diff --git a/docs/community/software/index.mdx b/docs/community/software/index.mdx index af1656ee..10ad65c6 100644 --- a/docs/community/software/index.mdx +++ b/docs/community/software/index.mdx @@ -13,5 +13,6 @@ Current community projects: - [Mesh-metrics](/docs/community/software/community-mesh-metrics) - Meshtastic repeater metrics scraper using meshtastic-cli to be ingested by node_exporter for use in Prometheus or Victoria Metrics Time series DB with a Grafana dashboard and sample alerting rules. - [Node-RED Messages Node](/docs/community/software/community-node-red-messages) - Node-RED node to send and receive packets / text messages from a device connected via HTTP. - [MQTT Connect for Meshtastic](https://github.com/pdxlocations/MQTT-Connect-for-Meshtastic) - A nodeless python client for communicating with Meshtastic devices over MQTT. +- [Contact](https://github.com/pdxlocations/contact) - A TUI console client for Meshtastic devices. Built with the curses library. Support for these projects should be sought from their respective authors.