loadConfig(cf):
print("Can't find default configuration: " + cf)
if not loadConfig(os.path.join("/etc", cf)):
if not loadConfig(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)),cf)):
if not loadConfig(cf):
print("Can't find configuration: " + cf)
#Allow command-line arguments to override the config file.
if opts.ssid:
@ -137,14 +139,15 @@ urllib.request.install_opener(http)
#Handle connection to APRS-IS
def reconnect():
global AIS
attempt = 1
while True:
AIS = aprslib.IS(conf['APRS']['SSID'],passwd=conf['APRS']['Password'],port=conf['APRS']['Port'])
except Exception as e:
print("Trouble connecting to APRS-IS server.")
print("Connection failed. Reconnecting: " + str(attempt))
attempt += 1
@ -153,32 +156,39 @@ SSIDList = {}
#We'll store timestamps here
lastUpdate = {}
#Packet counts here
transmitted = {}
#Last time stats() was run:
lastStats = calendar.timegm(time.gmtime())
#Load any preconfigured mappings
if conf.has_section('Devices'):
print("Loading predefined SSID mappings.")
for device in conf['Devices'].keys():
SSIDList[conf['Devices'][device]] = device.upper()
print("Static mapping: " + SSIDList[conf['Devices'][device]] + " -> " + device.upper())
#Get an SSID
#An apocryphal concern is that this will happily generate an SSID for None,
# or whatever else might get passed along to it.
# There's a record in the usual set of inReach Placemarks where this happens,
# but because the record has no extended data, no packets are ever generated
# for it. Such a record is generally not interesting and on the end of the list,
# so there has been no reason to explicitly skip it.
def getSSID(DID):
global lastUpdate, SSIDList, SSNum, Call
global lastUpdate, SSIDList, transmitted, SSNum, Call
if not DID: # Don't map None
return None
#If we have a Devices section, the SSID list is static.
if DID not in SSIDList:
if conf.has_section('Devices'):
return None
SSIDList[DID] = ''.join([Call,"-",str(SSNum)])
SSNum = SSNum + 1
print("Mapping: " + DID + " -> " + SSIDList[DID])
#Add a timestamp on the first call
# This prevents us from redelivering an old message, which can stay
# in the feed.
if DID not in lastUpdate:
lastUpdate[DID] = calendar.timegm(time.gmtime())
if DID not in transmitted:
transmitted[DID] = 0
return SSIDList[DID]
@ -271,7 +281,7 @@ def getEvents():
# float Longitude, float Altitude in feet, int float course in degrees,
# float speed in knots, comment
def sendAPRS(device, DevID, ARPreamble, tstamp, lat, long, alt, course, speed, comment):
global conf
global conf, transmitted
etime = calendar.timegm(tstamp)
#Latitude conversion
@ -331,11 +341,26 @@ def sendAPRS(device, DevID, ARPreamble, tstamp, lat, long, alt, course, speed, c
#Last update in UTC
lastUpdate[DevID] = calendar.timegm(tstamp)
transmitted[DevID] += 1
def stats():
global transmitted, lastStats
lastStats = calendar.timegm(time.gmtime())
print("----------------Packet Forwarding Summary----------------")
print("|\t" + time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %R",time.localtime()))
print("| SSID DevID Packets forwarded")
for device in transmitted:
print("| " + getSSID(device) + "\t" + device + "\t\t" + str(transmitted[device]))
#... and here is the main loop.
while True:
for packet in getEvents():
sendAPRS(*packet) #Otherwise a list of sendAPRS args for the next packet to send.
if "Logstats" in conf["General"]:
if calendar.timegm(time.gmtime()) > lastStats + conf.getint("General","Logstats"):