# Meshtastic Metrics Exporter [![CodeQL](https://github.com/tcivie/meshtastic-metrics-exporter/actions/workflows/github-code-scanning/codeql/badge.svg)](https://github.com/tcivie/meshtastic-metrics-exporter/actions/workflows/github-code-scanning/codeql) The `meshtastic-metrics-exporter` is a tool designed to export nearly all available data from an MQTT server to a Prometheus server. It comes with a pre-configured Grafana dashboard connected to both data sources, allowing users to start creating dashboards immediately. ## Features - Exports a comprehensive set of metrics from an MQTT server to Prometheus. - Comes with a Grafana dashboard configured to connect to both Prometheus and Postgres data sources. - Comes with some basic dashboards, see the section below for general view of the dashboards - Stores node details (ID, short/long name, hardware details, and client type) in a Postgres server, which is also part of the package. - Configuration via a `.env` file. ### Database Structure The system uses PostgreSQL with the following tables: #### 1. messages - Stores message IDs and timestamps - Auto-expires messages older than 1 minute using a trigger ```sql Columns: - id (TEXT, PRIMARY KEY) - received_at (TIMESTAMP) ``` #### 2. node_details - Stores basic information about mesh nodes ```sql Columns: - node_id (VARCHAR, PRIMARY KEY) - short_name (VARCHAR) - long_name (VARCHAR) - hardware_model (VARCHAR) - role (VARCHAR) - mqtt_status (VARCHAR, default 'none') - longitude (INT) - latitude (INT) - altitude (INT) - precision (INT) - created_at (TIMESTAMP) - updated_at (TIMESTAMP) ``` #### 3. node_neighbors - Tracks connections between nodes ```sql Columns: - id (SERIAL, PRIMARY KEY) - node_id (VARCHAR, FOREIGN KEY) - neighbor_id (VARCHAR, FOREIGN KEY) - snr (FLOAT) ``` #### 4. node_configurations - Stores detailed configuration and timing information for nodes ```sql Columns: - node_id (VARCHAR, PRIMARY KEY) - last_updated (TIMESTAMP) - environment_update_interval (INTERVAL) - environment_update_last_timestamp (TIMESTAMP) - device_update_interval (INTERVAL) - device_update_last_timestamp (TIMESTAMP) - air_quality_update_interval (INTERVAL) - air_quality_update_last_timestamp (TIMESTAMP) - power_update_interval (INTERVAL) - power_update_last_timestamp (TIMESTAMP) - range_test_interval (INTERVAL) - range_test_packets_total (INT) - range_test_first_packet_timestamp (TIMESTAMP) - range_test_last_packet_timestamp (TIMESTAMP) - pax_counter_interval (INTERVAL) - pax_counter_last_timestamp (TIMESTAMP) - neighbor_info_interval (INTERVAL) - neighbor_info_last_timestamp (TIMESTAMP) - mqtt_encryption_enabled (BOOLEAN) - mqtt_json_enabled (BOOLEAN) - mqtt_json_message_timestamp (TIMESTAMP) - mqtt_configured_root_topic (TEXT) - mqtt_info_last_timestamp (TIMESTAMP) - map_broadcast_interval (INTERVAL) - map_broadcast_last_timestamp (TIMESTAMP) ``` ### Grafana Dashboards The project comes with 2 dashboards. #### Main Dashboard SCR-20240707-qgnn > The dashboard has some basic data about the mesh network and its data is temporarily updated > (With new data coming in it would fill out the missing pieces automatically) **Note:** The dashboard contains links to nodes that target `localhost:3000`. If you're accessing Grafana from a different host, you'll need to modify these links in the panel configuration to match your Grafana server's address. #### User Panel SCR-20240707-qhth > This panel can be reached from the "Node ID" link on the main dashboard (The table in the center) > or you can go to it from the dashboards tab in Grafana and select the node you want to spectate. > This board includes some telemetry data and basic information about the node. #### The Node Graph SCR-20240707-qjaj > Both boards also include node graph which allows you to view nodes which are sending [Neighbour Info packets](https://meshtastic.org/docs/configuration/module/neighbor-info) > As long as we have some node which is connected to our MQTT server the data would be read by the exporter > and parsed as node graph. The line colors indicate the SNR value and the arrow is the direction of the flow captured > (It can be two way). And the node circle color indicates which node is connected to MQTT (Green) > which one is disconnected from MQTT (Red) and unknown (Gray - Never connected to the MQTT server) **It is highly recommended to give the system 24 hours to stabilize before seeking any useful information from it.