The ESP32 based devices have the ability to connect to WiFi and also are able to create a software based access point. The WiFi can be set up through the python API. The WiFi can also be set to AP mode by rebooting the device with the program switch depressed.
## Setting up WiFi in host mode
To enable WiFi access to an existing access point, you need to set two preferences:
The device can also be set up in access point mode and is capable of hosting up to four connected devices. The access point is enabled by setting the following preferences:
Once set, if you have a screen attached to your device, the final page will display something similar to the following:
WiFi: Software AP
IP: (0/4)
SSID: dogsRuleCatsDrool - alternating with - PWD: butDogsFearCats
* * * * *
The first time your device restarts after enabling the WiFi access point, it will take an additional 20-30 seconds to boot. This is to generate self-signed SSL keys. The keys will be saved for future reuse.
To disable the WiFi access point, set the preferences to empty strings and the `wifi_ap_mode` to `false`
This allows you to set up the access point mode without needing to use a computer to set the preferences. This is the easiest way to turn on the device WiFi. Do the following after the device has been powered on:
* Hold down the user button
* Press and release the reset button
* Count to 2
* Let go of the user button
On reboot, if you have a screen attached to your device, the final page will display something similar to the following:
WiFi: Software AP (Admin)
IP: (0/4)
SSID: meshtasticAdmin - alternating with - PWD: 12345678