diff --git a/docs/software/settings/ham.md b/docs/software/settings/ham.md
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+id: ham
+title: Licensed (HAM) Operation
+sidebar_label: Licensed (HAM) Operation
+import Tabs from '@theme/Tabs';
+import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';
+By changing these settings, you are self certifying that you are licensed to operate in the mode you have chosen. Failure to comply with your local regulations may result in fines.
+## Overview
+This written US only, may or may not be applicable elsewhere.
+Meshtastic can be used by both unlicensed people and licensed operators. If you use Meshtastic with your ham radio license, there are additional privileges and restrictions to consider.
+| Privileges | Restrictions |
- Additional Power
- Higher gain antennas
| - Unencrypted
- Identified with your ID
+## Settings
+| Setting | Acceptable Values | Default |
+| :-----: | :---------------: | :-----: |
+| set-ham | `string`| `""`|
+### set-ham
+If you are a licensed HAM operator, you can set this variable to be your ID.
+## Examples
+By changing these settings, you are self certifying that you are licensed to operate in the mode you have chosen. Failure to comply with your local regulations may result in fines.
+### Set HAM ID
+ ```bash title="Set HAM ID"
+ meshtastic --set-ham KI1345
+ ```
diff --git a/sidebars.js b/sidebars.js
index b55b8d6c..26184815 100644
--- a/sidebars.js
+++ b/sidebars.js
@@ -114,6 +114,7 @@ module.exports = {
+ "software/settings/ham",