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synced 2025-03-05 20:52:02 -08:00
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"description": "This scoring system evaluates nodes in our mesh network based on two key factors:\n\n* Importance Score (0-100)\nMeasures how critical the node is for overall network connectivity.\nA higher score indicates that the node is on many shortest paths between other nodes in the network.\nNodes with high importance scores are crucial for maintaining efficient network communication and resilience.\n\n* Stability Score (0-100)\nReflects the quality and quantity of the node's connections.\nCombines two sub-factors: a) The average Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) of the node's connections. b) The number of neighbors the node has.\nA higher score suggests more reliable and robust connections.",
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"uid": "-- Mixed --"
"description": "Displays types of packets in the selected time range.\n\nFor more details see:\nhttps://buf.build/meshtastic/protobufs/docs/main:meshtastic#meshtastic.PortNum",
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"uid": "PA942B37CCFAF5A81"
"definition": "SELECT \n concat(long_name, ' (', node_id, ')') as __text, \n node_id as __value \nFROM client_details \nORDER BY long_name",
"hide": 0,
"includeAll": false,
"label": "Node ID",
"multi": false,
"name": "nodeID",
"options": [],
"query": "SELECT \n concat(long_name, ' (', node_id, ')') as __text, \n node_id as __value \nFROM client_details \nORDER BY long_name",
"refresh": 1,
"regex": "",
"skipUrlSync": false,
"sort": 0,
"type": "query"
"current": {
"selected": false,
"text": "1129710492",
"value": "1129710492"
"datasource": {
"type": "postgres",
"uid": "PA942B37CCFAF5A81"
"definition": "SELECT \n neighbor_id AS \"source\",\n node_id AS \"target\"\nFROM \n node_neighbors\nWHERE node_id = ${nodeID:singlequote} OR neighbor_id = ${nodeID:singlequote}",
"description": "",
"hide": 2,
"includeAll": false,
"label": "relatives",
"multi": false,
"name": "relatives",
"options": [],
"query": "SELECT \n neighbor_id AS \"source\",\n node_id AS \"target\"\nFROM \n node_neighbors\nWHERE node_id = ${nodeID:singlequote} OR neighbor_id = ${nodeID:singlequote}",
"refresh": 2,
"regex": "",
"skipUrlSync": false,
"sort": 0,
"type": "query"
"time": {
"from": "now-6h",
"to": "now"
"timepicker": {},
"timezone": "browser",
"title": "Node Dashboard",
"uid": "edqo1uh0eglq8g",
"version": 2,
"weekStart": ""
} |