The Neighbor Info Module is for sending information on each node's 0-hop neighbors to the mesh. Config options are: Enabled, Update Interval and Transmit Over LoRa.
In order to save bandwidth, Meshtastic does not keep track of the route a packet is taking to get to the destination, except when using Traceroute. When enabling this module and enabling "Transmit Over LoRa", your node will periodically send out a packet with a list of its direct neighbors and the quality (SNR) of the corresponding link. If you enable this on all nodes, you can build up a graph of the full network to see how it is connected. At the time of writing, there are no clients visualizing it for you, but you can use e.g. MQTT to gather all the data.
In order to use it, make sure your devices use firmware version 2.2.0 or higher. From 2.3.2 on, the module can detect neighbors even if other nodes do not have the module enabled.
Available from firmware 2.5.13 and higher. By default, neighbor info will only be sent to MQTT and a connected app. If enabled, the neighbor info will be sent on the primary channel over LoRa. Only available when the primary channel is not the public channel with default key and name.