Meshtastic MQTT exporter to Prometheus and Grafana (Dashboards included)
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2025-02-25 23:01:34 +02:00
.github Update main.yml 2024-08-09 09:22:14 +03:00
.idea Added PAX counter reported metrics to prometheus 2025-02-25 22:42:32 +02:00
docker Updated the dashboards with a more useful information 2024-10-22 21:32:21 +03:00
exporter Added PAX counter reported metrics to prometheus 2025-02-25 22:42:32 +02:00
.env .env file 2025-02-25 23:01:34 +02:00 Create 2024-07-01 12:53:47 +03:00 Added support for configuring MQTT version for connection 2024-07-08 22:24:41 +03:00 Create 2024-07-01 12:51:36 +03:00
docker-compose.yml Added depends on for the exporter (Ensure it's getting up after the postgress and prometheus) 2024-08-09 13:29:46 +03:00
LICENSE Create LICENSE 2024-06-26 12:03:09 +03:00 Added simple cleaning to verify if the metrics are stale 2025-02-01 12:35:57 +02:00 Added PAX counter reported metrics to prometheus 2025-02-25 22:42:32 +02:00
requirements.txt 🐛module 'psycopg_binary.pq' has no attribute 'PGcancelConn' ⬆️ psycopg-binary=3.2.5 2025-02-25 22:56:27 +02:00

Meshtastic Metrics Exporter


The meshtastic-metrics-exporter is a tool designed to export nearly all available data from an MQTT server to a Prometheus server. It comes with a pre-configured Grafana dashboard connected to both data sources, allowing users to start creating dashboards immediately.

Public Dashboards

You can explore these public instances to see the exporter in action:

  • Canadaverse Dashboard: (Guest access: username: guest, password: guest)

    This instance demonstrates the metrics exporter's capabilities in a production environment, maintained by @tb0hdan.


  • Exports a comprehensive set of metrics from an MQTT server to Prometheus.
  • Comes with a Grafana dashboard configured to connect to both Prometheus and Postgres data sources.
    • Comes with some basic dashboards, see the section below for general view of the dashboards
  • Stores node details (ID, short/long name, hardware details, and client type) in a Postgres server, which is also part of the package.
  • Configuration via a .env file.

Database Structure

The system uses PostgreSQL with the following tables:

1. messages

  • Stores message IDs and timestamps
  • Auto-expires messages older than 1 minute using a trigger
- received_at (TIMESTAMP)

2. node_details

  • Stores basic information about mesh nodes
- short_name (VARCHAR)
- long_name (VARCHAR)
- hardware_model (VARCHAR)
- role (VARCHAR)
- mqtt_status (VARCHAR, default 'none')
- longitude (INT)
- latitude (INT)
- altitude (INT)
- precision (INT)
- created_at (TIMESTAMP)
- updated_at (TIMESTAMP)

3. node_neighbors

  • Tracks connections between nodes
- neighbor_id (VARCHAR, FOREIGN KEY)
- snr (FLOAT)

4. node_configurations

  • Stores detailed configuration and timing information for nodes
- last_updated (TIMESTAMP)
- environment_update_interval (INTERVAL)
- environment_update_last_timestamp (TIMESTAMP)
- device_update_interval (INTERVAL)
- device_update_last_timestamp (TIMESTAMP)
- air_quality_update_interval (INTERVAL)
- air_quality_update_last_timestamp (TIMESTAMP)
- power_update_interval (INTERVAL)
- power_update_last_timestamp (TIMESTAMP)
- range_test_interval (INTERVAL)
- range_test_packets_total (INT)
- range_test_first_packet_timestamp (TIMESTAMP)
- range_test_last_packet_timestamp (TIMESTAMP)
- pax_counter_interval (INTERVAL)
- pax_counter_last_timestamp (TIMESTAMP)
- neighbor_info_interval (INTERVAL)
- neighbor_info_last_timestamp (TIMESTAMP)
- mqtt_encryption_enabled (BOOLEAN)
- mqtt_json_enabled (BOOLEAN)
- mqtt_json_message_timestamp (TIMESTAMP)
- mqtt_configured_root_topic (TEXT)
- mqtt_info_last_timestamp (TIMESTAMP)
- map_broadcast_interval (INTERVAL)
- map_broadcast_last_timestamp (TIMESTAMP)

Grafana Dashboards

The project comes with 2 dashboards.

Main Dashboard


The dashboard has some basic data about the mesh network and its data is temporarily updated (With new data coming in it would fill out the missing pieces automatically)

Note: The dashboard contains links to nodes that target localhost:3000. If you're accessing Grafana from a different host, you'll need to modify these links in the panel configuration to match your Grafana server's address.

User Panel


This panel can be reached from the "Node ID" link on the main dashboard (The table in the center) or you can go to it from the dashboards tab in Grafana and select the node you want to spectate. This board includes some telemetry data and basic information about the node.

The Node Graph


Both boards also include node graph which allows you to view nodes which are sending Neighbour Info packets As long as we have some node which is connected to our MQTT server the data would be read by the exporter and parsed as node graph. The line colors indicate the SNR value and the arrow is the direction of the flow captured (It can be two way). And the node circle color indicates which node is connected to MQTT (Green) which one is disconnected from MQTT (Red) and unknown (Gray - Never connected to the MQTT server)

It is highly recommended to give the system 24 hours to stabilize before seeking any useful information from it.