** ## Exported Metrics 🏷️ Common Labels: `node_id, short_name, long_name, hardware_model, role` Label Notation: - 🏷️: Indicates that all common labels are used. - 🏷️ (source): Indicates that all common labels are used, prefixed with "source_" (e.g., source_node_id, source_short_name, etc.). - 🏷️ (destination): Indicates that all common labels are used, prefixed with "destination_" (e.g., destination_node_id, destination_short_name, etc.). ### Available Metrics | Metric Name | Description | Type | Labels | |------------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------|-----------|--------------------------------------------| | text_message_app_length | Length of text messages processed by the app | Histogram | 🏷️ | | device_latitude | Device latitude | Gauge | 🏷️ | | device_longitude | Device longitude | Gauge | 🏷️ | | device_altitude | Device altitude | Gauge | 🏷️ | | device_position_precision | Device position precision | Gauge | 🏷️ | | telemetry_app_ch[1-3]_voltage | Voltage measured by the device on channels 1-3 | Gauge | 🏷️ | | telemetry_app_ch[1-3]_current | Current measured by the device on channels 1-3 | Gauge | 🏷️ | | telemetry_app_pm[10/25/100]_standard | Concentration Units Standard PM1.0/2.5/10.0 | Gauge | 🏷️ | | telemetry_app_pm[10/25/100]_environmental | Concentration Units Environmental PM1.0/2.5/10.0 | Gauge | 🏷️ | | telemetry_app_particles_[03/05/10/25/50/100]um | Particle Count for different sizes | Gauge | 🏷️ | | telemetry_app_temperature | Temperature measured by the device | Gauge | 🏷️ | | telemetry_app_relative_humidity | Relative humidity percent | Gauge | 🏷️ | | telemetry_app_barometric_pressure | Barometric pressure in hPA | Gauge | 🏷️ | | telemetry_app_gas_resistance | Gas resistance in MOhm | Gauge | 🏷️ | | telemetry_app_iaq | IAQ value (0-500) | Gauge | 🏷️ | | telemetry_app_distance | Distance in mm | Gauge | 🏷️ | | telemetry_app_lux | Ambient light in Lux | Gauge | 🏷️ | | telemetry_app_white_lux | White light in Lux | Gauge | 🏷️ | | telemetry_app_ir_lux | Infrared light in Lux | Gauge | 🏷️ | | telemetry_app_uv_lux | Ultraviolet light in Lux | Gauge | 🏷️ | | telemetry_app_wind_direction | Wind direction in degrees | Gauge | 🏷️ | | telemetry_app_wind_speed | Wind speed in m/s | Gauge | 🏷️ | | telemetry_app_weight | Weight in KG | Gauge | 🏷️ | | telemetry_app_battery_level | Battery level (0-100, >100 means powered) | Gauge | 🏷️ | | telemetry_app_voltage | Voltage | Gauge | 🏷️ | | telemetry_app_channel_utilization | Channel utilization including TX, RX, and noise | Gauge | 🏷️ | | telemetry_app_air_util_tx | Airtime utilization for TX in last hour | Gauge | 🏷️ | | telemetry_app_uptime_seconds | Device uptime in seconds | Counter | 🏷️ | | route_length | Number of nodes in route | Counter | 🏷️ | | route_response | Number of route discovery responses | Counter | 🏷️, response_type | | mesh_packet_source_types | Mesh packet types by source | Counter | 🏷️ (source), portnum | | mesh_packet_destination_types | Mesh packet types by destination | Counter | 🏷️ (destination), portnum | | mesh_packet_total | Total mesh packets processed | Counter | 🏷️ (source), 🏷️ (destination) | | mesh_packet_rx_time | Packet receive time (seconds since 1970) | Histogram | 🏷️ (source), 🏷️ (destination) | | mesh_packet_rx_snr | Packet receive SNR | Gauge | 🏷️ (source), 🏷️ (destination) | | mesh_packet_hop_limit | Packet hop limit | Counter | 🏷️ (source), 🏷️ (destination) | | mesh_packet_want_ack | Want ACK occurrences | Counter | 🏷️ (source), 🏷️ (destination) | | mesh_packet_via_mqtt | MQTT transmission occurrences | Counter | 🏷️ (source), 🏷️ (destination) | | mesh_packet_hop_start | Packet hop start | Gauge | 🏷️ (source), 🏷️ (destination) | | mesh_packet_ids | Unique packet IDs | Counter | 🏷️ (source), 🏷️ (destination), packet_id | | mesh_packet_channel | Packet channel | Counter | 🏷️ (source), 🏷️ (destination), channel | | mesh_packet_rx_rssi | Packet receive RSSI | Gauge | 🏷️ (source), 🏷️ (destination) | ## Configuration The project uses a `.env` file for configuration. Here is an example of the configuration options available: ```dotenv # Description: Environment variables for the application # Postgres connection details DATABASE_URL=postgres://postgres:postgres@postgres:5432/meshtastic # Prometheus connection details PROMETHEUS_COLLECTOR_PORT=9464 PROMETHEUS_JOB=example # MQTT connection details MQTT_HOST= MQTT_PORT=1883 MQTT_USERNAME= MQTT_PASSWORD= MQTT_KEEPALIVE=60 MQTT_TOPIC='msh/israel/#' MQTT_IS_TLS=false # Exporter configuration ## Hide source data in the exporter (default: false) MESH_HIDE_SOURCE_DATA=false ## Hide destination data in the exporter (default: false) MESH_HIDE_DESTINATION_DATA=false ## Filtered ports in the exporter (default: 1, can be a comma-separated list of ports) FILTERED_PORTS=0 ## Hide message content in the TEXT_MESSAGE_APP packets (default: true) (Currently we only log message length, if we hide then all messages would have the same length) HIDE_MESSAGE=false ## MQTT server Key for decoding messages MQTT_SERVER_KEY=1PG7OiApB1nwvP+rz05pAQ== # MQTT protocol version (default: MQTTv5) the public MQTT server supports MQTTv311 # Options: MQTTv311, MQTTv31, MQTTv5 MQTT_PROTOCOL=MQTTv311 # MQTT callback API version (default: VERSION2) the public MQTT server supports VERSION2 # Options: VERSION1, VERSION2 MQTT_CALLBACK_API_VERSION=VERSION2 ``` ## Running the Project To run the project, simply use Docker Compose: ```bash docker compose up -d ``` This command will build and start all the necessary services, including the exporter, Prometheus server, Postgres server, and Grafana. ## Grafana Dashboard The project includes a Grafana dashboard pre-configured to connect to both the Prometheus and Postgres data sources. This allows you to start creating and customizing your dashboards right away. ## Contributing Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or submit a pull request on GitHub.