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<meta name="description" content="A nearly live map of Meshtastic nodes seen by the official Meshtastic MQTT server">
<title>MeshMap - Meshtastic Node Map</title>
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<div id="header">
<div><a href="" title="A nearly live map of Meshtastic nodes seen by the official Meshtastic MQTT server">MeshMap</a></div>
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<div><a href="">Meshtastic</a></div>
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const ipinfoToken = 'aeb066758afd49'
const updateInterval = 65000
const zoomLevelNode = 10
const markersByNode = {}
const neighborsByNode = {}
const nodesBySearchString = {}
const precisionMargins = [
11939464, 5969732, 2984866, 1492433, 746217, 373108, 186554, 93277,
46639, 23319, 11660, 5830, 2915, 1457, 729, 364,
182, 91, 46, 23, 11, 6, 3, 1,
1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
// encodes html reserved characters
const html = str => str?.replace(/["&<>]/g, match => `&#${match.charCodeAt(0)};`)
// makes more human-readable time duration strings
const duration = d => {
let s = ''
if (d > 86400) {
s += `${Math.floor(d / 86400)}d `
d %= 86400
if (d > 3600) {
s += `${Math.floor(d / 3600)}h `
d %= 3600
s += `${Math.floor(d / 60)}min`
return s
const since = t => `${duration( / 1000 - t)} ago`
// set theme
if (window.localStorage.getItem('theme') === 'dark') {
// init map
const map ='map', {
center: window.localStorage.getItem('center')?.split(',') ?? [25, 0],
zoom: window.localStorage.getItem('zoom') ?? 2,
zoomControl: false,
worldCopyJump: true,
// add tiles
L.tileLayer('{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
attribution: '&copy; <a href="">OpenStreetMap</a>',
maxZoom: 19,
// add marker group
const markers = L.markerClusterGroup({
disableClusteringAtZoom: zoomLevelNode,
spiderfyOnMaxZoom: false,
// add node details layer (neighbor lines, precision circle)
const detailsLayer = L.layerGroup().addTo(map)
map.on('click', () => detailsLayer.clearLayers())
// add search control
map.addControl(new L.Control.Search({
layer: markers,
propertyName: 'searchString',
initial: false,
position: 'topleft',
marker: false,
moveToLocation: (_, s) => showNode(nodesBySearchString[s]),
// add zoom control
L.control.zoom({position: 'topright'}).addTo(map)
// add geolocation control
position: 'topright',
states: [
stateName: 'geolocation-button',
title: 'Center map to current IP geolocation',
icon: 'fa-crosshairs fa-lg',
onClick: () => {
.then(r => r.json())
.then(({loc}) => loc && map.flyTo(loc.split(','), zoomLevelNode))
.catch(e => console.error('Failed to set location:', e))
// track and store map position
map.on('moveend', () => {
const center = map.getCenter()
window.localStorage.setItem('center', [, center.lng].join(','))
map.on('zoomend', () => {
window.localStorage.setItem('zoom', map.getZoom())
// generates html for a node link
const nodeLink = (num, label) => `<a href="#${num}" onclick="showNode(${num});return false">${html(label)}</a>`
// updates node map markers
const updateNodes = data => Object.entries(data).forEach(([nodeNum, node]) => {
const {
longName, shortName, hwModel, role,
fwVersion, region, modemPreset, hasDefaultCh, onlineLocalNodes,
latitude, longitude, altitude, precision,
batteryLevel, voltage, chUtil, airUtilTx, uptime,
temperature, relativeHumidity, barometricPressure,
neighbors, seenBy
} = node
const id = `!${Number(nodeNum).toString(16)}`
neighborsByNode[nodeNum] ??= new Set()
if (neighbors) {
Object.keys(neighbors).forEach(neighborNum => {
neighborsByNode[neighborNum] ??= new Set()
const position = L.latLng([latitude, longitude].map(x => x / 10000000))
const lastSeen = Math.max(...Object.values(seenBy))
const opacity = 1.0 - ( / 1000 - lastSeen) / 129600
const tooltipContent = `${html(longName)} (${html(shortName)}) ${since(lastSeen)}`
const popupContent = `
<div class="title">${html(longName)} (${html(shortName)})</div>
<div>${nodeLink(nodeNum, id)} | ${html(role)} | ${html(hwModel)}</div>
${fwVersion ? `<tr><th>Firmware</th><td>${html(fwVersion)}</td></tr>` : ''}
${region ? `<tr><th>Region</th><td>${html(region)}</td></tr>` : ''}
${modemPreset ? `<tr><th>Modem preset</th><td>${html(modemPreset)}</td></tr>` : ''}
${hasDefaultCh ? `<tr><th>Has default channel</th><td>True</td></tr>` : ''}
${onlineLocalNodes ? `<tr><th>Online local nodes</th><td>${onlineLocalNodes}</td></tr>` : ''}
${batteryLevel ? `<tr><th>Power</th><td>${batteryLevel > 100 ? 'Plugged in' : `${batteryLevel}%`}${voltage ? ` (${voltage.toFixed(2)}V)` : ''}</td></tr>` : ''}
${chUtil ? `<tr><th>ChUtil</th><td>${chUtil.toFixed(2)}%</td></tr>` : ''}
${airUtilTx ? `<tr><th>AirUtilTX</th><td>${airUtilTx.toFixed(2)}%</td></tr>` : ''}
${uptime ? `<tr><th>Uptime</th><td>${duration(uptime)}</td></tr>` : ''}
${temperature ? `<tr><th>Temperature</th><td>${temperature.toFixed(1)}&#8451; / ${(temperature * 1.8 + 32).toFixed(1)}&#8457;</td></tr>` : ''}
${relativeHumidity ? `<tr><th>Relative Humidity</th><td>${Math.round(relativeHumidity)}%</td></tr>` : ''}
${barometricPressure ? `<tr><th>Barometric Pressure</th><td>${Math.round(barometricPressure)} hPa</td></tr>` : ''}
${altitude ? `<tr><th>Altitude</th><td>${altitude.toLocaleString()} m above MSL</td></tr>` : ''}
${precision && precisionMargins[precision-1] ?
