1. Create an extended ASCII custom font. Use a glyph editor to create a new font file. The easiest way is to use the online [glyph editor](https://rawgit.com/ThingPulse/esp8266-oled-ssd1306/master/resources/glyphEditor.html) from the OLED library. ([glyph editor source code](https://github.com/ThingPulse/esp8266-oled-ssd1306/tree/master/resources))
1. Copy and paste the existing font.
2. Modify it according desired codepage and save the new font file in `graphics/font` folder.
Please note that the used font file format differs from common Adafruit GFX.
2. Update the `customFontTableLookup` function in `Screen.h`
1. To map the double-byte UTF-8 code to the corresponding extended ASCII character of the desired codepage update the `customFontTableLookup` function in the `Screen.h` file.
2. Modify the `switch (last)` statement: use left byte from UTF-8 code in the `case` label to map charachter's right byte to its extended ASCII code by specifying an offset.