Exported Metrics

🏷️ Common Labels: node_id, short_name, long_name, hardware_model, role

Label Notation:

  • 🏷️: Indicates that all common labels are used.
  • 🏷️ (source): Indicates that all common labels are used, prefixed with "source_" (e.g., source_node_id, source_short_name, etc.).
  • 🏷️ (destination): Indicates that all common labels are used, prefixed with "destination_" (e.g., destination_node_id, destination_short_name, etc.).

Available Metrics

Metric Name Description Type Labels
text_message_app_length Length of text messages processed by the app Histogram 🏷️
device_latitude Device latitude Gauge 🏷️
device_longitude Device longitude Gauge 🏷️
device_altitude Device altitude Gauge 🏷️
device_position_precision Device position precision Gauge 🏷️
telemetry_app_ch[1-3]_voltage Voltage measured by the device on channels 1-3 Gauge 🏷️
telemetry_app_ch[1-3]_current Current measured by the device on channels 1-3 Gauge 🏷️
telemetry_app_pm[10/25/100]_standard Concentration Units Standard PM1.0/2.5/10.0 Gauge 🏷️
telemetry_app_pm[10/25/100]_environmental Concentration Units Environmental PM1.0/2.5/10.0 Gauge 🏷️
telemetry_app_particles_[03/05/10/25/50/100]um Particle Count for different sizes Gauge 🏷️
telemetry_app_temperature Temperature measured by the device Gauge 🏷️
telemetry_app_relative_humidity Relative humidity percent Gauge 🏷️
telemetry_app_barometric_pressure Barometric pressure in hPA Gauge 🏷️
telemetry_app_gas_resistance Gas resistance in MOhm Gauge 🏷️
telemetry_app_iaq IAQ value (0-500) Gauge 🏷️
telemetry_app_distance Distance in mm Gauge 🏷️
telemetry_app_lux Ambient light in Lux Gauge 🏷️
telemetry_app_white_lux White light in Lux Gauge 🏷️
telemetry_app_ir_lux Infrared light in Lux Gauge 🏷️
telemetry_app_uv_lux Ultraviolet light in Lux Gauge 🏷️
telemetry_app_wind_direction Wind direction in degrees Gauge 🏷️
telemetry_app_wind_speed Wind speed in m/s Gauge 🏷️
telemetry_app_weight Weight in KG Gauge 🏷️
telemetry_app_battery_level Battery level (0-100, >100 means powered) Gauge 🏷️
telemetry_app_voltage Voltage Gauge 🏷️
telemetry_app_channel_utilization Channel utilization including TX, RX, and noise Gauge 🏷️
telemetry_app_air_util_tx Airtime utilization for TX in last hour Gauge 🏷️
telemetry_app_uptime_seconds Device uptime in seconds Counter 🏷️
route_length Number of nodes in route Counter 🏷️
route_response Number of route discovery responses Counter 🏷️, response_type
mesh_packet_source_types Mesh packet types by source Counter 🏷️ (source), portnum
mesh_packet_destination_types Mesh packet types by destination Counter 🏷️ (destination), portnum
mesh_packet_total Total mesh packets processed Counter 🏷️ (source), 🏷️ (destination)
mesh_packet_rx_time Packet receive time (seconds since 1970) Histogram 🏷️ (source), 🏷️ (destination)
mesh_packet_rx_snr Packet receive SNR Gauge 🏷️ (source), 🏷️ (destination)
mesh_packet_hop_limit Packet hop limit Counter 🏷️ (source), 🏷️ (destination)
mesh_packet_want_ack Want ACK occurrences Counter 🏷️ (source), 🏷️ (destination)
mesh_packet_via_mqtt MQTT transmission occurrences Counter 🏷️ (source), 🏷️ (destination)
mesh_packet_hop_start Packet hop start Gauge 🏷️ (source), 🏷️ (destination)
mesh_packet_ids Unique packet IDs Counter 🏷️ (source), 🏷️ (destination), packet_id
mesh_packet_channel Packet channel Counter 🏷️ (source), 🏷️ (destination), channel
mesh_packet_rx_rssi Packet receive RSSI Gauge 🏷️ (source), 🏷️ (destination)
pax_wifi Number of Wifi devices (PAX) Gauge 🏷
pax_ble Number of Bluetooth devices (PAX) Gauge 🏷
pax_uptime PAX device uptime Gauge 🏷


The project uses a .env file for configuration. Here is an example of the configuration options available:

# Description: Environment variables for the application

# Postgres connection details

# Prometheus connection details

# MQTT connection details

# Exporter configuration
## Hide source data in the exporter (default: false)
## Hide destination data in the exporter (default: false)
## Filtered ports in the exporter (default: 1, can be a comma-separated list of ports)
## Hide message content in the TEXT_MESSAGE_APP packets (default: true) (Currently we only log message length, if we hide then all messages would have the same length)
## MQTT server Key for decoding messages

# MQTT protocol version (default: MQTTv5) the public MQTT server supports MQTTv311
# Options: MQTTv311, MQTTv31, MQTTv5

# MQTT callback API version (default: VERSION2) the public MQTT server supports VERSION2

Running the Project

To run the project, simply use Docker Compose:

docker compose up -d

This command will build and start all the necessary services, including the exporter, Prometheus server, Postgres server, and Grafana.

Grafana Dashboard

The project includes a Grafana dashboard pre-configured to connect to both the Prometheus and Postgres data sources. This allows you to start creating and customizing your dashboards right away.


Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or submit a pull request on GitHub.