The Channels config options are: Index, Roles, and Settings. Channel config uses an admin message sending a `Channel` protobuf which also consists of a `ChannelSettings` or `ModuleSettings` protobuf.
[Modem Preset Settings](/docs/configuration/radio/lora#modem-preset) contain the modem configuration (frequency settings, spreading factor, bandwidth, etc.) used for the LoRa radio. These settings are identical for all channels and can **not** be unique per channel.
**Channel Settings** contain information for segregating message groups, configuring optional encryption, and enabling or disabling messaging over internet gateways. These settings **are** unique and configurable per channel.
While you can have a different PRIMARY channel and communicate over SECONDARY channels with the same Name & PSK, a hash of the PRIMARY channel's name sets the LoRa frequency slot, which determines the actual frequency you are transmitting on in the band.
To ensure devices with different PRIMARY channel name transmit on the same frequency, you must explicitly set the LoRa frequency slot.
The Channel Settings options are: Name, PSK, Downlink Enabled, and Uplink Enabled. Channel settings are embedded in the `Channel` protobuf as a `ChannelSettings` protobuf and sent as an admin message.
| `admin` | On Secondary channels, the name `admin` (case sensitive) designates the `admin` channel used to administer nodes over the mesh. Note that this is a Legacy feature, and may be removed in future releases. |
Matching channel names are required in order to communicate on the same channel with other devices. Example: If your device is using the channel name `LongFast` the device you are attempting to communicate with must also have a channel named `LongFast`.
Matching PSKs are required in order to communicate on the same channel with other devices. Example: If your device is using a channel with the default PSK of `AQ==` the device you are attempting to communicate with must also have a matching channel with the same PSK.
The channel module settings options are: position precision. Channel module settings are embedded in the Channel protobuf as a ModuleSettings protobuf and sent as an admin message.
### Position Precision
The `position_precision` setting allows control of the level of precision for location data that is sent over a particular channel. This can be useful for privacy reasons, where obfuscating the exact location may be desired when sending position data over certain channels.
The `position_precision` value is an integer between 0 and 32:
- A value of 0 means that location data is never sent over the given channel.
- A value of 32 means that location data is sent with full precision.
The client applications have implemented different levels of precision giving the user a practical range to choose from. Setting across the full range of integers can be done via the Python CLI. See [Setting Position Precision](/docs/configuration/radio/channels/#setting-position-precision) for examples on setting different levels of precision using CLI.
Because the device will reboot after each command is sent via CLI, it is recommended when setting multiple values in a config section that commands be chained together as one.
```shell title="Example:"
meshtastic --ch-set name "My Channel" --ch-set psk random --ch-set uplink_enabled true --ch-index 4
If you use Meshtastic for exchanging messages you don't want other people to see, `random` is the setting you should use. Selecting `default` or any of the `simple` values from the following table will use publicly known encryption keys. They're shipped with Meshtastic source code and thus, anyone can listen to messages encrypted by them. They're great for testing and public channels.
Use this to copy and paste the `base64` encoded (single channel) key from the meshtastic --info command. Please don't use the omnibus (all channels) code here, it is not a valid key.
This is a per-channel setting. The `--ch-index` parameter must be specified to set the position precision for a specific channel, e.g., `--ch-index 0` for the primary channel or `--ch-index 1` for the secondary channel 1.
```shell title="Set position precision to 13 bits (approx ±3 km)"