`<tr><th>Location precision</th><td>&#177; ${precisionMargins[precision-1].toLocaleString()} m (orange circle)</td></tr>` : ''
<tr><th>Last seen</th><th>via</th><th>root topic</th><th>channel</th></tr>
new Map(
.map(([topic, seen]) => (m => ({seen, via: m[3] ?? id, root: m[1], chan: m[2]}))(topic.match(/^(.*)(?:\/2\/e\/(.*)\/(![0-9a-f]+)|\/2\/map\/)$/)))
.sort((a, b) => a.seen - b.seen)
.map(v => [v.via, v])
({seen, via, root, chan}) => `
<td>${via !== id ? (num => data[num] ? nodeLink(num, via) : via)(parseInt(via.slice(1), 16)) : 'self'}</td>
<td class="break">${html(root)}</td>
<td class="break">${html(chan ?? 'n/a (MapReport)')}</td>
const populateDetailsLayer = () => {
if (precision && precisionMargins[precision-1]) {, {radius: precisionMargins[precision-1], color: '#ffa932'})
neighborsByNode[nodeNum].forEach(neighborNum => {
if (markersByNode[neighborNum] === undefined) {
const neighborId = `!${Number(neighborNum).toString(16)}`
const neighborContent = `
<tr><th>Neighbor</th><td>${html(id)} &#60;-&#62; ${html(neighborId)}</td></tr>
<tr><th>Distance</th><td>${Math.round(map.distance(position, markersByNode[neighborNum].getLatLng())).toLocaleString()} m</td></tr>
${neighbors?.[neighborNum]?.snr ? `<tr><th>SNR</th><td>${neighbors[neighborNum].snr} dB</td></tr>` : ''}
${neighbors?.[neighborNum]?.updated ? `<tr><th>Last seen</th><td>${since(neighbors[neighborNum].updated)}</td></tr>` : ''}
L.polyline([position, markersByNode[neighborNum].getLatLng()], {weight: 4})
.bindTooltip(neighborContent, {sticky: true})
.on('click', () => showNode(neighborNum))
if (markersByNode[nodeNum] === undefined) {
const searchString = `${longName} (${shortName}) ${id}`
nodesBySearchString[searchString] = nodeNum
markersByNode[nodeNum] = L.marker(position, {alt: 'Node', opacity, searchString})
.bindPopup(popupContent, {maxWidth: 500})
.on('popupopen', () => {
history.replaceState(null, '', `#${nodeNum}`)
} else {
if (markersByNode[nodeNum].isPopupOpen()) {
// fetches node data, updates map, repeats
const drawMap = async shouldDraw => {
if (shouldDraw) {
try {
await fetch('/nodes.json').then(r => r.json()).then(updateNodes)
} catch (e) {
console.error('Failed to update nodes:', e)
setTimeout(() => drawMap(document.visibilityState === 'visible'), updateInterval)
// centers map to node and opens popup
const showNode = nodeNum => {
if (markersByNode[nodeNum] === undefined) {
return false
map.setView(markersByNode[nodeNum].getLatLng(), Math.max(window.localStorage.getItem('zoom') ?? 0, zoomLevelNode))
setTimeout(() => markersByNode[nodeNum].openPopup(), 300)
return true
// keep URL fragment in sync
window.addEventListener('hashchange', () => {
if (window.location.hash && !showNode(window.location.hash.slice(1))) {
history.replaceState(null, '', window.location.pathname)
if (!window.location.hash) {
map.on('popupclose', () => {
if (window.location.hash) {
history.replaceState(null, '', window.location.pathname)
// let's go!!!
drawMap(true).then(() => {
if (window.location.hash && !showNode(window.location.hash.slice(1))) {
history.replaceState(null, '', window.location.pathname)