A nearly live map of [Meshtastic](https://meshtastic.org/) nodes seen by the official Meshtastic MQTT server
## Features
- Shows all position-reporting nodes heard by Meshtastic's [official MQTT server](https://meshtastic.org/docs/configuration/module/mqtt/#connect-to-the-default-public-server)
- Includes nodes self-reporting to MQTT or heard by another node reporting to MQTT
- Node data is updated every minute
- Nodes are removed from the map if their position is not updated after 24 hours
- Search for nodes by name or ID
## FAQs
### How do I get my node on the map?
These are general requirements. Refer to the [official docs](https://meshtastic.org/docs/configuration/) or reach out to the fantastic Meshtastic community
(such as at [r/meshtastic](https://www.reddit.com/r/meshtastic/)) for additional support.
- Use the default primary channel and encryption key
- Enable position reports from your node
- This may mean enabling your node's built-in GPS, sharing your phone's location via the app, or setting a fixed position
If your node can be heard by another node already reporting to MQTT, that's it!
> Only position packets with imprecise location information [10-16 bits] will be passed to the topic, ensuring that sensitive data is not exposed. (364 Meters/1194 Feet is the most accurate resolution allowed.)
Additionally, only the default [LoRa region](https://meshtastic.org/docs/configuration/radio/lora/#region)-based root topics (and all subtopics) are now monitored.