import logging import os from datetime import datetime import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt from dotenv import load_dotenv from constants import callback_api_version_map, protocol_map from exporter.metric.node_configuration_metrics import NodeConfigurationMetrics try: from meshtastic.mesh_pb2 import MeshPacket from meshtastic.mqtt_pb2 import ServiceEnvelope except ImportError: from meshtastic.protobuf.mesh_pb2 import MeshPacket from meshtastic.protobuf.mqtt_pb2 import ServiceEnvelope from prometheus_client import CollectorRegistry, start_http_server from psycopg_pool import ConnectionPool connection_pool = None def get_connection(): return connection_pool.getconn() def release_connection(conn): connection_pool.putconn(conn) def handle_connect(client, userdata, flags, reason_code, properties): print(f"Connected with result code {reason_code}") topics = os.getenv('MQTT_TOPIC', 'msh/israel/#').split(',') topics_tuples = [(topic, 0) for topic in topics] client.subscribe(topics_tuples) def update_node_status(node_number, status): with connection_pool.connection() as conn: with conn.cursor() as cur: cur.execute("INSERT INTO node_details (node_id, mqtt_status, short_name, long_name) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)" "ON CONFLICT(node_id)" "DO UPDATE SET mqtt_status = %s", (node_number, status, 'Unknown (MQTT)', 'Unknown (MQTT)', status)) conn.commit() def handle_message(client, userdata, message): current_timestamp ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') print(f"Received message on topic '{message.topic}' at {current_timestamp}") if '/json/' in message.topic: processor.process_json_mqtt(message) # Ignore JSON messages as there are also protobuf messages sent on other topic # Source: return if '/stat/' in message.topic or '/tele/' in message.topic: try: user_id = message.topic.split('/')[-1] # Hexadecimal user ID if user_id[0] == '!': node_number = str(int(user_id[1:], 16)) update_node_status(node_number, message.payload.decode('utf-8')) return except Exception as e: logging.error(f"Failed to handle user MQTT stat: {e}") return envelope = ServiceEnvelope() try: envelope.ParseFromString(message.payload) packet: MeshPacket = envelope.packet with connection_pool.connection() as conn: with conn.cursor() as cur: cur.execute("SELECT id FROM messages WHERE id = %s", (str(,)) if cur.fetchone() is not None: logging.debug(f"Packet {} already processed") return cur.execute("INSERT INTO messages (id, received_at) VALUES (%s, NOW()) ON CONFLICT (id) DO NOTHING", (str(,)) conn.commit() processor.process_mqtt(message.topic, envelope, packet) processor.process(packet) except Exception as e: logging.error(f"Failed to handle message: {e}") return if __name__ == "__main__": load_dotenv() # We have to load_dotenv before we can import MessageProcessor to allow filtering of message types from exporter.processor.processor_base import MessageProcessor # Setup a connection pool connection_pool = ConnectionPool( os.getenv('DATABASE_URL'), max_size=100 ) # Configure node configuration metrics node_conf_metrics = NodeConfigurationMetrics(connection_pool) # Configure Prometheus exporter registry = CollectorRegistry() start_http_server(int(os.getenv('PROMETHEUS_COLLECTOR_PORT', 8000)), registry=registry) # Create an MQTT client mqtt_protocol = os.getenv('MQTT_PROTOCOL', 'MQTTv5') mqtt_callback_api_version = os.getenv('MQTT_CALLBACK_API_VERSION', 'VERSION2') mqtt_client = mqtt.Client( callback_api_version=callback_api_version_map.get(mqtt_callback_api_version, mqtt.CallbackAPIVersion.VERSION2), protocol=protocol_map.get(mqtt_protocol, mqtt.MQTTv5) ) mqtt_client.on_connect = handle_connect mqtt_client.on_message = handle_message if os.getenv('MQTT_IS_TLS', 'false') == 'true': tls_context = mqtt.ssl.create_default_context() mqtt_client.tls_set_context(tls_context) if os.getenv('MQTT_USERNAME', None) and os.getenv('MQTT_PASSWORD', None): mqtt_client.username_pw_set(os.getenv('MQTT_USERNAME'), os.getenv('MQTT_PASSWORD')) try: mqtt_client.connect( os.getenv('MQTT_HOST'), int(os.getenv('MQTT_PORT')), keepalive=int(os.getenv('MQTT_KEEPALIVE', 60)), ) except Exception as e: logging.error(f"Failed to connect to MQTT broker: {e}") exit(1) # Configure the Processor and the Exporter processor = MessageProcessor(registry, connection_pool) mqtt_client.loop_forever()